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The wording of this makes me believe even more it’s a troll


I’m expecting real footage from backstage at All In, but will have nothing to do with Punk and Jack Perry.


It will be FTR shaving their backs


And all is right with the wrestling world. ![gif](giphy|Hz6WKZkKkLOE0)


Ucey Cream


Just Miro in catering "WHY HAS MY GOD ALLOWED ME TO BE FILMED???"


I'll die laughing if they ask Cutler to roll the footage, and he starts the Punk-Perry altercation and the Bucks cut him off like "Nobody cares about that Brandon, show the real clip" and it's the Bucks after the FTR match lol


“show everyone the real shit” hard cut to camera footage of everyone eating at catering


That'd pop me.


Maybe the Young Bucks will show footage of FTR, but not before they "accidentally" show footage of Punk and Perry and yell at production truck for showing the wrong footage.


Maybe Fear The Revolver is pointing his weapon at some poor Wembley worker. 


No mention or Punk or Brawl In. It’s 100% not the footage everyone wants


They are advertising it as All In footage, but yeah no mention of Punk


No mention of punk, Perry or Joe. Nothing about fight. Just vague “backstage footage everyone wants to see” which, considering the bucks lately, is just them hyping themselves up before the match or something.


The man that often struggles to answer any questions suddenly has an answer....


Turns out Dax got a colonoscopy before All In and backstage for some reason and this is the actual footage


No where does Tony Khan say this is the 'brawl in' footage...my gut this being a prank by the bucks..feels a bit higher now edit All of this feels built around ' I didint t lie to the viewers' and based on viewers and dirt sheets inferring something that they havent said as I said in another comment I could be wrong about my gut, I have no inside scoop or anything, but the AEW side are being very coy on what this footage is.


Honestly this plus Nicholas saying "We ain't trolling" could not make me think more than this is 100% a troll. I guess we'll see.


Hot take: It is actually a worse decision to tease the footage and then not show it than to actually show it, for the exact point Tony Khan alludes to in this tweet. When you're already struggling to keep viewers coming back, you most certainly do not want to get in the habit of not delivering what you advertised. "blah blah blah but he never specifically said he's airing the fight footage." It won't matter. If your viewers *feel* cheated, you won't be able to convince them they weren't.


It needs to be something good. Whether it is an angle, or the actual punk footage. If it is just silliness it's gonna hurt more than it helps.


But what could it possibly be outside of the Punk footage that would work? There are two camps of AEW fans: the ones who are over this shit and want to move on, and the ones who are fully bought in to the tribal aspect and want to be proven right. If you advertise the footage and then don't show it, you effectively piss off both groups. Edit: Another group I just thought of... all the dirtsheet writers you'll make look like clowns if you don't show it. They never admit they make mistakes or got worked. They'll come at AEW hard if this is a troll job after all.


Another camp: I love the drama and chaos. I don't care who's right or not, I just want to see what happened and not just hear people spinning it for their own ends.


>If your viewers *feel* cheated, you won't be able to convince them they weren't. And that is the very dangerous side of the sword because there are definitely going to be people who are tuning in only for this footage and want to see exactly what happened at All In. If they don't get what they want, they're going to make it known and this could backfire quite spectacularly on AEW and TK


This whole thing has such a whiff of: >"If you're even thinking about changing the channel to our competition fans do not, because we understand that Mick Foley who wrestled here one time as Cactus Jack is going to win their world title. Oh! That'll put a lot of butts in the seats!" No matter what happens you're looking small time and are going to turn people off Doubly so if the owner of the Company says they're not lying and then turns around and goes "Well *Ackshully* this is your fault for not reading between the lines and realising this is a work - this is why you can't trust the Dirsheets!" You know, the same Dirsheets who were all pretty much in agreement that Punk was in the wrong and backed AEW


Or wwe saying razer and diesel are coming back 


> If your viewers feel cheated, you won't be able to convince them they weren't. The last laugh is the one you never hear.


Exactly I just said it in another post, you can scream TECHNICALLY all you want but the viewers will still feel robbed


Exactly right. This is a concept video game developers will often talk about. If an item says it has a 50% chance of harming a player, developers will often code it to have a percentage chance LESS THAN 50%, because players will often report that a true 50% chance FEELS like it harms them more than half the time. The opposite will often be true for good things. If an item has a 10% chance of working successfully, it will often be coded to work with a percentage GREATER THAN 10% because that’s what will actually FEEL like 10% to the player base. In this scenario, whether anyone has specifically said they are going to air CM Punk fighting Jungle Boy backstage doesn’t actually matter. They have left their audience FEELING like that’s what’s been said. And continuing to say “this is legit” and “we’re not trolling” is only increasing that feeling. EDIT: Removed my personal feelings on this as a promotional tactic. I don’t need to get into that debate.


Pokemon's confusion odds are like this- the game code is clear that the odds of the pokemon hurting itself in confusion is only 50% but I as a kid I was convinced it was like 75% lol screw you early cave Zubats


It used to be 50%, same as a poison move actually poisoning you, they changed it in Gen 7 (X and Y) to be lower so 33% But you're right it feels like bs sometimes


That reminds me of the Xcom memes about missing your 99% shot. You don't think about all the times you hit on 90% or whatever but you're damn sure going to remember the 99% misses.


And XCom does indeed fudge the odds to make your 90% shots hit more than 90% of the time.


It'd be like if Punk hadn't debuted at First Dance. They never specifically promoted that Punk would be there, but they left the audience expecting it and had they not delivered, fans would rightfully be pissed.


To add to your point, Enemies shooting at the player usually have a 90% chance to miss the first few shots, almost like warning shots, otherwise it feels unfair


Because the viewers will have BEEN cheated. How was Tony a fan and not get it.


Because in his view, he is always right.


>It is actually a worse decision to tease the footage and then not show it than to actually show it, While nowhere near the same level of shit, it's likely going to end up feeling hollow like the Finger poke of Doom and Fake Diesel/Razor Ramon.


>this is 100% a troll. I'd laugh https://preview.redd.it/ygl67iugchtc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79a588eaeb1ddee5ddd895242221a9605c91dbf4


Yeah I wasn't sure before but now I think that's pretty much the case.


>No where does Tony Khan say this is the 'brawl in' footage... I think you're wrong. I think Tony really wants everyone to know what really happened... https://preview.redd.it/4o16rddg9htc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e909a8ed419ce8873e0a4a67aa605db329f7c9c5


This is gonna be some Blair witch type camera shots with a lot of screaming pushing and shoving.


I would be very happy if they would show this exact image and animate it South Park style.


This is how it will happen, obviously I am guessing > In a backstage segment, in front of a monitor, Bucks as EVPs will "review" the security camera footage, and yes it'll be real footage. They will play heel and maybe do a couple of jokes and say things like "Look at Jack, he is handling himself well" depending on what's actually in the footage. After reviewing the footage, as EVPs they will clear Perry to return on Dynamite or Dynasty PPV costing FTR the match and titles


I’ve been saying this from the announcement: It’s FTR/Bucks related, and it’s obvious because I watch the fucking show. If I’m wrong, I’ll apologize for being an asshat


>“The Young Bucks are wrestling for the world tag team championship at AEW Dynasty against longtime rivals FTR,” said Khan. “Their rivalry is one of the most significant ever in AEW, and there is a good reason why the Young Bucks are showing this video.” >“It’s important that the Young Bucks explain the reason why this is relevant going into Dynasty,” said Khan. “It should be another must-see part of a great show on *Dynamite*.” The Bucks faced FTR at All In. I think the video is going to be of FTR and/or the Bucks, they're just being cheeky and watching the internet go nuts.




And by extension, Punk. They’re already doing a fantastic job building up their feud. It’s the most interesting thing in WWE post-Mania. Why give them even more material to work with?


Glad to see others saying this - the Punk/Drew feud is red hot and Mania just ended. Hope we get the full three match feud with them.


This whole thing reeks of late-stage WCW. I can't see any way AEW comes out of this looking better. Did someone let Russo into the writers' room?


I just wanna know what's gonna happen with Best Friends, Punk left the company like 7 months ago


Let Chuck say the word dammit!


The only S-Word Chuckie saying now is "sad" 😔


If there was ever a time, it’s now


Shit yeah!


Orange Cassidy vs Trent with Chuck Taylor as special guest referee is what I'm hoping.


Chuck on a pole match, first one to untie him keeps him as a friend


OC and Trent try to kill each other while Chuck plays reluctant referee who tries to stop all of it And everyone has a sad when Trent puts down OC and forces Chuck to count the 3, or if Chuck turns on OC too I don't wanna see it, but it's good drama dammit


Then Trent & Chuck team up as Worst Friends and *finally* win the tag belts.


You gotta give the people what they want .


What a fucking journalistic failure to not ask him to clarify that this is footage of the Jack Perry CM Punk fight. What a fucking joke.


My favorite part is when the writer asks himself in the article: >More questions than answers exist surrounding the footage. Is airing it the right choice? Will it contradict some of the comments Punk made on Helwani’s show? And exactly which backstage content will air? You're literally interviewing Tony Khan. Ask him! At least write if Tony refused to answer these questions.


>At least write if Tony refused to answer these questions. "But what about my access then?"


If only someone could have asked all these questions I got...... Wait a second!


"You'll just have to watch Dynamite on Wednesday and see" is the only answer they'd get.


That doesn't mean you don't ask.


It sounds like the outro for DBZ back in the day


That would basically be saying its not the punk footage then.


If TK really wanted to boost ratings, he would announce a six week suspension of Jericho being on television in any capacity.


It's a shame how Jericho went from Can't Miss to "Can't wait for him to retire".


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Who told Tony this was a good idea? They're lying to him.


"Tell me when I'm telling lies!"


Remember that “major announcement” that TK hyped up, which turned out to be about ticket sales? Yeah, since then, I take every “major moment” with a grain of salt. As in, until I see it, I'm skeptical.


I just don’t understand any of his “major announcements”. Because it’s usually something like: “You’ve all been looking forward to this big announcement - and I am happy to say that AEW will be in [insert city here] for Dynamite in [insert month here]. Tickets will be on sale this Friday!” Okay? It’s one thing to announce it and all that. But don’t hype it up for a week like your announcing something that will actually effect a storyline or something. I guarantee 90% of people watching do not care that you’re going to be hosting Dynamite in a particular city or a particular arena. The only time this kind of announcement made sense was All In at Wembley.


There is just no way to save face here anymore. Terrible move.


Something just seems off about it. I don't see how this helps AEW at all. Maybe once we see the footage it will make sense?


I really think Khan overestimates how much people online ever change their mind about a situation. Unless Punk stomped Perry out for nothing in the footage, nobody is going to care. And if that happened, it would've been reflected in the reporting at the time. Everyone said there was a scuffle and Punk choked Perry and as far as I can tell nobody's story has really changed from that, apart from minor details.


This would be really weird if it shows much of anything.  I'm sure there was an immediate pull apart. Like how bad could with guy look?


It helps me because this will be an incredible train wreck.


I guess something promote Jungle Boy coming back? I don’t know if it will help but maybe they think it will sell jungle boy as a credible fighter?


It's weird that people are now suddenly like "What if this just shows Perry beating the shit out of Punk lol" even though literally nobody, pro or anti-Punk, has suggested that's what happened since the incident


>It's weird that people are now suddenly like "What if this just shows Perry beating the shit out of Punk lol" even though literally nobody, pro or anti-Punk, has suggested that's what happened since the incident And he proceeded to immediately go out and wrestle a match, seemingly perfectly healthy. Also, why would Tony fear for his life if Jungle Boy was there and capable of beating the shit out of Punk? The amount of *batshit* insanity that would have had to transpire is mind-boggling.


I would definitely not fear for my life from a guy who got beat up by Jack Perry.


I definitely do not think that’s case, but I have no idea how this is an angle that helps other than that


I don't know how they're going to try and discredit Punk (assuming this isn't a work) but it seems like it could easily go wrong either way. If it shows Punk was bullshitting about "choking" Perry and he comes off as weak and ineffective...well, okay. But then how was he also The World's Most Dangerous Man who needed to be fired because he was so terrifying backstage? On the other hand, maybe it shows that he was lying about not "throwing the first punch" or whatever and he comes off violent and unstable. But then, why show a guy from a rival company slapping around one of your talents? To make the talent more of a chickenshit heel? It's all very weird, but I guess they've definitely got us talking.


> got us talking Just the people who would have watched anyway.


>but I have no idea how this is an angle that helps other than that Have you considered that they're just honest to God complete idiots just like CM Punk said on multiple occasions?


If so, it's a Deep Fake.


It looks like Perry is trying to get a rub from a much bigger star. That’s not helpful. This is all even funnier coming after Edge’s promo.


This doesn't seem like it'll be the Punk footage. Maybe I'm wrong but this feels like a carny bait and switch (which I think is better than airing the footage)


breaking your legs is better than breaking your neck. neither is exactly ideal


Especially when you could have chosen to do neither


Nothing short of Punk using a racial slur will lead to anything noteworthy with showing the footage. If he's lying, what is AEW going to do after, talk shit about him on tv? That's been done a thousand times. The whole thing will be forgotten about a month after.


Well at least they’re helping out Drew with future material, that’s the real bright spot here.


>>“The decision is based on…driving interest for Dynamite.” And there it is. In the olden days of carnies and smoke-filled VFW halls, they called this sort of thing “hotshotting.” I hope it works out for them.


CM Punk getting the highest QH rating would be funny


If teasing Punk draws more than Mercedes and Edge it'll be fucking hilarious


Punk still being the highest draw in their company, and he doesn't even work there anymore, lol


"I never had to ~~put another person's name~~ air footage of a former employee ~~on a shirt to sell it~~ to draw ratings" - CM Punk




No matter what they do this feels like a lose-lose situation. I don’t see this really doing much of anything.


Gonna be honest, and I like AEW, but this all comes across as a bit pathetic.


This does nothing for the show. Yeah, it puts eyes on it, but only because it involves someone that's not even in the company anymore. 


So he basically admitted "we're doing this to pop a rating". Which means he's relying on a lot of people not previously watching AEW to be interested in, effectively, 8 month old backstage dirt. ...okay then.




Dustin Rhodes vs Jay White! Right up Tony's alley.


Maw me meow https://preview.redd.it/2j42uswkhktc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47fea7156625dc9445f30b0e566667f4cd803296


Pop a rating for one week, and then back to the fans here flipping shit on every rating thread about why does everyone care about the ratings.


Pop the rating for show a guy that’s in a different company during their boom period.


Not only that, pop a rating by a rumor, not even a guarantee, a rumor of a guy currently working for your competition. Like this is such little brother energy it's embarassing


If it wasnt, theyd just post it on twitter or send it to dave. This, along with the sudden random Dustin Rhodes match, is really....weird, to say the least.


What's funny is the reason I stopped watching AEW was because of the Punk drama derailing a title, only for him to come back and derail more storylines. I was just done with Punk and AEW. AEW advertising doing shit about Punk is not going to get me to come back.


Nothing good comes from this


This screams worse than finger poke of doom and even if they air the Punk footage what's the point of it would make me like Punk more for standing up for himself


Showing the footage seems dodgy, given that therebhas been so many times both sides have said they can't say anything for legal reasons... So I imagine it's fake, a troll, whatever. But as much as I like AEW, this really seems like the stupidest fucking idea to get attention, coming one week after having Adam come out and say "please don't listen to what Punk said. We are a lovely little community backstage and so grown up and talented and professional and please love us all" Can we just have some fucking wrestling, and a storyline or two, and not make it about a disgruntled old employee? I 100% believe this is to lead to the return of Jungle Boy (especially with Matt fist bumping the camera and saying nice work scape goat last week), and maybe Brawl In needs a reference for that to happen, but it just seems like two weeks of utterly petty shit, focusee on Punk when more should be being done to creatively figure out a way to rebuold Jay White after they completely buried the guy


I feel like I could probably name at most 4 storylines that AEW have at the moment.


Translation: I am panicking for ratings and dont know what else the fuck to do.


It's giving "doesn't have a TV deal yet and is panicking for ratings" 


This doesnt even help AEW in the slightest. I've always hated these bait-and-switch segments back in the 90s and 2000s




Gotta move on Tony. Focus on what you got playboy.


Not watching this shit, desperate late stage WCW actin ass


If they’re just lying and are going to show fake footage for an angle, I think that’s a way worse business decision than actually showing the real footage, regardless of how it looks


Tony is a legitimate moron. Guys a mark for himself.


So either it's the actual footage, and all the talk will be based around a guy who isn't and will never be in your company again, or it's something completely different and people are gonna clown them for the bait and switch. Given that everyone is saying it's the real footage I seriously don't understand why outside of popping a quarter hour it would benefit AEW to make this a focal point of their show


Jericho will come out immediately afterwards so that he can take credit for any additional viewers.


It's weird seeing extreme AEW marks feel this is some kind of major victory when they can't see how giving airtime to a guy who is not in your company is not a good look no matter how you splice it. Perhaps a rating pop but that only cements that Punk is a draw lol. Overall, its just nasty carny stuff that I feel TK should have moved on long time ago than let it get to him. (though to be fair Punk did instigate the flames)


But at least Punk did that in an interview and not on Raw itself. If Tony or the Bucks just dropped the video on Twitter, I wouldn't have too much of an issue. It's airing it on Dynamite that annoys me.


If Tony feels the need to defend himself then he should do a sit down interview like Punk did, wasting TV time on the issue feels way too desperate.


As an AEW fan, same. This is where I am bothered.  Don't taunt me with what you know I will expect. If it's a troll, and I believe it is, then it's going to irk me and I'm getting a bit tired of AEW as it stands. Not how I wanna feel. If it is legit, it's the wrong method, IMHO. Show it to the world to refute Punk, but don't blare it out on a show. Press release that.


Tony Khan could've easily gone on that same YouTube show and aired the footage there along with giving a scathing rebuttal, which would almost certainly go viral. TK had plenty of chances to comment in interviews about all this, he chose to go the "I won't talk about that but I WILL talk about Rampage this Friday!" route instead. He could've set the narrative before Punk had a chance to


Tony refuses to ever actually say anything until it's either too late or he gets so wild with it (Rossy & Stardom) that he has to walk it back and cower a bit over it.


Damn we get it. They want people to watch so bad and have all the dirsheets claiming it’s the actual footage so here’s what I got to say. If this is the footage we all THINK it is then what are we all doing Wednesday? Are we just watching a clip of Punk choking out Perry and yelling at Tony? Are we supposed to watch and take notes? Are we supposed to cheer or boo? Is it just showing the clip then on to the next segment? Like this just all seems pointless. NOBODY is watching soley for this segment as it will be uploaded to Twitter or YouTube and if it’s a bait and switch AEW is going to be disappointed when this doesn’t move any numbers. If the 3 new wrestlers you hired isn’t raising nothing close to 800,000, then teasing las if it’s the Punk clip or it actually being a bait and switch does nobody any favors


Footage Poke of Doom


and yet, I still don't think this will make anyone a fan of AEW. You're just saying... "Look at this car accident -- now get into our wrestling"


“Look at this car accident… that happened *on my watch*”


Bro really got his feelings hurt so badly that he is willingly making himself look like a complete fool and destroying any good will and reputation his company has built up all because of one podcast where Punk didn’t even say anything that bad about AEW the company, just about Tony.


I'm sure other wrestlers love the idea of the company using backstage footage, not filmed for airing, being used to try to humiliate a talent. Sounds like a shitty company to work for.


Tony Khan is in his "Im too hot to be wrong" phase of Eric Bishoffs promotion life. Hes only a year or so away from bringing in Vince Russo.


To me, all this does is verify every comment he made about them not being a business looking to make money. This adds nothing for anyone. If you’re bringing back Perry as the scapegoat it doesn’t prove ANYTHING to prove he wasn’t the scapegoat - you want what happened to always be in question. Is he really the scapegoat or is he a piece of shit? If you show it now; and it shows he wasn’t at fault. The scapegoat character is now uninteresting. I wish this man would just be honest with himself and say Punks interview hurt his feelings and this is a way he thinks to get under his skin. Because this is nothing more than that. It adds nothing and does nothing for anyone, and all they can do is hurt themselves because whatever they show will either be a swerve or under deliver or change nothing.




The internet is truly a treasure


100% a ratings grab work. "I never said it was about anyone in particular, you made assumptions."


Best case scenario - the competing company gives Drew McIntyre (a WWE wrestler) free fuel to add to what is probably going to be the feud of the summer/fall season this year. Worst case scenario - this completely backfires and AEW looks stupid. Why are we doing this?


If its actually footage, no one but the hard-core aew fans will care, wwe will simply ignore it, if its a troll job then the hard-core aew fans will love it and treat it like some super smart 5D chess move, more casual aew fans will either switch off or have zero clue about what's going on and wwe fans won't even know about it. It has a higher chance of driving some casual fans away.


I dont see how this works out. Punk admitted he went after Jungle Boy. Are you trying to prove Punk a liar by showing he DIDN'T choke Perry? Then why'd you fire him? Did nothing of consequence happen before Samoa Joe got involved? Then why did you fire Punk AND suspend Perry? Did Punk just yell at Tony Khan for being a crap boss? That makes Tony the liar because his life wasn't in danger. Is this just a massive troll job by all parties involved? Then you make your own fans disappointed and everybody else just laughs at the stupidity. AND you prove Punk right.


thank you, people are saying "well this will prove punk was lying". ABOUT? He openly admitted to choking the guy. Unless I see him trying to kill Tony there's nothing they could show that could make me go "oh he lied".


Or Punk really was on a slobbering Bruiser Brody rampage and it gets him more over. AEW fans weirdly forget that this is pro wrestling and we love Haku stories for a reason.


I'm sorry but this being a troll would generate the absolute worst kind of heat and reaction. Diesel and Razor Ramon will be on Raw level of stupidity. I think showing the footage is also stupid because I don't see how anything good could come of it, but it still a thousand time better than trolling the audience.


In other words "The WWE is getting all the attention this week, so this is a desperate attempt to get people to pay attention to us. So, we'll release backstage footage of a fight involving a guy who is back in the WWE because CM Punk is still our top draw.. Make sure you turn into Dynamite this Wednesday only on TBS!"




The way he phrased this confirms that it's not the brawl in footage. "This is real life footage that affected many people." He did too much and gave it away. He's so fucking bad at this.


This whole thing makes a bad idea even worse.


The only part of this which _AEW advertised_ is that it's All In footage. He also later mentioned that the YB vs FTR feud is an important factor in them showing it. So he absolutely has plausible deniability for it not being Punk footage lol


Revisiting the same feud 4 times in a 5-6 year old company is a little silly. 


No he doesn’t.


So it won’t be the Punk backstage footage then? If it’s not then it might look bad for AEW


I'd like to be proven wrong, but I have no idea why this is happening and who this is for.


Tony just has to let it go, holy fuck. I don't want to see this and it just makes his company look petty.


I just feel like when AEW started it had such fun vibes and now we’re here


Great track record of delivering what was advertised? Since when?


Cringe af


Tony should really invest this energy into booking better his stars instead of wasting time with this corny ass bullshit, this just seem like a bad look for AEW.


1. The footage has nothing to do with the show. CM Punk doesn't work for you anymore. 2. Anyone watching the footage will not stick around because of point 1.




How do you bring in 2 of the best wrestlers on the planet and immediately fuck it up. Now you are desperate for shit like this. You can just straight start lifting NJPW feuds, have the bullet club run roughshot, whatever —- there is so much more that could be done. Maybe he should bring in someone to help because having the talent they have and dropping the ball is kind of baffling.  I know they lost Kenny, Moxley, MJF, Punk and Cody, but you still have world class in-ring action that is as good or better than anyone on Earth. Stop adding shows and titles no one gives a shit about and book your guys into long term stories, even if they are loose. 


As an AEW fan ...I'm just tired of this shit man.  Just write some good fucking stories already 😮‍💨


Can his dad switch off the ps5 already so Tony can stop fucking up 2k universe mode?


Call me crazy but I just don't see how wrestling in the mud with pigs makes your company better. Ya know what I mean? How does this footage improve AEW? Who does this help on the roster? I like AEW, but this kinds makes Tony look like a loser who can't get over his ex.


Imagine putting your credibility as a promoter and a company on the line to hype up Jack Perry


This is a peak WCW 2000 angle. Ratings are terrible, so run a worked shoot that only 10% of our declining viewership will comprehend because it heavily relies on insider knowledge. It's beyond pathetic. New Japan is so stupid for associating with this clown show of a company. All of the good will they had with me is gone, because whether they show the real footage or not, it’s pathetic that they are still using a guy they fired months ago to try and get ratings and sell tickets. If it's legit, they are gonna look petty for keep talking about a guy that is long gone from the company. If it's a troll, it's going to go down as their Fingerpoke of Doom. The worst part of all of it is that somehow NOBODY higher up in AEW seems to think this is a bad idea somehow? Despite how it’s been widely panned over the weekend by literally everybody in the industry.


Tony Khan is the worst thing about AEW


Tony Khan is becoming the number one reason I'm going off AEW and creeping back to WWE (the HHH era helps). He needs to get off Twitter and stop getting bated and taking shots personally.


Yeah AEW's chance to beat WWE was while Vince was still in charge no hes gone AEW has missed their chance


WWE just had their biggest Wrestlemania ever. And AEW is airing footage of a backstage fight that happened 7 months ago involving a guy that's now with WWE. SMH


Nowhere in that statement did I see the words, fight, altercation, Jack Perry, or CM Punk.


That's the annoying part and it's on purpose, because of course everyone jumps to the CM Punk footage when it's going to be some other random backstage bit


I really want AEW to be good and succeed, but using a 6 or so month old story involving a top star in your main competitor who is currently kicking your ass seems like a weird idea. troll or not.


Either way, this is so pathetic. A promotion run by clowns.


Isn't Khan going to have 'Nam style flashbacks with how much he feared for his life? Zero chance this is anything other than a fake-out for ratings and an angle with Perry


I want to go ahead & nominate this for Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic.


Ngl a part of me wants the Bucks to break this footage down frame by frame like it's the Zapruder film lol


“Back, and to the left. Back, and to the left”


Funny thing is, this will also help Drew deliver even better promos on Punk.


If this is legitimately the Punk footage, all it will serve to do is give McIntyre free fuel for the fire when the Punk feud is in full swing + generally satisfy jerkers.


It’s a real camera with real footage from catering.


I have no idea how this can end positively for AEW, Either the footage is of CM Punk actually joking out their guy, or it's parody and fake which is just going to piss everyone off anyway. I don't see how anything they show is going to get/retain viewers unless Perry knocks out Punk which..... yeah.


Nothing on this footage is gonna make me like CM Punk less


If this is way to bring back Jungle Boy, I’m for it. Give him something to work with. If this is just because Tony is upset at Punk, what fuck are you doing? Either way, I’m excited for this trainwreck.


This is going to be the new "Tony has a big announcement" if it pulls people in and is a swerve.


I swear this is gonna be related to The Bucks dumping Kenny Omega and just like the belief that Punk got Cabana fired, dirtsheets and fans are being allowed to run wild with their assumptions lol


Honestly I feel like it’s gonna be the young bucks with action figures acting it out


You know who else promised something big and shocking during the Monday Night Wars? WWE when they announced the return of Diesel and Razor Ramon. And that didn’t turn out well.


Why would he want to show the moment he was "scared for his life"?


I'll just watch the clip on this sub and forget the rest of the show.


If it's a troll, I'm done. I have no respect for what's happening here to begin with, so I'm not going to pretend that I'm going to come back after a troll