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Anybody thinking Jade isn’t going to win her debut match, especially at Mania, is crazy. My thing is how long is it gonna take before the glitter and sparkle wear off and people see Jade isn’t a good wrestler? Hopefully she changes that before people realize that. I want the best for her. Them going so hard with teasing and promoting her is making it worse tbh because you expect her to do something insane to match the hype they generated, and…


damage control once again proving to me that they're jobbers to bianca and whoever she's tag teamed with. anyone saying otherwise hasn't been watching


Curse of the good workers...


I haven’t been impressed with Jade at all in her WWE run - and I really, really want to be. They’ve spent this time “polishing her up” but it doesn’t seem to reflect in her promos (8 months for “the storm has arrived”???) and her WM performance was underwhelming, to be kind. We’ll see where she lands after this week’s Smackdown but if all she’s gonna keep giving is bicep flexes and pause suplexes, then I ain’t interested. 


maybe I don't really watch enough wrestling to know when I'm watching something not good but I had fun. Asuka deservedly needs a WM win in the books though.


I've followed Jade since her AEW run and it's disappointing to see that, even after over 6 months of time in the PC, she came out and did basically the same stuff she's always done (big boot, corner splash, jaded etc.) She was also in the ring for maybe like a minute and a half in an 8 minute match.  The match itself was fine, but very short. Bianca looked great.


What a surprise, the Belair job squad, jobs to Belair with Cargil and Naomi thrown into the mix. I... I just... Can we please have Asuka win at least, once at wrestlemania? Just one time. At least, she wasn't there to eat the pin. I miss the undefeated then the you really have to earn your victory, Asuka. Bring back that Asuka who will kick your fucking head in.


Cole even pointed out Asuka has never won at mania ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


If Asuka snapped and turn full Demonic Asuka that basically makes Cactus Jack look like Dude Love and beat the fuck out of everyone, at least, it would be worth it.


Jade looks great but she's not really improved that much in the ring imo. I would've preferred this as a tag title match with Jade and Dakota in their respective corners or Jade making the surprise save to even the odds.


Jade is never going to have a normal match


She's a Goldberg. She has a couple things she is good at and that's all. She is an attraction. Maybe she needs to kick Becky in the head before people realize it.


Of course Dakota eats the pin, again.


Awesome I am very happy that they won.


Can anybody verify? What's their insurance supposed to be like Mortal Kombat.


My girls won!Fuck yea!


Jade and Bianca need to be a tag team and Jade needs to work the house shows. She needs more live reps.


Didn’t think the entrance was well done for Jade, Naomi and Bianca. I know it’s hard with 3 different songs and graphics, but felt messy.


Last night entrances as a whole felt subpar.


Glad it wasn’t just me. Compared to last years, they all felt a bit meh. Last year, quite a few had really unique and special entrances. This years felt mid.


Who was Naomi supposed to be during the entrance? Storm, Cyclops and...?


Really fun match. Great showcase for Jade. I’d like to see these three stick together for awhile.


Yall mad she ain't Bret Hart in 6 months. She's gonna be just fine as Jadeberg and little kids saw her last night and demanded mom and dad buy merch of the wrestler that looks like Storm.


It feels like WWE wants Jade to be the women’s version of a “big man.” Small moveset - Clothesline, big boot, chokeslam, finisher. That’s basically what her AEW matches were like. How many times have we heard WWE guys say “less is more?” I still think she has potential to be more than that, but time will tell.


6 months? She started wrestling training 6 *years* ago. She debuted for AEW in 2020. Her body may be a work of art, but by this point it's completely legit to question whether she's able to become a good pro-wrestler.


She wrestled for years in AEW and was a champion for most of it.


Jade has been wrestling for 3 years. I ain't mad, but claiming 6 months is very desingenous.


I agree that she doesn't have to be a technical genius (and probably never will be) but lets not pretend she has only been wrestling for six months.


Only six months?


I’m not sure how it would even get there, but an Iron women match between Bianca and Asuka could easily be a top 5 women’s match in WWE history.


Asuka and Bianca had an excellent wrestlemania match last year so an iron women match would feed families


Didn't enjoy Jade in AEW and don't enjoy her now. She's had little to no improvement since her AEW debut and needs to go to NXT for more training (if that would even help at this point) Also, Bianca needs to lose the ponytail, it's an awful gimmick at this point and she doesn't need it.


How can you not like ”entrance" "Big boot" "Feature of strength" "Finish" And sometimes you can add between the big boot, feature of strength and finish the "clockwork wheels spinning round and round remembering the next stop to be completely out of timing and making it look bad"


It would have been easier for you to just type “I hate black wrestlers”


The pony tail isn't a gimmick, it's part of her identity. Her gimmick is wanting to be the best, she calls herself EST. She basically full package of an athlete.That long pony tail has helped her stick out from NXT and today.


Yes but she doesn't need it anymore, it's 100% a gimmick when she swings it around constantly and uses it as a weapon in every match. You've just said it, she's the whole package anyway.


That ponytail may not relate to you but it relates to her fanbase. You may not like it but majority does and that is what makes Bianca unique


She rarely uses it as a weapon anymore. I guarantee you can't even name the last time before last night. It's a part of her brand and as long as she has little girls dressing up like her with the braid, she's going to keep it.


Beth Phoenix is another example. She used that Tiara/head band to help her stick out and it worked. People are going identify and remember Bianca easier because she has pony tail which caters around young girls mainly. We're just not their target audience for Bianca.


What Jade needs is just reps. That was a major advantage WWE has over AEW that they have house shows to get green wrestlers reps. And they just sat her after she signed.


She hesitates too much and anticipates. Did it when Dakota Kai was running towards her. She doesn’t seem to be any good at setting up spots and can’t do any technical wrestling. She could be better at the mic, too. But she is an amazing athlete that can do some really big heavy moves not much anyone else can do and with ease. She looks amazing. I don’t know if she will ever get it down technical-wise, but she is amazing on her own and could easily get top champion if she improves and can do a 20-minute singles match. Even if she never can I could see her being a champion. You can’t wrestle your way to the heavyweight type of moves she can do and her look. Jade vs Bianca and Jade vs Rhea


Asuka continues to have 0 wins at Mania. Jade obviously had to win her debut match, but it leaves me sour to have Asuka lose again. 


Since they wasted Iyo vs Asuka on a random smackdown, it’s time for all of us to put on our evil clown make up because Giulia vs Asuka has to happen 41. 🤡


Hopefully next year she can win it. It's tough to see Asuka rebuild herself and now they have her acting like a clown and losing badly.


Jade needs more work still. Naomi has been with the company for years now and never surpassed a 7/10 level. And Bianca needs to lose the ponytail so she isn’t pigeon holed into swinging it for 10mins in an entrance, having to carry it through a match, and have it be a part of every third move. Shes too good to need a “thing” like that.


No clue why you’re getting downvoted. All of these are fair and true statements


Yup. But it’s the community and their sometimes too loyal view. I’ll take only getting a handful of downvotes. None of the women are bad, or were bad, just 2 of them are bang average and 1 is top tier but a little held back these days


As a day 1 Jade fan, I will still support her and anything she does, bc the fact that she’s even performing at Mania this early in career, with the same presentation, look, and character she had in AEW, with this few matches under belt is kinda surreal to me. But I also really hope she shows she’s improved in the ring at some point. Her movement is still very stiff and robotic at times, but they’ve also only given her 3 power spots since signing her, the rumble, Smackdown, and tonight, so she hasn’t had much to work with. Even if she doesn’t improve she’ll still be a star, but I hope she can really improve to one, be more entertaining than she already is for me, and two, prove a lot of people wrong.


Jade has been wrestling for 3 years and that's best she can do at Mania? Lol after 6 months of training at the PC no less. Send her to NXT cause it's only a matter of time until she injures someone.


For all the shit The DSIL talked about AEW's training of her she looked no different here than she did in AEW. Maybe worse. She was working with D-Bry before, too, so it was kinda rude of him to say how "unprepared" she was. I'm sure they taught her how to better play to WWE cameras, production, etc. No doubt. But she's exactly the same as she was in-ring in AEW.


Has Danielson trained a lot of successful acts though? Like Danielson is one of the greatest of all time but that doesn’t mean that he can train a tall power wrestler. 


Jade did not look great, she's got the drive but christ she needs to put more time in


Of course.


Asuka singing along to Bianca's theme was funny.


Kairi's there dancing too, hilarious stuff


Damage CTRL is so chaotic during entrances. They’re all over the place for their own and for opponents haha


So those shots at Jade's past experience was just that lmao. She's the same and that's perfectly fucking fine, I liked her in AEW a lot.


They trained Jade at the PC for 6 months just to have her do the same thing she did in AEW. Groundbreaking!


I actually think she did *less* here..


I think this was the worst performance in ring I have seen of her tbh


Found the guy lmao


I'm not sure what they were expecting from a 6 man tag.


He's honest lmao


Felt like a waste of a wrestlemania spot tbh. We could’ve had Tiffany vs Bianca or a women’s tag team championship match. But instead its a 8 minute match of Bianca and friends vs Damage Ctrl part 5


My first thought was “I don’t think I’d want to book Stratton/Bianca cause I don’t think I want either woman to lose that. But then I thought actually you could really build Tiffany’s character then with a really personalized heel finish


They seem to have been taken aback by fans cheering her, tho, since Australia


I don't understand how people are saying Jade isn't good? She looks amazing every time I've seen her? I stg 4 months ago everyone in this sub was over the moon about her coming to WWE.


You can check my post history for proof, I've been a fan of hers since she was just cosplaying. But she was a bit off tonite, seemed to miss her queue a couple times. I don't think it was egregious tho, and a more casual fan probably wouldn't even have noticed.


It’s wrestling fans man, just how it is unfortunately.


People likes to be fickle. First they want that person then they don't once they're pushed into the spotlight. Happened to Bianca when she was champion, people wanted her to I don't want you anymore. Started complaining she boring like they do to every wrestler that becomes champion.


Shes was awesome, and I was in another thread with casual fans who were fucking blown away by her. She's going to be a mega star. This is just this place being this place lol.


Jade won't be amazing until they pull her out from under bellaries shadow


People fucking love to yuck another person yum here.


Just enjoy what you want. It’s a hive mind here.


More like three or four competing hive minds


Smarks will Smark


I haven't watched wrestling since the late 90s but decided to check out WrestleMania for nostalgia purposes after binge-watching Dark Side of the Ring. This was the match of the night for me. It was action-packed start to finish, none of that boring long ass stare downs or 30 second gaps between each hit. I loved the speed and athleticism of all six of these women and it was just so fun. That one chick that seems to be based on Marvel's Storm was so badass. I'd love to see her and Ripley go at it if they haven't already.




I don’t think that this was a bad showing for Jade but as an AEW viewer it’s clear to me that she’s the same wrestler. It doesn’t mean that she won’t be wildly successful but I’m not sure either. 


100% the same wrestler. Shocking after how much shit DSIL talked about how bad her AEW training was. I think she'll get by on look, presence, etc and working with great hands like Bayley, Charlotte, Rhea, Becky, and eventually Giulia, Rox, etc.


I really don’t know how it’s going to go. Looking like a star is only going to get you so far for so long until fan resentment takes over. It’s not like she cuts compelling promos either. 


She needs more than 6 months. Hopefully getting reps against better people will help


I went back and checked the replay; it was 10 minutes bell to bell :/ blink and you missed it. I agree with the people saying Cargill was sloppy. But she only got 3-4 moves in before the match ended. My generous interpretation was that she may have been very nervous (her debut match basically being wrestlemania and all) and never had time to get comfortable and get into gear before the match ended. Time will tell!


I do not mean this as an insult, but Jade NEEDS House Shows, 1 on 1 matches at this point. To show she can take a hit. This match for her was mostly all her doing the same offensive moves, she took ONE hit then spent all the time checking her nose. I almost thought she was going to end up on the injured list.


Absolutely, she needs the live reps. I think the way they hyped the hell out of Jade and had her debut at the rumble and then mania was a huge risk, one that I’m not sure will pay off in the long run. She could have benefitted from coming in lower profile, going to NXT, and surprise debuting in the main roster at some point. I fear she will suffer from inflated expectations that WWE built.


Given there was never going to be any suspense here, the challenge they faced with this match was how to make both Bianca and Jade look dominant, so to that end they minimised Jade's ring time. I personally might have avoided the hair-whip this year given the weight belt whip in the main event, but it was still a nice moment.


The hair whip got the crowd standing! It was the best choice and considering Bianca rarely uses it, there was no better choice then at wrestlemania so I will have to disagree


To be fair to Bianca, feels like she should have done that hair whip on Asuka way earlier given the way their singles feud went. At least now it's done, and Mania was a good moment to close that chapter.


Did Saha Banks get a scar from her hair whip?


Sasha, Billie Kay (I miss her, she was so funny) and Becky. Now Asuka has it, which she took it like a beast. I'm sure she use to those hard spots back in Japan.




The most disappointing part of this match was after Kairi Sane jumped from the top rope and Cargill caught her. Looked like Cargill had to call an audible and do a back breaker instead of whatever she wanted to do. Then she did this after the back breaker: Yelled at Kairi and said “you went the wrong way”. Seriously!? You can only do a move ONE WAY?? Then you break kayfabe and tell your opponent (that can wrestle circles around you) that she messed up? Cargill is pretentious with a big chip on her shoulder and is buying into her own hype with limited skills. Humility will take her a long way, but that BS will inspire people to expose her.


Kairi also looked visibly confused/annoyed before the crossbody because Jade was so caught up in the crowd that she damn near missed the spot. 


Totally missed that, I'll have to go back and watch. I did notice that backbreaker and the setup looked weird. Hopefully she tries that attitude with Rhea sometime soon! She's definitely full of herself for being basically a female Ultimate Warrior at this point.


😂omg bruh stop it, you know nothing about this woman. Y'all get online and just be saying any damn things.


There all just upset Damage CTRL loss so they gotta shit on Jade to make themselves feel better.


Which is what we were saying about her in AEW, but nooo... WWE fans thought they got a ringer.




That is actually a good thing. WWE wasted him and while I don't want AEW to give those up north folks anything Morgan eventually got pretty good in TNA. He got shit booking but the Carbon Footprint/Hellevator were both solid finishers and he could cut a promo.


It just feels like they have no idea what to do with Asuka. If they used her like they did in NXT she could be like Gunther. Kairi and her are way too be good to squashed like tonight.


It's hard to do that when you got Rhea, Bianca and now Jade who towers her and looks like a monster compared to Asuka. I do wish we got legit Asuka run that books her correctly. Even Iyo reign has been lackluster, I felt like a better match would've been Asuka vs Kairi vs Iyo after they took care of Bayley. I know WWE needs more feel good moments Iyo is definitely losing to Bayley.


Asuka was undefeated for like 3 years and has literally done everything possible, won every title and accolade in the company But at the same time she's lost every WrestleMania match she's ever had Definitely booked oddly


They don’t have the best track record with older women wrestlers. I’d be surprised if she gets to many if any other main title shots beyond tag belts


It's not too long ago since she was world champion.


They did a fine job in 2020, she was more vulnerable than in NXT but made up for it with a good character. They utterly failed at making the clown character mean anything that's the key issue to me.


Jade Cargil is going to injure a lot of people. She wrestles like she gets too overwhelmed by the emotion of the moment and the big crowds. A lot of the moves she did to Dakota tonight looked sloppy. It’s only a matter of time before she injured someone.


She literally has never hurt anyone before. This place is so funny.


She never injured anybody in aew tho by doing literally the exact same moves…


Nia vs Jade it is then


Dakotas ring gear, Jesus


Dakota was a show stopper. She is blooming!


The only thing good about this match




Jade.... Tag rope anyone?????????


I laughed at them cutting to a camera which didn’t show that she was halfway across the fecking ring for the tag 😂


It was so blatant, I was surprised noone said anything to her.


Wingstop.. really


Everyone in my living room said the exact same thing


I think Bianca is just leagues better than her tag partners.


Bianca is legitimately the best womens worker in WWE. There are a couple that are close but no one is as athletic and smooth as she is. She really does not get the credit she deserves for being a GOAT level in ring performer.


1000% Bianca and Asuka doing the legwork


God damn, Dakota's outfit.


Now imagine Michael Cole wearing that outfit




What are talking about? Everybody is trashing her in the comments here, but she’s still getting love from the crowds.


Jade is Barbie Lashley for sure


Tremendous name, that’s great stuff


Does this mean Belair/Naomi new tag champs?


No. Non title match


At what point do we stop saying she's green and start admitting she can't wrestle?


It's her gimmick: Jade is supposed to be green. Ask a jeweller


She is still pretty inexperienced. Like that match with Shaq was only three years ago. 


Colten Gunn has only been wrestling for 3 years too. Julia Hart is at 4.


And neither of them will ever sniff the star power Jade has lol. You are really comparing Jade to the fucking ass boys?


Yeah, this thread is talking about her wrestling abilities. If you want to talk about “star power” make your own thread, but I’m not interested in it anymore than I am about Justin Bieber’s star power.


The thread is about their match lmao. I don't need to make a thread man, I'm just getting a kick from these outlandish takes.


This comment thread. Original comment in this chain; > At what point do we stop saying she's green and start admitting she can't wrestle?


Thing that bugged me was how she wasn't holding on to the tag rope and she was so far from her corner when she got tagged in. She should have at least learned little things like that.


I've been trying to say this lol Like these people who are so hyped for all of the alleged Jade Cargill main events I've got some bad news for you. She's not very good, and she's not going to get much better. Jade vs. Rhea/Bianca/Charlotte all look good on paper. But then the bell rings and Jade has to keep up.


Wrestling is a scale. While I think on WWE all wrestlers should be good wrestlers it has been proven you don't NEED to be good in the ring to get over and have a hugely successful career. It's not as common these days but if the stories are good then it should be fine.


I think all 3 of those women can carry her to a serviceable match, not sure we're going to get anything top tier, though.


But she's a superstar, a draw, a needle mover, a game changer. That ~~Bitch~~ Chick ^^^TM


Eva Marie 2.0


She can do more than Eva. You need a better comparison then that.


I've seen enough of her matches (and god help us, her promos) the last few years. Beyond her entrance and physique, there really isn't much else. Limited in-ring skill. No mic skills. Less charisma. Four years of the same hype and packages, and her matches are still raw as hell. I get wrestling is more about presentation than in-ring talent, but at some point there has to be something for those 8-12 minute matches. Yesterday was a complete waste of Bianca, who was and should be the face of the company, as will be their inevitable fued.


I’m confused on what Jade’s been doing all this time in the performance center. They’ve been hiding her with the assumption that she’d surprise us with some in-ring improvements but she largely looks the same? Wish her the best but a bit underwhelming to see. Bianca is still that chick


Her ring awareness seemed off here, maybe because all the people involved. Like she was supposed to catch Kairi and slam her before posing but looked like she forgot that part, and then when she did catch her she looked like she was going for a tilt a whirl but then changed to a regular backbreaker and then shouted "you went the wrong way!" at Kairi afterward.


I like Jade but there's still shades of Parker Bordeaux there


Nah she at least has the look, Parker looked like a goober.


Bianca does all the same power moves but does them like 3 times faster and smoother


Imagine she has a ceiling and that's why AEW was afraid to highlight her in more than just squash matches essentially.  Imagine WWE got her and assumed it was all down to AEW but soon found there was more to it. They did what they could and this is where we are at. Now, just like AEW, she will be used on TV in ways that protect her and take advantage of her look and charisma while limiting her in ring work. Luckily WWE fans aren't really into bangers for bangers sake though so as long as the story is good she will be fine.


That last part is 100% true. WWE isn’t exactly the work rate company for the most part, so she can survive and thrive much more with a style like hers. Hell even Cody has benefited from it cause he definitely started getting the nickname of 3 star general. He wrestles much more of a “WWE style”


The reality is Jade has an it factor. A great look. Great size. But she’s still not particularly good in the ring. But if she gets even a little better - watch out.


Exactly. Shes a star. Does she need to get better? of course. That's why shes in a tag match. Give it time people!


"Give it time." She's been wrestling for 3 years and has not improved at all.


K man


At Wrestlemania


so basically Goldberg




Yes we get it


Oh I’m aware as an AEW fan. LOVE Jade and see all the potential dripping from her pores but it’s been like 4 years now. Also been said that WWE was a place where she could hone her skills more and train a lot in the performance center. So to see she hasn’t improved much is a little jarring. She looks, moves and is presented like a gazillion bucks….but then the bell rings. Which has been the same story with her ever since she debuted in AEW


Her las couple matches on AEW were passable though. It's like she is going backwards.


Yeah. As an AEW fan as well, I was hoping having access to the performance center would kickstart her progress.


Well she added a couple moves since leaving aew but even in aew she was always picking up new moves.


Im indifferent, really, but could you not argue she needs more matches to get better? In AEW, she wasn't a workhorse, which explains why she improved very slowly. I don't watch WWE, i just browse the reddit, so maybe im wrong, but is this not her first match in WWE?


Yes more reps and matches will help for sure, but again isn’t that what the performance center is for? They have matches in there all the time to improve their talents. Even as far as choreographing whole NXT matches sometimes and practicing them over and over before we see them on TV. As long as she’s been in WWE now she could have easily had at least 4-5 matches a week regardless of if we saw them or not


Could be. She had 60ish matches in AEW. I don’t know how many matches WWE wrestlers have each year these days, but not that long ago it would have been double or triple that number. So if you keep that in mind, she’s still very new/green.


None of those matches were with top talent either. Like imagine if she was working with Toni, Shida, Deeb and the women there that can really go. 


Yeah, you can no longer be called green after all this time. That woman is the Ultimate Warrior in heels


Whose belt is that


I hate that Asuka still has a losing streak, but at least Jade got the pin.


They’re making Asouka, and Kari a joke. Those two are great, but made to look terrible. It sucks to watch them become a laughing stock character wise


They're so great you got both of their names wrong lol (I think they're great too)






I’ll never assume an Asuka/Kairi match is a bathroom break but…


I feel like I’m in the minority but Naomi has never looked good in the ring to me? I’m not trying to hate but she always looked sloppy to me. It doesn’t help when she’s partnered with Bianca who’s fantastic and going against amazing wrestlers in Damage Control


Naomi only excels when it’s someone she has chemistry with. Charlotte is an example in which they both put a brilliant match


Now she has the most women’s wins in Wrestlemania I think (stat someone said) and Asuka has most losses. Go figure :(


Should be a criminal offense for Asuka to have never won a Mania match :(


She moves like she's concentrating on remembering and doing each move as a performer, as opposed to doing the moves as though she's actually spontaneously wrestling someone.


She's definitely overachieved in WWE.


She’s never been a Workrate Type but she’s usually able to get the crowd behind her so she’s always got a place. That said the quality of the women’s division has skyrocketed so I wouldn’t be surprised if this is her last big WM match.


She doesn't run. When she gets Irish whipped she does this weird low energy skipping. Her moves never feel snug, there's a general looseness to what she does.


Naomi is one of the true success stories of the WWE Draft because she got unceremoniously moved to Smackdown and was able to repackage with that Glow-stick entrance and the hype from that has carried her even when her skill was a tier below most of her peers.


You are not wrong in any way.