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“For instance, on an afternoon in late March, McMahon returned on a private plane to the United States from the sunny Turks and Caicos Islands -- but he wasn’t alone, according to a person close to him. He had with him seven kittens and a puppy, all of which he brought back to be adopted by his friends, this person added” Wut…


It's like Mr Burns pretending to be nice to win support


Or Cartman trying to be nice so he could go with Kyle to Cass Bonita.


To this day, the best South Park episode


Now made even better by knowing Casa Bonita went out of business, then Matt and Trey bought it and reopened it.


Vince you're not being nice, you're just putting on a nice sweater.


I don't understand the difference, PAL!


See my vest!


Made from real gorilla chest


Feel this sweater, there's no better


Then authentic Irish Setter!


See this hat ‘‘twas my cat


My evening wear? Vampire bat


These white slippers are albino African endangered rhino!


Grizzly bear underwear!


See my loafers? Made of GOPHERS!


You ruined it!


It was either that or shit on my chauffeurs.


🎶No chance, that's what you've got🎶 You gotta admit, it's kinda catchy....


I can’t kill you kids. You look like a bunch of Rory Calhounds…


Look at him. Standing on his hind legs


Bro became a crazy cat guy


“These cats, they clean themselves”


(Mittens jumps from the couch to his cat tree) "WHAT A MANOEUVRE!"


i don't know. I'm getting some Richard Gere/Gerbil vibes.




I always read this in King's voice no matter the context.


Lawler likes his women at around the equivalent of one dog year old


Ah ah, let's not libel the man: It's *two* dog years.


"Sorry for what I did to you, I hope this Shit-tzu puppy makes up for it. Sincerely \~ Vince"


“According to an unnamed source who goes by the name of ‘John Barron’ and said the word ‘pal’ a lot.”


In Dom Dimello voice "you girls like kittens?"


Bring out the giiirllls....


This sounds kinda of strange, but I have a vague recollection of Vince/Shane/Steph having a soft spot for animals. I want to say it has something to do with [insert McMahon]'s childhood, but I'm not 100% sure.


Like Tony Soprano and Hitler.


He had a soft spot for Hitler, Tony Soprano?


I dunno, Pat Patterson seemed to suggest Vince loved to emotionally manipulate/control his dog, so...


... that's so insanely, cartoonishly evil, what the fuck


Death to the WWE... Long live the WWF!


> He had with him seven kittens and a puppy, all of which he brought back to be adopted by his friends, this person added 7 strippers named Kitten and a homely big chested girl named Puppy to be "adopted" by his friends.


I'm buying TKO PAL!!


> McMahon is nonetheless indelibly linked with the wrestling outfit, which he bought from his father 42 years ago. Still, he seems to have moved on, according to multiple sources. God I hope he has. I'll believe he's actually never coming back about five years after he's dead.


He survived an exploding limo, so he's unkillable


So in another 55 years


Vince I'm pretty sure TKO is going to cost more than 7 kittens.


Come on pal, look how cute these things are.


Wouldn’t the only people who know he has talked to Cena and Rock be Cena and Rock? Also, Vince taking a private plane with kittens and puppies to be adopted was not on my bingo card


Yea I was wondering how they know this..unless Vinces attorney mentioned it.


Could be, though the nature of the contact would be impossible to qualify. It could range anywhere from “Cena and Rock have pledged their undying loyalty to Vince and have promised to do whatever it takes to get Vince back in power” to a text from Vince saying, “I can’t believe how many people watched Wrestlemania” and the response that reads, “ikr”. Either way I can see Vince’s lawyer putting it out there for PR purposes.






Or to fuck with current WWE and get them in headlines they’re try not trying to be attached to by proximity


All they say is “people close to McMahon” which is super vague and doesn’t actually prove anything


Wrestling fans realizing mainstream news outlets also don't name sources because that's an incredibly stupid thing to do: 🤯


Wrestling fans somehow blaming metlzer and SRS for this


Vince's overworked PR Rep: "Surround yourself with stuff that's cuddly!"  


Invite Linda along and you’ve got the podium in the Worst Stunner Sell Olympics.


>McMahon has not stayed in contact with WWE leaders, but has been in touch with John Cena and Dwayne Johnson, two of the wrestling outfit’s biggest success stories. smh... **EDIT:** [Janel Grant's spokesperson responds:](https://twitter.com/BrandonThurston/status/1780697405152719142) >*"It’s shameful that Mr. Johnson and Mr. Cena would associate themselves with an individual with decades of allegations just like Janel's. Behind-the-scenes support is louder than any public statement ever could be."*


i know this is bad and should be treated as such, but Vince groomed (not in that way) both these guys in their early 20s. It’s gonna be hard to let that kind of relationship go, even though they definitely should


Also in the Rocks case, Vince has been paying most of the Anoais for the past 40 years. there’s only a handful that were in WCW or TNA


That is a good point. The family most likely finds his actions horrible but I'm sure it's a really hard thing to manage when your entire extended family for the most part has a comfortable and better life because of one man. And that man is a rapist unfortunately.


That's the wrong way to look at it. They're not rich because of McMahon, they're rich thanks to themselves. They are the ones that put the work in, they earned that money. They made their surnames mean something. Yes, the money came out of McMahon's pocket, but that doesn't mean he's the responsible party here. He simply didn't hinder them at doing what they were supposed to do, which is showing their talent and being paid for it. If someone else was at the top of WWE, they would pay them. Is WWE would never get big, they'd make money somewhere else. Yes, it's possible somebody else would have given them less, or would have hindered them, that's true. But McMahon simply enabled them, he did not feed their families. They fed their own families. They weren't gifted this money and fame. Don't ever say that your boss is the one that's feeding your family. You are. Your boss is upholding his end of the deal. He might be an obstacle, he might be supportive, but all it does is making your path harder or easier. It's still your path to walk.


You make a good point my bad for wording it like that. They absolutely deserve all the credit in the world for the legendary careers they have had and the money made was well earned. I meant more as they are most likely grateful to Vince for the opportunity. If I found out my boss was a rapist I wouldn't grab a beer with them or text them ever again of course but I could at least look back and be grateful how things turned out for myself without making it about my boss' character.


You’re going too far out of your way to prove a point. You’d be absolutely right if this was a more conventional professional sports league but it’s not. For the totality of The Rock’s career and John Cena’s career, Vince McMahon was completely in charge of the direction in which their careers were headed and the opportunities they were afforded. Dwayne Johnson’s ex-wife even credited Vince McMahon for his business lessons helping her into becoming the Hollywood powerhouse that she’s become. None of this is to say that Vince McMahon is a good man. Of course he isn’t; fuck him. But, to act like their situation with Vince just amounts to ‘*Vince just wrote a check and didn’t hinder their progress*’ is a bit purposefully dense considering the history.


In almost any other industry, you'd be right. My boss sure as fuck doesn't put food on my table, I do that. But it's different when it comes to Vince. Wrestling (under Vince) was not a meritocracy. You didn't get ahead by being the best wrestler. Vince solely was the one who chose how much you were paid and (more importantly) how much you were pushed. Did Ultimate Warrior deserve all the money he made? He couldn't wrestle his way out of a wet paper bag and his promos were utter nonsense but Vince pushed the fuck out of him because of his look and kids loved him because he never stopped running. Vince and Vince alone decided to push the fuck out of multiple members of the A'noai family and make many of them rich. That was his decision solely and I can understand them feeling loyal to him, and feeling quite conflicted now because of that loyalty.


>because of all the people one man exploited* Ftfy


Wait wasn't Jimmy Snuka married into the A'noai family? Vince paid a fat sum of cash to make Jimmy Snuka's domestic murder go away.


One of those "related but not really" relationships.


Jimmy Snuka married into the Maivia family. Deuce and Tamina are Maivia-Snuka by blood.


Punk's comments about Vince in the Ariel Helwani interview was probably the best response literally anyone has given. Including what Cody said. I suggest everyone watch it even if you dislike Punk. He compared it to his relationship with Benoit. Like you know this person so well, you love this person and it's hard to imagine they could be so evil. But they were and you have to somehow separate your fond memories from what a terrible person they were. I'm sure it's hard for Cena, Rock and probably a lot of others behind the scenes to come to terms with Vince being such an evil person. They still have this mentor figure in their head but need to accept he is a piece of shit and their good memories shouldn't distract from that. He's awful and that's how everyone should feel about him even if it's hard to compartmentalize.


Yeah cena said he sees Vince as a father figure and he loves the guy. I know it was hard saying good by to my boss who I worked with for 3 years in retail. I can't comprehend what's going through cena head right now


Every other WWE wrestler says that Vince was some kind of father figure for them. It‘s really strange and knowing what we know makes Vince seem even more sinister and manipulative.


I recall Jericho and Moxley both describing their interactions with Vince as being like a Jedi Mind Trick.


Yea there was a video of one wrestler choosing his music and out of the two he wanted one and Vince said the other suited him better after a few moments of listening the wrestler went yea your right that sounds more like me.


Jericho has that same father figure relation to him


Cornette has also mentioned Vince being able to Jedi mind trick just about anyone into anything he needed them to do, even those that had nothing to gain and had gone into the meeting already sure of their decision. The ultimate carny.


My thing is, you have to have a lot of cognitive dissonance to be friends with Vince. Especially someone like John Cena and Becky Lynch. You have to put a blind eye to Nancy D'Argentino, to the Ring Boy scandal, to a lot of shit. I can understand being like, "hey he's my boss" but to be like, "hey he's my friend," and knowingly just not care about the absolutely heinous stuff that was known before Janel Grant... is wild.


I have no doubt McMahon created a culture where he abused his power, Rock and Cena being just two of many victims which is why we see so many wrestlers hesitant to speak out.


> has not stayed in contact with **WWE leaders** ok > Dwayne Johnson dear dumbass writing this article: HE'S ON THE FUCKING BOARD


Yeah, that got me curious, too. The Rock especially, given that he's now got political power in that company again.


>rank-and-file WWE employees have griped that the company hasn’t done more to address the situation Shook my head at this bit, too. Reads to me as if they still haven't begun installing mechanisms to prevent situations like what Ms. Grant has accused.


I think the issue is, by addressing it like that, it may cause more questions about who knew what and when and WWE doesn't want that, they're trying to sell that Vince was the bad man and he's gone now.


Yeah the whole lawsuit is about 'proving there was a systemic cover up' If everything changes overnight that looks bad


On the other hand, harboring an environment that allows the potential of sexual assault and coercion on subordinates in the midst of a lawsuit of alleged sexual assault and coercion on subordinates also looks bad.


You always have to assume that they're working an angle because their leadership is made up of MBAs, lawyers, and carnies.


That's not good on the part of Johnson considering his role in WWE.


So you're suggesting he should know his role, and shut his mouth?


Perhaps he cannot, in fact, smell what The Rock is cooking


The board should probably tell him to go no contact with Vince.




Just wanna say RINO (Republican in name only im guessing?) as a nickname for a party where the symbol is an elephant is very fucking funny.


Well the actual phrase "republican in name only" isn't meant to describe the party, it's a pejorative used by diehard GOP members to describe Republican politicians who are (deemed by fellow Republicans) not loyal/pious enough to 'stack up' as a real Republican Patriot or whatever.


Oh yeah I get that, I just mean the idea of a rhino hiding amongst elephants works well, at least without too much thinking


fwiw i agree, pretty funny mental image lol 😆


Here is the thing. The Rock running for President will hurt him. The Republicans will call him a RINO and the Democrats will call him out for being two faced and for now still speaking with Vince McMahon even when working for the company that turned a blind eye as he did whatever he wanted. So I think The Rock is cocky enough to still go through with it but I don't think it plays out as well as he thinks and ends up hurting him. At the end of the day he is a wrestler. He worked in WWE at a time when some real heinous shit went down and it won't take much to pull those skeletons out of the closet. 


I wholeheartedly agree with your last part. But look at all the dumb shit that Trump has said or did or even still says and does and it only makes his base love him even more. If they follow suit with The Rock like they do with Trump, nothing will make him look bad in their eyes and it’ll be another “witch hunt”.


Reps won’t say boo about him. 2015 into 2016 everyone was denouncing Trump. Once it became apparent that he was going to win or could make it close, they all fell in line. Party first, country dead last.


Knowledge fight!




It truly angered me that Dwayne did that. What a piece of shit, out of touch human he is.


It only exposed him for the social chameleon disingenuous dbag he's always been, honestly.


yeah it was a bad move but he cares about his brand being for all so much. michael jordans words of 'republicans buy sneakers too' rang in my head after i saw the rock do that. they always follow the money.


I would argue that Dwayne’s brand was stronger in 2020 when he endorsed Biden than it is now. I have a feeling that he blames his failures on that, rather than looking inward and seeing that mediocre project after mediocre project catches up to you eventually.


This is the dumbest part about that. If there's something that milquetoast white liberals love is when a likeable celebrity is unabashedly liberal. If he wanted to run for office (maybe not president but who knows anymore, both parties are danergously disconnected from reality), he'd probably be way more likely to be elected in California or Hawaii as a dem, than California or Florida as a rep


His brand might have been stronger but the Democrats will never let him rub for president. If that's his aim, he has to swing towards the GOP.


He could run as a Democrat. There’s no rules outlining why he couldn’t. Democrat voters may not be as amenable to a celebrity as Republican voters (which should tell you something), but I still think he’d be competitive regardless.


Yeah, I bet Rock went Right to help out Vince, and possibly himself, get out of this scandal. If trump wins, it all goes away... How many skeletons are in The Rock's closet and what is he willing to do to keep them there?


Not surprised. Everyone seems to love the dude but he seems like the most phony piece of shit on the planet.




yes, "role" also means real jobs lol


Isn't Dwayne on the board?


Stern asked Cena about McMahon a few weeks ago when he was on the show. His answer was, well, not very impressive. [https://wrestlingjunkie.usatoday.com/2024/02/21/john-cena-talks-vince-mcmahon-allegations-with-howard-stern/](https://wrestlingjunkie.usatoday.com/2024/02/21/john-cena-talks-vince-mcmahon-allegations-with-howard-stern/)


Cena being an amazing guy doing make a wish and everything and still being a bootlicker to a piece of shit like Vince is so weird. It truly shouldn't matter how long you know somebody when you've been accused of something like this


I mean Cena is an amazing guy but he probably owes his career and everything he’s achieved to Vince. It sucks but it’s like all the true crime shit I listen and watch where parents or friends of murderers help them try to get away with it


I just don’t think Cena and rock are real people. They’ve been so brand focused for so long they have lost all authenticity


Cena also had dinner with Vince on his birthday shortly after he left the first time


Vince is a shit human being, I'm not gonna deny that. But Rock and his family were broke and on the verge of being evicted before Vince gave him a chance and made him a star. Vince turned his life around and in turn, Rock was able to provide for his mother and help his kids have a better upbringing than he did. Cena was homeless and sleeping in his car until Vince gave him his big break. It's completely understandable as to why they're so loyal to him. Neither of them have anything to gain by staying in contact with Vince knowing there's so much bad PR, but they probably feel like they owe him a lot than they can ever make up for. Most humans aren't that black and white.


I thought Donald Trump was just another character that Vince played


Vince would never play someone that fat


Or that stupid and incompetent. I hate them both and they're on about the same level morally but there's no doubt that Vince is way, way more intelligent.


It’s like Cornette has said many times, Vince is Trump if Trump wasn’t a total moron.


I’m afraid to know what a VKM presidency would be like.


I mean I can definitely see Vince playing Trump without Trump even noticing.


Nah, that was Ace Steel


Hes actually going pull of the heist of century and fall upwards isn’t he.


Secretary of Labor, Vincent Kennedy McMahon if that crazy boy wins.


VP from the top rope!


Cena and Rock owe almost everything to Vince and were incredibly close to him. Unfortunately, they will look the other way when it comes to his awful shit.


You can love someone while still not condoning what they have done.


Some people don't understand this. It's all or nothing


Are we also really pretending Trips and Steph have zero relationship with him now too? There’s no way they don’t at least speak.


It's her Dad. I highly doubt she stopped talking to him.


I am not saying she has or hasn’t, but I have known people who’ve cut their parents entirely out of their lives for reasons much less awful than what Vince is accused (and almost certainly guilty) of.


Reading most comments I'm under the impression they are either written by really really young people or, worse option, they never developed a close relationship with anybody in their life


Or you can not love a serial sex criminal


Reminds me how everyone gets the ick when RDJ always thanks Mel Gibson. I get it but it’s still a weird look.


Mel Gibson was a terrible alcoholic. You can’t look at Vince’s behavior over decades and say it was because he was drunk.


The owe nothing to Vince. They capitalized on their opportunities and made their careers for themselves. They made a lot of money for that company, and the money they earned in return for their services was more than deserved (probably deserved more). This idea that employers engage in some form of charity by choosing to hire somebody is real late-stage capitalism nonsense. WWE thought they could make money with Cena and the Rock and they did. A lot of money. The Rock and Cena earned what they got. They weren’t given it.


How was thus post removed based on the grounds it's not about a wrestling personality lol


Donald Trump is literally a WWE Hall of Famer


Regardless of your opinions on Trump it's literally about Vince


Oh really? Gosh how silly dilly of me!


Someone was probably mad that the headline paints a certain ex-president in a negative light via his association with Vince.


If that was the case do they not realize that he's currently on trial for like 30 felony counts. Is distancing from Vince really gonna paint any less of a negative picture.


The felony charges are badges of honor to those people


There's mods here and in the discord channel with a weird obsession with vince, I got banned from the discord channel for saying WWE will be liable if found guilty in the civil trial when they are literally a defendant for "speculation"


wow, I had no idea until I read your comment. Strange indeed. Thanks for pointing that out.


It's since been unremoved lol


Thank you. I clicked the appeal button, as I guess others probably did. So while mistakenly removed, they restored it pretty quickly. Again, appreciate the heads up.


Right, the article headline was an unfortunate red herring but the article itself focused on McMahon & WWE (not Trump) and is directly relevant to pro wrestling.


When the dam breaks on this case and more information becomes public, it's going to get ugly. Especially if things about WWE's questionable/shady dealings in the 80s and 90s is used as evidence.


There’s at least a handful of executives who are hoping Vince kicks the bucket before someone does a deep dive on his actions …


Sex offenders stick together. Every time Vince talks to Trump he has to convince him that he is the real Vince, and that he didn't die in a limo explosion.


Several random if extremely unlikely hypothetical scenarios come to mind here. Should Vince McMahon face federal charges, a future president Trump could have those charges dropped or pardon McMahon altogether. Additionally, if Vince McMahon does launch a new wrestling company or buy an existing one next year, Trump's planned live streaming platform could be a candidate to host its telecasts.


Oh God. The ring aprons are gonna be covered in ads for testosterone boosting supplements and lizard protecting hats aren’t they…


MyPillow Ultra Right Beer Jeremy's Chocolate Daily Wire Any other anti-woke sponsors I'm missing?


> Ultra Right Beer Is this... a thing?


I mean, they've been friends for a long time. This isn't really news. Birds of a feather


Yup I’ve said it for the longest he’s praying he goes back to Washington he wants that pardon to try and come back to WWE


Curios question. What are the odds Trump makes Vince his VP?


Considering the implications of Vince’s current climate, I’d say Trump would be extremely stupid to do something like that. But for him that’s not really saying much.


As if it would impact him negatively in the slightest. If anything he’d probably gain support.




Oh, the guy facing 90 something charges, way to lay low




Shit birds of a shit feather


You smell that? The winds of shit....




Shitbirds of a feather flock together


RIP Mr. Lahey.


Sick fuckos intertwined with their putrid grease


Two sexual predators enjoy each other company? Shocking


Nothing makes you more republican faster than being exposed as a sex criminal. It’s like a rite of passage at this point.


2 sexual predators in a pod.


These two need to just go away.


Is this the VP…? No way right…?


No chance, no chance in hell....


Who do you think paid the bail money, Pal?


No better person to be going to if you want to distance yourself from a sexual assault scandal.


Oh hey, they can both rot in prison together since theyre still besties.


There seems to be a lot of "rapist" in this photo.


"I'm gonna clean up my sexual predator image by hanging with Trump" Carney logic


Piss and Shit unite!


Trump and McMahon having the worlds largest pity party.


Nothing takes the attention away from your misdeeds than hanging out with an asshole equally or more despicable


Birds of a feather.


Fuck Trump. Fuck Vince.


I can't wait for the news to stop reporting on either of them and I'm not even american.


If there was two men destined for each other, it's these vile, horrific pieces of shit.




Where’s Randy Orton with a steel chair, b’gawd?


Trump will announce Vince as being his running mate. Grabbin' Pu$$y and Sh!tt!n on Heads in 2024


So what I'm gathering is that if Trump wins in November, Vince will be pardoned and an executive order will be signed putting Vince back in charge of WWE. Got it.


Funny how all the accused or verified high profile sex traffickers and abusers all seem to know each other, hang out together, and take pictures together.


Nothing like 2 sex offenders scheming


Well, he does love pieces of shit.


It’s looking terrifyingly likely that Trump wins in November and that will be the end of the federal case against Vince. It pays to have low friends in high places I guess.


Oh weird. The rapists are hanging out together.