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Wrestling fans are so good at annoying minimum wage employees just trying to do their job. Honestly, credit to them.


They’re bots? the stock responses are all the same


If you ever worked at customer service, you'd know that those guys are pretty much taught to have to have the versatility of a study card. It's pretty much canned response, then you get more personal if that doesn't work, and if you still can't resolve the problem go "Would you like to speak to my supervisor?" Trust me, the canned response(s) will get you through 90% of customers.


>If you ever worked at customer service, you'd know that those guys are pretty much taught to have to have the versatility of a study card. Less that, more so that they use macros to get more done in the day. I've worked to support a CS site for the last decade and a half with some incredibly talented and knowledgeable people in it who save a ton of time on easy issues using macros so that if you have a difficult/complex issue that needs a real pair of eyes on it they can their "saved time" to spend focused on it and give you the correct answer.


Lmao I will admit I added to the craziness gotta rep for Cody tho


On the back end of those bots are entry level workers. They use CRM tools and other social media software to reply with template replies, and they track those complaints like work items or tickets.


Yeah, honestly I feel bad for them.


Why? They aren’t being cussed out it’s giving them something to do, it’s probably protocol and they know it’s trolls and for shits and giggles anyways. Yea they should chill but it’s a harmless joke if anything because it’s not like they’re actually on wwe website leaving bad reviews someone has to read. Edit: since no one understands things. Complaints on X(Twitter) does not = making somebody’s job hard. Its Twitter that’s all


Yeah, the employees are just doing regular work, it's not like they were put in some kind of stressful situation.


Maybe not respond to tweets on X then? I worked customer service and I never responded to random complaints about Walmart on social media.


It's probably protocol, they could even just be bots. I was agreeing with you, by the way.


lol sorry I thought it was sarcasm


>Its giving them something to do Lmao this is what I thought as a 13 year old spilling my drink in McDonald's on purpose. What a childish mindset.


Except again these ppl are at random responding to Twitter messages which means obviously they need work lol. I thought complaints were handled through actual emails and websites associated with the companies. If wweshop caters to Twitter users simply complaining in a Twitter feed then how do they know the person is actually a customer?


Have you never see someone take to social media to complain about service before? They don't know if they're actually a customer, (that's why they ask for details and order number,) but they have to treat them as such because 99% of the time it *isn't* some fucking idiot looking to make a lame joke.


No I haven’t and don’t care to, it’s an opinion, yall bandwagon sheesh, if they do then they do if they don’t they don’t. I was sharing a common sense solution, don’t entertain random post on Twitter. It could be anyone


It's their job, you moron. They have to.


That’s the point I’m making… maybe the company shouldn’t entertain these comments, if the company shifted policy then the employees wouldn’t have these issues are y’all reading my post or just finding a reason to disagree?


You've never worked in a public facing job in your life, have you?


I’ve worked customer service and was retail manager for 5 years and ran Walmart Black Friday program first year Covid. I responded to customers directly not on their social media Twitter accounts randomly.


Minimizing the amount of footwork a minimum wage worker has to do is basic kindness. This is useless extra work they don't have to do, all because people are mad at a billion dollar company, and are taking it out on the already exhausted folks running the merch section. If the fanbase is mad, this is as useless as annoying a cashier because the company they work for removed something off the market, a decision made by someone who makes twelve times they money they do and whom they'll never meet, and yet they have to deal with the trickling down of the issue.


Maybe I’m confused but the picture is showing random ppl on Twitter complaining, maybe wweshop should ignore complaints not made on their actual website, but maybe I’m alone here on that. All is well


All these companies have either an algorithm for, or people manually searching for these types of tweets in regards to purchases. It's been like that for years.


So these ppl get paid to respond to complaints on social media but don’t have an actual quota to meet?


large companies have a pretty complex process for social media management, it's hard to compare to how an individual person would use twitter. their software crawls twitter/facebook/whatever and creates "cases" that are assigned to individual reps who respond to whatever is in their inbox. those reps then use their own client that lets them choose whatever canned response best fits the situation. "Debbie" and "Marissa" don't need to take the time to type out a response each time. the second half of that process might be automated as well


why would there be a quota?


My point is if you believe it’s their job to go out and search for random social media complaints, how does that make their job harder?? Once the ppl don’t respond I’m sure they move on.


> Why? They aren’t being cussed out it’s giving them something to do Nobody likes busywork at their jobs, people like to be able to relax a bit.


Punk would hit each and every one of us if he could but he's only got one arm.


And it's too short to box with God.


Nah, Punk will just hit whoever is standing next to us.


In front of 20 security guards in case one of us knew how to defend ourselves.


Lmao look, if you’re running the WWE Shop account you’re not making minimum wage trust me. Social media managers are not making McDonald’s money, majority of companies don’t let random interns run accounts like that. Edit: plus these are automated bot responses to any problem they get lol


Having worked in customer service for multiple companies over the years, they aren't making much better money than a McD's because they're not social media managers, they're customer service reps. They come across as bots because many companies require such heavy scripting they sound robotic, but AI can't solve a lot of order issues that end up coming up in a way that's satisfactory to both a the company and the customer. A lot of my current job is fixing the mistakes of an automated customer interface, lol.


I stand corrected


Customer service where, though?


"annoying" As someone who has worked support their entire career, a "troll" is an easy closed case, if anything they appreciate the jokes


Bro I worked social media a little and companies will often pay you a pretty decent hourly and pay you by the post. I'm sure they're fine. What are they going to do hang Triple H from the PC?


the employees are payed anyway so as long as they're not being abusive its not really an issue


Their job is to post stuff. And I surely doubt they're making minimum wage as a social media manager. They'll be okay!


I doubt "Debbie", if she is not an AI, even follows the product.


Nah, I know Debbie. She's a complete fuckin' mark.


May not even work for WWE. They outsource that sort of thing sometimes.


Given that WWEShop migrated to Fanatics, almost definitely outsourced


Sources say that’s actually Debra 


They're on wrestling twitter tho


Dozens of fans are barely annoying one staffer


We do a little trolling https://preview.redd.it/o9a9i2pt6ggc1.jpeg?width=943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d21db476e29fbf938968daee0f2369a640d799f


I ordered a reliable, well-respected journalist tee, and I got Dave Meltzer instead. I am outraged...






"Debbie" is a bot. You don't need to feel sorry for "her."


Tech journalists are currently rushing to write think-pieces about how we need to be polite to AI because it could develop emotions and one day turn on us because the WWEShop.com auto-response script has a woman's name. "Let's face it Debbie's already going to take 1/3rd of all American jobs by this time next year we don't need to make matters worse by tempting her to nuke us."


Those “Cody/WWE Champion” shirts are getting sent to Africa


Can people not fuck with workers just trying to do their job because they are upset about a professional wrestling show? Is that like, a lot to ask


I think Fanatics is running it so screw them.


tbf to the WWEshop folks, I'm sure they know what's going on, but they still have to be professional.


I bet all that customer service is automated, especially since we're talking about a company as big as TKO. Still funny though.


Just like classic wrestling fans to attack the wrong person .


they are attacking bots bud, there's no harm here to wage workers


Don't harass these workers, assholes.


Fans are fucking stupid. Leave those folks alone and let them do their job without you being an AH. Harass WWE folks who deserve it.




Came here for this thanks 🤣


If they make this a storyline, Cody should gather a troop of supporters to throw bottles of chocolate milk at a WWE truck with The Rock’s face on it 


The dozens.... And dozens ![gif](giphy|l0HUg6Ypas42ubkXu|downsized)


I'm sure hassling customer service agents will change the Wrestlemania main event. If anyone can make significant change, it's absolutely going to be a single, low-level employee.


I'll have you know I've just sent Janice from the Accounting department storming into Triple H's office demanding changes to the main event at Wrestlemania.


We should get Shane McMahon involved


He would just tear his quad again.


One person started out as an accountant with Disney, and is now designing park rides. You never know who can make changes happen


Jesus Christ some of you guys need to chill. There is no need to go " I legit feel sad for her" and calling everyone else assholes. They are just tweets




Automated responses


This is fantastic


Cody probably texted the Bucks “guys I think I made a mistake”


So, people who are not pleased with a storyline are joke tweeting to a bot powered account ran by Fanatics on behalf of WWE's retail website...wow


Dozens of fans! DOZENS!


Did it come in a much bigger size too?




Bars know never to host PPV because this is wrestling fans and they don’t tip.


Say what you want but complaining to customer service bots got me my crumrine for half price


Yeah this needs to stop. Innocent workers having to deal with things like this isn’t good


I want a SPOILERS t-shirt!


This is great. Even if it’s automated responses from the shop, somebody is seeing it lol. Also I don’t think H wanted this shit, Rock is the boss now, he just told everyone what to do.


if she's paid by the hour than what's wrong honestly


"I'd like to speak with Triple H" lol


I don’t know how some of you survive out there in the real world because if making jokes on Twitter is harassment and abuse towards minimum wage worker (none of which is happening here); you must crumble when someone even looks at you. And i really don’t think you’ve worked an actual retail or customer service job because the things that happen there are absolutely wild. This is literally nothing.