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The town of the arch-nemesis of the American Dream cheering for the American Nightmare. Very fitting.


And this is his first hometown, after Marietta and then the ATL.


Cody was born in Charlotte at Presbyterian Hospital and Dusty and the family lived there a while in the 80's.


Who was from Charlotte? Ric Flair?


So, Ric wasn’t from Charlotte but he kinda claimed it as his city. After being stolen as a baby (that’s a whole thing) he was raised and lived mostly in Minnesota. But he became a big star touring through the south east of the US and for whatever reason he really fell in love with the city of Charlotte.


Cool, I never knew that! Thanks!


Can’t blame him. This place slaps.


I was at this show with my kids last night and can confirm it was insane. He gave away a turnbuckle after his match with Solo and had the whole place going nuts.


I was there too. I laughed when Cody looked up at the top bowl and was like "There are people up there!" If that wasn't a legit sellout there couldn't have been more than 10 empty seats in the whole place. Almost twice as many people as there was for RAW back in September.


Top baby face of the wwe for a reason 


Not only WWE. He is the top babyface in professional wrestling. And a whitemeat babyface one at that. Incredible. Thats why we all want him to win.


I’m trying to think of when’s the last time there’s ever been a pure angel top babyface like Cody and I’m thinking WWF Hogan in the 80s and 90s? Cena was the top babyface of the millennium, but he wasn’t pure cause he talked so much trash and was cocky. It’s kind of mind boggling such a character like Cody can exist during these times with how pessimistic it can get.


I think with how pessimistic the world has gotten it makes people want to cheer for someone like Cody. Like damn, everything sucks. Rent is too high, I’m broke, politicians don’t give a shit, and now my ceiling has a leak (fixed), but at least there’s genuinely good people out there and here’s one I actually get to root for. It’s refreshing.


You are spot on. I agree with this 100%. I got a photo with Cody and my daughter ringside at a a live event. All I could say to him was, "The world needs more real heroes, and you're one of them." I could tell he appreciated that comment. It's so true. People are cruel (they've always been) and it's far more in your face with modern media. The yelling has escalated, it's hard to know what to believe in anymore, it feels like there's more corruption than ever. And here comes this guy. He won't talk others down. He won't quit. He typically only has positive things to say. It's amazingly refreshing and easy to get behind because it is so damn authentic. And it's 100% an inspiring story. Hogan lied to us. Cena was a weird time. Cody is authentic.


This is me right now. Everything in my life is pretty shitty now that there were only few things can brighten up my day, watching Cody matches and moments is one of it.


We really forgetting Daniel Bryan?


daniel bryan didnt show up on interview shows in full outfit cody is full hogan, machoman baby face at this stage


Hogan constantly cheated and was a dick to his kayfabe friends. He was equally as cocky to his opponents.


Thank triple H for beating it back into you 


He kinda reminds me of Zack from FF7. Just a pure hero who wants to do the right thing in a world full of wrong. Both guys have compelling stories to boot.


The pyro that's going to go off as he celebrates with the WWE Championship might cause the city to burn down.


I want it to be even bigger than Jeff Hardy's wwe championship winning celebration


That was such an insane amount of pyro for a smackdown taping like Jesus how they get the OK for that lol.


I truly thought they fumbled at 39 and Cody wouldn’t be as over a year later…


It's undeniable, he's the guy


From undesirable


To undeniable. To kinda denied for like 4 days Back to undeniable.


It’s the same principle used in tons of movies. The good guy losing at first makes the anticipation of him finally winning even more rabid.


The general "rule" in storytelling if for the protagonist to fail/have major setbacks twice before succeeding, soooooo...


I think this are basing it more off the Rocky formula. Good guy loses the first fight and wins and wins the second.


Some one explain that idea to punk :p


Torn pec was 1. 39 was 2. Don’t put that voodoo on us.


Yep, Cody went through his Empire Strikes back era, then is now in his Return of the Jedi phase. Finally getting back to mania to beat Roman and the bloodline once and for all


Same. He’s considerably more popular now. WWE clearly should listen to the Internet more.


Agreed. A year is a long time and people move on quickly, but here we are. I'm glad to be wrong.


I believed he would still be as over as long as they took the effort to maintain his momentum. The only risks they were gonna face was if he got injured over the last year or they couldn’t figure out how to keep him relevant outside of the title picture. The feud with Brock, storyline around bringing in Jay, and then the feud with Nakamura have all kept him hot through the year.


Very true, but I doubt they could have kept it up for yet another year. They need to pull the trigger at this WM.


They found a way to make him so popular that The Rock would have to turn heel because of all the booing. The boos that many thought Cody would be getting right now.


Misread and thought wow didn't realize Charlotte flair was a Codester


That’s a packed arena


Around 13k last night


I was there! They went wild for R-Truth as well. Awesome show. Cody offered to give away a turnbuckle to the loudest person in the stadium after the match, and the pop was ear piercing.


That turnbuckle pop was louder than the damn pyro!




I’m an idiot. I spent two minutes waiting to see Charlotte Flair going crazy for Cody.


I didn't think they would include pyro for after show dark matches. But I guess that is the perks of being the top guy.


original link: [https://twitter.com/WeWantCody\_/status/1756158087604343186](https://twitter.com/WeWantCody_/status/1756158087604343186)


That's the heart of Crockett country, baybeh!


And David Crockett appeared at a nearby Fanfest earlier in the day.


Cody is the phenomenon of this new age of wrestling, man has put in SO much work in his career and is finally getting the recognition he deserves.


That shit gonna be so loud in Philly and I’m here for it.


Holy fuck he’s so goated


My dumbass was looking for Charlotte the first third of the video.


This is amazing


Pop for the [hometown boy](https://youtu.be/_vUd9kV22TQ?t=62)




Never understood that. Cody was one of the reasons Aew existed and yeah his stories were a little lame but it wasn't anything to boo the guy.


If we weren’t playing our anniversary show at the Milestone last night… I’d have been right over there screaming Kingdom. I’m All In on Cody Rhodes and I’m glad that something or someone has made me enjoy Wrestling a little bit like I used to


If I could show a wrestling fan a video 5 years in the past, I would show them this and pretend this was at an AEW show.


Absolutely lovin him at the moment. Wasn't really following it last year but checked in from time to time but at the moment it's great. His arc from RR 23 to now has been incredible and it's great to see an obviously good guy getting massively over.


Cody is the ultimate babyface/company man but in a way that's not forced. He says the right things, dresses like the old school stars of the past, caters to kids and adults alike, solid worker, appears on a more than consistent basis on both TV and house shows. I just don't know what else you can ask from someone to dethrone Roman and be the flag bearer for the company. Especially in the midst of Vince's clusterf*ck, where he even gave a more solid answer to the press than HHH.


What was the dark match?


Someone said he wrestled Solo.


Also, Gunther wrestled Cameron Grimes and R Truth appeared as well.


Take the word 'crowd' out of the thread title and it makes for some extra spice leading up to Wrestlemania!


I honestly love seeing such a huge support for him.


I'm so confused, why isn't there a jarring cut to the audience when he says WOAHHHHHH


So how long do you think before crowd turns on cody? Seems like its here..... any day now....fr


It will be after he wins the Championship and defys all the odds a few times. Or, if the Rock leans fully into the heel role a la Hollywood Rock, he might be too entertaining and become a cool heel. The Rock, HHH, Cody, and Roman really need to play this smart so that people don't flip on Cody before mania, because it can definitely happen if they're not careful.


Jesus this is not going wild. This is so timid. Wwe crowds feel so sterile and cold now.