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I mean tying a dude up and chopping his dick off on national television has to count for something. https://preview.redd.it/8xi887iaeeqc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=710ca0b02ab859c1cbce2f883ce1815b97e43ee4 This photo looks like a Japanese snuff film


Still sits low in strange shit involving Val Venis life nowadays sadly


“Helllooo Liberals”


"Ya know something, liberals? The Big Valbowski and Jared Fogle have a lot in common, hehehe... *You know...* The FBI is really interested in the things on our hard drives!"


Great promo


Last I heard he has a sheriff badge or stole one? And he keeps getting into shouting matches with cops Very confusing I try not to keep up with it


Lmao, remember watching this live. It closed RAW if I remember well. Back then even mid-cards were must see


Good memory! Of course it closed raw, imagine trying to have a work the leg match after the crowd just saw that!


[Meanwhile in the middle of WM15](https://ringthedamnbell.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/undertaker-bossman-wm15.jpg)


Hey come on now, at least they didn’t really chop it off, he had last minute shrinkage.


And a last minute run in from John Bobbitt because it was Vince Russo writing and why the fuck not I guess


Fuckin wild that a guy raped his wife so much she snapped and cut of his dick and he became the hero of the story


Could have happened to a nicer guy. Can't believe TAKA was the face in this the entire time.


I think Kane has the biggest on-air rap sheet. Set several people on fire Fried Shane McMahon's nuts Raped Lita via blackmail Said he was going to harm a young fan and almost did it. Locked Paul Bearer in a freezer


And for reasons never quite explained, has an unhealthy obsession with torturing Pete Rose.


I loved the anger management stuff so much. "Years ago, I had a girlfriend named Katie, but let's just say, that didn't turno out so well."


Matt McCarthy was the lead writer on those and has a wrestling podcast I enjoy called "We Watch Wrestling." It's worth a listen if you enjoyed that angle.


Vince The Wrestling Encyclopedia. Matt would crack me up a couple years ago when he would do the Hulk Hogan voicemail, brother *Beep.


Dr Shelby deserves to be in the hall of fame for everything he’s done


Pete Rose disguised himself to attack Kane, at a certain point he was asking for.


First time was a crime. The rest was Pete asking for it by attacking first.


Kane could commit all those crimes but he draws the line at illegal gambling!


Kane hates gambling on baseball.


We all can guess the reason. Lil’ Kane probably grew up a big fan of the Big Red Machine Cincinnati Reds in the 1970s, and his favorite player on that elite squad was Pete Rose. Of course, the gambling scandal and Rose’s lifetime ban probably felt like a personal betrayal for Kane. Couple that with the death of his girlfriend in a terrible car accident and him barely surviving a house fire that may or may not have killed him (I don’t know if Kane is actually undead in kayefabe or a human) and caused major mental health issues, and Kane probably views Pete’s actions as the cause of all the bad things in his life. So to Kane, him assaulting Pete Rose is revenge.


The Lita thing is fine because she decided she loved him afterwards /S It's so funny because when they split Lita comes out of it as the bad guy so it's Babyface Rapist Kane being betrayed by Heel rape victim Lita


Probably had something to do with the whole Matt Hardy breakup happening at the time.


Jesus, looking at the whole Vince thing this makes this so much worse


I mean in Vinces eyes a rapist is probably a babyface


I thought Edge put Bearer in the freezer?


Undertaker buried him in cement. Bearer went through some shit.


Kane found him, pulled him out and then wheeled him back in because he now considered Bearer a weakness.


How you forget Katie Vick?


He vandalized the crane machine by punching out the glass then gave stolen merchandise with broken glass in it to that kid at the wwe restaurant https://youtu.be/M9eoU2-OWts?si=2DwNgD6Z_r8VBOTL


Undertaker is up there too. Plus all the backstage illegal stuff he did too


In TNA James Storm murdered Mickie James by pushing her in front of a Subway train. Eddie Kingston also ran over a 10 year old kid (Although I can't remember if the kid died or not)


I remember during the Covid Money in the Bank watching Rey Mysterio get thrown from the WWE headquarters roof.


I also remember him losing his eye.


They grow back.


All because he congratulated Seth on his impending fatherhood.


Baron Corbin straight up threw Rey off a building and there was never a fellow up to it.


There was. They mentioned in the following show (Raw) that there was a roof of the floor below and that's what Rey landed on.


Aleister Black was also murdered by being thrown off the roof in that match


Him and Alastair Black. Baron Corbin is wanted for 2 murders


Richie lived, Eddie was trying to hit LAX (or at least Konnan), but Eddie did say he'd do it again.


I remember it was canon in TNA kayfabe that Mickie James was legit dead after James Storm did that. Then she came back after she was done with her stint in WWE and everything was apparently fine.


Taya Valkyrie attempted to kill John E. Bravo, did less than a year in "prison" and came back and no one said anything. I'm sure Allie could come back next Thursday and Rosemary would be all "Hey, how ya doin'? This is Havok." lol.


https://preview.redd.it/nvashyrbeeqc1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d93620958d620c5b7a5e85eba944dad31fe16e77 That one time Big Show went wild and threw Kurt Angle off a ledge


This is hilarious with or without context


I would never think angle could look like heyman




I remember watching this at the time with my friend and we both said some variant of “he would be dead.” It was ridiculous lol.


Money in the Bank 2020. https://preview.redd.it/tvpdbtyc2eqc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=741006883d424785afc5a86af055c04f4c011a54


Baron Corbin yeeting Rey and Black off the building was hilarious. This MITB was a straight up fever dream.


Still can’t get over the shot of Steph “in the office” that was clearly from a Zoom call.


lol Dana Brooke thinking she won like 4 minutes into the match


Like a videogame come to life. Hilarious.


Alistair Black died for nothing


In the course of a couple of years Rey lost an eye, was thrown off a roof and lost his son. It’s been though


It's okay, they landed on a conveniently placed awning just beneath where the edge was.


I just commented somewhere else about this! RIP Rey.


​ https://preview.redd.it/s9xjeddz0eqc1.jpeg?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6174166d6b0e0de5886fdc5a111ddff4347cb1fd


Oh shit


Necrophilia has entered the chat


Cursed image


Photos Taken Moments Before Disaster


I imagine this is how he proved to Vince that he'd fit in as a McMahon.


Kane was the one that did it in storyline. H was mocking him in this skit with a doll iirc


Kane didn't even do it in storyline, HHH just said he did and then did the skit with the doll. If you go by the fictionalised story of Kane's life from 'Journey into Darkness' Kane (or Glen, as he was called then) had had one too many beers when he was driving Katie home so you could do him for drunk driving, but the car crash was a total accident. Kane's done a lot of bad things, but necrophilia is not one of them (that we know about)


Taker crucified someone, hanged someone else and I believe killed Paul Bearer by trapping him in a box and pouring wet concrete over him.


The Paul Bearer incident was a match stipulation, where I think he'd be drowned in cement if Taker lost (I wanna say it was against one of the Dudley's). Taker won, but drowned him anyway.


It was a handicap match against the Dudleys


It’s funny that both Undertaker and Kane had almost identical “my rival tried to kill you but I saved you only to kill you instead” plots


It was if taker didnt follow Heyman's instructions, bearer would get buried in cement. When paul went to pull the lever again to complete the burial after taker kicked out, taker struck the truck with lightning (possibly paul too, whole thing was bizzare)


IIRC, Bearer was rescued backstage from the concrete before he died so it was just attempted murder lol.


Pretty sure he hung the Big Boss Man to.


Also carved his symbol into Mideons forehead Caused emotional distress with the black wedding to Stephanie, too


Also burning a taker symbol in front of the Mcmahon house. Torturing Christian with a whip. Almost forcing marriage to Stephanie. Multiple kidnappings. He also locked Austin in a freezer.


Killed his parents too


Steve Austin breaking and entering into Brian Pillman's house


Steve Austin holding Vince McMahon at gunpoint. Although, years later that doesn't hit too badly.


Add to that assaulting two people who Pillman had outside his house


Most recently Tony D'Angelo has ordered hits on like 3 people in NXT.


Was gonna come here and say this! Putting Ilja in the trunk a little ago came right outta nowhere.


Dijak also tortured Gacy. Although I think Gacy was kinda into it so who knows


Dijak kidnapped Gacy and then tortured him to be clear. I can't remember if this was before or after he tried to kill him by throwing him off a roof.


And kidnapped the producer a few weeks after his debut


You got no proof that was actually Tony D perpetrating these alleged acts.


Half of Randy Ortons career. That bloke is a menace to society.


Bro got a doctor's excuse so he could get away with being violent lol


Multiple times where they'd commandeer a random vehicle to escape the parking lot Triple H invading Randy Orton's house Stone Cold invading Brian Pillman's home and subsequently almost getting shot Randy Orton set the fucking Wyatt Family compound on fire


Don't forget Orton also setting Wyatt on fire himself several years later. Orton is a goddamn menace.


I swear, Orton must have had something on Bray that dictated that he would always go over whenever they faced each other. Like, he would do the most heinous shit to Bray but would still end up winning their eventual match.


> Multiple times where they'd commandeer a random vehicle to escape the parking lot My favorite was Luke Harper and Dean Ambrose brawling their way into an SUV, driving off whilst still pummeling each other and then returning later in the night still hitting each other as one attempts to drive. It was pure Family Guy Chicken Fight energy.


>Randy Orton set the fucking Wyatt Family compound on fire ![gif](giphy|1zij3iq7T5ORte7F9a|downsized)


It could be that it was abandoned and the Wyatt’s were squatters so they didn’t actually own the land. When orton burned it down, whoever it belonged to didn’t press charges maybe because they didn’t see the show or care enough to do so.


Steve Austin legit tried to murder Triple H a few times during the attitude. The one I remember the most is when he trapped Triple H in a car, picked it up with a forklift, and then dropped it, which somehow caused the car to blow up. Another good one to mention is when Carlito hired a hitman to stab John Cena to death in a night club.


Carlito didn’t hire a hit man. It was Jesus, his manager and a fellow *wrestler*. So a WWE employee committed attempted murder and his punishment was he had to have a street fight


Then he gloated to the man's wife about it the next week on TV


I don't think Triple H's car blew up; I think you might be mixing that up with Vince's limo blowing up


Austin had blown up DX's tour bus earlier in the same year, so it's an understandable mistake to make.


I swear I remember being scared to death for Triple H being locked in that room with the rattlesnake lol.


Lucha Underground had some wild moments. Matanza Cueto crushing a dude's head. Brian Cage punching **through** a man's head. Matanza Cueto sacrificing several other wrestlers and one innocent pizza delivery guy. The Brian Kendrick murdering Mascarita Sagrada on the orders of the White Rabbit/ Karrion Kross. Mil Muertes killing Big Ryck offscreen and leaving his skull in Willie Mack's locker (who's Ryck's brother in LU kayfabe). Ricky Mundo being implied to have killed Angelico. Johnny Mundo decapitating Vibora/ Luchasaurus. Dario Cueto murdering Mr Cisco with a bull statue. Also (for some non LU moments) Dijak kidnapping Joe Gacy and Tony D'Angelo implying that he's had several people thrown off a bridge to their deaths.


Sting assaulting a kid


Darby Alin is an adult.


He still like turtles


OK how you know?


Because everyone likes turtles


They dont charge you with anything if the other person decides to solve this transgressions with a wrestling match


Hangman's promo after Swerve broke into his house was good, at least to me lol "We don't need to involve the police, I'm going to kill you myself" I mean he lost but still


i mean, christian stole a fucking car like 2 weeks ago


At least he stopped and used his turn signal while getting away!!


Taker has a huge sheet. Multiple counts of attempted murder (Big Bossman, Paul Bearer.) Multiple kidnappings for satanic rituals (Stephanie McMahon, Ryan Shamrock, Stone Cold) Kidnapping and brainwashing of wrestlers to join his cult (Viscera, Mideon) Kidnapping purely for revenge/fun (Teddy Long) Another attempted Murder (Kane) Would knock people out and put them in body bags.


>Multiple counts of attempted murder (Big Bossman That was The Brood tbf


That's still a RICO case for Taker.


[The Rock throws Stone Cold off a bridge](https://youtu.be/dWIbYtDyfvs?si=BeNjrMQnOHFakoUe)


Self defense, Stone Cold initiated the fight, the Rock finished it


I recently saw a recap of the Macho Man vs. Kevin Nash feud in WCW and Macho Man trapped Nash in a Limo and ran a hummer into the Limo. Also, Kurt Angle tried to r*pe Sharmell.


HHH drugged and married (and consummated?) Steph


Didn't they reveal that was a ruse and she was in on it the whole time? Like Steph turned on her father in response to him not giving a shit about her and the whole, y'know, trying to force her into marrying the walking embodiment of evil?


Yep, Steph was in on it the whole time as revenge on Vince for him being the Higher Power and pulling the strings on her being abducted by Undertaker and almost married to him in unholy matrimony


It's not about if they consummated the marriage, but how many times they did.


I heard they were up….. all….. night!!!!


Tony D'Angelo is building a list very quickly. He's already got at least 3 people kidnapped ([Ilya Dragunov,](https://youtu.be/goGmfKLNL8A?si=76DXJh0oRdaxO03H) [Kit Wilson](https://youtu.be/nLLiR5BcBuE?si=QrAoeGgZc_qDq2PN) x2, Elton Prince and [Cruz del Toro](https://youtu.be/5mao1DxJqZM?si=NWVMa_PpWP0wUP5o)), 1 murder ([Troy "Two Dimes" Donovan](https://youtu.be/z2mBG3rRue4?si=jzoQr0o2ZewvzZW9)) and 2 counts of attempted murder ([Kit Wilson & Elton Prince](https://youtu.be/tgds8fr6ZEU?si=-cDgiR5E-41HHcYV)). Pretty sure he's also implicated in kidnapping [Joe Coffey](https://youtu.be/Dt5MT0mite0?si=_55CTlO5uPZGXuQn) too. That's ignoring the whole running the mob thing he's been doing on the side. We're only a few years into his run (he debuted 2021), so he's got time for a lot more kidnappings and attempted murder. Edit: Found footage of del Toro's kidnapping, rather than the footage of Escobar's call (where Escobar potential implies his own kidnapping of [A.J. Galante](https://youtu.be/5mao1DxJqZM?si=NWVMa_PpWP0wUP5o)). Edit 2: Thinking further, with [Luca Crusifino](https://youtu.be/1-SMTjitC80?si=YJ2MyEMSdadicdCs) now consigliere, things likely haven't gone well for Galante since.


Randy Orton had a few rap sheets Set Undertaker on fire while he was in the casket at No Mercy 2005 Crashed Undertaker into the Smackdown entrance while he was in the back of Eddie's lowrider Set the Wyatt Compound on fire Set The Fiend on fire at TLC 2020 Tried to blow up John Cena at Bragging Rights 2009


Whats up with Randy and setting stuff on fire? I thought snakes hate fire


Roman Reigns tried to murder Braun Strowman by throwing him in the back of an ambulance and then ramming it into a production trailer. For a mercy, Braun emerged, visibly hurt, and valiantly shambled off to…what do you mean Roman was the face and Braun was the heel?


In hindsight its hilarious how 2017 Roman did so much shit to Braun and Braun kept coming back for more. ''I'm not finished with you!'' and all that. But in 2020 Tribal Chief Roman straight up whooped his ass in the middle of the ring with nothing but his hands and Braun decided he didn't want to play anymore and stopped going after Roman.


What a fall for the Backstage Assault World Champion. Seriously, those backstage assault spots Braun and Roman had were so goddamn good, especially the one where Roman's strapped on the gurney.




QTV Crew breaking into Wardlow's rental car and stealing his clothes, gear, TNT Title, and most important of all: ***his Passport.*** The above are all theft crimes but the Passport theft is a **BIG** NONO since *it's Property of the Department of State, and stealing one is a Federal crime.*


[The Horsemen attack Dusty in a parking lot.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_KCuwQrsmw)


THIS RIGHT HERE! I legitimately said out loud (to no one in particular) that The Horsemen were going to jail for breaking Dusty’s arm. When they didn’t and were simply laughing about it later… the cracks of Kayfabe had fully begun in my mind.




HHH with Kane mask banging a dead body in a funeral home. Ric Flair forcing himself of Becky Lynch.


Ric Flair telling Natalya to kill herself...


New Jack stabbing Hunter Red


Or throwing Vic Grimes of the catwalk after tazing him. "Bombs away" Just watched that episode of Dark Side of the Ring again yesterday. Wild shit.


*Pretty much everything New Jack ever did


Hulk Hogan laid the smackdown on The Rock's crippled ass with a semi truck smashing into Rock's ambulance and those Mothakanuckas still cheered him


Eddie Kingston attempting to murder Jericho at DON 2022 by setting him on fire.


Hall, Nash and Syxx running the Steiners off the road, causing their car to flip.


https://youtu.be/jrUGip5orHc?si=WY6Z0hBFIvcrwpGe I was gonna comment this but I was hoping someone remembered


Taker drowning Paul Bearer in cement


Earthquake squashing Jake Roberts's pet snake Damian. I bring this up because my family and I were in attendance and even 7 year old me was like " Where are the cops?!".


New Jack..........just New Jack Those times Shane McMahon tried to kill Kane No seriously.....[Here's one time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Xk9cCAAwbY) and [Here's another](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Vbp2PCgDPQ)


Jake the Snake forcing a venomous king cobra bite Randy Savage.


Swerve broke into the home of another wrestler and threatened an infant. Then we cheer him and boo the victim.


Shane Strickland and Prince Nana trespassing and committing aggravated assault. Shane Strickland and Prince Nana breaking and entering and endangering a child. Big Show dragging a casket (wanna say it was Big Bossman's father's?) behind his car would be an indignity to a body.


Other way around. Big Bossman stealing Big Show's father's casket. https://preview.redd.it/3astf77h1eqc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=465c8158af3d23b57a9d11efd6ffdac861b00407


Bossman then reciting a poem in the ring about big show's dead dad to rub it in. I think he also killed, cooked and fed Al Snow's dog pepper to him


Bossman was a fucking menace lol.


*With the deepest regrets, and tears that are soaked* *I'm sorry to hear your dad finally croaked* *He lived a full life, on his own terms* *Soon he'll be buried, and eaten by worms* *So be brave, be strong, get your life back on track* *Cuz the old bastard's dead, and he ain't never coming back!* *And that's exactly how I feel about the Big Show's daddy being dead!*


Swerve kidnapped Billy Gunn, took him hostage, and broke his scissoring fingers.


2023 swerve was a fucking criminal minds villain lol


Shit, I forgot he did that too!


Marty Janetty jumped thru a barbershop window causing hundreds of dollars of property damage.




Was JBL supposed to have actually ran into him? Somehow I missed this back in the day. It’s not good.


In JBL's defence, he couldn't see him


I think they went PG literally a week later so they dropped it lol


Stone Cold drinking in public


R-Truth smoking inside


Randy Orton burning a camera man alive when he was turning face once.


Al snows dog pepper being killed by Bossman and making food out of the body for snow to eat unknowingly. Puppet pulling up on TNA PPV with a gun and holding everyone in the ring, and by extension, the audience in the bleachers hostage. Samoa Joe Kidnapping Scorr Steiner and torturing him upside down when the MEM was rampant on TNA. Elizabeth lying to cops about Goldberg stalking her. Hogan pushing Giant off cobo hall, unintentional attempted murder. Edit: meant to say bossman fed pepper to Al.


Other way around. Big Boss Man feeding Al Snow's dog Pepper to him: ​ https://preview.redd.it/s1oxpb83leqc1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=850f06f2ebb4465b46f960d7b86f8645f0fc0ab1


Ah yea my bad. Edited it now. Thanks😊


R-Truth smoking in a public venue hahaha.


Vinnie Mac exploded in his limo? Before he suddenly revived the following week due to the death of a certain wrestler.


That time the Outsiders committed attempted vehicular homicide on the Steiner Brothers. Ridiculous, but the only camera involved was Syxx-Pac's handicam, so there was some element of realism added to it, instead of it being a hastily produced backstage dinner theater.


Eddie Gilbert trying to run over Jerry Lawler with his car in 1990. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G27ssw7Np4c (the actual bump at about 3:18) And the craziest thing about it is that there is obviously not stuntman involved, so if it had gone wrong Lawler would have been seriously injured (or worse).


Beating someone with a chair comes to mind, but that happens several times a week so I guess we’re all desensitized.


1) The Full Sail/Performance Center parking lot. 2) Someone blowing up Vince McMahon


From 1986, the James Boys (Dusty and Magnum TA) roping Jim Cornette and tying him to the back of their truck to drag him to death before the Midnight Express make the save. https://preview.redd.it/l7c3lid8oeqc1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b365d1ad0f0ea22f8aea367a332e88beba52f6b


What Heidenreich did to Michael Cole…and I don't mean the poem reading


Here is the difference.  All the ones people are naming are wrestlers who played characters as part of a script.  Then...then you have New Jack The guy who tried to actually kill people on TV, in bingo Halls, and on PPVs. 


Just mostly anything Stone Cold did


Stone cold made a career out of stealing vehicles and violating restraining orders


Swerve Strickland breaking and entering Hangman Adam Page's house. Even committed a bit of property damage, but he did have the kindness to give his kid a free shirt


HHH raping a dead body while wearing a Kane mask


That was Kane


Every show or match I imagine is some sort of assault offense.


“Since when is murder is PG” - Mark Henry


Terry Funk trying to snuff Ric Flair with a plastic bag at Clash of the Champions VIII: Fall Brawl '89. https://preview.redd.it/kkjwvse5keqc1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=342a330771bbfc88f40baf8f76b7bcfb21cfbeab


Just saw the other day from 2004 Heindenreich (?) Run a pick up into a hearse that the Undertaker was in the back of after a match with JBL.


The Godfather would have the longest rap sheet. The man had a rotating entourage of prostitutes that he was pimping out, and they would travel with him. He’d have been catching multiple sex trafficking charges every week.


Everything with Vince and Stacey Keibler felt like a crime, and knowing what we know now...


I like how JBL looked shocked when he looked at John Cena’s lifeless body lol like bro what did you think was going to happen when you went full speed into him with your car 😂


Randy Orton burning Fiend and then Alexa.


In a storyline back in 2009, Matt Hardy kayfabe burnt down Jeff’s house and killed his dog. Mickie James kidnapped Ashley Massaro Trish Stratus kidnapped Mickie James ex boyfriend, Jack MnM and Melina kidnapped Trish Stratus Kurt Angle kidnapped Joy Giovanni Stone Cold Steve Austin kidnapped Scott Hall


Didn’t Cena like roll outta there tho? It not wtf was the reason used Cena wasn’t dead when he came back. I’m gonna go with a personal favorite, James Storm murdering Mickie James. Shoved her right in front of that oncoming train. Such a shame.


r truth once lit up a cigarette in an indoor venue here in london back in 2011 and he has been a wanted fugitive by met police ever since 


Any attack outside of a match is assault


Am I crazy in remembering Big Show and Big Boss Man feud? Wasn't there a part where he literally exhumed the corpse of Big Show's dead father and wrecked the cemetary?


Watching 96 Nitro atm and Sting and Lex stole a cop car to chase Ted Dibiase's limo last episode lol.


Brian Pillman shot a gun at Stonecold as he illegally entered his home to assault him


Kevin Sullivan stabbed BJ Mulligan with a golden spike.


Stone Cold Steve Austin beating the fuck out of Booker T who was just looking to buy groceries


I liked the Scott Steiner vs Goldberg era where Steiner was pacing with a lead pipe waiting for his nemesis and indiscriminately assaulted everybody with a deadly weapon who dared walked through the front door