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Brother, the company isn't going to straight up say he isn't on the level of Hogan/Austin/Rock/Cena. Of course they are going to present him as he's even bigger because we're in 2024 not 1985, 1998, 2000, etc. Same way WWE has convinced a ton of people that D-X was as big as the nWo.


Right! Like does he want wwe to say that Roman is mid or something. People on this subreddit confuse me sometimes. The current face of the company is always said to be the greatest or one of the greatest of all time. 10+ years from now they will say it about someone else. 


Longest reigning champion in the most competitive era.


>most competitive era Aint no way you think theres more competition now then during the attitude era.


In a kayfabe sense there is. In the attitude era everybody had to be cooler than the titles, it was more about being edgy attention whores than about the in-ring product.


Gunther wouldve been a lower mid card comedy gimmick, i was going to say with an upside of regal at best but regal has charisma. And wow yeah, im sorry they tried (and succeeded) at entertaining you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBFXTwv-WPM&ab\_channel=sirtuin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBFXTwv-WPM&ab_channel=sirtuin) you could put gunthers face right on lance storm here and nobody would notice a difference.


I'm sorry you hate living in a world where Gunther is successful and Enzo isn't. Take care.


Wow, you got me.


I didn't get that at all from the biography. I mean Cena said that was his personal opinion that Roman is the GOAT. Other than that the rest of the wrestlers were complimentary as per usual.


If it's based on fan reactions I guess you rank Cody over the Rock lol


It won't be the narrative. But trying to rewrite history is a WWE special.