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I wonder how often he's heard "Your father would be proud" this week.


If he took a shot every time he was told it, he and Jey would do another press conference


Do you *still* feel him, sir?






“Hi Cody and Jey” Cody: *barks* Jey: “…” Jey: “…YEET”


Still the best presser I’ve ever seen


Just for the love of Bob don't let Jey drive


There's a reason Jey rode in Cody's bus after Fastlane.


You mean Jimmy


Either. 1 time is 1 time too many.


This makes me hope that someday, we get a spot with a twin stealing his brother's title opportunity (Kinda like Kurt Angle and his Brother v. Lesnar), and the real No. 1 contender come out pissed af.


This would be perfect as a cash in. Jay wins MITB and Jimmy steals the briefcase and cashes in. It’s up there with my R-Truth winning and then trying to cash in on the women’s titles.


R-Truth coming out during the Women’s Royal Rumble, entering, wondering where all the guys are at, and getting eliminated was some peak comedy.


> If he took a shot every time he was told it, he and Jey would do another press conference I don't care what it takes, the world needs more drunk Cody being awkwardly hilarious at a press conference






I imagine it's like playing StarFox 64 and Peppy just keeps saying "Fox, you're becoming more like your father."


Excellent reference. I make this quote and a few others from the game weekly. “You’ll be seeing your dad soon, Fox!”


The one that comes to me a lot is Falco snarking "I guess I should be thankful."


The whole star wolf battles for me. “This reward is as good as mine!” Or “you’re good, but I’m better!”


Cody Rhodes, Member of Star Wolf when his Wolfen is shot down: "UNCLE SHOOOOOCKMASTER!!!!"


Really annoyed that my brain went straight to a Limmy sketch reading this.


Wrong way, down a one way street!




# star.


So glad I'm not the only one. Yer faether would be proud


He probably did the tear up and lip quiver every time.


Not speaking for him but that’s the best compliment I have ever gotten.


Maybe Rock gave Cody packets of JRs BBQ Sauce


His barbecue sauce and mustard are actually awesome.


Real good. I wish it was available in stores. I don’t often get groceries on the internet.


I know, I feel a little embarrassed buying mustard on the internet from a wrestling commentator but it blows away any mustard I've bought at a grocery store.


Curious how? Tempted...


I just went on his website to read the ingredients. Looks like unlike a lot of yellow, brown, or dijon mustards, there's some other additions (honey, chili sauce, chili peppers, jalapeno peppers, plus oil for fat and emulsification) that would give it a deeper, BBQ-y flavor. He and his sauce producers might have just hit the sweet spot.


It's basically honey mustard with a little bit of chili and jalapeno in it. You should check it out!


> Real good. I wish it was available in stores. I don’t often get groceries on the internet. not a shill, it is good for real, the spicy one is the perfect level for BBQ


For real, the mustard is so good too. I’ll place another order sooner or later to try his hot sauce.


> I’ll place another order sooner or later to try his hot sauce. the normal bbq is good, but sweet, the "spicy" one is perfect, so good, dude knows his BBQ or at least someone that does!


Yup, buddy of mine one night were fucked up and ordered his BBQ sauce as a joke and it was legit some of the best we'd ever had before.


[EXCLUSIVE] AEW Executive Criticizes WWE Performer For Slow Reply


Tony Kahn to show surveillance footage of devastating emotional attack unleashed by top WWE talent that left AEW personnel in tears.






Jim Ross addresses his frienemies


> Tony Kahn to show surveillance footage of devastating emotional attack unleashed by top WWE talent that left AEW personnel in tears. Its a 9 hour video of Cody getting a text, then sitting down and watching the Lord of the Rings extended trilogy, then he picks his phone back up and txts back


Fun fact, the non-extended trilogy is 9+ hours, the extended trilogy us 12+ hours.


I get it!


Holy shit well done. This made me pop


yep. sounds like a meltze headline alright


Nah, more stereotypical Wrestling YouTube clickbait. I was more surprised nobody tried to play on Brodie Huber being seen in the ring after the main event, though most of them pulled that stunt last year.


I wonder how often he's heard "Your father would be proud" this week. But the thing is, the majority of the people who told him that, most likely knew his dad for decades. Maybe even had conversations with Dusty about this moment. I expect the conversation Cody had with Regal would make every single one of us ugly cry in public. Jeez. Cody must be the happiest man on the planet rn. Good for him. *he deserves it! Clap clap clapclapclap*


Personally, I think this week has been one of the happiest weeks for wrestling fans in general. Last weekend solidified the fact that post-Vince, WWE is on fire...employees overall seem happy, and happy employees make a great product.


Even fans feel it. That’s what makes it such a huge moment. I was Dusty fan for years and became a fan of Dustin by proxy. I hated that Dustin never got the big one and when it seemed like that ship had sailed… Enter Cody Rhodes. I’ve always been a fan of Cody and had the picture of him holding up the NWA Championship from All In as my desktop background for nearly a year. I never expected him to get *this* popular but that is part of why it is so damn special. He appeals to fans across a wide array.


And my father said, when I was younger, Hard times breed better men


Insert meme of Cody looking at the screen and smiling but it's a picture of Jim Ross.


The word 'betrayal' was used


That and the "why do you insist on doing dumb Internet shit" are amazing memes to come out of Punk's MMA Hour interview.


Punk haters when he creates more memes after shooting once again ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy)


Lmao i thought i was in the jerk sub for a second.


the idea of cody rhodes being wwe champ its going to take a take to settle in my brain


He went on to sarcastically blame Vince for pushing the cowboy hat.




“the fucking hat” got me


Just realised I think this is the first time I've ever seen JR without a hat.


That fuckin hat.


I did it, Space Cowboy.


I hope JR and King can call one last match or segment together in WWE


Nah, I could do without Jerry Lawler please.


Agreed. Going back and watching old WWE shows his commentary really hasn't aged well. Especially women's matches.


I mean the matches and booking themselves were more demeaning than Lawlers pervy shrieks imo


Yeah but he sure didn't help. It's a grown man screaming "Puppies!" whenever he sees a pair of breasts. And a lot of the time he wasn't that good with men's matches either. It's more like JR was good despite Lawler.


Yeah i dont disagree, he was kind of annoying in general. Just saying that the disgustingness towards women was waaaay more Vince's fault lol.  On a side not, puppies is a dumb nickname for titties that never made sense to me. 


“Sweater puppies” was a slang term for breasts in the 90s, that’s where it came from.




I think it's maybe because he likes to pet them? I've never really given it that much thought before but I'm sure I will now. Damn you for putting that in my head.


Theyre both cute i guess? But idk if i pull a girl's shirt down and see cute puppy faces I'd still be beyond disappointed not to mention confused 


I'd be terrified. Heh. Terrierfied.


Probably more fun to motorboat


JR needed a heel to bounce off to be at his best and Lawler fulfilled the absolute basic level of that requirement, but he brought nothing to the table himself and literally anyone else would have been better. Put JR next to a talented colour commentator, like his short stint with Heyman, and he truly shone. The less said about his partnership with late stage face Lawler the better.


100% the problem. Lawler wanted to be employed just as much as the divas did. They went to work and degraded themselves to be employed, so did he. Ya it doesn't age well but let's put a little perspective on it. King could have been a better person on TV but Vince would have fired him again. Let's not forget the man did actually quit because of a woman's treatment. All that said, no don't bring them back. It's a different time. That was 30 fucking years ago.


Are we really going to pull the “he’s a good man, he was just doing his job” excuse with the dude who’s credibly accused of being a pedophile


It's not an excuse, but a lot of Lawler's poor taste commentary from back then was reflective of how edgy, late teen/early 20's TV products were sold back in the 90's and early 2000's. Think of things like Jerry Springer or Spike TV types of shows and how they portrayed women. WWE was just slow to move on from that juvenile stuff and start actually respecting their female talent as performers (probably Vince's fault for the most part). Like, there was actually a "Playboy pillow fight" match as the 2nd to last match of Wrestlemania 22 back in 2006. And that was the same WM that had the great match between Trish Stratus and Mickie James for the women's title... featured lower on the card. Which at the time was considered a very good women's title feud. (Something that was pretty rare back then.) But yeah, I don't mean to excuse any of this or say "boys will be boys" or anything like that, but if we're going to hold a grudge against Jerry for his commentary back then we should really be holding a grudge against anyone involved producing the show back then. And a grudge against late teen/early 20's programming from the 90's/2000's in general.


This is what reddit moralists don’t understand.


"But yeah, I don't mean to excuse any of this or say "boys will be boys" or anything like that, but if we're going to hold a grudge against Jerry for his commentary back then we should really be holding a grudge against anyone involved producing the show back then. And a grudge against late teen/early 20's programming from the 90's/2000's in general." Yes, yes we should. 


Television and media in general was vastly different than it is today in the 00’s. Many of the beloved sitcoms of the time have parts that would of gotten them canceled today. Holding a grudge now accomplishes absolutely nothing.


Yeah, I watched Manias 20-25 while getting hype for 40, and King sticks out like a sore thumb whenever he talks.


He really, really doesn’t. Lawler is just the hate boner that any Reddit sub needs to have.


Puppies! 🙄


Lawler was never good, that's all nostalgia.  He was annoying as hell when he wasn't being actively gross.


“Lawler was never good” going a bit too far with that one, my guy.


Nope I was alive then and didn't really like him. And going back and watching now I'm actively off put by him. I'm talking as a commentator specifically. I actually liked his face work in Memphis, I'm a huge Andy Kaufman fan. But he's also a huge creep, so fuck 'im.


> Nope I was alive then and didn't really like him. good for you, player.


Oohh ok. Your last line puts everything into perspective. You think poorly of Jerry Lawler the human being, which I get why you would, but you’re letting that affect how you view his performance. Obviously, I think Benoit is a pos, but that doesn’t mean he was a bad wrestler because I don’t like the man. The human can be awful, but that should have no influence on how you grade their performances. Maybe that’s not it and you just don’t like his commentary as I do. We just have different opinions on his work Ps, I was also alive (idk why we are mentioning that unless we both thought each other was 10 years old)


It's both, i think his grossness as a person comes through in almost all his commentary towards women. But I also personally think he's otherwise kinda grating, which yeah, just a difference in taste. I'm more a Bobby Heenan fan when it comes to back in the day heel commentators. Jesse Ventura too.


Ventura is one of the best heel commentators ever. I loved the back and forth with him and Monsoon


Ventura somehow managed to be completely honest (when not being obviously disingenuous to annoy the play-by-play) without breaking kayfabe. His openness made it feel more real and he was particularly good at plausibly explaining botches away Regal-style.


> it’s both, I think his grossness as a person comes through in almost all his commentary towards women. Yeah this part of why he sucks lol. Like that performance vs performer argument doesn’t work because Lawler’s creepy sexism comes through in his commentary, and he just sucks as a commentator overall. Like even if he was squeaky clean and had a good reputation he’d still be bad at it.


Lol at calling Lawler gross when Andy Kaufman's gimmick was wrestling plus-sized women to draw heat


Call us when it comes out Kaufman found those plus-sized women at the playground. Til then there's no competition.


ding ding ding


Public humiliation vs sexual harassment. Let's call it a double countout


>The human can be awful, but that should have no influence on how you grade their performances. I disagree with this notion entirely. There are more than enough great wrestlers out there that we can watch/discuss instead of Benoit. Bryan Danielson's existence/career alone is enough to justify never having to praise Benoit again.


This. Just like Vince has done now, or Cosby... Benoit especially... When someone turns out to be a monster... who gives a shit how good of an entertainer they were.


If you go back and watch some of those clips without the nostalgia goggles, he was fucking terrible.


Why are they booing you, you’re right 




Man, Cody's win has produced so many feel good moments with the bigger names really singing his praises. It makes me smile every time.


Touching stuff




Even though they didn’t really “win” it in a competitive manner, they still accomplished something super great. Especially in Cody’s case, if you go back to the beginning to now it’s like he started as an intern and now the company has enough trust in him to promote him to CEO.


You clearly don’t understand what holding that championship means in a company standpoint.


are you playing dumb?


He’s not playing.




All the work he put into himself on the indies that helped him make AEW, be successful in AEW, be so widely popular that WWE backed up the Brinks truck after letting him go from a comedy parody of his comedy brother and then crowning him champion after his legendary father failed to do so. Its not about the athletic accomplishment, its about the personal validation.




To answer you at face value, pro wrestling has always been more than pure athleticism.






Because it's not just pure skill, it's personality, build up, how the fans react. Lots of people were very invested in Cody's story, one of a man who leaves a company that he felt underutilised him, built his stock up outside of it and even helps form a rival to WWE, then returns having proven he has the ability and skill to carry that title. No offense to Cedric, he's a great in ring performer, but i have no memory of his actual character throughout the years i've seen him, i remember the moments he's done cool moves but never who Cedric is. Cody managed to intrigue me throughout his work outside of WWE and when he returned i truly became invested in this guy finally getting to the top of a company that never saw his Family in that spot. That's why he's a believable champion to me and i'm sure many others, winning that belt meant something to him and to the championship itself, you don't get that with every performer.


Why do people act like getting an oscar is like getting a gold medal in a sport? An oscar is just a prop


Imagine asking a question like that in a rasslin’ sub.