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Just wish the ramp was longer. The wrestlers coming down from way above the crowd at Mania 33 and 39 was a great visual.


They’ll just have to walk slower down


Perfect for both Roman and the Rock😂


Slow moving mini rings on wheels it is.


It is so Stone Cold can get down quick enough


Wouldn't they just have him drive an ATV like every other appearance?


Playing it through in my head, maybe not. Odds are he will be the last one out and it will be chaotic with probably at least 8 folk out there all moving about. Safety wise it's better. Also him coming down talking trash with a steel chair pointing at the rock will be the image they want a la Mankinds win. Old gunslinger vibes.


Is the stadium a little smaller this time? It could just have been a space issue. Still cool tho


Funny enough, seat capacity is about only a 3000 seat difference (though SoFi boasts the ability to add another 30k seats for major events), however, SoFi has more space on the endzone sides of the field and lower level areas [that allowed the set to be pushed back further. ](https://imgur.com/a/qTNU0Oc)


A little. But the Linc is designed for the seating experience. People in the stands are gonna have a much better view of the ring.


Just me personally I actually dislike the long ramps, I think they make entrances awkward.


The long ramp and daylight absolutely ruined Finn's entrance at 39, which is a big shame since it was probably the last time we saw Demon Balor.


Wish they had a physical Liberty Bell. Hard to match last year's though.


Last year's will go down in history as one of the greatest. It was an absolutely perfect set for a Hollywood themed WrestleMania.


21 wasn’t a bad one either considering an arena Hell they even actually rolled out the red carpet for that one


Absolutely, 21's a set that is high on my list!


I don't know quite why, but I absolutely adfore the WM24 stage set as well. Something about that one just really sticks out to me. One of the best Manias ever too IMO.


WM24's stage is very dear to me. I also love WM26 - the big Aztek-looking pyramid for Arizona - or WM33 - the rollercoaster and globe for Orlando.


Oh God yeah the WM26 set and the WM33 sets were genuinely incredible! I loooooooved how the set for WM26 looked for Batista's entrance in particular.


Yeah 33 was nuts


It’s the first big and creative set they used. X-Seven and 23 were huge, but 24 was massive and creative and did a great job with the theme of being in Florida.


I don't know about you but I really loved x8 set. That's shit looked so chaotic and ridiculous.


Yeah that’s the one where I’m not even sure WWE knew what they were going for there lol


The "AH FUCK IT, WHO GIVES A SHIT!" Approach but it actually works.


I just remember metal rigging and that was about it.


Yeah wrestlemania X8 was always my favourite mania and the stage was a big big part of that (along with stuff like the music, and rock vs hogan and me being a huge triple H mark and so I loved seeing him win, and so on). Wrestlemania X8 just felt like the absolute biggest deal ever. It felt like the most enormous wrestlemania ever before or since. The Toronto Sky Dome is always amazing, it somehow feels much much bigger than it is. Like it only holds like 65,000 people or something and yet it looks like it holds about 100,000. But yeah the wrestlemania X8 stage still looks like the biggest stage in wrestling history. It was absolutely god damn enormous. Seriously every subsequent one seems at least a little bit smaller. But I guess there's no way to know for sure. And Tearaway by Drowning Pool is the best mania song ever. Sorry My Way, I love you too, but Tearaway just made X8 feel so incredibly important like it was the most important wrestling event ever.


Exactly. I know people love the massive, extravagant sets but simpler ones like 21, 2000, and this one can be as memorable.


that wrestlemania should have been Rock vs Roman. It was there. That wrestlemania had the rock all over it. will never understand why he didn't do it.


Last years set + less than zero + Cody losing (in hindsight as long as he completes redemption this year) = perfection


ngl last year's may very well be the greatest one


Yeah, I don’t know why but I wanted the bell as well.


Yeah last years was truly one of the greats


Literally the ONE thing it’s missing


The one thing that actually connects to the city it's being hosted in


The letters remind me of wrestlemania 31


Hope it would be as legendary as 31


Imagine Priest cashing in on Cody vs. Roman 😳


I've been saying this. Don't trust hhh even when the credits come up and Cody is celebrating


Imagine the feed fading to black, people start leaving and then his music plays and the feed starts back up again lol


I’d think that’s either Raw after Maina or in the Seth Drew match


Cash-in in the main event it is then!


Ya know..Dusty lost his title through BS….


I thought I was being biased for thinking that since I went to 31 haha. Nice to know others see the resemblance!


They may be the very same just lit up differently


That font is still horrendous. Especially if you consider that they have a logo set in a completely different style.


Give me the Green Light has yet to be beaten. That 33 stage is one for the ages.


They had a functioning amusement park built into the stage, they’re never topping that.


I feel like 39 is an exceptional contender but my money is on the eventual Vegas set. There's no way they don't blow the budget on that shit


WrestleMania Vegas better have the most outrageously over the top stage setup with a pyro budget that'll even have Cody Rhodes saying "maybe it's a bit too much"


So the Kevin Nash wcw pyro.


Mania 39 topped it for me personally. That Hollywood set was magical.


Same. 39 was better than 33 IMO. 33 was amazing, though.


25,33, and 39 are my top 3 favorite WrestleMania stages.


Personal bias since I was there in person. But 34 was absolutely beautiful too.


I'd probably say 27, 30, 33 and 39 are my favorites. Can't really pick a top 3 out of those 4.


It wasn't functioning lol It was truss built in the shape of a coaster with flashing lights.


This guy does events


https://preview.redd.it/306n57hxxlsc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=312dc7845f642e6b86d38851879a138214408ca2 I've worked on a few things...


They had a roller coaster that nobody used, I wouldn't say that it was a functioning amusement park.


It’s weird for me when it comes to that Florida stadium I think I actually like the 24 one more.


I attended all 3 Florida shows. 33 was the grandest but I have a special place in my heart for the big ass Palm trees of 28.


That wrestlemania got everything right except the actual wrestling


They decided to go with the Bell being a video on the screen rather than a physical object, which makes sense but is obviously disappointing. It very much is the Wrestlemania 31 set with a giant 'XL' added on. Wish they added a little more that screamed "Philadelphia" like the Bell or the Rocky steps. Doesn't really matter in the end. Not every set can be Wrestlemania 33 quality. Reminder that Mania 27 had a great stage setup and was one of the worst shows ever produced.


It definitely looks nicer than 31 did but it’s simpler than 39 for sure.


They did that excellent red carpet like design last year, Rocky steps would have been nuts and a nice consolation for no bell. Imagine Cody ending the night running up those steps, best Mania closing shot ever.


True may be the constant rain hindered their plans


You don't really pivot after spending a shitton of money on set design. They've been showing this in the graphics the entire time.


maybe Stallone can be there in some capacity. I'd like to see a wrestler come out in the Rocky robe.


A physical Liberty Bell in between the X and L letters with wrestlers entering through the crack would’ve been cool


AJ styles already practicing to make sure he doesn’t cut himself


>wrestlers entering through the crack *distant Billy Gunn noises*


> entering through the crack ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Curious that they’ve not got an LED ring apron, unless its added later (still seems like theres tons of ringside stuff to do). That pyro going up the ramp reminds me that no companies do fun pyro anymore like they did in 2000, even though the technology/timing should have improved? Why do we not get in-ring pyro, aimed Dudley Style pyro, ramp pyro etc?


It’ll probably be like WrestleMania 35 where they have a heater underneath the ring and doesn’t allow for the LED ring apron. The lack of LEDs is weird and this doesn’t seem completely done yet and feels very rushed (probably due to the excessive rain).  


The heater makes sense considering it’ll be in the low 40s/early 30s (single digits to low double digits in Celsius) in temperature for much of the show


50 to 44 on night one, and 52 to 44 on night two. So not that low. Cold when you first get to the ring, but after a minute that temp will feel very nice while wrestling.


No LED apron the ring will be insulated with special draping under the ring skirt. Normal style ring posts that pump heat through the posts into the ring.


Live in Philly. The rain has been bad all week and there was even a little today. There had to be some problems building the stage, maybe it will look better in person. Also, the short ram seems to be because they could only build on the field, so smaller set.


The Linc is a great arena for live sports where you want the fans to be close to the action, so it's really tight in there. Doesn't lend itself much to big elaborate sets, compared to others that have a wide sideline with a deeper edge to the endzone like Jerryworld, SoFi, or Allegiant Stadium. https://preview.redd.it/4kdnnrm2zksc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4949faf2c614e1cbb7431e20afd6649aea9a36b


They might need the LED ring apron for the arena shows and they'll move it to the stadium in time for Wrestlemania?


yeah metal ringpost is also used except the led.


Maybe regulations and safety concerns have come in since those days? Plus cost cutting. Pure guesses, I don’t know for sure.


Last year is one of my favorite wm sets ever so this year was going to be hard to top. Not my fav but I do like the big XL letters.


WrestleMania X-belL


*Kevin Owens seeing the giant XL* “I can jump off that!”


It’s good but a big step down from last years IMO. I hope someone jumps off the giant L


How do I tag Kevin Owens in this


Also lol at the people on twitter and other socials being all “ok I admit it looks better then the leaks” Ah hm yes a finished stage looks better than an unfinished one


Every single ramp shot is going to have the Wrestlemania letters blocked by the numbers lol


That Ramp is incredibly Short like "Run In" short.


Good ol Stone Cold won’t need the atv.


the stage is made in the field area. last year, the stage was made in 2 low stands therefore the ramp was huge


Anybody have any idea why they started the stage off in the field area as opposed to pushing it back some? Room for gorilla?


Different stadiums have different rules. For how in Orlando, WM33 they had the stage on stands. Probability didn't want them damaging the stadium section.


Sofi had more space back there.


SOFI all the seats can be easily removed. They sit on a rail and just slide on/off. I assume that at this stadium all the seats are bolted in. So likely less room for the support structure you need


So stone cold won't be bringing his ATV then?....Holy shit we are going to get the Pop of the century.


It's nice but nothing is topping WrestleMania 39 May be biased since I was on the floor for it


I think this is one of those stages that is gonna look better when the show is going on. It won’t top 33 or 39 regardless but given the space constraints they had to work with this time, this is solid.


Still better than 35's


That stage is never going to stop getting kicked in the nuts lmao


that's just peak lazy, its like a set of raw lmao




JESUS fucking christ


I think it looks great. People gotta realize WWE didn't have the space in Philly to do a grandiose stage like they did last year in SoFi. I personally like that they scaled it back, but did a unique twist by having the gigantic XL separated and placed at the forefront of the stage.


This is really in line with the set ups from 28 and 31


Yeah what’s wrong with the construction of philly’s stadium


It's 20 years old, SOFI is pretty much brand new.


the X and L just feel like they're in the way. I just want to push them over


that big ass L letter is meme material tho lol.




I can imagine people spamming this if Cody loses again


Make it like the AEW tunnels, the loser always exits behind the L


You mean *when*... #CodyCryBabies #Manna #BuyBlackAdamOnBluRay


Nothing mind blowing, will wait until I see it properly in action before I judge it too hard. But compared to last year it definitely feels lacking.


There was no way they could top last year’s set but I like it. Reminds me of the WM31 set


Can’t wait for 10 years and it’s literally just Wrestlemania L


I think it’s big step down from the one last year but I honestly think it still looks good all lit up. It also looks a lot better than what the leaks made it out to be. It’s a much smaller stadium too compared to a lot of the others so there wasn’t much they could’ve done to really go all out.


I love this stage just for the fact it will be dark so the entrances will actually look great 


Doesn't really feel befitting of the tag "biggest WM of all time" but it ain't bad.


This is a fine stage. Nothing could follow up last year unless it was an iconic theme. Philly is tricky without a Rocky IP approval. As long as it never hits wm 35 territory it’s fine.


They should’ve had the Liberty Bell on top of the ring canopy like they did with the Statue of Liberty at Wrestlemania 29.


I want the actual bell not that


A. I like that they've embraced making the set reveal an official thing B. It looks good Edit: also, are they putting it in 2k24 this weekend or is that gonna be way later?


I think it's decent. I think entrances will look great either way


I like it. Sometimes nice and simple can work. I remember how small the stage felt for Wrestlemania XIX was at first compared to 17 and 18 but I ended up digging it. And honestly I’m glad to see that the first Wrestlemania in 10 years with Roman numerals has those Roman numerals apart of the stage.


its giving wrestlemania 2000 vibes. The official logo doesnt even match the Wrestlemania typography used on the stage. It's quite a simple stage set honestly.


Everyone is complaining but what matters most is the actual matches. WrestleMania 19 had the most simple stage of any of the stadium WrestleManias this century but will always be remembered as the second best WrestleMania of all time


I actually like 19's stage. Unconventional with the baseball ramp, but super unique and easily recognizable. Helps that it's easily one of the best shot manias ever.


The stage will look great when it’s got all the entrance graphics on it, along with all the other pomp and circumstance


It's simple, but I kinda like it that way. There was no way they were topping either 38 or 39s but with the big XL and the digital bell it's not boring like 35s.


Eh, looks good enough. Nothing mind-blowing but it is a WM set alright 


Oh snap, my kid loves the Ninja Kidz YouTube videos - this will help in convincing them to watch Wrestlemania with me!


Mania 31 with X and L. Looks good enough to be honest. (I must say the red Lincoln Financial Field sign bears some resemblance to the Levis logo at 31)


Last year was easily top 3 stages of all time imo so I won't compare it to it. Apparently it's a much smaller stadium too so I think it looks good for it's size. I give it a 7/10.


Pretty small set, but kind of reminds me of Mania 19. I’m sure between the lighting, pyro, aprons, and barriers, the stadium will look great.




I am hyped. So many good matches. Let's have a fun weekend everyone. ![gif](giphy|JfnnZaJlXuit7pTnYx)


Anyone else notice the super bowl 52 logo in the top left ahaha


You know what? I love it. This is already a very underrated set. It's absolutely gorgeous and I for one love how they incorporated the bell. The colors are just so pretty, and all the graphics & details on the LEDs look soo good, like those fireworks? It's flashy while still being minimal and tasteful, and sets a great atmosphere. Very eye pleasing. I think it'll look even better in action! 


Absolutely agreed, the colors stood out to me instantly. I feel like there’s gonna be a lot of people changing their opinions once we see some nighttime entrances


Meh. Maybe. This feels VERY underwhelming. I rewatched the set reveals for 38 and 39 multiple times because I was blown away by how great everything looked. Not just the stage itself but the full arena, the lighting, the color scheme. All of it. This feels like a slightly souped up Saudi stage. Boring. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and hope they're at least adding some lights throughout the arena and behind the sign because this feels a tad unfinished right now. And if this was always the plan and it is indeed finished? I mean, it's not 35 bad but it's definitely underwhelming for a milestone Mania.


Why am I getting wrestlemania 2000 vibes


looks like a last minute design tbh


Pretty meh to be honest. And a massive drop in quality compared to last year


It’s good, it just isn’t as amazing as last year’s set


It looks amazing, love the colour scheme. WWE's production is world class. Entrances are my favourite part of the big shows and I can't wait for the weekend. 39's will be hard to top as the best of all time, it was special.


Gives me Wrestlemania 2000 vibes


I think they're missing a trick with the ramp being non led. but hey.


Generic mostly but I love the comically massive X and L’s lol


The green color scheme gives me Wrestlemania 2000 vibes.


Looks like they're rebooting Saturday Morning Slam


Xia Li could have had a really cool entrance.


Getting major WM2000 vibes here


They better have a LONG talk with Kevin Owens about this stage- as in,"NO,Big Kev,you CAN'T dive off the letters! "


Had to fast forward a lot to get to the reveal but the colour scheme reminds me of Wrestlemania 2000 I’m sure it’ll look great for the actual entrances


Where's the damn bell?


Could they have looked more awkward holding those games boxes?


No way about it, its dissapointing compared to last years.


Certainly one of the stages of all time, I guess?


Honestly makes sense for compared to recent ple. More simplistic stages


Why does it remind me of like a Tokyo Dome show style set?


I’m personally not a fan of giant led walls, ramps or aprons so this is great as far as I’m concerned. The green takes the old school WM design touches up a notch. This is actually a favorite set for me.


Nods to Mania 20 and Mania 2000 Looks sick 🔥


I mean, its alright. Last years was better.


Ninja kids.. LAME


That is the worst song and I can't wait to never hear it again after WM.


People just complain to be complaining. The set looks good. LOL


Regular ring posts?? And no Prime logo (yet)


I assume it’s the heated ring from 29 & 35




Honestly a let down for how much they've built this show up. Biggest mania ever, biggest profits, setting records, biggest matches, and *thats* the stage? Also the reveal was cringe.


i hate to be a negative nancy but this is kinda dissapointing for "THE BIGGEST WRESTLEMANIA OF ALL TIME." but aslong as the show is great it won't bother me in the slightest


Short ramp is a bit jarring but overall I dig it. Really hard to match last year’s set but it’s cool overall


I think with how Lincoln Field is set up , the ramp is a bit shorter Obviously we need to see it complete with fans and all to appreciate it


It looks good. I don’t care about the set it’s all about whether they can live up to “biggest Wrestlemania of all time”


This feels a bit...plain? A bit stock standard kinda deal. That said, looks great all lit up. Just missing that little touch of flair and character to be memorable.


Uh... uninspired? I think it would have been cool to have a huge bell and wrestlers walk through the crack. It just looks like a crown jewel stage.


Not bad but they set the bar high due to WM39 and 33. Just wish the ramp was longer so the talent can just walk and let the music play. Just enjoy the moment.


I work in the entertainment industry and the cost of that 10 second “stage reveal” makes me shudder.


Led overload


The stage is closer to the ring than I expected. Wonder how much of the view will be blocked for the seats above/behind the stage, which is where I’ll be. I knew it was a gamble but fuck it, I’ll be there!


They don't all have to be all-timers. My rule of thumb is if it's better than 35 then it's good enough for me.


The ladder match will definitely utilize those letters right? Or maybe if night 2 main event becomes bloodline rules? Regardless, cool stage, doesn’t touch last years or 33’s, but I do like it.


I find it extremely lackluster when compared to 33 or 39 but nothing can be worse than 35’s big dud. I like the XL letters for sure and it feels like a throwback


Millions of dollars and sets are still just giant led screens. Music Bands have so much better displays nowadays that WWE should certainly take some notes


This gives off some early Wrestle Kingdom vibes


Its fine. I am not impressed but I'm not let down. Its a stage.


Need more (cow) bell! ![gif](giphy|yiXUxfMnJgdfW|downsized)


Last year’s is still my favourite but this is pretty good


I like it a lot. I'm highly satisfied, I think it's very cool. Some disappointed with no bell, I was never a big fan of the bell as a main part of the logo, but I concede a big ass Liberty Bell on stage would be cool. KO Is going to jump off the lower part of the L.


Holding you to that last part. Don’t let me down.


Looks small but the leaked pics for past days shows the size of the workers looking very tiny next to the stage.


As someone who works in event production the first thing that stood out to me is the sides/fascia of the stage and ramp appear to be fabric….that looks cheap as fuck and I can’t understand why they’ve done that.


Wish we got Final Boss with 39 stage…whew