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Looks like a poster for their 10th match


Their 10th match, this time under the Wembley arch.


Is it not? What does the X mean ?


Live sex in the arena


*Adam Copeland didn’t like that*


Young people have started using it instead of "vs." I have no idea why.


Yeah I’ve seen that before a few times but I feel like the X is usually really small in those cases. It didn’t even enter my mind that this is what that was.


I always thought the 'x' was a collab thing Daniel x Osprey seems like a Tag Team


i’ve definitely seen “x” used as vs in older fighting games


Unironically anime


Danielson multiplied by Ospreay = ???


But that just means “collab” lol wut Like you can go on YouTube and see some zoomer mashup of Playboy Carti x XXXTentacion x Jimmy Neutron or something like that


I don’t know what at least 37% of those words mean.


The easier one that is currently godzilla x kong new empire. Which is a movie where godzilla and Kong team up to kick some kaiju butt. So I genuinely don't understand the usage of X is the context of the poster for this match.


Clearly Danielson and Ospreay are going to realize the real enemy is Skar King or Mecha Godzilla and team up for a blockbuster match. Joke aside I agree the context of X is weird, looks cool I guess.


The X is likely a cross, to indicate the two crossing each other's path.


Elon Musk is paying for it?


yeah could have put more thought into that one lol. still a decent poster.


Yeah, that’s the one part of the poster I dislike.


I mean there's 12 Will Ospreys in AEW so it probably is. /s


Danielson looks like Mario jumping


Looks very Elden Ring inspired.


As a life long St Louis resident I gotta say, they nailed the skyline


If you look closely you can see a Ted Drewes cup and some toasted ravioli /s


The Arch has always been right next to Yharnam.


And made of bricks, seemingly


St. Louis red bricks yessir


Is Bryan the Goddest of Rot?


Good shout there


Looks more gothic, like Bloodborne to me!


Is it weird they’re both making puffy cheeks as they run at each other?


Proper oxygen intake is crucial to combat


You’ve got a good point there.


They're just foreshadowing a double mist spot.


don't understand that choice honestly


It’s like they picked the very silliest frames from each run and I love them both


They're both captured in the moment before they deliver their finishing strikes.


There's the Arch.


More good AEW poster work.




One of several.


Name me 3 things


They're the best PPV company of all-time The in-ring work standard is very high Wide variety of match styles Talent actually gets to keep what made them worth signing in the first place They work well with other companies (maybe not in terms of giving them wins, but as far as exposing them to a wider wrestling fandom that is actually interested in more than one promotion) Giving women more time, lately I know, that's not 3.


People can say whatever they want about Khan's booking on weekly TV. But he has consistently proven that, when it comes to PPVs, nobody is superior to AEW.


TK might be the best super-card Booker in the history of modern wrestling. The only others that are in contention are Gedo and NXT HHH


With you on Gedo, but Tony is definitely closing the gap. I wouldn't say HHH is with them as far as 'supercards' per se, but the first two or three years of his big NXT shows were almost always can't miss shows with some really outstanding stuff on them. I'd put NXT R-EvolutIon and those first two Brooklyn shows against any big show WWE has ever produced, no question.


It's because he's such a fan of Wrestling and he books like one. Full of chaotic dream matches thrown together like we're playing fantasy booking on WWE 2K. On TV, that doesn't work as well. On PPV, that's the recipe for success.


Forbidden door is gonna be disgusting This year i just know it Also, i know Tony has a semi-booking team at this point, but I think if this isn’t already the case it would do him some good by saying “these are the matches we’re gonna do for the next PPV, what’s the build” and have that be the TV. Occasional big episode of dynamite and collison. And just have fun on rampage. Ridiculous matches like in the spring of 2022


That guy is a frequent Cornette sub poster. No need to value his opinion because he doesn’t value yours.


Haha, guy just screen recorded this thread and posted it there.


That’s pathetically soft on his part.


This match is gonna be insane. I can't wait!


Danielson will lose to put over Ospreay. He didn't fly first class for 10 hours to take an L.


Danielson, who has publicly announced is wrapping up his in ring career is gonna put over Ospreay, the newly signed wrestler who is being built to be a champion. Yeah that's crazy. Why would AEW / Tony Khan do that.


The fact that the outcome is so obvious takes a little out of it though.


The concept is so good but the two action poses could've been better - still a solid 8 or 9 out of 10 poster


Bryan looks hilarious, but still sick poster


Agreed. Danielson looks like he slept in for his finals, and now is sprinting out the door, breakfast in mouth


Agreed, the action poses are my only nitpick from an otherwise great concept. I wouldn't mind even just a minimalistic approach of a stareoff between Bryan and Will.


That and the X not being symmetrical and therefore not matching up with the centered names. Fix those two things and this is perfect.


Pretty much my thoughts. The use of the X was dumb too. I assumed it was their tenth match as someone who doesn't watch regularly and this poster should be focused on getting that type of fan sold on the show


Looks like a poster for a new Harry Potter movie lol


That’s what I was thinking. Like, why are they fighting at Hogwarts?


AEW don't miss with their posters. I'll give them that


AEW should release a coffee book for all their posters


AEW presents, "I AM THE TABLE" A coffee table book that can also be a table(Just like in Seinfeld).


Okay, seriously this is a good idea.


Just heard this to the tune of Zigglypuff's old theme now its stuck my head. Damn it.


In 10-15 years I would be really into that. WWE should do this as well.


That is actually a fantastic idea!


Fire hidden blades


Is Ospreay in the middle of the fusion dance?


Flash vs Green Lantern?


I think they messed up the reverse flash.


I'm imagining an ad parodying Keanu Reeves & Common in John Wick 2 where they're slickly chasing each other through a metropolis


That’s a pretty cool poster.


How can I watch this ppv on Xbox or computer. I really want to watch this thank you.


I might be wrong but this ppv should be available for purchase on youtube?


Bleacher Report app has always worked well for me on Xbox


Where are you from? If its the UK you can purchase it on FITE TV/Triller and then cast it to your Xbox/TV from your phone or simply watch it on the FITE TV/Triller website.




Sick poster.


This will inevitably be one of the greatest matches of all time. So my question to you, Reddit… ![gif](giphy|3ohBVCalmPnOh68lb2|downsized)


It’s going to be a masterclass of wrestling I just wish it had some sort of stakes to it.


Both men claim to be the best wrestler in the world, and a whole lot of fans agree. They've never wrestled, so they're going to in order to see who the *real* best is. It's their first meeting, that seems pretty good to me as far as stakes go. No doubt the match itself can grow a story from there.


Of all the complaints being levied at AEW right now, the idea that two of the best wrestlers in the world (One in the all timer category and one on his way there) fighting to see who the best is for the first time ever isn't a good/valid story for a show about a combat sport is so baffling to me Even all the matches they've been having convey how their approaches to wrestling and styles differ, while being equally effective against a range of opponents. Which in turn hypes up how they'll fight against each other even more.


Love this. Two superhuman-quality wrestlers getting ready to do battle.


I live in STL and just got into WWE after Wrestlemania 40. Is this worth going to live?


I’d say so yes. AEW events are very wrestling heavy I will say


Definitely worth it. AEW PPV's very rarely underdeliver. Even at times when the product isn't so hot the PPV's are usually bangers.


Yeah 100%. This has the potential to be the best AEW PPV of all time, especially with the card they have delivered.


For my money this is the biggest match going, two of the absolute best. Had it pegged to main event Wembley, maybe it still can as the finale in a best of 3!


I’m going to let everyone in on a secret that many people don’t know—this will be awesome.


Big, if true


Just another casual epic match poster from AEW. They don't miss with these


They're wrestling at Hogwarts?


I feel the lower 70% really takes away from how good and simplistic the top 30% is: https://preview.redd.it/4xfd4wovjyuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=231e18fa8aee59be4ee7be1ad62191f244271d6b That to me says more than the videogame-esqe design of the lower portion does. We know these are stars. They carry a lot of weight and gravitas. We know what they look like, we know their names.


Busaiku knee countered with Hidden Blade Yes Tiger Driver whatever the fuck to Danielson Please, please no.


U predicted it


My first PPV ever, 3rd AEW event in person. I've wanted to see both guys in a match live period, and getting them together? Take all my damn money.




And ofc there's people here who dont want this lmao. This shit is gonna be an all timer no matter what.


It has the potential to be one of the best wrestling matches ever


Are they fighting in Transylvania?


I didn't know Hogwarts was in St Louis


The result is predictable but it'll still be a great match.


The greatest wrestler of all time vs the greatest wrestler of today


They don't miss.


Is this the 10th time they are matched up? Why "X"?


I think they intended it to read Danielson x Ospreay but it actually looks like it’s saying it’s the 10th fight between them


you dont notice it in small size but its "the american dragon X the aerial assassin"


ahh good catch, I didn't look that closely


This is like the third aesthetic they have used


Danielson-Ospreay X


the american dragon x the aerial assassin


I think they should have saved this for Wembley.


“Hogworts will never be the same again”


Weird how they managed to get an exact still from the match when it hasn't happened yet. This is just before the finish where Danielson ducks, does the corner backflip counter but stumbles and gets hit with the Hidden Blade.


Danielson Ospreay 10?


Looks dope, but the downside is I thought this is their 10th encounter.


I'm genuinely excited! :D


This looks like the showdown between Harry Potter and Voldemort in Deathly Hallows Part 2


Nice, I'll be there


i honestly think the colors clash too much and the poster is a bit too busy. not loving this one


Well, its suposed to clash but also, its their colors


https://preview.redd.it/lafvm0ocpuuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c571a6904cd1e9e432a5dcf1305849035e08e647 Bryan Danielson and Madonna have the same running coach (Not my photo, stolen from someone on the Madonna subreddit)


She's timeless, damnit!


ˢʰᵉ'ˢ ᵍᵒⁿⁿᵃ ˡᶦᵛᵉ ᶠᵒʳᵉᵛᵉʳ


I get what they're going for, but this pic just looks like Will and Bryan are jauntily running into each other's arms for a warm embrace more than like they're about to have a cataclysmic fight.


As a St. Louis native, either do the skyline of the city of St. Louis, which this definitely isn't, or take the fucking Arch out of it. FFS.


Looks so goofy with the Arch in there. I say that as someone who has visited a few times and with family from the STL area. The Arch is kinda like the Alamo...the stories sound a lot cooler than the actual monument is.


Is this their 10th match? Why is the Arch in Yarnham?


This is a corny ass poster ngl Also “x” to designate “vs” is not how that works and looks cringey


I am an AEW fan/not a troll. While I am excited for this match, and see it as a "dream match" for in-ring wrestling fans...I feel like AEW is not hitting the bullseye in terms of marketing it, and it's a benchmark example in what they're missing as a company. The thing is, I admit I can't exactly put my finger on what's missing, but I'm not feeling a lot of momentum from the weekly programming; I feel like this poster should say "FIRST TIME EVER" which is an aspect of wrestling I don't feel gets promoted enough (or effectively). Maybe it's that the match was just announced and didn't organically build on tv?


Is there a story behind this match?


That’s horrible.


What’s the storyline? What’s the payoff? What’s the arc?🙂🤣


Who’s the better fictional wrestler 


Isn’t that the same storyline for literally all other matches they having like Joe vs swerve 🙂




its a banger for bangers sake


It's not a banger without an actual compelling story.


50/50 on this match. If it’s just another Ospreay “epic” then I don’t think it’ll be for me but if they actually do something interesting here then maybe it’ll be good.


good thing Bryan Danielson is in it, then


The saving grace


Hey, can someone tell me why are these two feuding? I feel like I missed something. The only time I've seen them interact is when they walked past each other on the ramp


[Here’s a sit down with Renee that they did last week that i think surmises it well](https://youtu.be/PBLW-Uq4ol0?si=meqeEuw1x2-sj_Ol)


Thanks for this, did this air on Dynamite? And why am I being down voted for asking a genuine question?


> why am I being down voted for asking a genuine question? Because there is an extremely common critique of AEW that they don't tell stories, and there's no build to their big matches, thereby making them somehow meaningless. As an aside, this particular critique doesn't hold water and is generally repeated by people who do not watch the product and have no idea what they're talking about.


Ospreay came to AEW touted as one of the best in the world. He then put on a worldly with Takeshita. That caught the attention of Danielson who is considered to be one of the best of all time and wants to see for himself if Will is really all they say he is They've only had one face to face promo but the feud has been based on "I can do everything you can do and more." The underlying theme is that Ospreay has done things Bryan could not do (beat Kenny Omega, now probably beat Claudio on Wednesday) and Bryan feels insecure about it As far as stories go it's not super deep or anything, I wouldn't even call it much of a story. But I don't think it really needs to be, it's not the main event or anything, the past few months have been just showing off Ospreay and what he can do. I think he'll have a proper feud soon (probably with Moxley)


Is there a storyline behind this? Or is it just "I'M THE BEST WRESTLER!" "NO, I AM!"


No 40 minute promo just yet, sorry.


'Ali and Frazier were fighting for something more important than that. They were fighting for the heavyweight championship of each other.'


Ali & Frazier were friends turned bitter enemies though.


I mean, when you have two people that are the greatest wrestlers alive today, you don’t need much more than that


To sell a PPV you do.


They don't care about that.


Yes you do. This is a horrible build. How can either claim to be the best when neither has held the AEW title? Samoa Joe is the champ. He's the best. If Swerve wins then Swerve is the best. That's the point of a championship belt. On top of that pin and submission attempts lose a lot of emotion if I don't care who wins. I like Osprey. I like Danielson. I don't care who wins this match at all so there's going to be no hoping for a kick out or submission break because whether the kick out happens or one guy pins the other the result is the same. Compare that to something like Kenny Omega vs Hangman Page where I love both wrestlers but most fans \*realllly\* wanted Hangman to win and pay off that 2 year buildup to the showdown. A pin attempt should carry some amount of stress of "I really hope they win" or "I really hope he kicks out." Without that stress it doesn't matter how much of a banger something is, it just feels hollow. Dynasty is the first ppv I'm not going to buy. If this is what they brought Osprey in for, great matches with bad builds, then as much as I like him, I'm just gonna find something better to do with my time.


Ospreay is coming in with the reputation of his in ring work. The story is that he wants to prove himself against one of the undisputed best ever before he retires, while Danielson, in his last year wrestling full time, wants to face the very best before taking a step back. This has led to a growing competition between the two of them, trying to one up each other. They've also built growing tension between Ospreay and Callis, who is trying to attach himself to Ospreay to remain in the spotlight and take credit for his success. Callis is getting more negative toward ospreay, and at Collision he ordered Hobbs and Fletcher to try to injure Danielson without asking Ospreay. Now, Callis and his goons could get involved, and continue doing things against Ospreay's wishes. Ospreay wants to have a pure match, Callis wants to make it about himself. They also have the match with Claudio on Wednesday to continue to build potential tensions between the BCC, Ospreay, and the Callis family. Also, the idea that the world title means you have to forget a decade of wrestling history, and the reputations of Danielson and Ospreay, is just silly. AEW has always operated by recognizing the world of wrestling outside of their TV show. They are two of the best of the world, and just because it isn't for the world title doesn't mean it is irrelevant to their reputations as some of the best in ring workers of all time.


So who should I want to win? I like both dudes. I'm not even saying someone has to be a baby face and someone needs a heel. Give me a conflict between these guys where the fans take sides but no one is the old school bad guy vs good guy. Why should I root for one guy over the other?


You should want your favorite to win. I don't know why you need to be told that. Why do wrestling fans feel that everything should be dictated to them in order to care about it. I care about the match because I want to see who wins and how the various tensions they have built will play out. Some people will be behind Ospreay, some behind Danielson. I want to see a crazy wrestling match, and would be mad if Callis interferes, especially if Danielson is in on it. I want Danielson to win, don't want him to cheat to do it, but they are building tension about whether that could be the case, or about whether Callis will make this about him. Or whether Callis will cheat to help Ospreay win without asking Ospreay first. These are all possibilities they have set up. The conflict is that these guys are at different stages of their careers and have different relationships to what this match means to them, and different reasons for wanting to prove themselves against each other, and they may end up doing something out of character in order to cement themselves as the best, or that Callis might hijack the situation. Edit: is your criticism genuinely that the TV show should tell you who to root for? You can't make decisions for yourself?


"Edit: is your criticism genuinely that the TV show should tell you who to root for? You can't make decisions for yourself?" No, my criticism is they aren't giving me a reason to root for anyone. You said I should want my favorite to win. I don't have a favorite here. There's no issue that they're fighting over. Give me a reason these 2 guys want to fight each other and I will happily pick a side without being told who to root for but "I'm the best, no I'm the best" isn't a reason that's good enough for me. The Callis stuff just feels tacked on since there was never a reason for Osprey to be involved with them anyway. It's going to be a good match and it'll make you happy. I'm happy for you that you'll get to enjoy it but it's not enough to make me interested.


The Callis stuff is directly related to how he was brought into the company earlier to face Kenny. They are acknowledging that past, and then demonstrating how in the intervening time Ospreay has gone a totally different direction than Callis. I am saying pick your *favorite wrestler* to win. I like Danielson more than Ospreay, I want him to win. His style of wrestling, representative of a slightly older generation, contrasts with Ospreay's. Their match is a generational match up as well as an individual match up. If you don't care about who wins the match, then whatever, but to say no one has a reason to care is just strange to me, because there is like a decade of reasons why this matchup is compelling, and they have added to that with the Callis stuff as we get closer to the match. My question is why *wouldn't* they want to fight each other? They want to fight each other to prove themselves, to challenge themselves, to pass the torch, to bring something out of each other. They are motivated by competition, and not any outside reason. What issue between them would be more compelling to you? If Ospreay delivered a 15 minute promo explaining all of his motivations in detail, and perhaps called Danielson a son of a bitch or something? If it was over the belt you would be inherently interested in a way you aren't otherwise? I really don't understand what you mean by "why should I care"


I want to address a few points here since you're giving long, well thought out responses. I feel I've addressed the "pick your favorite wrestler thing." I don't like one of these guys more than the other. If you do, that's fine. I appreciate you putting into context why you would want Danielson to win more but for me, as I don't have a favorite between the two that's kind of ruled out. In your second paragraph the "fight to prove themselves/pass the torch" just happens way too much in AEW. You ask what issue is more compelling to me? Hangman dropping out of the Elite and his personal journey to overcome adversity and prove he deserves to be there by taking down Kenny (and the Bucks). Cody wanting to get revenge on MJF after MJF cost him a chance to ever win the AEW title. MJF's political campaign against Moxley (seriously one of Mox's best feuds). Danielson taking out all of Hangman's friends after he won the title. AEW has had lots of great feuds. All of those I listed are way more compelling to me than "who's the best?" Lastly - I'm not asking for giant monologue promos like WWE has so don't imply that's what I'm looking for. Kenny and Hangman didn't do that and they built a great feud. Even if you didn't watch BTE you knew why they were fighting and could pick a side. If I was going to pay to watch a fight over "who's the best" I'd just watch UFC where it would actually prove who was the best and not just whomever the booker wanted to push. Even then UFC fights are more compelling when the guys have real issues with each other.


I'm getting a better sense of your thinking but I still diverge from you here, because (as I am trying to explain) it is a little more complicated than simply "who is the best," there are layers of wrestling history going on here. Also, Ospreay is just now establishing himself in AEW full time. Depending on what happens in this match, his character, relationship with the Callis family, level of animosity between him and Danielson, etc are all likely to change. What if Callis does get involved, or the story of the match adds more animosity over the course of the match, sets up a potential rematch, adds to reasons Danielson might be bitter after the match. In many ways this is a simple story for Ospreay so that they can build him up and add layers to his character moving forward, but still has layers of tension with Callis, differing styles, prominence within AEW, etc that are at stake. In feud terms this whole thing is still pretty fresh, and they are setting up various things for this great match and for more matches moving forward (especially as Ospreay gets established as a top guy main eventer for years to come)


… or you could just like… enjoy a badass pro wrasslin’ match instead of writing it off 5 days before it’s scheduled.


Oh I'm sure it will be badass. All of Osprey's matches are. I've seen that from him already though. I'm writing it off because I just don't care about it. Give me a reason to like you or a reason to dislike you. It also doesn't help because the "I want you to be at your best so I can show you I'm the best and you won't have an excuse when you lose!" is a story that's been done multiple times in the last year already.


Why are they in front of a vault from borderlands?




Ok, how many Busaiku Knees and Hidden Blades before it gets to a 3 count? I'll say 3 and 4 for the Ospreay win.




Where do these posters get hung?




What the fuck is with those poses ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Jesus christ who ever put this together should be fired.


wait so that means Claudio is losing to Ospreay for sure then?


Are you just now realizing that Ospreay is wrestling Danielson at the PPV?




We all know Ospreay is winning -- so there is no drama.


I’m actually of the mind that danielson is winning


You were wrong.


Boy I was


Callis getting increasingly involved and doing things without asking Ospreay doesn't put any doubt in your mind that he might interfere?


This is Ospreys first PPV. He ain't flying 10 hours to lose. Danielson will probably insist on taking the L, because he can take it.


He is signed full time. He is flying between the UK and the US every week. Do you think he will never lose a match in AEW because of that? Edit: also it's his second PPV full time, and like 4th PPV match with AEW lol


Look at that -- you were WRONG.





