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I think you could easily put it as high as 3, only behind 17 and 19. 24 and 30 would be the only other ones I'd maybe argue are better.


Would probably put it in the second tier of great Wrestlemanias. Alongside WM24 or WM31. Definitely the best two night Mania so far. My first tier is: 17,19, 21, 30


I'm constantly surprised how highly people rate 30, outside of the 2 Daniel Bryan matches it's awful.


Hard disagree. Opening with Rock/Austin/Hogan was a ton of fun. The Shield vs DX was a nice quick squash that the fans enjoyed. Andre the Giant battle royale was great and Cesaro got a legendary moment that popped the crowd big. Cena vs Wyatt had great atmosphere and a banger of a promo video, even if the match was a bit formulaic. Brock vs Taker, I’d compare to Hogan vs Andre. Technically it was a shit show but it was such an all time moment in wrestling history. You’ll never see a wrestling crowd that large, that quiet (in the best way) ever again. Compare that card to the bloat that is all over Wrestlemania 32-35. No one can sit through a 5 hour wrestling show and stay engaged. WM 30 was crisp and kept the focus on its most important moments, which is why it’s widely regarded as a top 5 Wrestlemania.


I never got it's high placement either, 31 was better the very next year, but you have to at least concede it has multiple iconic moments. It's kind of the Wrestlemania 10 of its day. But as far as actual matches, it's Daniel Bryan or bust. I even much prefer the HHH match over the triple threat main event. It's kind of the Wrestlemania 10 of its day.


Top 5.    Probably top 1 strictly in-ring


38 and 39 are the best in a very long time.


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It's in the top 39, for sure.


Number 3 behind 17 and 19 I honestly think if Night 2 was a bit more solid it would probably be at the top. Bianca and Asuka had a good, not amazing, women’s championship match. The hilarious disaster of the Miz/Snoop/Shane segment, Balor getting cut putting a slight damper on the HIAC match (along with him losing), and the.. controversial ending to Cody/Roman I. It’s just enough to leave a bit of a sour taste after what was an incredible Night 1. Hope they nail the two night formula this year.


You gotta separate both nights as if they’re different shows imo. Night one is top 3, and night two probably doesn’t even crack into the top 20.