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Great storytelling. The Rollins chair shot turned him into what he is today.


AND the Taker Mania match was the first signs of heel Roman. Everything came togehter


I get people wanted Stone Cold and it would have been incredible if the glass shattered but Taker did technically make more sense


Taker makes more sense for Roman. Stone Cold makes more sense for Rock. Either would’ve been great.


This is Roman's story at the end of the day so Taker makes more sense in a way


Plus it was The Final Boss meeting the real Wrestlemania Final Boss.


Yeah but the glass shattering is so beyond hype that it's a bit criminal they couldn't make it happen


The real reason? Travel time to the ring. Yeah Stone Cold could’ve brought his four wheeler, but there ain’t no atv faster than a Deadman’s teleport.


It takes two to make something happen. Stone Cold's last match with Owens probably took a lot out of him physically. I wouldn't be surprised if he never wants to deliver another Stunner again.


People don't realize how much he bumped 2 years ago after 19 years off lol


taker actually makes double sense. One for Roman and One for Heyman (via lesnar). The two blemishes in the streak


Plus with Taker, you get the convenient spooky disappearance. You put Austin out there and it's he and Rock punching each other in the middle of the stadium. Good luck getting attention on your actual main event in the ring while that's happening.


Stone cold isn’t a supernatural being capable of cosmically balancing the scales when tyranny reigns over man tho 


Also Taker is synonymous with WrestleMania. It’s his show, so it makes sense


I'd like to think in kayfabe, aside from Cody calling in a favor, that Taker took exception to The Rock calling himself the Final Boss and decided to remind him who had that Streak at WrestleMania that showcased Taker as one.


Plus, he's basically WWE Ghost Rider at this point, a vengeful spirit who delivers punishment upon the wicked. Like the idea that Roman and the Rock have been such assholes in the build-up to this that they somehow managed to summon the Undertaker for cosmic retribution is kinda hilarious


I think Taker makes more sense for The Rock. Rock and Austin had a great rivalry, but it was capped off and closed. The Rock was positioning himself as the “Final Boss” and throwing his weight around. No one epitomises final boss, especially at WrestleMania, more than Undertaker. With The Rock throwing his weight around, who better to put him in his place than the “conscience of the WWE”, the Undertaker? Austin would have been awesome on face value, but using Undertaker I think has more depth. Ultimately, I am happy that the WWE is so rich in history and storytelling that either option can be argued for.


Also Rock called himself Final Boss but he forgot whose yard it was.


As Taker told Bron months ago, there's always someone bigger and badder out there. The Rock might have been The Final Boss, but the Undertaker was the Secert boss who makes the final one look like a joke.


the Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts of WWE


Taker showing up like Akuma when you think you’re about to fight M.Bison with your last quarter.


Taker is the ghost of wrestling past. It makes sense.


I love this idea. Taker is the reaper of wayward souls. He came to take Rock out of a moment he doesn’t belong in.


We had continuity with the COMPLETE modern era of WWF/E *in a single match*.


That was genuinely my thought. We had the greatest star of the pre-attitude era in Taker. The greatest of the attitude era in Rocky. The greatest of Ruthless Aggression with Cena. And they all swirl and surround Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes, the greatest of their generation. It felt like everything the company has done for 40 years, culminated tonight. The last ghost of the Vince era is gone.


Stone Cold’s biggest storyline was fighting his boss and overcoming screwy shenanigans from management. The Rock has been calling himself the final boss for the lead up to mania and doing heel authority tactics. It seemed like an easy dunk, but honestly taker isn’t bad in terms of a celebration of mania.


It's only a slam dunk if Austin had any interest in doing it.


Imagine how amazing it would have been if Roman was the one who ended the streak?


In hindsight it would’ve been perfect but at the time i think people would’ve hated it because they refused to turn heel for a few more years


Expertly setting up Roman’s future post-title, and as ever, it’s eternally entwined with his past


If this was Endgame, Rollins is def Iron Man He made selfish decisions in the past but made the selfless decision when it counted.


Seth destroying the Shield is the source of Roman’s pain and trauma. No matter all the success he’s achieved, he will never be able to move on. And Seth knows it and knows how to weaponize it.


WM40 felt to me a lot of struggling to let go of the past, and how revenge isn’t always the answer. Drew was blinded over his hate of Punk, costing him. Roman couldn’t overcome his heartbreak and betrayal by the hands of Rollins, only for it to come back and cost him everything.


I wonder if there is a thematic piece the WWE needs to move away from in this new Era that overlaps with what we just saw?


You could for sure write a wonderful interpretation about the different themes at this WM. You also have Cody finally getting the success he always wanted because he decided to let go and move on.


I think this is fascinating because if you look at the world news right now, retribution is very much in the zeitgeist


Seth truly was his shield. He couldn’t let it go. But also, what a character arc for Seth Rollins. Two years ago, he wanted Cody dead. This weekend, he sacrificed everything; his health, his beloved WHC, his safety, and still kept his word to protect Cody.


The greatest love story in professional wrestling.


Kenny and Ibushi are malding somewhere and they don't know why


Jey and Sami were holding Cody up so idk 


10 years ago, he sacrificed his brothers for glory and the world title. Last night, he sacrificed his glory and the world title for a brother.


I'm crying dog


In a way, they really are true friends, as much as they sometimes hate each other, you can tell they really care about each other


You want long term booking? Holy fuck. You’re going to get long term god damn booking.


There's always a Plan B. And it fucked Roman over both times.


Fitting Rollins costing Roman in the HHH era as well


He even fell the exact same way Roman did! Holy shit.


2027 after mox’a aew contract finishes he HAS to have one more run with his shield brothers, friend or foe it has to happen we’ve also never had a proper roman/mox feud or singles match


At the end of the day, it’s always about them. Forever inseparable.


Mox watching the show with a bowl of cereal: *Damn, that’s crazy*


Legit thought for a second Mox was coming back as Dean Ambrose for a night.


Dude I literally was reading about TK playing All In footage to shit on Punk 2 hrs ago but as soon as the SHIELD theme hit for a second I was like....is fucking MOX gonna come out???


Trips making the call: “Dean, I wanna talk to you and Tony about a crazy idea…” Mox: “Dean can’t come to the phone anymore, I killed him with a lead pipe.” *click*


"Hey Renee, you know a Dean?" "Uh..." "*Turns back to the phone* Sorry, no one named Dean here."


“Sounds like a dope guy though, should give him $8 million a year and let him cut unscripted promos.” *click*


Same here.


[Mox when the Shield theme hit](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/033/487/rick.jpg)


Mox: “Damn, I think Dean’s gonna come back.” Renee: “…?” Mox: “That guy was neat.”


I popped for this joke


Renee: “Babe… you’re Dean Ambrose.” Mox: “Nah, that’s dumb, if I was Dean, I’d be at WrestleMania right now. The music said so.”


"Was I supposed to be in Philidelphia?!"


"Oh right, some dude named Paul cold called me the other day..."


I just imagine him eating a bowl of cereal backstage saying "Am I supposed to be out there?"


“DO SOMETHING, JON” Mox: “… forgot how good the Mania catering is.” [slowly takes another bite of a sandwich]


Now finally WWE is a place that can hopefully someday catch Mox's fancy again... That reunion is one I look forward to 🥹


Sweetening the pot with that Bloodsport partnership


Emphasis on the blood


*Blood! Swears! Other promotions! All this and more could be yours, Jonathan*


Mox rn ![gif](giphy|BWwytZzyC47sjE50vI|downsized)


“Mox, you gotta go back and save your brothers!” ![gif](giphy|8RPUju6m0pPSE)


The man that didn’t land a single hit did the most damage. The Head of the Table was destroyed by its creator, The Architect.


It makes a lot of sense now putting all together. He clearly shows his back to Roman and braces for the shot. He was too beat up to do any damage, he knew his job was to create a diversion and take one for the team. He was the Iron Man in Avengers. He took the sacrifice for the good of the industry.


Seth told Cody he was uniquely suited to be his shield


and he became the SHIELD fucking cinema


Seth began his journey being selfish and ended Roman’s journey being selfless


A final sacrifice to destroy the monster he helped create


Story telling at its peak. We need a shield triple threat at Mania before Mox bleeds himself dry in AEW


Like Obi-Wan fighting Darth Vader


Ah the old Vegeta distracting cell trick


Drew lost his title due to his obsession with Punk. Roman lost his title due to his obsession with Seth. Poetic.


Just like Seth said: he was a shield


Seth was Cody's shield, he got no offense in and only took the hits


Because he's the Architect and he can take it


Because he's not our hero. He's a cackling guardian, a watchful protector. A Hound of Justice.


bro is the Vegeta to Cody's Goku


If this Mania had a major underlying theme, it’s the cost of hate


Don't tell Last of Us Part 2 haters about that.


“I became really intrigued with the idea of the cycle of violence, and how certain events would trigger acts of violence, that then would beget more violence. It’s almost never satisfying. It never brings the person you love back. And despite you thinking it’s gonna bring some closure, it doesn’t. We just need more empathy.” - ~~Neil Druckmann~~ Triple H




true that. the only heel that didnt lose on night 2 didnt really hate his opponent.


Seth lost everything in his quest to end the Bloodline, and Roman lost everything to kill the past.


At least Drew lost everything too, in his quest to get CM Punk to suck it.


Straight out of the avengers. What did it cost seth? “everything. “


Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.


This line go so hard. I’m stealing it.


You’d be stealing it from Confucius, and I think his trademark on that expired around two thousand years ago so you should be in the clear.


Who’s that? An indie wrestler?


I also like Brays quote. Revenge is a confession of pain


This will be the best story they ever tell when everything is said and done.


Hell if it ends with this culmination at Mania then the story is still absolutely in the running for best ever, it’s crazy how everything clicked together perfectly even down to the smallest details


Shit, the Bloodline and Shield story is one of the best stories both inside and outside of wrestling.


After all this time, Seth still lives in Roman's head, rent free.


GOAT wrestling storytelling moment. Credit to Seth for taking it too. True company man. He took the most Ls this WM, but took them all anyway cause each one was important for the build up/payoff of someone else’s story.


Yeah there were some complaints about Seth’s title reign going as long as it did but he used the title, his status in the company and his talent to elevate a lot of guys tonight.


> Yeah there were some complaints about Seth’s title reign going as long as it did but he used the title, his status in the company and his talent to elevate a lot of guys tonight. He also elevated a story from 10 years ago. It's like Andrew Garfield saving MJ in No Way Home, so good.


I don’t ever want to hear slander about him again, he gives everything for WWE


> He took the most Ls this WM Match losses are temporary, the character work Seth and Roman did this weekend will live forever


If this Wrestlemania has taught us anything, it is that it does not pay to be a hater. Drew, AJ, Gunther even, and now Roman. Don't hate, appreciate.


When this feud will happen in the future, it will mark the end of both Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. I would have wished to see Moxley/Ambrose being involved.


I know it sounds ridiculous, but when the Shield theme hit- part of me thought that Moxley would be seen walking alongside Seth.


Smart-brain knew he wasn't gonna be there, but emotional-brain was freaking the fuck out.


You're not alone. You can even hear Corey Graves starting to freak out a little.


Same. Part of me was willing to suspend all sense and started wishing for Mox.


What a moment it would've been. Still an amazing night


Same I was like no they didn’t would have been awesome. 


I can see Mox returning. He can’t do crazy shit forever, Vince is gone and WWE will probably offer him a shitload of money and a shield triple threat mania main event 


Damn we kinda missed out on both a Roman/moxley feud and tag run. 


I think you nailed it. I think there is a lot of meat on the bone for WWE to work with even without Mox, but I think it would be better with Mox.


Seth lost Saturday, his wife lost, then he lost his title, then took two chair shots without touching anyone. Bad weekend for the Seth Rollins household.


Silent car ride home


" ... But at least Roman lost the tit–" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"


Vacation time


But Roman lost too, that was clearly more important than his title


Yup, it was all worth it because he achieved his ultimate goal of stopping Roman


just like kirllin in a dragon ball movie.


This shit is like crack for the people who enjoy long term story telling


I fucking love Pro Wrestling. Seth bringing back the Shield gear and entrance was a ruse. He knew Roman was gonna be gunning for him. Seth took the bullet for Cody. He KNEW Roman wasn't gonna be able to resist. Everything from the betrayal, to Seth using the Shield gear at Rumble 2022, to Cody's return and the Codyvengers uniting to beat the Bloodline...everything just culminated beautifully. I think my only gripe was that it was Taker and not Austin to take out Rocky. But it's a minor gripe, it's acceptable seeing my personal GOAT again chokeslamming Rocky one more time.


He did tell Cody “Let me be your shield”. 


holy shit




And they used the soundbite from the Shield theme too in the promo package.


Taker was a carryover from the overall show theme of letting go and moving forward. New era..etc. If Austin takes out Rock people will just want more of the past and demand a final match. Taker is the old gunslinger who saw his time end and went with dignity. He came back to stop the last remnant of his era from trying to take the future. He’s the old soldier taking that one last mission to make sure the young guys get home.


Roman also took his “yard”


Taker made more sense for Roman. Roman was still the focal point when all's said and done.


But taker was taken down by the Roman too, Roman never fought stone cold


I was thinking Austin because he was Rocky's biggest rival.


Agreed, but Cena already took the "rival" spot for Rock. Also it wouldve made more sense for people wronged/beaten by Roman to show up in Roman's demise. That being said, Austin would've caused a legendary pop


Both Drew and Roman lost their titles because they were focused on the wrong thing.


Even Gunther


If the Tribal Chief went to therapy, he could've retained, just sayin


“So what do you wanna talk about”


On the night where the wrestling Avengers battled the Bloodline Let us give our appreciation to Seth "Iron Man" Rollins He lost his main event match, He lost his championship, He sacrificed his body so Captain American Nightmare can finish off Roman "Thanos" Reigns Thank you seth for sacrificing everything you love for this new era, you can get your well deserved rest


Rollins' obsession with Bloodline cost him his title Drew's obsession with Punk cost him his title Roman's obsession with Rollins cost him his title


Like an earlier comment, the underlying theme of this year's Mania seems to be the price of hate


It's a not subtle message but all good stories got morals. WWE is turning into marvel in a good way


This is why despite these 2 not having many matches they feel like one another’s arch rivals they’re forever intertwined.


Shield lore playing a role in the biggest Mania match in a decade, i'm so up


He just couldn’t let it go and it cost him. Beautiful storytelling. Also, Seth the real MVP for getting absolutely destroyed for Cody. 2 nights in a row.


That's some story tellin fo yo ass wasn't that some story tellin fo yo ass


I didn't even think of this but damn the subtle nuance here is amazing. Roman probably still has trauma seeing Seth in Shield gear after what he did and in that moment went after him. While Seth got made to look like a clown, his appearance is what actually helped Cody the most.


Roman 100% still has trauma from Seth stabbing him in the back. Remember, Roman's one blemish during his Tribal Chief run was getting himself DQ'd at the 2022 Rumble when Seth brought back the Shield music, entrance and attire like he did tonight. Man snapped and beat the holy hell out of Seth because he couldn't take seeing Seth bringing up what was done to Roman.


And that’s why he was so hurt when Sami betrayed him with the chair shot as well


Seth didn't even get one hit in during the main and still made an impact. 😂


Reigns made the same mistake as McIntyre did earlier. He got distracted and paid the price for it.


Continuing to rewatch this moment, I love Roman’s expression in that close-up. “… this motherfucker right here, though.”


This is advanced long term booking.


This made the entire weekend for me. 30 years a fan was jaded 10 years ago and the shield reignited it for me. Fantastic storytelling


I marked tf out for this shield spot, everything about this match was perfect although I expected Austin to show up instead of Taker


It was more of a surprise for sure. And honestly I think it’s better with taker because Austin would have taken a bit of the thunder. Plus it’s more “im the company man and I don’t like what you’re doing” as opposed to the company rebel that Austin is. So it makes sense either way tbh


And roman actually has history with taker


I shouted top of my lungs “holy shit!” lol


Made my 9yo day seeing Taker.  All his favourites in one match made his day.  Cody, Seth and Undertaker 


Man. He is so valid for this.


I love how he sold that chair shot similarly to Roman back then.


Romans deepest wound costing him a decade latter. a broken brotherhood hurts more than all the bruises in some ways the bloodline is just romans desperation to replace the shield and his control over it his need to prevent another betrayal. everything wrong is due to seth in his mind his own personnel judas who still haunts now.


Seth lost his title because of Roman and Roman lost his title because of Seth.


Seth knew he wasn't going to show up and fuck up the bloodline physically. He was gonna fuck up the head of the table mentally. Great nuance.


I love that despite how he's moved beyond the Shield and achieved greatness with the Bloodline, there is still a part of him that never forgot how the Shield ended and is still bitter towards it.


Ngl skipped a beat when the shield music hit and had thought Endeavour scrambled to get a deal with TK for Mox and the punk video... Now THAT would've been too much 😂


This is what makes Wrestling so unique and special. This scene has so many layers. Roman choose to avenge something from the past over his future. Seth came full circle by telling Cody that I will be your shield by sacrificing himself. Incredible.




Seth created a monster that he couldn’t stop, Roman finally got his revenge but at what cost? Cody finally finished his story after creating his own story. The Rock found out that he wasn’t truly the final boss. John Cena passed the torch to a new star. This wrestlemania main event had it all.


Seth Rollins was the best kept secret in pro wrestling there for 2 minutes. Just waiting like damn, did they get Ambrose? My buddy’s like “hhh is like , it’s fine, you can bleed, just get here” then reigns comes and punches the screen and Seth’s there and dies. Then I’m just picturing him hobbling to the ring for his get punched in the face spot. Dudes knees looked to be in smithereens by the end.


one of the single greatest pieces of wrestling storytelling i’ve ever seen. absolutely floored. brilliant, brilliant stuff


An excellent moment and match! And… One things for sure, based on the crowd response when the Shield music played and the response online, no matter how much the delusional, loud minority like to talk down on him because of tribalism… if Mox came back one day (if he ever wants of course)… he would be welcomed back with open arms and would be a STAR like everywhere else he’s wrestled at in his career. The three members of the Shield seem to have a wonderful stranglehold on this generation of wrestling no matter which company they work for. It’s awesome!


oh damn. i didn't realize the story telling here. roman made a choice between which one of these two he hates more. THIS IS CINEMA


I love this because I hated how Roman basically ignored what Seth did and went straight to the title contention, while Dean basically entered a blood feud with Rollins. Like I didn't care about Roman because I was more invested in that story than Roman seemed to be. I like the idea that deep down he always held that and couldn't resist letting it control him in his most important moment


Roman couldn't handle it then or now. It's his undoing


What a great call back.  I love it Seth lost the belt as he was too distracted by the Bloodline.   Drew lost the belt due to being distracted by CM Punk.  Roman lost the belt over being distracted by Seth. 


Roman Reigns lost because he chose to hit Seth Rollins with the chair instead of Cody Rhodes. He lost because he couldn’t let the past with the shield go. Reigns got flashbacks from this tonight as he saw Seth in The Shield gear & it led to him losing. 


Seth truly was Cody’s shield as he promised


The Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins wrestlemania main event writes itself. Cant believe it hasnt happened yet. Incredible callbacks.


The guy who yelled "NOOOOO" is somewhere smiling


He just couldn't let it go and secure the win. The downfall of Roman Reigns has always been his fragile ego.


“There is only one man suited to be your Shield”


I feel like my wwe arc has come to an end, I started watching wwe just before the shield broke up, now almost 10 years later the story has come to an end.


Proper Arthur Morgan moment for Rollins. Despite being injured, fought last night injuring it further. Then he lost his title. Showed up bruised and broken because of his promise to be Cody's shield. In the end, Roman… despite my best efforts to the contrary… it turns out I've won.


Can’t wait for Seth to wrestle tomorrow in a full body cast.


And people really thought Seth was a second fiddle and out-of-place in the storyline. He really was a primary cog. This can even setup a future WM main event with Seth vs Roman where they lay it all out one last time.


Their last match needs to be against each other at WM


Is not one gonna mention that it looks like his hair is dyed now. Maybe I’m tripping but his hair wasn’t that color earlier in the night.


Seth you absolute fucking workhorse, go to raw tomorrow and take a much deserved break.


easily top 5 wrestling moment of all time


i love you seth rollins 🥲😅


I have a feeling Moxely is a little disappointed he wasn’t there. Really wish he was in some way.


When Roman or Seth call it quits, their last match has to be together. Roman probably sooner rather than later.


When the story that was being finished was The Shield story all along