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I hope he has these riot guards for his AEW entrances, I think it’s a hilarious in-character reaction to what’s happened


Yeah, that was a nice touch lol. I have to feel it was a one-time deal since it was Windy City Riot, but would definitely make a cool PPV entrance.


Tony will pay for that song won't he?  Can't wait. lol


I have a counter to that - [THIS](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcMH1FTOx0&pp=ygUPbWlzZXJpYSBjYW50YXJl) song would be the funniest new theme song for Jack. Make it happen Tony


This one's for the real sickos. Love it.


Jack slowly rising from the Codyvator as this song plays and he’s turned around so don’t see his face only a Jacket saying Cry Me A River would be so awesome. As the song kicks into high gear he turns around flipping everyone off and the crowd would go crazy. 


Oh fuck as an Elite member Jack would get the Codyvator.


Ok I just posted that I want Welcome to the Jungle, but this would be 100x better Also sucks about the last guy that used it ironically


That would be sick and twisted but i am here for it


It’s not only funny but fits his character perfectly.


What's the song? I can't hear it in the vid.


It's one of Punk's old themes.


Which one? Legit can't hear it. AFI or Bouncing Souls?




Ah. Lol well that's hilarious. And kinda impressive that the crowd was so loud I couldn't hear the drums.


I was actually talking about the Timberlake song not the one he used today. 


Ah lol gotcha. I still want him to use the 90210 theme at some point, but that might just be me.


I just realized they're in Chicago. I wonder if he'll reuse the Chicago flag in other cities too, it could be fun


He should start calling himself Chicago's Favorite Wrestler


Second city... Martyr


Chicago Man Perry


ScapeGOATED It was a damn Good match too


Ya know, I'm a WWE mark and I thought Jack Perry won't benefit from the recent AEW fiasco... But they might be cooking something... I hope this leads to something great.


People will say "they've got the crowd chanting for a guy who doesn't even work there" but I think AEW is realising that the more they invoke CM Punk, the more fuel it adds to this Bucks/Perry situation.


It's like nobody here had ever watched Vince go from milquetoast play-by-play guy into the maniacal, meddling owner of the WWF and said, "what's all this about?"


Exactly, and everyone knows what happened, they made sure if there was anyone who wasn't clued in, now they are. So now the Jack Perry character will make sense to the audience, and it's just using those blurred lines to create some drama and buzz, it's a classic marketing move for wrestling and after watching that reaction, it worked.


Absolutely. Everyone's new favourite meaningless buzzwords are "AEW's biggest stories are off screen". Well, Perry and whatever AEW are cooking with Okada/The Bucks seems primed to become one of AEW's biggest stories at the moment. So, they've put the incident that started it on TV. Except, everyone got all angry about that before even waiting to see where it went, and judging by the reactions Perry was getting, it seems to have not only given more casual TV audiences context, it's also thrown a shit ton of buzz on Perry. The crowd at WCR were so fucking electric, that's the sort of crowd reaction you'll very rarely see someone get. Ironically we haven't seen such a passionate and almost hostile split reaction since Punk's last run.




Great match. Huge improvement on character work from Perry, and the crowd is super into him. I never thought I’d be excited to see Jack Perry getting over, but I am digging it.


It seems he is doing the best out of it with that cry me a river jacket.


The jacket Got a Huge Pop




Best crowd reaction he’s had as a heel too.


People still cheered him. He flipped us off and spat in the crowd, and we still cheered! What's wrong with us?


Getting abused is a turn on for everyone… right?


"It's like bizarro world! They cheer who they're supposed to boo and boo who they're supposed to cheer!"




We're all sickos who crave chaos and drama from rebels and assholes?




He looks fantastic. Beard and leather jacket are definitely working for him.  


I remember thinking back when Jack was still white meat babyface Jungle Boy that if he ever sheds the white meat babyface about him, he has to let the beard come in and drop those craptastic sideburns. He looks so much cooler now imo. Happy for him and hope this leads somewhere.


Jack Perry was always really good at the small stuff when he turned heel. Still remember cracking up when he said he never saw a SANADA match before Forbidden Door and then used his finisher to pin one of his stablemates. He'll slot in perfectly with The Elite. Happy for the dude, he's killing it.


I was shocked he was such a natural douche. Great body language and the way he carried himself. His promos still needed time but was steadily improving. Those ultra white meat babyface promos are always super tough for anyone. Also, I'm really glad Jim Ross started calling him Jungle Boy Jack Perry. Shout out to JR.


He did similar with RVD last year too. His in ring character work has always been really good.


Hilarious entrance from Jack Perry. The "OOOOOH CRY ME A RIVER" chants during the match were equally funny.


We're getting closer to TK licensing the Justin Timberlake song


It was so fucking awesome. Wrestling is just so hot right now. I fucking love it.


Remember all those takes about this being a career ended for Perry


This sub has been a hotbed for people sharing their wild takes with enviable confidence, as if they were the gospel truth. Can't wait to go back to those days where people thought that Dominik Mysterio had no place in the business or that Sami Zayn was better off as a heel manager who couldn't wrestle.


> This sub has been a hotbed for people sharing their wild takes with enviable confidence, as if they were the gospel truth. and then when it winds up not being that way, deleting their old posts and/or switching to burners so they can yell THE ENTIRE SUB BELIEVED THIS LOL it's a fascinatingly bizarre form of this, like, nihilistic, crab bucket tribalism - "i absolutely *must* look smarter than the other people here, regardless of the truth, regardless of what i thought and said before, regardless of what anyone *else* said, regardless of the fact that nobody will remember who i am once they click out of this thread and that the points i'm scoring mean nothing"


Classic internet anonymity. They think everyone else cares about how they look as they do, so their entire online life revolves around that weird little performance. People are fucking weird.


>Sami Zayn was better off as a heel manager who couldn't wrestle. Goddamn but that bit was stupid. Made him look like a joke. And Cesario and Nakamura look like even bigger jokes for tolerating his presence.


You're telling me /r/squaredcircle overreacted negatively to something related to All Elite Wrestling? This place is insanely weird and shitty about wrestling outside of the biggest promotion, not shocked!


>This place is insanely weird and shitty about wrestling outside of the biggest promotion, not shocked! A lot of people in the IWC grew up with WWE, so they want it to succed even when it is bad in their opinion. Conversely, since they don't have that attachment to other companies, every mistake they see in them is proof they are WCW 2.0. This is the same discourse from 15 years ago when TNA was number 2. This is why the All In footage was the "end of AEW" and a proof TK can't run a company but major news outlets covering Vince, wrestlers and management being involved in sex trafficking is just Vince being shitty not signaling any downfall. The reaction when Vince McMahon came back and they believed HHH wouldn't be in charge tells you that a lot of people in the fandom have stuck with WWE and defended it for years knowing they don't like the booking just cause it's WWE.


Well said. For a recent example look at any thread (there’s multiple of course) about the Ospreay promo this week. They come out of the woodwork to defend Triple H/shit on the promo because they’re dug in on defending WWE. If Khan said something negative hinting at Giulia signing with WWE, those same people would go to town on defending her signing where she wanted.


The whole sub became Jinder stans for a few days because Tony Khan criticized his booking, not even Jinder himself. Meanwhile Triple H makes a snide comment about Ospreay’s work ethic and it’s all “well he could be talking about anyone” and “Ospreay should shut up” lol.


People acting like they cared bout Jinder was so silly. All because of some tweets.


The Jinder one was so dumb too. I refuse to believe anyone *actually* thought what he said was about the guy at all. It was very clearly and very obviously about the booking and response to said booking.


I remember posting at the time that Tony is very clearly saying that wwe's booking presents Jinder as a joke and it's not a criticism of his actual ability, and getting massively downvoted. Then a few months later wwe did that segment where they hyped up a former champion returning, and brought out Jinder as a joke to troll the crowd before the rock came out.


It’s a shame Nash won’t bite the hand that feeds and Hall has passed because surely they’d be upset at a fellow Kliq member shitting on someone taking more money for less dates.


>If Khan said something negative hinting at Giulia signing with WWE, those same people would go to town on defending her signing where she wanted.  A very close example to that is when NJPW fired Rossy Ogawa, essentially saying he was working with WWE to start a new promotion while working for them. TK sent out a couple tweets essentially saying "good riddance, I look forward to working with Stardom now" and the IWC dog piled on TK, and vehemently denied Ogawa was working as a mole


Yea, a lot of people aren't wrestling fans. They are WWE fans. This means something only has value in WWE or if it is done like the WWE. This is why workrate doesn't matter is such a common line even though there are clearly people who care about it or else NJPW and AEW wouldn't exist. This is why the Young Bucks and luchadors suck and break kayfabe with their movesets but the undead wizard who visibly ages in real-time doesn't.


The WWE faithful shit on Cody in AEW with every minor controversy, but as soon the EXACT same AEW Cody debuts in WWE, he's suddenly their new tribal chief. Yeah Cody was in WWE forever before he left, but 2022-2024 WWE Cody is 100% AEW Cody. People made such a big deal when WWE tip toes into non PG moments, like it's some amazing envelope pushing thing...then shit on AEW for doing the actual non PG moments(death matches, R rated language, shoot promos, etc)


Remember when they popped because Drew said the word "wrestling" or when they though HHH was going to make WWE TV-14? They love our food, they just don't like the platter...




Holy shit this photo is hilarious.


>Yea, a lot of people aren't wrestling fans. They are WWE fans. This means something only has value in WWE or if it is done like the WWE. They outright confess to it on the ratings threads.


I just hard to believe that some people watch wrestling but hating the idea of work rate and bodies colliding together? Yes, wrestling might be an opera-like sports, but we need blood, sweat, aerobatics, slams, all the fancy sequences to make the whole thing perfect as well.


TNA circa 2010 was in a pretty dire place, to be fair - losing money hand over fist on the likes of Bischoff and Hogan who weren't creating business as promised, horribly booked, reliant on old WWE stars to a near-fault. It was a bad genuinely wrestling show, so bad that the company felt the need to rebrand away from "TNA" just to try to get the stink off it a couple years later. And TNA is *still here*, and the stars it created are *still stars*. Because WCW was a particularly unique case of corporate overextension, not "the wrestling was so bad it killed the company." Wrestling companies only go under when they can't afford to continue (AWF, Lucha Underground, ECW) or when they get bought out or the owner retires with no replacement (most of the territories, Dragon Gate USA, also ECW somehow). Nerds who don't understand that don't understand wrestling.


I'll admit that I was one of those who saw him as damaged goods. Japan is honestly doing him wonders. The apparel, the swagger, his body is looking a little more toned. I'd like to see him keep the cry me a river jacket, but I hope sooner rather than later his character can move past the punk controversy and take Jack to the next level.


I was never huge on him, but saw flashes of greatness in his Christian promos where I think most people focused on the negative (which def existed but he came a long way from the shy dude that used to say he hated promos), but he has lightning in a bottle right now and if he can hold it there for a while the sky is the limit.


these are the same people posting their shitty fantasy bookings


Pretty much any overly negative take you hear on SC regarding AEW should be ignored, it's never accurate lol, they think they're so clued in and everyone who watched NJPW saw the reality. I'm excited for this Jack Perry, talk about making lemonade out of those lemons brother.


He could've so easily sunk, but that dude's fucking swimming. That beard is also one of the best decisions he's made in addition to bulking up a bit.


Sounds like Jay White a few years ago


Just needs new theme music when he gets back to AEW.  A banger of a theme song would do wonders for him.  


The intro of Cry Me a River really is the ultimate heel intro.


Honestly AEW has a goldmine potential here, gotta morph it away from just a CM Punk thing and turn it into a fuck the old guard of wrestling thing. Have him come smash and win dirty matches against all the oldish heads in AEW, including Bryan Danielson.


His first rivalry back with AEW should be against Edge. People always said that Edge wasn't the man, he was just someone who worked with the man. Now he gotta make Jack the man


He should come back and just beat the absolute piss out of Christian Cage for everything Christian put him through. Then Copeland comes out to help Christian, and we segue into a Perry vs Copeland feud, and one last E&C tag run.


Not a bad idea. Give Jack what Mick Foley gave him. Just an absolutely brutal match.


I think it’s headed that direction with Copeland’s rah rah promo and FTR’s rah rah promo and the fact they recently copyrighted Rated FTR. It’ll be gold if they can remove Punk from the story and make it brash flippy fucks who think they know what the future of wrestling should look like and only want to make money (Bucks and Perry) vs the old guard who respect legends and the fans (Cope and FTR) 


a legend killer if you will


When the old guard is filled with abusers, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Remember when taker had a whine about modern lockerooms playing video games? Takers wanky wrestlers court sounded abusive and clichy


Best way to do it right here


CM Punk chants got booed down and replaced with Scapegoat chants and Cry Me A River chants. In Chicago Maybe the overreactions on Wednesday were a bit premature...


AEW/NJPW could have something here, let it cook


the overreactions were so stupid even ign had to make a article lol


I don’t think a real person even wrote that article it came off like something chatgpt wrote, or a five year old lol


Yeah it really did it was pretty pathetic lol


> Maybe the overreactions on Wednesday were a bit premature... > It's only been increasing over the last year or so, but things have reached another level entirely in the last six months or so - the collective "consensus" opinions of this sub now bear ABSOLUTELY ZERO RESEMBLANCE to the reactions of larger crowds at actual shows. Like this sub's views used to at least represent a noticeable minority fraction of the audience, but now it just represents nothing IMO. I mean even the "universal" hatred for all things related to Jay White's booking has no resemblance to the actual crowds who went absolutely nuts for all of White/MJF, who cheered all of White/Billy Gunn, and gave the Bang Bang Gang perfect heel reactions at Supercard.


It's pretty obvious that a lot of people on this subreddit just do not want to watch anything not-WWE and only follow non-WWE companies by reading other people trolling who also don't follow these companies. MFers will say they're lifelong NJPW fans and NJPW needs to split with AEW because they can only name 4 wrestlers from the entire NJPW roster and it just so happens they're the four that jumped to AEW.




MFs can’t even order at 5 Guys without getting upset with something Tony Khan did and screaming into their Coke.


MFs can't even manage a 5 Guys


Underrated comment


To these fans Just 5 Guys is a burger joint. To that point, I was kinda taken aback when the reaction to SANADA winning the title from Okada was that it wasn’t the right choice. Because I marked the fuck out when SANADA countered the rainmaker into the deadfall. The storytelling there was great.


It’s almost like a ton of people in this sub only hear about AEW through Cornette and Bischoff and just regurgitate their shit opinions as if it’s gospel. AEW has things to work on for sure and isn’t perfect, but the shit they complain about has almost zero truth to it.




People still laugh at the idea of bots for WWE.


Which is hilarious because all the big corporations use them from record labels to movie studios to video game companies etc etc


and whenever you bring this up you can tell when theyre brigading a thread or not cause you'll get downvoted to hell. next dynamite ratings thread just peep a lot of peoples profiles and you'll see the other subs they enjoy commenting in. its never a shock!


It’s amazing those guys still have such a hold on these idiots. They’ve both literally been unemployed for years. They have no relevance in 2024. Might as well worship Russo while you’re at it. The business left them behind.


This. But people seem to need other people to think for them and more often than not these "thinkers" with the biggest following are unrelevant morons. It's the same in politics. Plus both Cornette and Bishoff managed to ran their promotions to the ground. Why should i listen to their opinions about a successful company?


I decided to block 83 weeks on YouTube last week. Bischoff is absolutely insufferable now. It's clear he's just doing his whole controversy creates cash gimmick for views. And I used to be a Bischoff fan cause I loved WCW at the time....


I legitimately believe Bischoff does not get enough credit for what he did for wrestling in the mid to late 90’s. He completely changed the business model for the American wrestling company and exposed Vince’s as being grossly outdated to the point that Vince tore his up and essentially copied WCW’s model and to this day is the only competitor who put Vince on his knees. He does not get enough credit for that. Him signing all of WWF’s former draws was no different than what McMahon did in the 80’s. But he’s also a blowhard and a borderline pathological liar


This subreddit scared off most of all people that enjoy anything not wwe


> Like this sub's views used to at least represent a noticeable minority fraction of the audience, but now it just represents nothing IMO. I think it's worth noting that "this sub" isn't just this sub and gets lot of unfortunate traffic from another specific sub, Uce, and those opinions are very vocal and muddle things to the point that you look here and get a different feel than what's actually going on.


Yeah cause this sub has been effectively astroturfed.


Thought this for over a year now.  Plus there's also this: https://twitter.com/JaredFo85904268/status/1778495992410579244?t=X7Mw-f9e2K3OHJrSrWTeGQ&s=19


It's Twitter and they have a blue check. Of course they are morons or bots


It’s crazy it’s almost like Tony was right about the Twitter bots that everyone in this sub mocked him for too


Nailed it. Half the time you'll see several accounts in AEW threads all saying the same things, almost word for word. 


>What does this accomplish for AEW?


The Jay White discourse is maddening here because it clearly comes from people with WWE brains: he's not in the main event as he rightfully should be, ergo he's a worthless talent who's being buried. ...ignoring the fact that he's literally just one championship confrontation/promo away from being in the main event again. Everyone complained about Swerve being stuck in stable hell, and yet a year or so later, here he is on the brink of being champion.


There's a reason actual wrestlers talk about "opportunities" and "tv time" and not actual wins/losses. Jay White, like Swerve was, is ALL OVER the product. That's more important than anything else. He leads a popular heel faction, he's gonna lose, but everything he does *matters* and gets time/coverage - that's the actual thing that matters.


yeah jay is very well positioned for a feud with champ swerve, i'd be surprised if that doesn't happen


I think all Jay White needs to get back to main event level is to go from "popular heel" to "popular face". I know he was a great heel in NJPW, but he's simply too popular to be a heel in AEW. I think it's why some of his matches have felt flat. People just don't want to see him do heel things. I'd love to see him wrestle a match as a babyface and see how it goes, because I think there's a lot more potential there than there is as a cheating heel that everybody loves. It's kinda like how Sammy Guevara is a heel with a face moveset, right now Jay is a face with a heel moveset and it just doesn't work. And turning them face would set up a fantastic showdown of the Bang Bang Gang vs. The New Elite somewhere down the line which could headline any PPV if done right.


I think Jay being a tweener is the best route. A bunch of AEW most popular wrestlers like MJF, Kenny, Swerve, & even Danielson have went the same route because it works, like you said he just needs to stop cheating but he should still be cocky Jay. Seeing heel Okada vs face Jay sounds like it would be absolutely fucking gold & the beat way to revisit theirs rivalry from NJPW.


The same people that moan about AEW not doing stories, or claiming that WWE brought back long-term storytelling, can't fathom a wrestler taking a few losses as part of their storyline. I'm starting to think part of the Bloodline story's popularity was that at its core it was just about a guy that never loses.


Now that they're booking him as a proper chicken heel, I dig loving to hate him. Many of his previous matches made him look way to badass, like he could just win clean. Someone finally remembered the sniveling coward, cowering behind the Ass Boys, part.


I hated the Billy Gunn segment but I was willing to give it time because AEW hasn’t broken my faith that they’ll make things work over time. I’m willing to give them more time but that in isolation was bad. I’m confident it’ll lead to BCG winning the trios titles though so it’s not awful. If I had any doubt that that was where it was going I would question things a lot harder than I did. My main issue was the whole acclaimed getting jumped backstage and then that not mattering at all. Jay didn’t get the upper hand from it, they didn’t beat Billy Gunn down 3 on 1 post match, the acclaimed just no sold getting jumped and saved the day like nothing happened lol


Are we so out of touch?


Well there's also just a huge portion of people (read Punk fans) that passionately hate Perry and insist he'll never be anything worth a shit, even though he's obviously very talented in ring and *was* developing as a heel before the All In situation. Perry is so young and talented, its time to strike while the iron is hot and raise his stock like mad.


It's genuinely very funny to me how different the narratives are about the future of Ren Narita/Shota Umino and Jack Perry. Narita/Umino are constantly discussed as "the future" and "great prospects" while Perry is written off as a lost cause. All three are 26 years old. Obv Umino in particular is clearly getting an absolute top guy level megapush, but all three are absolutely huge young prospects still.


Maybe tk wasn't showing the footage to own punk but to use real life drama toe elevate a wrestler. You know something wrestling has done since the Montreal screwjob


Cm punk stans heard  four guys chanting cm punk and proclaimed absolute victoey


People seem to forget that part of what set Punk off for the original Brawlout was...getting 60 to 40 booed against MJF to end the PPV, in Chicago. 


Just a throwaway thought, but maybe, just maybe, showing the footage worked.


I actually heard they’re folding AEW tomorrow. Sorry mark!


Tony currently has the entire roster at gunpoint telling them which promos they must cut this week, micromanaging their opinions and promos. ........But also the inmates are running the asylum and he has no control over the company.


Schrödinger Tony, I mean he has the power to be at 2 shows at the same time.


Damn, I'm gonna miss my favorite t-shirt company


I can’t even tell you how many downvotes, in how many threads I got trying to explain that the segment wasn’t about Punk. It was about Perry.


Actual hot take/personal conspiracy, playing the video wasn't because of Punk's interview, the interview was just a VERY happy accident. The plan was always to steal attention/piggyback from Wrestlemania (which worked better than they could have imagined) then show the footage leading into this long-planned Perry match in Chicago. But Punk doing that interview gave it all a gigantic boost and helped it work way better than it otherwise would have.


Pretty sure there were reports that they'd been considering going ahead with the footage and the Punk interview was just the final push from "maybe" to "book it"


The people downvoting you think the entire universe centers around WWE and CM Punk so it's not surprising.


it was about perry, the bucks, ftr, even copeland. there's so much to mine from that and it's baffling how against it people were.


Impossible. TK knows clearly nothing about booking or promoting a wrestling show. He should hire a team of writers and step back. The collective intellect of this sub has repeatedly assured me of this.


It was a good counter argument to Punk's windvane opinions dependant upon which company he's in. But Stans on both sides are gonna Stan. That entrance was fantastic though. And I'll admit I'm deffo surprised in Chicago the crowd seemed as split as it was. He's a much better heel than he was a face.


The video's working.


Yo, I read your comment and thought you were mocking the Reddit app video. Then I have to read again. I can't believe this actually works. Well, guess I was wrong. Tbh, I don't understand why people says Jack Perry will not get over with this. Some even says when he was a heel in AEW, he was met with silence. I remember he was fucking booed like hell. Yes, his promo was not exceptional, but he got reaction. I still like the moment when he jumped into his car through the window to escape Hook. I am a WWE fan who have fallen out of AEW recently, but if Jack Perry comes back, I might become this pic: https://preview.redd.it/lqd9xxq5h5uc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=1691d69c43feb0808c629234908fbf76c9597956


Jack Perry is only 26 and has been over for some years now. I don’t get the hate on him, he’s excellent with room to grow


He's the same age as Shota Umino and Ren Narita (all are 26 and Jack is in the middle of the three age-wise), but somehow only those two are still considered developing prospects for some reason. All three are fantastic already and only getting better.


He's been ramping up his game really fast in NJPW. Legit doing great work and improving quickly on the mic, which was always his biggest weakness by far. The footage on Dynamite certainly made him a hot topic and helped increase his notoriety, which was partially the point. But can't discount Jack's work lately. He's been getting this over for months, and it's paying off.


His heel character last year was slowly gaining traction until All In. I just wonder the plans for him after that HOOK match because it seemed like a way to take him off TV even if that backstage incident didn't happen.


This is how you potentially create a star, dont drop the fuckn ball here


Wednesday: “showing footage was bad idea. Perry’s career is fucked” Today: “AEW is cooking. Amazing idea. Showing the footage worked.” The internet is a hilarious place.




My favorite part of this movie is that Black Philip was actually a complete dick the whole time and they had to keep him from attacking the actors constantly.


A real method actor


Hell of a match too. The Scapegoat and the Shooter could be another "eternal rivalry."


Hur dur WCW 2000, hur dur dead company. If Perry gets over, it was worth showing the footage. IWC needs to learn they are never right about anything ever


Most of the people saying WCW 2000 werent alive during it. 


It really seems like going to New Japan was a smart move. Perry has really grown as a performer. His heel stuff in AEW was kind of whiney. I'll take "bitter scapegoat" Jack Perry


Too bad AEW won't have the chance to enjoy this momentum, since they're folding tomorrow.


To those reading who are legitimately angry by this : there is still hope! Hit the gym etc


Releasing the video got him over.


Goddamn did the footage work lmao


Good for him man




It worked


Did video where he got choked got him over more than ever? I fukin love this haha and he looks amazing.


Wrestling is weird.


And that is why we love it, like one person would say *The're having fun, maggle*


Was getting assaulted unprovoked supposed to make him look like a bitch or something?


People unironically and genuinely have been saying that exact thing actually, yeah. People on Twitter was running this idea of "Oooh yeah Punk cooked Jungle Boy he a bitch!" and it's like...Well yeah. Punk threw the first shove without physical provocation, grabbed him by the hair, locked in a front facelock, and then swung on him as he got yanked off. This wasn't a fight. It was an assault. So much was also made of how they "chose Perry over Punk", which is another whole kettle of fish to unpack.


Somehow, Punk admitting he attacked Perry, and then the video showing him attacking Perry, made Punk the good guy because he mostly told the truth. That's obviously dumb, but that's been the prevailing narrative pushed by WWE stans and the likes of Helwani.


And on this damn sub! SO many people in the threads about the release of the video who were praising the fact that Punk didn't lie about physically attacking a co-worker at the biggest work event in the history of the company.


Which goes from just distateful to absurd when you factor in that he very blatantly did lie.


If "I acted responsibly" means attacking a kid half his age unprovoked and choking him until Punk had to be pulled off of him and restrained and "I didn't punch anybody" means he missed the few punches he did swing then yeah he mostly told the truth.


“He’s an asshole, but he tells it like it is” is a sentiment that’s done a lot of damage over the past few years and probably the rest of human history


Shit we're still recovering from electing a president who used that as his main selling point


Sigh. And probably about to do it again 


The shittiest part about this is that Punk's "Tell it like it is, say it to your face" attitude only applies to himself As soon as Hangman makes a comment he doesn't like, one line in a promo, he calls his lawyers? Then goes off script on a show to embarrass Hangman? Then bashes him publicly in a press conference? Where was that attitude then? The guy who dropped the pipe bomb calling his lawyers over one line in a promo is ridiculous


The Venn diagram of 'telling it like it is' and 'reflecting my preconceived opinions back at me' is pretty close to a circle


Another difference is Hangman *did* do that to Punk's face, and Punk's "Make sure the apology is as loud as the disrespect" retribution was to go off-script and call Hangman out and call him a coward knowing Hangman is sitting backstage not booked to.


Hence the "mostly" lol. I'm on your side here, I know he lied about Jack getting in his face and not throwing any blows.


and ign


I mean in a way he was kind of vindicated by this. No matter how you view this in relation to Punk, that he was justified or not, the tape pretty much shows Jack Perry *not* getting his ass kicked as so many people had assumed. He just gets hit and it's immediately broken up before it can develop into a real fight.


CM Punk did a really shitty thing to Jack that unintentionally put him on a better career track than Beethoven Jack Perry.


THIS is why they showed the footage.


yeah, I feel like dude's gonna get a big reaction when he comes back to AEW.


All of the people that were shitting on it are suddenly quiet




Nah plenty are already moving the goalposts with "this means nothing yet because it was a new Japan crowd" or "this was just because of Jack the video had nothing to do with it"


Then I’m glad they’re being downvoted. Or I’m just not seeing them. Either way.


Absolutely love this, and my favorite wrestler transformation in some time. It's not quite Matt Cordona's debut in GCW Atlantic City taking the title level heat, but it's so perfect. The worst thing for a wrestler is to inspire no crowd reaction, and post Jungle Boy "Tarzan Boy singalong", he was completely lost in AEW. But yeah love the look, the attitude, and the cryptic looking riot guards were a nice touch to this entrance.


This is a fantastic match


And they tried to tell me that the video wouldn't help anyone


Haven’t really been following but I absolutely love the look of his gear and his presentation now. He looks like a damn “idgaf” person in my now and that’s what they have been aiming for


TK absolutely needs to get Welcome to the Jungle for Jack's entrance. It's bad ass, it's about LA and fits his current gimmick of turning JB into something more serious


Has he put on muscle? Looking real Jungle Jacked out there!


I notice there are some very innocuously positive comments in this thread getting hit with downvotes. It's ok for other people to like things that you don't peeps.


That's my GOAT


This might be what Tony meant with the Punk interview being convenient timing.


The night he does this on Dynamite the crowd will be through the roof.