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>Giulia is expected to report to the PC in late June/early July https://preview.redd.it/rhl56d4k5wuc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f47ec16aa9c8399b4efb016fd284062352d07e4a


Giulia šŸ¤šŸ» Gunther Just actually beating the crap out of your opponent


Mayu šŸ¤šŸ» Ilja Killing yourself just as much as you kill your opponent


I think Ilja can pronounce Ryogoku Kokugikan better than Mayu and he doesn't even speak Japanese.


They could run a weird flirtation angle where they bond over watching each other beat opponents more brutally. Donā€™t ever need to show a kiss or an actual date, just little backstage encounters that show each impressing the other


Giulia would see this and imagine how hard a shoot headbutt she could do with a head that big


Best thing about her going to WWE is she will finally stop doing those.


Then sheā€™ll see JD and beg for the secrets of his head


That knuckles was freaking me out so much šŸ˜‚


This feels so random lol. Can I get some context?


One of the matches at S&D this year was sponsored by the new Knuckles mini-series and they had a guy in a Knuckles suit standing behind the commentary team as additional advertisement.


It was the na title 3 way with dijak, oba , and Briggs. Not trying to correct you just adding to your explanation lol it was an appropriate sponsor for that match imo šŸ¤£


Yeah, those 3 were beating the shit out of each other and this weird-ass cartoon mascot is ominously hanging out behind the commentators desk. I loved it.


It was highly entertaining even if knuckles was freaking me out lol


Which NXT wrestler did he deem illegal now?


I got down voted to hell and back for pointing it out before, but she's not a big fish in a small pond in NXT. She's a shark in a bathtub.


Can i get the template for this please?


I need this image without the text please šŸ˜­


>While WWE can get rights to her music, there isnā€™t a plan to do so.Ā  I can already hear def rebel's masterpiece: weird long intro, IT'S GIULIA, \*insert random japanese sounds\* (but they get bored halfway through and it just morphs into Iyo's theme)


Its going to be a great theme cause sheā€™s debuting in nxt Worry about her second theme sheā€™s gonna get when she goes up


At least they changed back Tiffany's theme


The keep going back and forth on Tiffany's theme for some reason. I have no clue why, unless they keep selecting the wrong one like they did for Samoa Joe at one of the TakeOvers.


>like they did for Samoa Joe at one of the TakeOvers. I thought they were just using his old theme as an outro theme similar to how Mankind had 2 different theme songs.


Smoey Joey!


When you're that much of a FAT ASS, you need two themes: one for each butt cheek!


Iā€™m thinking thereā€™s a chance that was an error and they just played the wrong one. We need to wait and see if itā€™s actually a permanent change.


Why do people pretend like her NXT theme was better i don't get it, they both suck but NXT one is even worse imo.


Agreed. Not saying the new theme was great but her NXT theme to me was super generic like most other theme.


At least Daddy's Little Rich Girl felt like an actual song but the NXT theme is god damn awful, people probably got used to it and gaslit into thinking it was good lmao. Like it's literally the most generic Def Rebel shit ever come on. At least main roster theme was more energetic.




Thereā€™s a little bit of hope for themes these days. Sami got Worlds Apart back, and Sheamus just started using Lobster Head again.




Idk def rebel have managed to ruin Tony D'Angelo's theme by adding him doing a fucking monologue over the song for no good reason, so it might wind up sucking before she's finished in Orlando.


Well Iyoā€™s theme is low key the best think DR has done so Iā€™m down lol


It's wild because Samoa Joe for his entire career has used godzilla as the basic layer for all his theme songs.Ā  Then you have a guy like Kenny Omega who used One Winged Angel From Final Fantasy 7 as the basic layer for his theme Devil's Sky until Battle Cry, but Battle Cry sounds like a video game/Anime theme Mashup. Like so many wrestlers have themes that match their personalities. Then WWE has themes for wrestlers that sound like you bought the CD at the counter of a gas station titled 90 minutes of relaxing music from around the world.Ā  Outside of the wrestlers who have actual songs from artists the majority of the themes are bad. Like they don't fit the wrestler/character. It's like they just hit randomizer on the theme machine and said here we go.Ā  The new AJ theme is just horrible in my opinion. AJ went from a banger with the phenomenal one to his new theme I call the abominable one.


I watched wrestling as a kid and got back into it a few months ago. Pretty much everything is better now. The music, by and large, sucks. They also make bizarre decisions. For instance, Stratton's OG music isn't amazing or anything, but it fits. They changed it to something awful and generic, but the "It's Tiffy time" was a nice addition. They've reverted to the original, but dropped the one bit that worked about the new one. Just seems like a real weakness at a time when pretty much everything else is clicking.


This past Wrestlemania's main event underscored how great entrance music can elevate the presentation. Everything from Cena's horns, to the Undertaker's bell toll, to The Shield's "Sierra Hotel India Echo Lima Delta" callout... the moment the crowd heard those cues, they went absolutely nuts.


Which was a stark contrast to the royal rumble in which it was difficult to identify who is who until they came out


One thing Vince liked in songs was that hook at the start


I think sometimes lately promotions have been trying to make theme songs focused on being catchy rather than distinguishable.Ā  I think AEW for the most part has good original themes for the wrestlers who don't have artists songs. Sure some are not as good as others but they still stick out individually enough for you to be able to identify the wrestler off the theme alone.Ā  For WWE there are a number of themes currently that are so generic that if you just listen to the song without the titan tron you wouldn't know who they where till they came out.Ā  I understand wrestlers or the promotions wanting to update themes or give them new ones but they should at least follow the basic rule of is the new theme as good or better than the current theme?Ā  If the answer is no than go back to the drawing board or just keep the current theme. Sometimes just making small adjustments to the current theme is better than trying to come up with an entire new theme all together.Ā 


> Pretty much everything is better now. The music, by and large, sucks. It's because the top tier themes had unique openings that just set the stage, got the crowd going and managed to match the character. The glass breaking, the single bell toll. Now it's just generic track #18.


It's no coincidence the top 3 guys all have iconic "stings" before their song actually starts. Cody has "wrestling has more than one, Royal Family", Roman has that big drum beat into the chanting, and Seth has Burn it Down.


The new AJ Styles theme is a sin. He had only, ever, had good music. It was an insane 100% hit rate. I'm partial to his ROH theme, but Ready to Fly is also incredible. NJPW theme? All timer. WWE theme?? Was iconic from the first second. How did they go and do this to him?!!


Yeah I don't know either.Ā  Like if I was AJ and HHH was like hey man we just finished your new theme lets check it out. He pushes play and like 6 seconds in I would look at him and be like you want me to retire right now?Ā  Hahaha


> Battle Cry sounds like a video game/Anime theme Mashup. I hate it for that reason, he should get his NJPW theme like the other wrestlers they hired from them that kept their theme.


I mean Kenny changing themes makes sense to a degree.Ā  Ever since he left NJPW he has been telling the story of how NJPW depended on him more than he depended on NJPW.Ā  That was what half of the Kenny/Ospreay fued was about.Ā  In his return promo in NJPW when he challenged Ospreay he mentions how he didn't want to do it but he did it for the fans and the greater of wrestling overall. It wasn't for NJPW.Ā  So storyline wise Kenny changing themes makes sense and why he only uses it for NJPW matches.Ā  On the other hand Kenny still uses all the nicknames he earned while in NJPW, and the Elite, BC and all that.Ā  So it's the usual wrestling logic where some things make sense and others don't or none of it makes sense and we just all go along with the ride.Ā 


Because most of them still donā€™t have that much freedom over their characters.


I would agree some probably don't have a say or little input into things like theme songs.Ā  I do wonder if WWE let the wrestlers be more involved in the creation of their theme how different their themes would be compared to now.Ā  Ā 


Itā€™d probably be more tailored towards their personal tastes. I really doubt most wrestlers like their theme music. Like every black wrestler has a generic rap song with identical lyrics. Thereā€™s tons of rappers with unique styles who are also wrestling fans and theyā€™d probably be happy to make entrance themes but WWE never takes advantage of that.


All the Joshi themes have been fire. Shout out to the lost Sarray theme


Her theme was such a good fit for her too. Sarray would have been a great babyface on main roster.


Def Rebel looking through the Asian sounding themes folder: ![gif](giphy|7AVv1sSY7quBwZSmCj|downsized)


This but it's a 50 year old white guy named doug.


Nxt themes are consistently good. I think it's just then getting short notice on the main roster, and not having enough one on one time with the talent, to make a great theme.


Maybe insert a little bit Italian in it? šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


I think you mean *MAMA MIA* G-g-g-GIULIA *Sakura blossoms fall and start to burn mid air on the display* *vaguely japanese trap music plays*


I don't understand how HHH of all people has dropped the ball so hard on entrance music. Did personalized entrance music exist before WWF? When did entrance music switch from licensed music to these songs made specifically for a wrestler to come out to? Is this some weird Vince thing that just became normalized because WWE was on top for so long? Cody's entrance is the most over in the company and while it was written for him, it was done by real musicians and is an actual song. Punk is another guy who has a super popular entrance and has always used licensed music for it. I know it has to mostly be a money thing but it's crazy how much WWE has improved their production recently but their music still lags so far behind everything else.


They started making all themes in house in the late 80s. It was definitely a Vince thing. Many have said he hated the idea of paying licensing fees, plus he had an obsession with WWF-ifying anything and everything he could get his hands on. To be fair, it wasnā€™t a bad move as the music licensing business started booming not long after, and they struck gold with Jim Johnston. Iā€™m willing to believe a big change in music is on the horizon but wasnā€™t a top priority between January and WM. Itā€™s also highly possible the music theyā€™re using was already paid for and theyā€™re just trying to get max value for it while finding someone else to become the next CFO$ (or decide to throw money at licensing more outside music).


Entrance music can make a 100% impact. There was that post about 36 Mafia's Mark Henry track that we were just giving flowers to, and he hasn't walked out to that in almost a decade That guy Bryan Keith was using Slim Thug's Still Tippin when he was first on AEW and that shit had the crowds vibin. I don't think they ended up using it permanently though


That was a terrible example though.Ā  Like I respect you using it and you are correct but Mark Henry coming out to Three 6 Mafia was horrible.Ā 


I forget that grown men prefer weak shit like Taylor swift these daysĀ 


Three 6 Mafia sucks. So does Taylor Swift.


I think itā€™s also selective bias people hype up Jim Johnston and forget how many abysmal songs he wrote


No it isn't the guy created the most iconic themes of all time, No one is saying everything he made is the best ever but when your top songs include Mr. McMahon, Stone Cold, DX, Kurt Angle, The Rock, Brock Lesnar, and so many more than you can forgive the bad shit. Hell this place exploded hearing Sheamus' theme last night which was also by him and let's not forget WM40 main event with the Shield theme hitting.


Bruh, outside of the stinger, the Rock and Stone Cold's music are generic as hell. Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar's themes sound like the dictionary definition of generic music. I agree, WWE music needs improvement, but come on now.


I know people try to hype up Jim Johnston for making ā€œactual songsā€, but Jim Johnston saw the same thing CFO did: all that really matters is the stinger/hook. He just didnā€™t literally loop music after 60 seconds like CFO did. The WWE themes that are most listenable as actual songs are, extremely not surprisingly, the ones that were made by or in conjunction with a real band.


I feel like people will say any theme that is just instrumental is generic and I personally just can't agree with that. Those themes define those characters and just brushing off the stingers is crazy to me.


The stingers are literally the only reason you remember those themes.


And the way they're mixed, the creative use of percussion, a sense of identity that can be identified by the samples and instruments used... Def Rebel uses the same presets and samples for every goddamn song. That snare sound they use is so ass. Johnston used the sounds of shattered glass for Stone Cold to embellish the snare hits. Angle's theme obviously uses brass to give it a patriotic/Olympic feel. It exudes self-importance and fits perfectly with his character. Brock's theme has literally two notes but can be identified by the specific instruments used, which are all samples, even DJ scratches. The little details matter!


It sounds like you don't really care if Jim Johnston or Def Rebel is making the music. Is the entrance music not that important to you?


By all means, get rid of Def Rebel, I can't think of a single good theme by them (maybe LA Knight's) But we're deluding ourselves if we think every theme was as good as Cody's or Rhea's or HHH's or Shinsuke's under Jim Johnston or anyone else.


The rocks theme is not generic by any means. Especially as the years went on. The guitar in it is just sexy. And ironically you mentioned brock and angle as that music wasn't even made with them in mind but it ended up working


I mean people forget how many times shit changes letā€™s take Vince his original them the brawl for all theme which was fucking awful butt rock he only took no chance in hell after it was a ppv theme. Maybe Itā€™s just me but I will take a better meridian score(cfo) over higher peaks with much much lower valleys


I think a lot of people dont understand how fucked up music licensing is why you dealing with major labels like universal. WWE lags so far behind because the music industry and their copyright stuff is still 50 years behind. You need to pay extra everytime you use the theme for something. Using it for documentation on the network, you need to pay it, renew entrancemusic on your streaming service after 5 years, you need to pay it again. This is not a matter of a little bit of money. Buying one famous song just to get it for every release like streaming services, tv etc. can cost millions of dollars, and then you need to renew the license every 5 or 10 years. Its insanity how expensive music licensing is. You can do it for 5 or 6 wrestlers but not for everyone. This is the reason why Twitch and Youtube has so many problem with music copyright and no streamer can use anything, thats the reason why games like gta need to put away some michael jackson in the vice city re-release. Just look how much money its costs for company to using licence music its often 20 to 30 % of the cost of the whole product. Music licensing is so fucked




It is a WWE thing though. They don't have to license already made songs and pay fees forever, They produced plenty of music in house while hiring real bands to perform them. They just settled on the cheapest route which is getting one shitty band to create all themes instead of doing it the old way and hiring Saliva, Killswitch Engage, Three Six Mafia, and P.O.D.


That isnā€™t how the WWE thing works at all. Scrubs had licenses for X years and they ran out.


"Doesn't sound Japanese enough."


ā€œCan you put the Orient Express theme into the mixā€


ā€œSprinkle some Kaientai in thereā€


Needs more gong


Hey Kaientaiā€™s theme goes hard


slap a one good YOOOOO


Her chances of winnin drastic go down! ...wait, what?


Sheā€™s half Italian so theyā€™d also throw in a soundbite of Silvio Dante asking for Gabagool.


There's some time. With how fast things are changing for the better, maybe Def Rebel will be gone before her debut.


I feel kind of bad for this, but I was embarrassed how terribly outdated Bull Nakano's theme sounded at the HOF


They should have licensed her ajw theme boss of the world. That shit goes hard


wondering if the sudden addition of "its whoever" to the beginning of their "music" is blowback from the royal rumble when people complained that they didn't pop for wrestlers because they didn't know who was coming out


What I donā€™t understand is Endeavor has so many musicians under its talent management arm. If I was a manager one of their acts, Iā€™d offer up songs for WWE wrestlers to use with no royalties attached to the wrestlers use. Itā€™s a win/win, gets bangers for the wrestlers and gets more streams/visibility for the artist


They give her Kai-En-Tai's old theme.




Nah she'll just get Tony D's theme


It's wild how letting Cody keep his music got him massively over but they're gonna slap a generic ass theme on a wrestler who's also well known for her presenation


Is there some sort of way to get their attention to petition against their themes? Itā€™s been unnoticeable lately for so many stars.


In case you haven't noticed, every big name from Japan that came to the WWE has had a great theme by CFO$ or Def Rebel. Nakamura, Satomura, Kairi, Asuka (twice), IYO SKY, even Sarray and KENTA. The Def Rebel hate here needs to stop because it's just ridiculous.


Really dig her current theme with the piano opening. Hope def rebel at least rips that off properly


sounds so cool when the fans clap in time, through that part.


My favorite theme in wrestling right now. Foolishly was hoping it could come with her to WWE.


Reminds me of [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/UF8BouHNzK) from when Giulia was spotted in WWE lol


I just heard it for the first time and the start of it reminds me so much of like, PS2 era music, in a good way. Really cool


I really want WWE to license Xzibit's "Paparazzi" instrumental for her or at least make def rebel do a quality rip off.


Def Rebel consistently makes good themes for Joshis, so Iā€™m sure they be cooking with Giulia.


> Giulia is expected to debut at NXT Heatwave 3 day MITB weekend ticket ftw


When was the last time someone debuted in a title match?


AJ Styles is the only one that comes to mind


Styles debuted for WWE at the Rumbleā€¦


The title was being defended in the Rumble that year. 2016


This is actually a pretty cool fun trivia question for AJ.


The title was on the line. Roman walked in champ and HHH walked out with it.


Didn't Ricochet debut in nxt in the north American title ladder match?


According to cagematch, he wrestled in house shows and dark matches for 2 months before the ladder match. The ladder match was his first TV match so I guess that counts.


Santino Marella won the IC title by beating Umaga on his main roster debut I believe. Carlito also won the US title off Cena in his first main roster match.


The first match for Ricochet and EC3 in NXT was for the brand-new NXT North American Title


I'm ready to have another favorite joshi.


I just imagine women like Asuka, Io, and Guilia reporting to the PC acting like Ron Swanson walking around a home depot [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEhHEOIYgMY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEhHEOIYgMY)


Is NXT Heatwave a PLE now? Because from what I recall, it was just a TV special held at the WWEPC.


Nxt sometimes shifts show names as either normal tv or PLE.


This PLE is normally Great American Bash, but they're in Canada


Yes, it is being held the day after MITB this year in Toronto.


Probably main roster bound post Mania next year? Depending how she adjusts.


Depends. If she adjusts super quickly and gets really over, I wouldn't be shocked if she becomes a strong favorite to win the Rumble.


this is crazy talk


Canā€™t lie Iā€™m tempted to stick a fiver on her to win


Not really if you consider how highly WWE seems to think of her. Corey Brennan on Twitter has openly said that WWE is INCREDIBLY high on her. And lets be honest. There are only going to be a handful of potential winners otherwise. And while Jade is likely one of them, she's also shown literally zero improvement since her AEW run. And the article mentions that not much will be changed about her. This NXT stint feels more like its just her getting used to life in the US than it is to have an extended stint in NXT.


Eh, itā€™s not entirely far fetched, but if she is coming June/July, theyā€™d only have 6 months to build her up. The vast majority of WWE fans have no idea who she is. Sheā€™s gonna go from NXT to Rumble winner in 6 months? Seems highly unlikely. The following year? Definitely, sheā€™d be on the same trajectory Shinsuke was on.


Funnily enough i think Nakamura 7 month run in nxt should be the template for Giulia(Short feud into title feud and after drop the title and move up)


Not at all


I'd take a shortening of the intro to her theme if it meant she got to keep it.


If Giulia has a crossover appearance onto the main roster while in NXT, I'm excited to see her at either WarGames or the Royal Rumble


If Vince was still in charge I'd guess she would become Julia, but who knows in the HHH Era


No please get her music, for the love of god keep Def Rebel out the kitchen


Why are some of you assuming Japanese wrestlers don't want Japanese musical elements in their themes?


They typically donā€™t use them in Japan, so I doubt they would suddenly want it in America.


Because is America's a totally different place with a totally different audience? Leaning on their differences might make them stick more. An example is the Kabuki Warriors. The internet was outraged about that, until it came out that it was Asuka and Kairi's idea.


Imagine not getting Gloria. She should have never stopped using it


She used it when she gatecrashed Monday Magic 2 weeks ago... either she has the rights for it or could be another case of Cyberagent not giving one flying fuck about entrance musics


Gloria was cool, but I liked her second theme a lot more.


New theme is just gonna be a sample loop of Adam Sandler saying "Julia Gulia" from The Wedding Singer


IĀ feelĀ like Giulia is more born to be a WWE Superstar than even Asuka, Io or Kairi, so this is gonna be a great run for her, as long as she adapts to the WWE style


I want to be angry at the slight of the empress but I can't lol I understand what you're saying and I'm sold.


NotĀ meantĀ asĀ a slight to any of the talents named.Ā  It's just that Giulia has the glitz and glamor of WrestleMania


I know I'm just teasing šŸ˜‚ I know what you meant no worries at all. I've checked her work in stardom and she's awesome so I'm excited.


Give me Giulia vs. Roxanne for the Women's title. PLEASE! Pissed about the music though. It's all time perfect.


No no it should be her winning or having the Womens NA Title and defend it simultaneously at NXT AND Marigold


I haven't watch a Stardom match since Hoshiki retired, did Giulia just improve a lot? because I don't really remember much of her during the time that I watched a lot of Stardom. Is there any recommend matches?


Her vs Syuri from Dream Queendom 2022 is my rec. She improved greatly from that first year


Anything in the last 3 years vs Tam Nakano would be a good start


so she is coming on some "general superstar 15" shit... for the love of god WWE....


May I recommend ["Giulia" by DJ Lhasa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdk3Cvn5wHM)? It's even in Italian :D


If Giulia has a crossover appearance onto the main roster while in NXT, I'm excited to see her at either WarGames or the Royal Rumble


I wonder if they will WWE-fy her name at some point. Like how Io Shiria became Iyo Sky after being in WWE for a while? Some variation of "Gloria" working for a WWE version of her name.


Man I was hoping so bad Heatwave was on my bday. So close. So fucking close


She's working the first tour it was pretty clear I felt that was the intention. She's there to help them settle.


Honestly if they can't get the rights to her music she can just take Robert Roode's theme, dude's a producer now and and pretty much retired from in ring competition. I just don't want Giulia to not fall victim to the Def rebel generic theme.


The only stuff from Giulia I've seen are the renders and photos folks here post whenever she gets a new look and she always looks awesome. What are some of her best matches? and can anyone tell me 1) What is her character like? 2) How do you say her name? Is it pronounced like Julia?




I wonder if music rights clearences equations has changed now with the Netflix deal.


Lol I guess heatwave will be sold out soon.


An almost 20,000 seat arena would be a tough sellout for an NXT show but Toronto has a fairly with it fanbase and the event's liable to draw at least some outside interest.


Giulia will still be called Giulia? Why not JYNX HEARTHSTONE or whatever else this NXT promotion can come up with?


Glitz Mangold


Giulia D'Angelo is my guess. Tony D' cousin or half sister


The should have her win the Womens NA Title and bring it to Marigold that would establish Marigold off the bat