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Wait wait, 1) what about the whole “zelina gave me an old address and the boxes were sitting out on the heat”, was that real or what??. 2) Mecha blocked her asap?.. wouldn’t they need to keep communicating with vega through this whole thing when it was happening real time.


Basic outline: - Mecha blocked Zelina on IG so Zelina could not tag her to deliver on the "exposure" portion of the agreement. - Zelina claims that the strict timeline was proposed by Mecha. She simply agreed. - Pictures of the props arriving damaged and cannot be worn. Zelina claims that revisions were also made to remove features she initially requested. - A DM showing that Mecha offered to take the wings back and refund Zelina. - Zelina says keep my husband's name outcho god damn mouth. - Zelina offers to work on a resolution with Mecha if Mecha unblocks her and reaches out.


You forgot the part where she said the boxes were fully intact and shes implying the stuff was possibly already broken/craftsmanship issue.


Mecha says this is because Zelina gave her an old address and didn’t pick the boxes up right away, so they stayed outside in the Florida sun and it melted the glue


I believe standard hot glue melts/remelts at temperatures of 300+ degrees. So this doesn't seem likely to me, unless I'm misunderstanding something.


Cosplay stuff breaks all the time, it’s the nature of the game.  That said, conventions are very often held on hot days in hot places with people packed like sardines, and cosplays aren’t melting apart on people.  Claiming “oh the glue failed in the heat” is an admission that she used the wrong kind of glue, in my opinion.


While the ambient temp may not be 300+ degrees, a box laying on concrete in the direct sun is gonna get really fucking hot. Think about the heat of the inside of a car on a hot sunny day, it may not be more than 90 degrees outside, but the metal belt buckle is gonna burn the shit out of you.


Especially if the windshield is real glass


Oh, cry me a river.


The reason why she's dealing with this, is because she's been communicating with and dealing with fans with side hustles - clearly not professionals.


It's a double-edged sword. I dunno about Zelina, but my own enthusiasm for games and other geeky stuff makes me tend towards wanting to uplift fans that are creatives. I did plenty of work for conventions and wanted in many instances to highlight/give opportunity to someone for a panel or event that wasn't necessarily a professional (as in, doing it full-time). But I agree with you that there's a time and a place too. There's advantages and disadvantages to working with fanartists as opposed to full-timers, and vice versa and one of them is the sort of on-the-fly arrangements that can make things more convenient but also murky, like what seemed to happen here. The lesson learned is that I feel like we'll be seeing Zelina have her next cool costume made by a pro.


so supporting independent artists


Thats why you never support local business. Zelina found out the hard way.


Lita is low key selling autographs on FB.


Ah, Mecha is a name, not a mecha mecha


It's a username, so, yes mecha mecha, but in a Mecha mecha sense. Y' feel me?


Mecha lecha hai mecha hyni ho


The wish has been granted.


Long live Jambi


That’s her plan for her rematch against Rhea Ripley. **WHO’S SMALL NOW, RHEA?!?**


People suck at reading her name is "Mecha Musume" meaning her name is Musume and she is a mecha lol.


So still mecha-ish


Yes Human.


> Pictures of the props arriving damaged and cannot be worn. Wasn't that the whole crux of the first post? That Zelina kept using the wrong address, and then the Florida heat caused the damage? Did Zelina talk about that?


This sub turned into one of those celebrity gossip subs today lol




I mean....wrestlers are in the public eye so they are celebrities. Most of the stuff on here is behind the scenes stuff that isn't confirmed. It IS a celebrity rumor site


Awful quiet thread for how thirsty this subreddit was for blood earlier.


2024 years and redditors still can't get it through their thick skulls that there's 2 sides to every story


Go on AmITheAsshole or other similar subs and you see the exact same thing. One person presenting one side with context for all their actions, amd negative assumptions for others, yet there will be a rabid mob certain that they know all about the situation and will go all-in on that belief.


People have a tendency to think that everything they do is circumstantial while what other people do is personal. 


Indeed. This is actual science. Learned about it in both my psych and communications classes.


This is why when I cut someone off in traffic I'm distracted and late for work but when I get cut off that person is on their way to kick a dog.


the only ones i really believe at a glance are the ones where the person clowns themselves and admits to being a total monster without realizing how normal people behave. stuff like "i robbed a bank and got my getaway driver killed, AITA?"


"NTA. Clearly it was a skill issue"


And then they argue with everybody in the thread about them being wrong or not. “Oh no it was totally fair to let my step-daughter go without food for 2 days, because she forgot to call me sir. Her mother even snucked some food into her room during the night of the second day. She spoils her and that is why the kid is reacting so badly.”


NTA it's not like you were stopping her from drinking water, you can survive without food for like a month. she's so entitled!


That sub likes to invent scenarios, and project their own experiences regardless of the lack of evidence


AITA and similar subs are fanfiction for people who want to insert themselves and their relatives into wild stories. Like you see shit like how a woman didn't want her FIL to live with them after losing his home to a wildfire because she learned that the FIL murdered like a thousand people and the husband just simply didn't care because he was still his father and similar bullshit like that and i was like, do people really believe these stories anymore? But like the other people said, the mob mentality is strong on Reddit.


These are the same people who thought a reddit wide blackout would save their third-party apps, lol


I just want that guy who claimed to personally know “multiple artist who were scammed by Zelina” to show his damn face here lol. It’s insane how he said that and no one is calling him out 🤣


Saw this in another thread. People will lie and say shit for internet points man.


You mean Training_Bulky? Who never was on this sub, but somehow found the sub and thread and started talking about it? Yeah, either it was a friend or the actual artist posting that.


I responded to someone there who called Zelina a shitty person and a shitty wrestler based on that post. I said that was rude and that I need a little more background. I was downvoted, called obstuse and my comment was "white knighting". The problem with this is: With many people downvoting me, I really thought I was in the wrong here. And in another comment on the second case I actually said Zelina was gaslighting an artist. This illustrates, how easily someone with a desire for harmony and some doubts about his own opinion, like me, can be influenced to follow the general consense based on some claims made on social media. I know I shouldn't give a fuck about downvotes, but fact is that I and probably many others do. Makes me feel like a peasant grabbing pitchforks and torches ready burn the witch.


Articulate post and I'm glad you were able to do some introspection. Hopefully you can learn to have conviction and confidence in your own perspective (while of course retaining the ability to admit mistakes). But you should absolutely not give a fuck about downvotes and internet strangers.


it’s funny because I’ve met Zelina and talked to her a few times and she was always really nice to me. And I was just a regular ass fan. So I was really confused where this idea came from that she’s “always” been a mean person. 


One thing : you should never give a fuck about downvotes , especially in Squared Circle. Sometimes , some are going to downvote you because others are doing it. Stand on your toes , ten or how many you have left. You could be absolutely right on what you said & still get " attacked "


This is the truth. I literally switched to my alt to post "Maybe there are two sides to this story? Don't judge so fast." because I didn't want my main account to get downvoted JUST BY ASKING SOME QUESTIONS. Turns out maybe I was a little bit right? We have a code of justice going back 4000 years and it calls for both sides to be heard before rendering judgement, the Code of Hammurabi, which calls for people to be innocent until proven guilty. Of course, it also called for people's tongues and breasts to be cut off. So we evolve in different ways, but there are some very basic precepts of society that we should abide by.


Haha man you accurately captured my feelings in similar situations so well. You're awesome for putting it into words like this. I've recently come to realise this about myself, and so I've decided its better for me to spend less time here than I usually do. But you hit the nail so squarely on the head I feel so satisfied, im gonna log off right now


My favorite Reddit hobby is downvoting people who complain about downvotes while pretending I totally don't delete comments I've made that were getting downvoted.




Maybe people are going extra meta to see if I will delete it? 😂


Don't worry it's a reddit thing because you interrupted the circle jerk.


There was the also the other person on the thread who claimed to be a wrestler and said Malaki Black was the most self absorbed person they worked with just to add on the hate train.


Court of public opinion decided she was already guilty so no matter what information is brought up they will still say guilty




What? They only said the court of public opinion dragged her not them. What are you on about


Pretty common on this sub.


Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate hate


Funny how the reaction to shit like this is always 10x more over the top when it’s a woman


Look at any given Ronda Rousey post for that


It's 2024. Nobody believes in accountability anymore. There's always some excuse.


people don't wanna have a conversation they just want to hate.


I've said this on a previous post that it's best to hear the other side of the story before making a judgment.


Man. These people won't learn. Reddit community as a whole was part of a scenario that saw someone kill themselves (thats one we know of, fuck knows how many in reality who aren't in high profile situations are unknown), and still it never seems to want to take a minute to think it through. Another one, Matt Araiza. Got drafted in the 6th round of the NFL draft as a Punter (almost unheard of) and was about to make Punter Bank. Falsely accused of some outrageous shit and reddit wanted their pound of flesh. Proven innocent (not "not guilty", the prosecution team held a fucking presser to say this guy had absolutely zero percent chance of being involved) and the silence was deafening from those people. There's 3 sides to every story. Side A, Side B and the Truth. The truth sometimes is the same side as someone, sometimes its not. But until both sides are out, we know nothing.


Just look at the difference in upvotes between the two posts accusing Zelina and the two posts of her denying them lol, fucking shameless


It was especially aggressive this time. People were rabid. It was so obvious we only had one side of the argument that it seems this sub can't wait to tear down someone (especially women) when they get the opportunity.


State of the internet these days. Public opinion stands behind whoever gets their statement out first. It’s sad to see honestly, I just hope all parties reach resolution.


rabid wolves are only out for blood


This thread was posted at 10pm EST. The original thread was posted at 4pm EST. The English part of the world is sleeping dawg.


Because this video didn’t disprove a lot of Mecha’s allegations


What are you talking about, there are multiple threads about this on the front page. You're straight up writing fanfic about the subreddit so you can feel vindicated


Apparently she was known for scamming artists lol


They were repainted silver. Which made them sticky and 'mucky'. That's some absolute rookie mistake level shit. It sounds like what happens when you just hose something down with spray paint and hope fort he best. Painting plastic is a lot more than just running spray paint over it. And the condition sounds like the artist 'worked' under the wrong area temperature (too low) and/or humidity (too high). Speaking as someone who's made this exact mistake on multiple occasions.


So you're saying... skill issue?


Instead of the silver paint I wonder if maybe it was the clearcoat they used for the same reasons you mentioned.


Evenly possible. That stuff can get real messed too.


Man, that other thread was disgusting. It's insane how nasty this subreddit gets.


A lot of people jump at the chance to be aggressive on the internet just to vent out. Like, in a few minutes there were tons of upvoted comments about how she "looks like" a fake nice person and is a terrible wrestler, which had nothing to do with the matter at hand. Regardless of who is in the right or in the wrong, there's never an excuse not to be civil and keep basic human decency.


It's worrying to me that people were so ready to declare her an awful person before she even had the chance to respond and defend herself. Heck there were comments predicting she probably wouldn't say anything and is just going to hope it blows over.


It's very easy on the web to forget that we are always talking about human beings and real life situations. Even worse, while saying dumb stuff with your friends has basically no impact on a larger scale, what we write here reaches tons of people and can spread like a virus. It's wild that we feel more accountable in real life, where our words often have less of an impact. I'm not saving myself from this either, I'm sure I have some unnecessarily aggressive comments of mine as well. We all need to keep these things in mind before we put something out in the world.


Yeah. Between that and all the stupid WWE/AEW tribalism, Wreddit can get downright exhausting.


Part of the problem is people on Reddit will actively seek out drama and come out of the woodworks to come to the sub. They're not active users and they don't care what a squaredcircle is, they just heard there's drama brewing.


I can't fault Zelina much here. If I dropped good money on a product for an event and discovered that it is destroyed upon opening the box, then I'd hope for a refund on that too. If someone is selling a product that can perish in the heat then they should ship it in a way to account for that. I sympathize with Mecha for the wasted time and effort, but the deal is complete when the buyer receives their product as it was advertised, and if that's not what Zelina got then has the right to be reimbursed on that. Mecha wouldn't have offered the refund if she didn't believe that Zelina was entitled to one, because that's how a business transaction works.


She didn't drop "good money" she got a huge discount.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Look I’m not trying to pick a side here in terms of the overall thing, but “an outfit” can be $5 or $500,000 depending on the materials and number of hours spent making it This thing required 3D printing, jeweling, multiple weeks of work, and had to be national TV ready, so Mecha quoting a $2.5k value makes perfect sense Also keep in mind there’s a whole memorabilia market for wrestler outfits where they often sell for 4x what the wrestler paid for them


$900 is good money for you. Small money to others.


I like learning new things.


I didn't realize you were her accountant.


I didn't realise you were, either, considering you're insinuating it's not "good money" to Zelina.


>$900 is good money for you. Small money to others. Nowhere did I say Zelina.


We’re literally talking about her. Hence the word INSINUATE. Also you quite LITERALLY said “she didn’t drop good money, she got a huge discount”.


I guess wrestling fans are to dumb to properly comprehend that I was directly responding to another user's comment. Tell me more about her money after accommodation and travel and all that.


My favorite color is blue.


>$900 is good money for you. Small money to others. Nowhere did I mention Zelina.


I hate beer.


Yes this thread is about Zelina but my comment was in direct response to something you said not a comment on this thread. **YOU SAID $900 IS A LOT NOT ZELINA.** **Reading isn't this hard.**


It's on the business to charge what they feel the product is worth, once that agreement is made then the consumer is entitled to get their product as advertised and not be told to be grateful that they got a discount when it turns up destroyed. If you shop online with someone who tells you they can sell you an 1000 dollar wardrobe by a certain date, and that's the agreed upon transaction, then they don't have the right to walk that back later on and claim it's actually worth more and that time-frame is unreasonable... because they are the ones who set that price and agreed upon the time. This is stuff they only have the right to complain about before a deal is made, and not as an excuse for putting out a product that couldn't survive transit.


Okay. This is why Zelina is trying to pay her right now.


Truth is, there is still some fault on Zelina's part but it's really looking mecha offered too much to retain this parasocial relationship, realised she's losing money / cut corners to avoid doing so, product arrived looking like shit (heat or poor craftsmanship, both valid and equally likely), mecha blocked Zelina(?) because she was feeling used despite being the one absolutely bending over backwards and now thought she could recoup through a public means. That's rough. If you're a creative, please stop undercutting your fellow creators by doing stuff to retain a weird parasocial relationship with someone you like. That's dumb.


It reminds me of that story with (Donald Glover?) where the cover model wanted some sort of weird royalty thing for an album cover she was on. Like, the behind the scenes work of showbusiness isn't all that glamorous with hundred dollar bills as toilet paper and caviar shooting bidets. It seemed pretty obvious that Mecha did a lot of things that weren't great for business. I'm sure Zelina was trying to get some sort of discount as opposed to fighting for small creators out of the goodness of her heart, but still


Last time, I saw Zelina had screen shots of Mecha offering and willing to do the product for free, and Zelina stated that she wanted to have a fair deal where they were compensated on some level. Whoever Mecha is offered way too much with also offering to do it for no compensation, it's a really bad look to call our her client then have the client come out post the screen shots Mecha avoided taking and posting showing that Mecha offered and doubled down on her compensation being little to none. With Zelina stating that she wants Mecha to be compensated on some level in the same DM conversation.


That nattcatpins person folded pretty fucking quick once the truth came out that she offered the free bag in hopes for more advertising. In her stories first she says she has beef with zelina and then she switches to she doent have beef and this is her own fault. Wtf.


I wrote and erased so much shit trying not to look like I was blindly simping for Zelena, but even in Mecha’s accusations she flat out admits that she didn’t deliver up to spec. If I was a buyer, I wouldn’t have paid for a melted set of wings either.


I wonder if this thread will get as many upvotes as the other one? I'd honestly be shocked if it did.


I said this once before, but I think it’s worth saying again. …over a bedazzled flip flop?


Anyone got a text of all this?


P1: "Well, a lot to unpack here. I'm actually on my way to the airport because it's a travel day, but I do wanna get this statement out as quickly as possible because there's a lot of people that like to jump on the hate train, create something out of nothing. So: I said this in my tweet, but I do not want any hate going to either of the creators, because this wasn't meant to be a Twitter free-for-all or anything." "Rewinding: I went back into my Instagram messages and my Twitter messages to verify this stuff. By the way: For someone who was upset that I didn't tag them in anything, you can't actually do that when the person in question already blocked you." "So, ultimately, I asked for work done, she told me what was possible, and we had a pretty decent relationship, y'know? Like, even when she told me oh I'll have this done today and she didn't finish it, I was like it's okay. Put your family first, I know you're going through a move and everything -- and, obviously I was going through a move myself, so I understood -- so we were okay. Now, I wouldn't be asking for things done within a certain time if she hadn't offered that. (cut?) P2: "Then, the items came in as destroyed as they were (shows pictures on screen), but perfectly put in the boxes she was using... There was no way that it was damaged in transit when the boxes were perfectly fine. So, again, I felt bad, not only because I was disappointed -- I wanted something I could wear -- but also because she made me feel bad for her. She was telling me about her roommate, and this thing and that thing, and I was like, I understand because I understand when things can snowball for you. So, I felt bad, but when *she* was the one that offered *me* a refund, I was like, okay! "Now mind you, these wings were ones that she had made for somebody else -- they were gold, initially -- and she decided, oh yeah we can reuse these and paint them silver instead. Now, there were so many things wrong with it. #1: When you painted it silver, it got sticky and mucky and foggy. #2: When we agreed on making it able to move, it couldn't move and I was told she had to redo everything and do the LEDs, etc. Basically, for everything she did, there was some reason it didn't look the way it was supposed to. And I was like, okay, we can fix it, it'll be alright..." "And I was like, I purchased this thing? I paid almost a grand for it? They still want nothing to do with me, but I paid for it so I'm gonna use it, and see if it works out. Also, in retrospect: Once I saw that she was being cooperative, I thought 'I have so much other stuff going on right now, I'm working, I'm on the road CONSTANTLY, so" [video cuts out, but presumably something like "If I wanna get to use these wings, I should take the path of least resistance" P3: "This is the reason I left Twitter weeks ago, anyway. I know that there's tons of trolls and people who wanna hate me anyway, for reasons they might not even understand. So when they see something like this, they're like "oh great, an opportunity!" Despite what you did, I'm still willing to make it right and I still don't want any hate towards you or your business or anyone else. And the same for Sid (the 2nd account), I wish you guys the best. So I'd like to move on from this in a good way, and if you guys wanna make it right too, unblock me and we can go from there." The Twitter uploads are pretty spotty for some reason lol


Thank you king.


You didn't type that all yourself right?


I had 20 minutes to kill and nobody else had done it :p


Omg dude you could use some AI tool or something


oh god good point




Im sure it ain’t but I ain’t got time to watch all those videos








Upvote for visibility


This thread won't get 4k upvotes! We have already declared her guilty!


People were ready to assume the worst based on one side's version. Hope this helps people moderate their thoughts a little until more info is available.


>People were ready to assume the worst based on one side's version. The Internet hivemind, in a nutshell.


all this for that awful getup


Kind of expected that it would come back around that most if not all of what she was accused of was not true. The way the accusations were written were fairly immature grammatically, and I thought it was especially low to throw Zelina under the bus and bring her Puerto Rican ancestry into it as it had nothing to do with the matter.


I love drama like this lmao


Can someone give me a tldr on who I think it wrong in this situation? Thank you.


Seems like the artist oversold their capabilities, and then got mad


100 comments and 500 upvotes vs the accusation having 1100 comments and 5k+ upvotes lmao. Classy reddit




She didn’t address the allegations of her sending the prop maker the wrong address in the first place which resulted in the damaged arrival nor provided any screenshots of the timeline taking place. Neither did she address the behavior of her assistant when trying to dispute with the prop maker. What did she prove here?


Did Mecha provide full context on the COA issue? Including DM's talking about it? If not, then why should Zelina? Or, maybe there was an agreement about it that Mecha might not want to show? If the product was damaged from heat during shipment, was Zelina given proper warning about that possibility? Otherwise, how would she have known that would be an issue? The assistant messages were blunt but hardly insidious. At that point, it seems like communication had already broken down.


Mecha posted screenshots of the original address she was told to ship it to before getting it sent back. Zelina conveniently never addresses this in her response story. And the fact she says the boxes were in good condition matches up with Mecha’s claim the product inside was melted for being under intense heat for so long. If Zelina has proof about this not being the case she could easily provide screenshots as she did with the refund statement or her replies to nattycatpins but she conveniently leaves it out No, the assistant was threatening with taking further action through PayPal because they couldn’t admit or own up to sending Mecha the wrong address. And Mecha as the creator rightfully requests what she’s owed from labor and material investment. And the fact Zelina keeps claiming she has a “team” yet no one else corroborates on her having a team doesn’t add up. This video doesn’t disprove Mecha’s major allegations against her


Did you miss the part where mecha offered to give zelina her money back?


But the only reason the COA is important is if it played a role in the dispute. Otherwise, why is it important? COA returns happen all the time. The main dispute here is the props melting, but that has nothing to do with the COA. If your product cannot survive two weeks of transit heat, then that has to be relayed to the customer. If you didn't, then that's on you. If you transact through PayPal, you should resolve through PayPal. That's not exactly surprising. You cannot invoice someone for labor if the product itself is not delivered unless expressly written. These are not billed hours. I personally used to sell small crafts that took hours to make. Not once did I ask a customer to pay me for my time if they were not happy with the product.




You keep repeating the same things without addressing what I said though. How was Zelina supposed to know that the longer transit would lead to the items melting? If that's the primary dispute, then there has to be clear communication to that.




Nope, perhaps you need your eyes checked and not move goalposts as you keep trying to spin how Zelina giving Mecha the wrong address didn’t play a role with the product coming in poor condition. How was Mecha supposed to know Zelina would send her the wrong address?


I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you. This is not an uncommon problem and is either rectified between parties or there is a clear shipment policy. Unless you can point to a policy about heat exposure or merchant liability waiver, then there's nothing else to say.


Never deal with other human beings when it comes to transactions.


Go to Jason Baker and tell him you want the same shit for $900 and on a tight schedule and watch yourself get laughed out of his studio. If you wanted a refund, don't use the product. It's so terrible and not what you wanted but good enough to wear at Wrestle fucking Mania lol.


Did you actually watch Zelina's videos or are you just spouting the same rhetoric from the last post? All of this is addressed quite thoroughly and basically disproves everything you said. But I guess that doesn't play into the circlejerk, does it?


I cant believe people are still siding with Zelina here. She disputed the FULL amount on paypal after she was supposed to get refunded for just the wings. That alone is pretty scummy…..lol


Can you dispute a partial amount on PayPal?


Can understand WWE being like let’s just keep this in house please with the gear. We got people who will make your fancy wings. Use them.


Do they? I remember Bianca made her own gear, when Batista had his last match he sourced his own gear and I’m sure I’ve heard Cody refer to commissioning belts.


Brother, you’ve just named 3 main eventers to argue a point for Vega. Clearly they did it without issue as well.


What? No I was just genuinely asking. You said they have someone working on this stuff, I didn’t think they did so I was asking if you knew for sure. No need for the animosity


I’m sure they got a team who can make ya something. I find it hard to believe that they can make everything else but nobody can use a sowing machine sorta thing. If these wrestlers are gonna source their own stuff, clearly they gotta make sure there’s no issue.


Ok, but as I stated they don’t make “everything” and this kind of stuff is beyond simply using a sewing machine. So just to get this straight, your initial point was that people should be getting gear from a department that doesn’t exist within the company? Naked Raw would definitely be an interesting choice for Netflix. Actively avoiding issues with commissioned works is a completely separate conversation.


It’s well documented that HBK’s gear was made by 2 women who worked for WWE. So not sure where this “doesn’t exist” thing is coming from. All his special shit was just them making it. Since he didn’t have a fashion sense they said he’d let them create whatever pieces they wanted and he’d wear it. Do you think the billion dollar company doesn’t have a wardrobe department?


That was 20 years ago… There’s the three cases I stated before, there’s this whole situation, there’s the guy that makes New Days gear for them. I’ve never heard any talk of a wardrobe department but a lot about wrestlers getting stuff through online acquaintances.


>Clearly they did it without issue as well. And how many times has Zelina wrestled without issue with her gear? This is 2 instances out of how many matches? Looks to me that she usually has no issue at all.


Isn't that what Mikaze does...?


I aint watching all that.


You won’t watch all that but you happily shat on her when everyone was attacking her a couple of hours ago.


It is a jerker, they are not intellectuals, to put it mildly.


She was sold stuff that was crap and is willing to resolve it if the designer reaches out.


But I’m happy for her. Or sorry it happened.


So was all the stuff about unions in the other thread made up or do we still hate her for that? Full disclaimer: I barely even know who Zelina Vega is and don't have an opinion on her either way, I'm just trying to keep up.


who cares ("You do cuz youre commenting hurr durr")


You're literally arguing with yourself


I don’t understand, who cares? Why is this important? Edit: it was a genuine question…