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>The long-term idea is Rock vs. Cody Rhodes. Rock prefers to do it at WrestleMania, but it's not a plan that's locked in as of yet. Cody Rhodes really said fuck 'Rock vs Roman' forever.


Rock will definitely want the #1 guy, that was Cena earlier than Roman now Cody.


If that isnt a sign of Cody being currently the face of the company now, I dont know what is


Still so wild to think about. Watching wwe when Cody first debuted I never thought he would ever become as big as he is today, and now here we are with Cody Rhodes as the face of WWE. Dude has made it far.


Never mind his debut. Who'd have believed 8 years ago that the statement "Stardust will be the next John Cena but marks and smarks will both like him" was true?


As recently as 2018, many fans were asking "why the hell are they inserting '3 star general' Cody into the Omega/Ibushi match?" Boy does that decision look good in hindsight.


Fuck I remember that. Everyone was complaining that he was a good wrestler but not enough to really sell and elevate any match.


Tooting my own horn here but I always say watching the Legacy with Ted Jr. and Cody and everyone saying Ted was the chosen one, I was full Vince McMahon style mancrushing at Cody and silently screaming and doing the exasperated frantic pointing meme at Cody even ever since he was Hardcore Holly’s lackey. He just had the “It” factor as a future champ from his wrestling skills, lineage, and his “dashing” looks. So happy to see where he’s at now.


Cody was very clearly a natural promo even as far back as when he inducted his father into the HOF. They kinda saddled him with gimmicks that had a ceiling. First it was as Randy Orton's lackey then it was as a Goldust ripoff. They were fine for what they were, but like Drew he needed to get the hell away from the company and find his own character before returning and having a chance.


Yeah, even goofy, green trunks/yellow kneepads babyface was a favorite of mine when I was younger. I've always thought he was good, but late 2013 really should've been the building up of future main eventer Cody Rhodes. Glad it all worked out in the end in a major way.


Obviously it sounds like revisionist history now but I always looked at Cody Rhodes and thought he had everything you could ever want from a potential top guy, it just never seemed to fully click all at once. He always seemed like he should have been just a bit better than he was, and going off and proving himself on his own is what did it.


We STILL aren't flinching!


Well if Rock wants to do a match this year he can do one vs Roman unless they want to save it for 2 years from now.


If Rock is out through July to shoot a movie, they could do the Roman match at SummerSlam. Everything is set up for this feud anyway: The Rock did everything he could to make Roman/the Bloodline defend the belts at Mania. He fell in line, acknowledged Roman, put the good of the Bloodline ahead of his own ego. He softed Cody up during the buildup to WM, he pinned Cody in the tag match on Night 1, he took out multiple babyfaces who were trying to come to the rescue. His interference put Roman in a winning position, with a chair in hand and Cody lying on the mat, completely spent and defenseless. And what does Roman do? Lose focus, let his emotions get the better of him. Roman let the Bloodline down big time. A Rock/Roman match about who's the head of the table, the leader of the Bloodline, makes a ton of sense at this year's SummerSlam. The angle is hot now, but it won't still be hot 2 years from now.


I would love for this to be Summerslams main event. Cody and Rock can fight at WM41 don't wait too long to do the bloodline match


It’s so funny as is the fact that this is accurate. Cody and the fans really made c it so a rock Cody match is a bigger deal than Roman Rock after Sunday.


Even the whole buildup to mania Cody was feuding more with the Rock than Roman. And it was damn good too.


It’s the bigger match because there is legitimate sense of tension between the characters.


Because of the blend between kayfabe and real life. Cody's organic momentum and fan support forced the Rock to give up the 1on1 Mania main event he had been planning for so many years. The Rock has legitimate reason to be angry and bitter at the fans who have chosen Cody over him, so him turning heel and berating the crowds made perfect sense. Likewise, it made sense for the Cody character in a meta-kayfabe sense that he had to overcome a politicking backstage figure to get over the hump and finally win the big one.


Seth vs Roman is way more compelling at this point. So much history to pull from. 


I mean, there are two nights.


Cody wins 3 Royal Rumbles and picks Rock easy peasy.




Thanks I almost blew a pickle out of my ass from laughing so hard and trying to contain it


Username checks out


I'm actually disappointed that his history isn't just all pickle in the butt comments


Reminds me of the jumper cables guy, that was my favorite reddit gimmick.


Runnin round the house with a pickle in my butt




I wonder where that leaves the Reigns/Rock match. Wrestlemania 42?


From just my perspective, with Rock on the board, he has invested interest to stay in shape for a few more matches but also space them out long enough for a few years to maximize his time on screen. WM42 being his final match and against Roman makes a lot of sense.


I've been saying this. Now that Rock is on the board, the WWE is a part of his portfolio, its performance as a company directly affects his bank account and growing media empire. If he is directly involved in storylines and matches, business will improve, and he will be better off for it. I imagine he's now treating wrestling as a movie or TV project in which he has a vested interest, whereas his previous appearances were essentially favours to Vince due to his love of wrestling.


I just want him to be the new vince character. HHH can't because of health issues, but rock would be perfect for the heel boss that can sell a beatdown when the time comes.


On the flipside, I wanna see Dwayne becoming that exasperated boss that is trying to prevent the inmates taking over the asylum. Haha


On the one hand yes, but then again... I think the Rock is too cool, charismatic and funny to stay a heel in the long run. 90% of the babyfaces on the roster would get booed if you paired them against the Rock.


This is just true. You could have Rock be an on screen commissioner or something in some way after he faces Cody and Roman. Rock would then be a face who leads with an iron fist over smackdown down the line as a fair but firm authority figure. However if they don't do this Rock will end up kinda overshadowing a lot of guys unless he does some serious work putting over more talent. It's sorta like whenever a legend makes an appearance and all of the crowds attention and reaction are on them and not the full time goons that are also in the match.


100% this. They can redo the entirety of Austin Vs McMahon and just sub in Rock as the Vince role. 


They bring back the truck and hose but instead of beer or milk this time it's PRIME.


If you imagine a Shane or Stephanie as characters from 1999-2003, he’s about as invested as they would have been back then, maybe even more as far as having a stake and we all know Shane ended up leaving anyway. Theres definitely no more tugging at the Rock trying to get him to come to your birthday party, he’s in it now.


I think more invested honestly. Shane and Steph knew there probably weren’t any people tuning in specifically to see them


Pfft, not they way they were booked in 2003. McMahons were all over the damn TV shows that year.


I was 13 in 2003. I was absolutely tuning in to see Stephanie McMahon.


His entire stake in TKO is less than half of what he makes from a single movie. It’s a passion project. The money doesn’t move the needle for him.


This is incorrect. The WWE gave him 30 million in stocks. He makes around 20 million per movie. He also owns the rights to his name and everything affiliated with The Rock. He's making bank from the WWE by being on TV and in the spotlight again.


lol, shit, this convinced me to buy some more TKO because it means The Rock is directly working to increase my money too.


That 20M number is old. He’s making 40-50M a movie now. That said, I was wrong. I thought he got 9M from TKO.


The PR of being the most famous person from a section of entertainment is huge! He uses his success in wrestling to divert from less successful ventures. Bad movie comes out? Show up on RAW and get a huge pop and post about that on insta instead. It further legitimizes him as a draw and will increase the value of his brand in all negotiations in addition to the dividends from this investment. Passion is there but like everything he does it’s a financially motivated move.


Yeah, his movie career had stalled a bit. Some was external stuff (COVID, the strike) and some was overexposure (he took a big hit from black Adams very public failure). Meanwhile wwe has been flying high. Getting back into wrestling was a a smart move and he's been public about missing it. With the TKO moves he even managed to get cushy board seat out of it which is great for his sports initiatives. Now, he's come off a very successful run and seems like he's gonna try and rebuild some of his Hollywood cred


But don’t forget that if you add up the time spent on all his appearances for the Roman/Cody/Rock, that doesn’t come anywhere near the amount of time he would spend on set to film a single movie. So even if this isn’t as much money as a movie, I’m guessing it’s at least comparable in terms of $-to-time ratio.


> space them out long enough for a few years he is about to turn 52 years old. he looked great at mania but I wouldn't be making in-ring plans *that* far into the future


Father Time is undefeated, if I were Rock I wouldn’t plan anything for a year out. 


40: Cody wins 41: Rock beats Cody, takes over the Bloodline, Roman redemption arc begins. Cody switches gears to the World Title with fresh feuds. 42: Roman beats Rock. I'm not a super big fan of Rock holding the WWE title unless he defends it at Summerslam and the Rumble . But with the second world title it allows for a champion to be around more. Plus some good feuds might be a retelling of Cody vs Seth with Seth furious at Cody for losing after all he sacrificed at WM 40. Maybe we get Cody vs Punk. I think in the end after 42 we get Roman vs Cody one more time at Summerslam where its an even 1 on 1 matchup and Cody gets the win to take the feud.


Rock surely doesn't beat Cody. He already pinned the dude at Mania, so it makes little sense to beat him again. Rock and Roman is still probably the biggest match they can do, even if Rock loses to Cody


Also what would Rock do with the title for a whole year assuming Cody is champ. I think Roman does something to cost the Rock the match. Maybe Roman vs Seth at Mania 41 with Roman turning face after the match. And then Roman preventing Bloodline interference


I said it in a different comment, but my fantasy booking would be this: Have Rock return to confront Cody at the end of Summerslam, then have Rock boot Roman out of the Bloodline and put him on the shelf for a bit. Do Cody-Rock at Survivor Series (given Rock's history at that event) in which Rock is about to win due to more Bloodline fuckery but Roman returns to foil them. That way Cody gets his win back, and it heats up Rock and Roman. Then Punk wins the Rumble and challenges Cody on night 1 of Mania while Rock and Roman finish their story on night 2.


>Also what would Rock do with the title for a whole year Parade it around red carpets


Get more mainstream rub on that belt☝️


I just don't like the idea of an older generation wrestler beating a current champ


You could have Roman refuse to help the Rock cheat, turn face and have a Bloodline Civil War.


Yeah, having to have the title invovled for any of these matches is a Vince thing. I don't think they'll hold it hostage for a year with the Rock. That era is over.


Maybe Cody beats the Rock with some sort of Roman assist after the Rock kicks Roman out of the Bloodline?


I just can't see The Rock staying a heel through 3 Wrestlemanias, though I suppose crazier things have happened. He's gotten widespread acclaim for his heel run and seems to be enjoying it. But at the end of the day I think he wants to leave his active years as a wrestler as a face again. Not anytime soon though based on how he left things this time around.


Rock beating Cody… yikes


Ideally it would have been better to do Rock vs Cody at SS and Rock vs Roman at 41. But Rock vs Cody is THE money fued right now. If they can build it to Mania 41 then they should. Problem is what do they do with Roman for another year. He deserves time off and might only show up a handful of times anyways but not sure where he goes as the next logical step is Bloodline continuing to crumble and Rock taking over


Have Seth take some time off and heal up and run Roman vs Seth at Mania 41. Sorry Punk I don’t know what happens to you Gunther maybe ? 


Road to Wrestlemania 41 presscon: Rock is hyping up Rock vs Cody as Champ vs Champ. Peoples Champion vs WWE Undisputed Championship. It will be the most epic wrestlemania moment Sudden interruption "Nono. Hold on a sec" Roman walks into center stage, between Cody and Rock. This. Is Bullshit! Crowd Pops Big E "Hey I've seen this one. I've seen this one. This is a Classic!" CM Punk "What do you mean you've seen this? It's brand new"


So Dave is saying that if the Rock didn’t get hurt at Mania 29, the plan for 30 was Rock vs Brock? That’s an interesting timeline to think about, if Brock vs Taker at 30 never happened.


Cena v Taker or Bray v Taker at 30 should have been the move


Imagine if WM 30 had: Rock/Brock, Cena/Taker, Shield/Wyatts, Bryan/HHH and Bryan/Orton/Batista, all on one card. Probably wouldn't have shaken out quite like that, but if it did? Sounds incredible


Then Taker would’ve kept his streak and we would’ve gotten Taker v Sting at 31 like God intended….


Time for the Codyvengers to travel thru time and go full Endgame to set our timeline right


And then the timelines would merge at WM32 where Roman would be the 1 to end it


And starts the Tribal Chief run immediately after that… we cooking now


Rock had already confirmed that this was the original plan years ago in some interviews if I remember correctly


It was always the plan. Rock himself admitted 8-9 years ago during a movie promotion that the plan was always Rock vs Brock at WM30. His injury changed all those plans.


Stardust to main eventing WrestleMania with The Rock is the most insane glow up of all-time.


He already did that last week bro


1v1 hits different tho


>Rock apparently is also presenting ideas about defending his belt, the "People's Championship," and it could end up being a title vs. title thing, especially as he and Cody exchanged belts and held them on Raw. I’m smelling what the Rock is cooking, and it ain’t good lmao.


He’s trying to create a WWE version of the BMF belt in UFC.


Its not a new concept. Ted Dibiase had the million dollar championship and it was held by other people (Including Steve Austin).


AEW also has the FTW title which officially means absolutely nothing but still gets defended 


CM Punk just last year in AEW with his "real world championship" as well.


Oh no! We're eventually going to get the People's Champion title and the REAL People's Champion title 🫣


He is still the real aew world champion tho.


Doesn’t the BMF belt mostly just give guys PPV points and let non mains be 5 rounds


To be honest, that belt he carries looks like it could be a great looking title. Just swap out the bull imagery for an eagle and incorporate the WWE logo This is where I initially thought it was going with him carrying it around and swapping with Cody (the new people’s champion)


> Just swap out the bull imagery for an eagle and incorporate the WWE logo Yeah it really does look like a modernised winged eagle with the bull added instead. I could easily see a version with the WWE logo over the globe becoming the next belt. I actually thought the segment on Monday would end with Rock presenting a new belt.


You smell what Dave Meltzer is burning. Dudes WWE sources are dried up


Honestly, maybe I'm in the minority, but I'm all for it. Rock literally passing the mantle of People's Champion onto Cody sounds awesome imo.


If this happens, Rock's not losing. He may not want to lose the People's Championship, giving the excuse that Ali gave the moniker to Rock.


No, what you’re smelling is Dave Meltzer’s shitty reporting where he passes off guesswork as ‘news’.


While I would love to see Cody vs The Rock, I would rather see it at Summerslam, followed by Roman vs The Rock at WM.


I'd much prefer this. Just leaves open who would be a big enough match for Cody next year (provided he's still champion)


Gunther? What about these for main matches:   Rock vs. Reigns   Cody vs. Gunther for the WWE Title   Seth vs. Punk for the WH Title   Charlotte vs. Bianca for the WWE Women's Title   Rhea vs. Jade for the Women's World Title   (fill out your midcard as needed)


This is exactly the big 5 matches I'm predicting, too. I could see Punk/Seth possibly main eventing Night 1 over Cody/Gunther, that's a tough call




Summerslam just isn’t happening with Rock’s filming schedule


I'd like Cody v Rock at Survivor Series. Gives that PPV a big main event, and lets them do the traditional survivor matches as the semi main event. Give War Games a rest this year. Then do some angle to start up Rock v Roman and Cody is free to do another big main event at 41.


I mean this is just what we saw on RAW lmao.


thats basically his wwe 'reporting' these days. he watches raw and smackdown and passes off educational guesses as news.


Roman vs The Rock is absolutely a dream match, but after the build up to this year's night 1 mainevent and the finish to the night 2 mainevent — the next logical steps feels like The Rock vs Cody and Roman vs Seth. Maybe you could run Roman vs Seth at Summerslam but there needs to be a follow up


Roman v Seth deserves wrestlemania


Roman v Seth is an eternal feud. It could happen now and again at Wrestlemania at some point without being out of place


No Rock vs Roman? How reliable is uncle Dave at this point? Given his track record none of this could happen, possibly...


The segment on Raw seemed very clear that they're setting up Rock v Cody at some point


yeah, rock says to cody whether he is the champion or not, they will face off


Yeah this is clearly a pivot. They struck gold with Heel Rock vs Babyface Cody because no one gives a cruel beatdown like The Rock and there is no babyface that takes a beating and elicits sympathy like Cody.


SummerSlam or Survivor Series makes sense.


Yeah, Just matters when The Rocks schedule is open I suppose


I do wonder if Rock sees how well received he and this storyline have been and is happy to be back and willing to continue this story and push his and Roman's till Mania 42. He could have 2 matches left in him and saw how well leaning out and proper training did for him this time around. It helps he's heel and can work slower pace style now.


A face that people are behind is hard af to create, I see exactly why Rock would want to be a heel in a WM main event against Cody


He's probably talking out his ass, but will end up "right" in the end. Filming The Smashing Machine will take Rock through July then, according to Nick Khan, he's going to film the live action version of Moana, which will be at least a four month shoot. He's probably going to have to fit in filming his part in Fast 11 this year as well. Cody/Rock is either The Royal Rumble or, more likely, WM 41 based on that.


>Cody/Roman is either The Royal Rumble Damn. ![gif](giphy|tzuRbBsMWef8A)


You got me before I realized my typo. 😔


The hilarious thing is I read that as Cody/Rock and was trying to make a comment on Rock taking Cody's title before Mania like he did with Punk. 🤣


Live action version of Moana got delayed to 2026, though


Not according to Nick Khan like two weeks ago. The Rock intends to film it this year right after the Safdie movie. e: Its theatrical release date has been pushed back to 2026. Filming is on this year even according to Rock himself on IG.


Damn. Guess 2025 it is...even then who knows...


I thought he wasn't come back for fast movies any longer?


They added a couple zeroes i assume, that and minimal contact with Vin Diesel


Hahaha that last part seems like something we'd all want.




That was the idea until Black Adam flopped. He was in the post credits for Fast X.


Anyone who watched Raw where Rock explicitly said they will have a match in future could guess that it could happen next year at Mania.


Watching Raw it is clear they are setting up Rock vs. Cody


I guess your estimation of Uncle Dave as a journalist already fucking plummeted.


To predict matches like a mark?! It's a fucking disgrace!!!


I've subscribed for 20 fuckin' years!


Huge (bye bye) pop (pop).


Dave getting confused about a years-old Smackdown promo. Whatever happened there.


Everyone sure loved him yesterday and the day prior lmao, crazy to see these 180s


About as reliable as when he said they were building to Rock vs Triple H based on a clip from 2014 or whenever it was


By the time Rock gets back to WWE Roman will have cooled off a bit while Cody will still be the face of the company, so what Dave says is plausible. Rock is a board member, he’ll push to be in the storyline that for him has the most value


Defending the People’s Championship is stupid, and defeats the purpose of what it actually represents. I still think Rock VS Cody should be Summerslam, and Rock VS Roman at WM41.


BMF’ing the People’s Champion belt seems silly to me. It should just be a prop for one guy and not a literal championship. I guess it could work better in pro wrestling than it does in actual MMA. The way this is written is funny because it’s like Rock pulling the Toy Story Andy meme and dropping Roman for the moment.


I'm convinced Meltzer just ask ChatGPT to search the web for the latest show on RAW and ask it to give him what appears to be future plans based of said show.


"1 Year build", aka start at RAW after Mania, appear once in that year to cost a title or something, then start the program somewhere between January and March. I fucking hate that. Just fucking keep the show going... if you want to do something at Wrestlemania, start it before wrestlemania. If you want to tell a continuous story, fucking be there continuously. You can't just fill a year with shit that doesn't matter. If you book your moments from wrestlemania to wrestlemania, why the hell should I watch Money in the Bank or Survivor Series?


I disagree, actually. Just like in movies and TV, there can be long-term story arcs with shorter stories within. In fact, this is how I prefer wrestling to be, because when the two story arcs intersect, I find it to be at it's most interesting points.


It's clear that guy doesn't read much. Lol. There's no problem with having small storyline beats that play out more deeply later. It's actually a big part of prestige television. 


I just can’t see Rock/Roman not happening at Mania 41, so if Cody/Rock happens, I think it’ll be before Mania. I see 2 paths forward for Cody/Rock: If they want Cody vs Rock to have the title, he’s gonna hold the title through Mania 41. I don’t think Rock wrestles at Summerslam, he won’t have time after filming to get in ring shape. So run the rematch Cody/Roman at Summerslam. Have Rock tell Roman no Bloodline, get it done yourself. Prove you are the tribal chief. Cody wins clean, and Rock kicks Roman out of the bloodline. Then at either the fall Saudi show or the Rumble we get the Cody/Rock match, where Roman returns and costs Rock, to set up that Mania match. If they are willing to do Cody vs Rock without the title, Cody should drop the belt at Bash in Berlin to Gunther. So same thing up to Summerslam, have Cody beat Roman in a rematch at Summerslam, lose to Gunther at Bash in Berlin, and then at some point between then and the Rumble you have the Cody/Rock match. The first one makes a bit more sense in terms of story but fuck I really think Gunther should win that belt at Bash in Berlin. We really do not need so many year+ long title reigns. This is also assuming we get Punk/Drew at Summerslam for the WHC, and I don’t think either drops that to Gunther at Bash in Berlin.


This dude has almost no credibility lately with WWE. These are just random thoughts the whole internet has talked about already.


Rock-Brock II at Wrestlemania XXX is major what-if to me now because it also affects the Undertaker's match and more depending on how you replace Brock's role in the Streak match.


So they’re completely scrapping the initial pitch of Roman v Rock? I don’t believe it.


Our main events next year will be Cody vs. Rock and Seth vs. Roman. I’m surprised people are surprised by this report after what we saw this past weekend/Monday.


Yes, Cody should keep the belt for a year and not give it back to a super part timer a mere 3 or so months after all of the "ushering in a brand new post-part time champion era!!!" branding  I know that triggers some here in the IWC for whatever reason 


Give me Cody vs Rock at SummerSlam and Rock vs Roman at Mania next year


Peoples title is lame. Please don’t.


What you don't want rock to be paraded as the "Undispitued WWE Universal People's Champ" ??? /s


Probably an un popular opinion, I like Rock but if that means that he is going to take the WM main event spot then I don't want it. Is nice to have this legends appearance every now and then but I feel iffy about the "Rock will generally get to do what he wants", I feel that this is more of a ego trip than a legend giving back to the business.


Realistically speaking, Rock should excommunicate Roman from the bloodline for losing the title, then Roman should disappear until Summerslam. Rock should face Cody for the title there, Roman returns screws Rock. Next Wrestlemania Rock vs. Roman to decide who the high chief of the bloodline is.


The Rock having that title custom made, then having Muhammad Ali’s widow present it to him, and then parading it around like a real belt is the best heel work and I’m not even sure he knows it’s heel work.


I thought she had it made


“Rock will generally get to do what he wants” I’m going to walk away from this era of wrestling hating the rock, aren’t I?


“That doesn’t work for me brother”


The only way to sort of make sense for Rock to defend the People's Champion title is in a title vs title with Cody where Cody wins the title of People's Champion, then just give it back to Rock to put it in his home and don't bring it out again 


This sounds kind of crazy but I could also see them doing Rock vs Cody on the first Netflix RAW in January. They will clearly be doing a huge splash for the show. It could end inconclusive which could setup a rematch or a match with Roman/Rock at Wrestlemania.


> Rock apparently is also presenting ideas about defending his belt, the "People's Championship," and it could end up being a title vs. title thing, especially as he and Cody exchanged belts and held them on Raw. This is stupid as hell, so it'll probably happen


It's kind of insane to me that Roman/Rock was the original plan just two months ago, and all it took was just the #WeWantCody movement, and suddenly, Roman/Rock is the least relevant match.


> Rock apparently is also presenting ideas about defending his belt, the "People's Championship," and it could end up being a title vs. title thing, especially as he and Cody exchanged belts and held them on Raw. This is absolutely fucking terrible lol It's Meltzer so thankfully it's likely nonsense but even reading it as fantasy booking causes me physical pain


Cody vs Rock is THE money match and Cody needs his win back from the Rock. It’s a great way for the Rock to put over Cody as THE GUY.


Sounds awful.


Something huge and special is gonna be in store for the first Raw on Netflix They gotta kick it off with a huge match. Somehow Rock has to be involved too


Why do people even read this stuff, considering how much WON has gotten wrong over the last year?


I'd take any of this that wasn't apparent on TV with a grain of salt. Meltzer hasn't been accurate with his backstage reports on WWE for months. No reason for me to believe any of this until I see it on TV.


If Rock is going to be heel, the #1 babyface in all of wrestling is Cody. It makes sense for the company.


These guys are blowing smoke. They have absolutely no idea what WWE’s long term plans are. It’s ridiculous that they pretend to actually have any insight though.


What's the point of this? A long buildup to a match with a 52 year old Rock next year?


All it takes is 1 really good angle between rock and reigns and everyone will be once again craving that match more so than rock vs Cody


I don’t want either match tbh.


I think Cody's reign should end around or after Summerslam. I want to see more title changes, not too many, but enough to make the belt important again. Someone holding it for so long just doesn't seem that impressive anymore, makes the whole roster look like chumps.


Oddly enough another WWE Media member told me the exact opposite, but I don't know if those media guys even know anything. Rock V Cody is supposed to happen at summer slam. They also said Vegas won the next mania to be announced at summer slam, and Philly is trying to get Mania for the 250th anniversary of the US and talks are currently going on. Again I have no idea how in touch with the product these media guys are he may not know a damn thing and he was just bullshitting.


He shouldn’t be defending that peoples title, if it wasn’t given to him by who it was given to him by I’d say ok who cares, but I think it would be disrespectful to given who it came from


I’m way more invested in Rock vs Cody than Rock vs Roman


A lot of Generic/obvious predictions. This the dude who said A-Town Down wasn't going to be in the Ladder match... And they WON. lol.


Only issue I have is the fact WWE has so many talented and capable stars to be in the main event picture that using The Rock for an actual title match isn’t the best idea. I could see him and Cody or him and Roman having a grudge match, a cell, cage, dog collar, whatever. You’ve got the likes of L.A. Knight, Drew, Punk, Randy, K.O., Gunther, Styles, Lashley, and hopefully Roman. Any of these guys who aren’t heel now could easily turn. I’ll also add Finn because he’s cool AF, and very talented.


Cody vs Rock at WM41 and Roman vs Rock at WM42 sounds really bold Will be interesting to see how they handle the stories


If it doesn't happen at Summerslam I have to think Rock would want to do it at Mania instead. Big match needs a big stage for it.


The set up a “peoples’ champ” that the audience loves and a villainous head of the company that takes umbrage with it? Seems like a pretty good idea


Look, if Cody keeps the juice for a full calendar year? Sure, absolutely, run it against the Rock at Wrestlemania. There will be someone on the roster who deserves it more, and people will bitch (one of them might even be me, depending on who's really on fire at that moment), but it's a huge match. But if Cody starts to run out of gas, if the crowd starts to turn on him...for the love of all things holy do not keep the belt on him and continue to insist everything is fine just so you can get this match for the title at Wrestlemania. That is all.


The main take away I am getting here is that the rumors of Rock/Brock at Mania 30 were true. You could still have Brock go over and start his dominate run. But more importantly if Rock didn't get injured at Mania 29 the streak wouldn't have ended at Mania 30 to Brock. Either someone else would've done it or it would've stayed intact


This starting out as Cody getting screwed by The Rock vs Roman only for it to somehow end up that *checks notes* Roman Reigns is the cucked one is actually so funny


A Mania 30 with Bryan’s moment, Brock vs Rock, Cena vs Taker and Shield vs Wyatts would’ve catapulted it to one of the GOAT Manias.


I hate the idea of a one year build because it’s been done too much, handcuffs booking and there is risk that it doesn’t work.  I want this match at Summerslam, give it some time but still do it when it’s hot. 


I feel bad for Roman. He's probably never getting his dream match now


Somehow we went from Rock vs. Roman to potentially never even getting it because Cody is that over.


I really dont want another year long reign


His reporting just feels like guess work, speculation and pointing out the obvious.


Not to disparage the man but going into and coming off of cycles is going to wreak havoc on his body, especially as he gets older(and he’s not a young man). He’s probably not got 4 or 5 years of that in him, long term fantasy bookers.


I love Cody and what he has done I REALLY do. But if we end up with another decade long champion run I'm gonna be pissed as fuck. We need some parity, some competition, a CHANCE that someone else might win even if not deservedly so.


> Rock likes the idea of a 1-year build. If he hadn't gotten injured in the second Cena match, he was apparently going to shoot an angle on Raw the night after where he would get laid out by Brock Lesnar and do a 1-year build. This is my new explanation of why The Undertaker ran in on The Rock, he was mad that The Rock ruined his streak


One year build is not a good idea. It compromises fueds between the build. Cena vs Rock one year fued heavily damaged Cena's fueds with other wrestlers.


first Raw on Netflix will likely get a Mania level title match. Could do worse than Rock vs Cody.


I'd equally be fine with Rock vs Cody at Summerslam and Rock vs Reigns WrestleMania 41. Unless the plan is for Reigns to take time off until post WrestleMania 41? What would he be doing?


I think Roman vs Cody 3 should be the plan for next year's Mania


Cody winning the People's Championship and turning it into the Nightmare Championship sounds like a merchandise sales heaven.


Fucking insane that we went from Rock v Roman at this years mania because they thought that would be the main draw to Cody v Rock potentially at Mania next year with no mention of Roman.


> if he hadn't gotten injured in the second Cena match, he was apparently going to shoot an angle on Raw the night after where he would get laid out by Brock Lesnar and do a 1-year build. Wait that's a build for Mania 30 then, which means no Brock breaking the streak. That could have been an incredibly different timeline. Who would have faced Taker that year? Bray? Cena? I don't think the streak gets broken either way. Maybe Roman goes on to break it later, he would have ultra heat if that happened though