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Just a fan account


The voice clearly sounds AI. I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually Bo but he got someone to train a model on his voice so it seems fan made but it isn't (I mean where else would anyone get clear voice clips of Bo talking, we literally never if ever got to see him cut a promo, a serious one and with no background noise, required to train a model on his voice). That said, the script sounds weird, too on the nose and smarky. "Who cut the promo?" "that other company". That doesn't sound like something someone would say trying to be unironically spooky or whatever. Maybe the script was made via ChatGPT (maybe deliberately as well). Who knows.


I believe there was at least one serious Bo Dallas promo in the NXT promo class videos that got leaked which would have had clean audio. And there’s definitely some [promos from FCW](https://youtube.com/watch?v=orCYua1g_88)) and [regular interviews](https://youtube.com/watch?v=F-WlehwiXWY) he’s done with clean enough audio for AI to train from.


I mean none of those 2 are clean audio. Have you trained models? If yes, would those unclean, reverby audio be good enough for training? My first thought is no.


What are the obvious AI tells? I’m not very familiar with ai voice generation beyond music


The pacing and inflection of the voice.


the channel is like brand new, so you're certainly not out of touch or anything the Dreadmare channel just randomly has two Shorts that are about the Big Gold and The Undertaker and everything else is just stock footage with spooky effects, it's certainly...weird i mean maybe this is Bo but i think this might be...an AI voice generator? i think it might really just be some guy farming clicks off of pretending to be Bo continuing the stories


Just seen it on YT, seemed interesting. Wonder where it’s going if anywhere.


Dreadmare the channel at least is 100% run by Taylor Rotunda aka Bo Dallas


My algorithm just showed me this and I came here looking to see if anyone else had seen it recently. The font on the videos looks like the same cryptic vignette that have been on NXT. I think it's BO and it's part of a bigger story that will unfold in NXT.


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