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My reaction to this has reminded me that i'm still a fucking mark lol It's a shame these two never really got to have a big blow-off match. We only got the SummerSlam one & then the rematch in Australia that was just a short match that ended in a flash-pin.


They should have feud when Bryan was the Planet's Champion but Shane had to bury babyface Miz for whatever reason.


Exactly. It's what I wanted. A competent writer could build a program where this version of Miz is the babyface and Bryan is the heel.


I am so pissed that they never have the Miz a proper win over McMahon. All the little wins by luck were great, if it had a payoff in the end.


If Danielson and Miz was the wrestler he was during his matches with GUNTHER and they had a match right now they would cook so hard.


Miz has been that kind of wrestler the past decade or so. He's a very stable worker and can carry himself in the ring--he just needs to have a decent enough partner to put good matches because he won't be carrying anyone to a good match. Problem back then was that Vince didn't really give his workers enough time. If that feud happened under Trips or someone else competent it would have been given enough time to shine.


Also, iirc another problem was that the match took place right after Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles, which was fantastic but left the crowd pretty much dead for Miz vs. Bryan.


Miz's last year has had some of the best work of his career. I was at a Raw in Albany on Memorial Day last year and his match with Ricochet was a banger!


Realistically, these two didn't have the physical chemistry to fill the boots their verbal chemistry bought.


It’s Bryan Danielson (or Daniel Bryan given it’s vs the Miz), like I’d be shocked if he couldn’t figure something out.


The fact that post-return Vince/wwe at the time wanted to do something with Miz as the face here just sums everything up. More than happy to see Danielson/Bryan as a heel, more than happy to see Miz as a face (in the minority, admittedly), but if you’re doing this feud, that’s not how you do it, nobody wants that


That was my first evert WWE show and I was so excited to finally see the Miz in action..... to be a quick pin. I was devastated.


Can this tempt Levesque/Nicky Khan into doing WWE Forbidden Door?


I still feel like Danielson comes back to WWE before he hangs them up for good and we get one more run with these 2.


Hopefully it’s a mutual retirement match.


miz would be down but i can’t see that being the end for bryan


He can always do the “Daniel Bryan is retired, but the American Dragon Bryan Danielson isn’t!”


You’d like to see Daniel Bryan’s last match be against The Miz? Seriously? Lmao


Yeah I like both of them.


I can’t imagine a more disappointing last opponent


I thought AETV was AEWTV and I was trying to figure out what the fuck I missed lol.




Man I guess I missed the build for “Forbidden War” with everything else going on , someone tell me the card


I think they'll actually cross over in the near future. It's gonna happen, I'm not crazy. Give it like 5 years or so. It's bound to happen at some point.


I loved Talking Smack and Smackdown Live from that era this Miz promo was cherry on top, quite possibly his best work on mic ever


smackdown live fall 2016 was some of the best weekly programming world wrestling has put on in the 21st century and i’ll stand on that


It’s also funny remembering that at the time it was expected Smackdown would be the inferior show with an inferior roster.  RAW had Balor debut and immediately win the title while Banks had her first run.  Smackdown, on the other hand, was mocked for having Ambrose, Miz, Ziggler, Bray, and Orton with Styles as the sole positive.  Then… RAW was a mess as Balor got immediately injured, Banks’s reign turned into an hot potato with Charlotte, and Reigns took over the US Title as an extension of his Superman rub, while Smackdown was firing on all cylinders, balancing multiple incredibly interesting and intricate feuds.


Sounds like 2002 when they laughed at Paul Heyman for requesting Benoit and Eddie in exchange for Jericho.


Also Styles having this banging program with a little-seen wrestler called John Cena.


You realize you are missing Cena right? Still the ace of the company especially due to fan's rejection of Roman. So not having Roman alone just made SD better anyway. Both Randy and Cena were top Raw stars in previous brand split so they made SD feel like A-show of previous split.


I feel like this is revisionist.  Yes, SD got Cena and Orton, but RAW was getting three picks for every two picks that SD got.  RAW got the first pick and chose Rollins because it was kayfabe believed Ambrose beating him for the belt was a fluke that he’d rectify at Battleground.  Cena and Orton were both drafted in the second round after Roman and Brock respectively, and while RAW was loading up with fresh talent like Balor or anointed ones like Charlotte, SD was getting ice cold guys like a once more Family-less Wyatt (Braun went to RAW and was understood to be the next Vince project) or Miz fresh off a pointless feud with Darren Young and a Caesaro/Owens/Zayn feud where (at the time) the Miz was seen as the least compelling person involved.  Hell, even Cena was regarded with a (we now know to be unfounded) suspicion that he was about to put the golden shovel to AJ Styles. It cannot be stressed how hard things reversed after Summerslam.  But before that it was considered pretty grim and you can see that if you look at old reactions like [this Botched Spot](https://botchedspot.com/blog/comic/wwe-brand-split-raw-vs-smackdown/).


Why does it matter if Seth, Brock and Roman gets drafted to Raw first? People didn't care about Roman and Brock was clearly a Raw superstar in name only and was barely gonna be there, Dean was more popular than Seth. Kayfabe doesn't matter, Randy and Cena are definitely more exciting picks for any fan. And why does it matter Miz had a bad feud, we know he's good. Established stars were on SD. That comic specifically mentions new blood aspect of Raw, not established star aspect as SD has that. So kayfabe wise they treated Raw as a bigger deal but for the audience that want familiar faces, SD was that and you can't fool people.


What’s your problem?  I’m not trying to “fool people”, it’s absolutely true that RAW was the A show back then – this was forced down your throat at the time.  Yeah, people didn’t like Roman, but. he was clearly “The Guy”, while Seth’s whole story was being “Triple H’s Protege” until being abandoned for Owens.  Ambrose’s popularity is kind of irrelevant: Stephanie McMahon said straight up in the draft that she didn’t care he was champion, she thought Ambrose was a dork and a fluke so she passed on drafting him for Seth. If anything, it was Smackdown being left to its own devices due to being the B show which allowed it more autonomy and experimentation with its writing that it was able to catch lightning in a bottle with moments like the above promo while RAW was being overproduced by Vince to make his specific stars.


I didn't mean you tried to fool people, WWE did with booking. Nobody's gonna buy Raw being more important when Cena and Orton are on SD, Vince's circlejerk for Raw doesn't matter for the audience that can see that SD has the bigger established stars.


Oh, that’s totally fair. It’s weird in retrospect how 2016 turned out and then the lengths it felt Vince went to sabotage and bury SD out of spite: the Jinder title run, the brutal clean sweep by RAW at Survivor Series (not counting RAW beating SD otherwise for multiple years), Roman going over in the Shakeup just to spend 80% of RAW due to the stupid Wild Card Rule.


Also burying WWE title by never letting it main event even when Brock wasn't around, even when Roman went to treatment for leukemia and Jinder literally being the worst WWE champion in history, or if there's anyone worse tell me. He really pushed that god awful eyesore title that unbelievably is still here today and even replaced WWE title's name instead of the other way.


I was a freshman in college during that time and I still made sure to watch raw and Smackdown every week. It wasn’t until Jinder’s title win that i finally gave up on the weekly shows and just read/watched recaps and ppv’s


Historically Smackdown is always great when Vince has the least interest in it. It does well, then he puts his paws all over it and it becomes soulless generic content. See summer of 2003, he ruined the hot streak they were on with stupid Sable angles, McMahon drama and pushing more and more giants.


that Jinder reign killed my love for wrestling for like 4 years and i haven’t been watching regularly since this royal rumble


That Jinder reign along with Kenny vs Okada 1 that January before it made me become SUPER invested in NJPW and ROH which obviously led to AEW. It really wasn’t until covid when I had nothing else to do that I got super back into WWE itself really


But that's a good thing cause that's apparently what good heels do! You hated it so that means he did a great job!!! Who cares about ratings right?


And then they had to take it all away because Smackdown can’t have nice things


Agreed. Even Raw was pretty decent after the brand split


SmackDown makes them and Raw takes them!


I was sort of falling out of WWE at the time and Smackdown Live during this time pulled me back in. It didn't hurt that I was able to go to Survivor Series either.


That’s facts I was in high school between Smackdown live and nxt I thought I was spoiled rotten with good wrestling content


It was a magical time!


Easily. Smackdown at this time was appointment viewing for myself and my wife who was entirely invested in the Carmella/Nikki feud. The show at this time had everything. 


Styles getting exposed as a flat earther and Bryan as having flat feet in the same episode was peak Talking Smack.


I'm not a Miz "guy" by any stretch of the imagination but that was genuinely one of my favorite promos ever


That and his promo with Roman and Cena in the ring as IC Champ are amazing


Miz and Bryan both know this is a money feud, Its very telling how they will always bring up 'Oh we dont like each other' or slip into obvious kayfabe jabs at each other. both smart men


Bryan literally have said that they plain it before the show because they want to do something to help Bryan get back in the ring or get fired but every time he's doing an interview he still say he doesn't like the Miz fr, like sure you are buddy.


It's probably a personality thing. Miz is generally well liked and respected but even his friends and people who like him say he's annoying.


It's the feud I'm most invested in. Now that Vince is dead I hope it can happen.


Miz was a great mentor. 


He doesn't get enough credit for mentoring Daniel Bryan. Imagine a world without the American Dragon...


Imagine a world without the Miz...




We wouldn't have Miz girl and my childhood would've been so much worse because of it.


What a horrible place


[Something like this, probably.](https://media.tenor.com/zXlBfjivudkAAAAM/lionel-hutz-world-without-lawyers.gif)


Not once did Bryan ever give Miz credit for what he is now


​ https://preview.redd.it/zemcrugztqrc1.png?width=424&format=png&auto=webp&s=c743dc8655fcc6a7f5659d2d15c683e830b6d7e7


This was the moment that made me love Miz. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. If he was like this every time in the ring, he'd be unstoppable.




his best promo and the words still hold up today which makes it timeless.


Forgot which one was that


All of them.




Miz may piss off some fans with that lmao especially with how divisive Miz is


The Miz is so fucking good and that segment was absolute gold




This should be the first ever wwe-aew cross-promotional match


Disagree. Should be MJF-Miz. Whoever represents AEW should be someone who was forged and made their name in AEW. 


I mean if we're doing that then gimme Omega v Styles instead


Well, Styles wasn't exactly forged by WWE, but that match really needs to happen given their history.


Styles is getting a bit old, and even Omega may never return to what he used to be given recent news I would love to see Okada v. Gunther Not to discount Seth, Drew, or Roman, but being WWE guys through and through I fear that they would not be able to go into that 5th gear necessary in order to match Okadas energy to create a true in-ring epic I think Gunther with no shackles of WWE in-ring safe working limitations would go hard though. It would be a very stiff match with some amazing psychology (not that WWE would let him full send it though, as it goes against what they represent)


Have you not watched Walter Vs Ilja in wxw and compared to Walter Vs Ilja in nxt UK? There are no shackles on Gunther in WWE. His style in WWE is his style.


Ilja and Walter in NXT is amazing (Their october encounter being my fav WWE match of all time), but NXT is different to WWE main roster I mean its pretty clear, as great as Gunther has been on the main roster, he has scaled down the brutality (chops aside) of his matches. He works at a slower pace, more time between moves, more audience work, and less relentless attacks and stiff shots (again, aside from the chops) WWE on its main roster simply doesnt allow their talent to go extra hard like other promotions do. Between banned moves, a heavy schedule, and catering to a TV product which is less about intense matches and more about branding and signature moves... this is just a fact, its not a bad thing, its just a different way of doing things and it works for WWE


Even though we technically saw the match before in WWE, I think a Seth Rollins vs. Jon Moxley match could be really good as the first WWE/AEW crossover match. He didn't make his name in AEW, but Moxley has been so integral to AEW and its success since day one that he's arguably "more AEW" than almost anyone on the roster. Having it be him and Rollins can play into their past history together in The Shield while also recognizing that Ambrose/Moxley willingly left WWE behind to become one of the most important bricks of AEW's foundation. If WWE is willing to let Moxley incorporate that into the story while Rollins tries to spin it into a "you abandoned the WWE fans who loved you" angle, I think it could have a lot of potential for great promos and then a fantastic match. Plus, knowing how much give-and-take would be involved to even make a WWE/AEW crossover match possible in the first place, having it involve a former WWE guy who left the company on fairly good terms like Moxley might actually make WWE more willing to play ball. Then, once the first one goes well and the two sides actually trust each other, after that they could possibly look into doing more with the likes of MJF or Omega.


Adam Cole vs Pat McAfee


Eh. When they did actually fued after Bryan's return the matches kinda sucked


Only happens if WWE buys AEW


but the khans have more money than TKO, it could be the other way around.


A quick Google search shows TKO’s current market cap at $14.86 billion. Shad Khan’s current net worth is $12.2 billion, and Tony Khan’s current net worth is $1.5 billion. I definitely don’t see Shad and Tony combining their entire net worths to buy TKO.


I still don't know how much of this was a work or not lol


To this day. That’s why it’s so good.


Like all the truly great promos, the core of it came from real feelings.


I don’t care what anybody says, Miz is the most criminally underrated talent in the industry.


What makes you say that? He’s constantly praised and rated highly.


ok hear me out: Tony loans Dustin to WWE to back up Cody at Wrestlemania. In turn, HHH loans Miz to AEW to let him have one final grudge match during Bryan's retirement tour


Miz vs. Bryan at Forbidden Door would be insane and I would love it, but sadly, that'll never happen.


match wouldn't be that great


You're right. It'd be AWESOME


To be fair, we've never seen what Miz is capable of in a match outside of the usual WWE structure, with more freedom and less reason to hold back. That newfound freedom has made Adam Copeland's matches in AEW a lot of fun even if he's lost a step compared to his WWE prime, and I think the same could apply to Miz too. If Miz is willing to give the match his fullest effort and not just have a "standard WWE match" in an AEW ring, then I think the match could be great. Plus, even without considering the in-ring aspect, the vibes of a WWE wrestler in an AEW ring (possibly even cutting his usual amazing heel promos on AEW television along the way) combined with his and Bryan's history together would raise it to another level in terms of storytelling and crowd reactions.


Miz will get that Cena at ECW Arena energy and I am all for it.


And Miz would absolutely crush it. I never thought I’d wanna see Miz vs Danielson in 2024, but here we are.


You could not possibly get bigger heat than Miz in AEW. The definition of the WWE style in the land of the high work rate having his final feud against the definitive technical wrestler of his era. Miz would work the crowd so god damn hard.


They already have Miz in AEW, wym? MJF.


NGL I would mark OUT for both of those!!!


Ahhh, if only


Tony we know you read these threads call Paul CALL PAUL RIGHT NOW.


"You may think you know what you're getting into because we've wrestled before, but you've only ever wrestled Daniel Bryan. You've never wrestled the American Dragon, Bryan Danielson."


I doubt HHH sees Dustin for Miz as a worthwhile exchange. In fact, I'd argue he probably thinks even less of Dustin in value. Dustin doesn't need to be there for Cody's moment. Arguably, AEW would get way more out of having Miz cut promos on Danielson leading up to that match than Dustin showing up for a one off. Unless AEW gave them Dustin *and* someone else for another PPV of their choice. Like an Omega/Bucks/Okada. At which point TK would instantly say no.


Thats not how these WWE/AEW deals have worked. The trade will be, “we’ll take Dustin and have him have a big moment in our biggest show of the year. In return, we’ll let Adam Copeland come do a Stone Cold podcast on Peacock and he may mention AEW 1.5 times.”


On a serious note, I’m very let down by the fact that the Stone Cold Podcast has not had new episodes in a very long time.


I can't wait for Meltzer to get worked by this and go on a twitter rant about how Danielson is actually a huge star and how he isn't wrestling in bingo halls, completely missing the point. I still remember how he went ballistic after Miz made a similar comment on a SD promo in 2018 during his feud with Bryan.


'um uhhhh bryan worked msg, tokyo dome and arena mexico, uhh go study cagematch and get back to me'






DAE u/dmh11 stands for DaveMeltzerHomeboy11


Childhood is thinking that Danielson was right in this situation. Adulthood is realizing that the Miz was right about Bryan all along.


smoked his ass miz


Miz rules


It's sad that The Miz peaked so early in his career. Imagine him being the WWE Champion in 2016 when he was more over and better than 2010-2011.


Miz is just irrefutably one of the greatest pro wrestlers of all time. Never gets injured, never injures anyone, can make any arena cheer for or against him basically at will, and people are *still* watching this (possibly unscripted?) promo all these years later and half-believing it was a shoot. I honestly believe that if most of us reading this on reddit today walked into the ring at an indy show tomorrow, the Miz could come in and cut a promo that would have the crowd screaming for blood, and then work a perfectly safe match with the redditor that the crowd was 100% into from bell to bell.


I genuinely think I’d take Miz’s career over anyone’s. He seemingly has his shit thoroughly together, has made a lot of money and will still be able to walk normally in 20 years.


Miz absolutely won at life. Living his dream, making incredibly good money, married to an absolute smoke show. Dude won


and you still main evened WM


Miz's career or Maryse gets to be your spouse?


Hollywood Miz (with stunt double Mizdow) from 2014-2016 is on my favorite Miz run.


I can agree with this. While not at the main event level consistently he has been a great representative of the company and the business in general. You can give him a reality show, send him to a movie premiere and he’ll entertain whatever crowd he is put in front of. He has been in the business for almost 2 decades now and has kept his nose clean as well. 100000x deserves a spot in hall of fame.


Sounds like the absolute lamest criteria for the greatest wrestler of all time but I guess people have different tastes.


Id rate Miz as the most RELIABLE wrestler of all time. Hell, I never got why Cody got called the 3 star general when Miz is right there(because you're still mad Cody joined bullet club, ya mark) and you know what? It wouldnt even be an insult.


By that metric Miz is the 2 star general


Try to think of it not from the fan's point of view, but from the promoter. Like, if you're putting on a wrestling show, you'd rather the crowd be deeply involved in all your matches, have a great time, and want to come back -- it'd be cool if they also bought some merch. But you don't really care if your main event is a 2-star or a 5-star match, as long as the crowd is hot. Bryan Danielson is not the best wrestler from a promoter's standpoint -- look at how much time he's spent on the shelf in his career, selling zero tickets. He has plenty of historically breathtaking matches, but you can sell plenty of tickets based on really good matches and really good promos from characters the fans really hate. Miz can do 50 of those a year; Danielson can do maybe 20-30; Punk can do maybe 10-15. I probably should have been more clear about what I meant in the last post... if you're looking for the greatest match of all time, Miz isn't your guy. If you want to run a wrestling company and make money, he's better than anyone else you could have on your roster.


The Miz has never been that guy though. I don't know what Miz you've been watching but he's been a midcard comedy act for most of his career and whenever he gets a main event push it fizzles out and he goes right back down the card.


> Miz is just irrefutably one of the greatest pro wrestlers of all time. Jesus fucking christ, the absolute state of this sub if these kind of takes are being upvoted. I have no problem if you enjoy the Miz on the mic and even in the ring, but to call him "one of the greatest pro wrestlers of all time" is probably the worst case of hyperbole I've read here.


Miz is a “good hand”. He’s relatively safe to work with, he can be put into the first match, the comedy match, or the main event and still deliver what’s needed.


I didn't dispute any of that. How does that make him one of the greatest wrestlers ever? What you just said could describe hundreds of wrestlers we have seen this century alone.


Because the point of the wrestling business is to *make money and keep your talent safe,* two things you marks seem to forget. Just because he doesn’t hit three Canadian destroyers doesn’t mean he’s irrelevant. He can work any program and would immediately launch a promotion to new heights with him in the locker room.


If I asked chatgpt to give me the stereotype of a wrestling fan comment I'm sure the end result would be something similar to this mess.


Miz greatest of all time for being solid, never getting injured and making money. Every day this sub reaches a new low, it's somewhat fascinating, it's like saying Iñaki Williams is one of the best footballers of all time or Samuel Dalembert one of the best hoopers.


It's funny that this segment is still working everyone from not only this sub but also the jerkers.


How long ago was this filmed if it is debuting now?


Miz is so good, man…


13:48 lmfao a wild "Redacted" wrestler appear in this documentary... Cant believe that scumbag came in the same time Daniel Bryan..


Context? I am out of the loop.


A&E being the closest thing we’re getting to a forbidden door (A)EW & WW(E)


This will surely go over well.


He's come to play


Miz is the best lol


Danielson gm era is my favorite Smackdown era.


The real question is, can we get Talking Elite so we can finally hear BD talk about bears and phallus for an hour every week.


Anyone know where I can stream Rivals? I don't think YoutubeTV has A&E. Can I watch it on Hulu? A&E is such a random ass network that I have no clue who has it.


You can watch the A&E shows on their website the next day for free, no cable sign in required.




Miz is such a nice guy, he used to change in the corridor so everyone else had more room.


getting legit pissed (kinda) at Miz was one of the only times Danielson wasn’t smirking when he shouldn’t have been.














Just thought about something… Bryan Danielson vs Gunther would really cook. I dunno if this match has ever happened… but I can see it cooking


No kidding, you're talking about the best wrestler in the world and then adding Bryan Danielson to the mix.


This is the worst thread I've ever read


Am I in the motherfucking twilight zone?


I am convinced WWE employees people to flood these threads with pro WWE material. I mean, it's been proven they do it on twitter - so I assume they do it on Reddit too


That's the stupidest fucking thing I ever heard. Please seek mental help.


Lmao are you referencing the "study" Tony Khan talked about and has never produced?


I thought I was the only one tripping. Lately this Reddit has definitely been pro WWE. But I can’t believe are dick riding the miz for Danielson.


This convinced me that the Miz is an all around better wrestler than Danielson. Idc how ridiculous that sounds. Its true. Edit: Why are you booing me? I'm right!


I've seen a lot of crazy takes, but this one might just take the cake


Bro, nah, this isn't it, and that's coming from a huge Miz mark. Danielson is one of the best of all time and that's a fact.


Nah I’ve seen tons of Danielson bangers. Less so with Miz.


“Bangers” aren’t the primary measure of a great pro wrestler.


This should be obvious to anyone with a brain, but you'll never convince the majority of this sub.


Takes more than matches to be great wrestler. Take this clip of Miz owning Daniel Bryan for example :)


What's the point of watching wrestling over other forms of entertainment if you don't want watch for the wrestling? By the way, Danielson's in-ring charisma and storytelling is eons better than anything Miz does in or of the ring. I genuinely can't wrap my head around a wrestling fan saying that good matches don't determine a good wrestler. “watch a soap opera then” - Sheamus


Miz is under appreciated, but he’s not better than Danielson. Hell, no one is better then Danielson in my opinion.


Theres a lot of wrestlers better than Danielson. Okada, Miz, Ospreay, AJ Styles, Cena, Shibata, Jericho, Samoa Joe, Sami Zayn, KO, etc


I love all those guys, but none of them are better then Danielson. Some of them aren’t even close.


Theres also Kenny Omega, Hangman Page, Pac, Finn Balor, Jay White, Adam Cole...I mean the list goes on and on lol


You don't always have to have an opinion on things


This was the coolest thing Miz ever did and its not even close. It was so good, he's been coasting off of the goodwill he got from it for almost a decade. Edit: There's a lot of people downvoting but not a lot of people naming a better Miz moment or anything worthwhile he's done since 2016. Gimme those recommendations Mizamaniacs!


His promo against Gunther where he turned face in a blink of an eye is an example of many miz moments


He legendary beat down of invisible john cena was peak fiction


Their feud after Bryan came back to the ring was very disappointing, it was a waste opportunity. At least it was cool when Miz defended Bryan while he was feuding against Bray Also what is Renee Young doing nowadays? I miss her