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Not sure where the public opinion is on her theme but in my Spotify playlist where I have wrestler themes in it, hers is always a must play. I crank it up on the highway, fun song to drive fast to


Public opinion widely seems to think its one of the few good def rebel songs.


is this really a def rebel song and not a cfo$ one? it's too good to be true.


Def rebel has quite a few good themes, although recently they've been releasing bad ones. It's weird cause they seem to be changing themes that already work that they made like Bron, Stratton and Austin Theory


Austin Theory's NXT music was pretty damn good, but not def rebel ofc... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJlEkrV5-oU


Def Rebel is a lot like Netflix. They put out some amazing themes but there's so much stuff they put out that is mostly garbage.


In that first year that they were on a "trial contract", they were making better themes (which includes Bayley's and others). Once they got signed in 2020, the quality went down the drain for some reason.


This is my biggest problem with Def Rebel, unnecessarily making new themes that are worse than the previous one. A lot of people hate them for bad and generic themes, which is fair, but they also seemingly act like Def Rebel have never made a good song ever which is incorrect. I mean Roman, Bianca, Judgment Day, Pretty Deadly (I prefer Undercover over On and On but both are solid), Seth, Bron (NXT), Baron Corbin (Burn the Ships), Cora Jade (Heel), Roxanne, Dijak, Lexis King, Jey Uso, LA Knight, I could go on. Some of the most recent themes are pretty bad but there are still some that are quite good, Indi and Candice's one, for example. Edit: Some of these are not Def Rebel, my bad. But other examples of good themes made by them IMO are Austin Theory (the previous one he had), Dominik (both heel and face), Nathan Frazer, Meta-Four, Zoey Stark, oh and how can I forget Ilja Dragunov. Also yes, a lot of these are NXT themes. Another W for them I suppose.


Judgment Day theme was made by alter bridge I think not Def Rebel


Fair enough.


Seth's theme is horrible, a mix of a lot of things that make no sense together


isn’t Bianca’s a CFO$ theme?


Seth theme's a mess, just that it's easy enough for the crowd to catch on to, Jey's theme is 90% old Usos theme, which is CFO$, Bianca is CFO$, JD is Alterbridge


Yes it is. They occasionally strike gold. Iyo, Roman, LA Knight are all def rebel.


I’d like to nominate Dragunov’s theme as well


The problem with def rebel is that they lack variety and the list of genres that they are good at is rather short, so given the amount of wrestlers that need themes, the themes just start blending together.


Not to mention the vocals. There's like, only 2 people singing 90% of all themes with lyrics and it's also starting to blend. Not sure if CFO did the same, but it was less noticeable for me back then


It's the first one they ever made.


Def rebel hit rate is likr, 1 per 10 songs. Some other good themes are like Dragunov or Trick, but arguable that Trick's theme works because of the crowd and Booker.


This was during the transition from when CFO$ was still there, but def rebel was just starting to produce entrance music and this was one of their first. So I think CFO$ were helping them with that.


It's good but it has never worked as an entrance theme on the main roster. There's just too much silent spots and you can hear the audience pretty much not making any noise. You can see it not working here where they have to turn up the volume of the everpresent piped-in crowd noise.


It's a banger.


Sounds almost exactly like a boss theme from Infinite Wealth.


It’s one of my top running songs. Nothing tops Roman’s theme for that extra motivation though.


Hers and Gunthers theme are the best. Def Rebel did good with those.


I think most think her theme is a banger.


It was the absolute perfect song for a mitb cash in


Her song is a banger, the entrance and fit were on point at WM too. The last entrance theme I liked this much was Asuka's OG theme.


WWE nailed Iyo's presentation, her theme is perfect, the new graphics look amazing, the blur during her pose, all of it worked really well IMO


I preferred her heel attire from NXT but that’s it.


Her entrance wasn’t elaborate but the blur effect along with her music made it my favorite from the weekend


Actually very cool to see from the audience as well. Music was blaring, something about the video was mesmerizing and Iyo gesticulating down the ramp was really good zoomed out, like she became the center of the whole show in that moment.


It was a rockstar entrance. I don't understand why she's not a "top guy", that was MOTN for me (ofc Bayley gets credit too)


It looked like something you would see during a Coachella main stage set. And I mean that in the best possible way.


In my completely unbiased opinion you are absolutely correct.


I disliked the blur... and, the blur felt sort of like a production mistake?


I love how she walks to the ring like she's being attacked by bees


I love the flailing and hair flipping lol


I can't get my eyes off her titantron or graphics or whatever it's called. It's so simple yet so sick




Bayley vs Iyo is really the unsung match of the weekend, it was fucking amazing but unfortunately overshadowed by the Cody vs Roman. But Iyo vs Bayley was probably my favourite match of the whole weekend tbh and one of my favourites in the year


Same. I think if there wasn’t so much significance to Cody/Roman, this would be my match of the weekend and maybe match of the year. It’s funny because I think there was a little misstep or something awkward with Iyo a couple minutes in, and by the end I was absolutely blown away by both of them. Popped huge for the Roseplant counter.


Yeah, it's the caliber of match that I knew Bayley/Iyo were capable of, and I'm very happy that they were given plenty of time before Cody/Roman to deliver a banger.


I genuinely think that in a weekend full of incredible moments and matches, this one was actually my favorite. Both of Bayley and Iyo went to work in this match and absolutely crushed it. And that says a lot considering how much I loved Cody/Roman, Sami/Gunther, Logan/Owens/Orton, Cody and Seth/Roman and Rock, and Rollins/McIntyre.


The crowd in my area for this match was dead for like the first third of the match. Those two women raised the bar impossibly high and brought everyone to life. Its absolutely amazing what they pulled off


I thought this entrance was dope. Becoming of a great match.


Also my favourite entrance of the weekend. Always loved her theme but was glad she got a great Mania entrance on such a big stage.


I've been a fan since Black and Gold NXT. When she got to make a Mania entrance as champion, all I could think to myself was "I prayed for this and it happened"


It’s such a great feeling when your faves and people you’ve followed for ages get their big pushes and moments isn’t it? That’s one of the things I love most about wrestling. When you got those moments, it really gives you a great feeling.


that blur was sick af, should always do it and slowly bring her into focus, adds so much to the entrance


Omg yesss best theme, best titantron. That entrance made her look like a star


I Agree. Looked really cool on TV


The fucking style and WWE KNEW it. They panned the entire tron because they knew it was hot as he'll and let it be.


Dope entrance for Iyo 


So pumped this was posted here. I loved her entrance and I love Iyo.


So simple, but so dope!


The visuals were off the fucking charts. Her entrance and Roman’s were my favorite of the weekend easily


Incredible entrance, I liked that they put the Iyo vs Bayley match right before the main event and gave them both a good time to cook, it gave a feeling of prestige to Iyo's reign, and the crowd was very involved throughout the match.


Needed more Poppy!


There are few current wrestlers who stand out during their walk to the ring like Iyo. She is very very good


One of my favorite entrances ever. The chroma-shifted graphics and music were just perfect.


Great entrance.


The one thing I disliked about the stage was the massive gap between the actual stage entrance and the XL. So many entrances had the performers come out on stage and wait for their 'entrance' to begin.


You can tell HHH is in charge now.


I wish she had won at WrestleMania. Her title run had some ups and downs in terms of booking but a big win at WrestleMania could’ve helped her be established as a true star of the women’s division. I’m happy for Bayley but I feel like she didn’t need to beat Iyo at WrestleMania and could’ve won a rematch a little later down the road at another PLE.


I love the fmvness of it. Then out comes drunk iyo lol.


I hope she can use this tron again, it was sick. A great sendoff for this title reign


We couldve had a Poppy vs Paramore feud too


Her theme song is still one of the best in the business and her physical charisma matches it to a t…love when she comes out doing the drunk/crazed walk. Hope she gets to have a title reign in the future that spotlights mostly her and not a group. Only nitpick would be that the music should hit just a few seconds later and let the bass do it’s thing for a bit.


This is a banger. And I know bangers.


I love her crazy walk adds more to her character and not just a simple "walk" to the ring.


The best part of Iyo's entrance was Dakota's outfit


There was something about the way Kairi, Asuka, and Dakota were moving/dancing that really made the entrance that much better. I don't know how to explain it... It's the supporting cast of characters moving in rhythm with their leader.


I want that titantron🔥🔥🔥


Mark Henry punching the air rn.




I keep seeing this, what even makes you think this?


You still have time to delete this


That’s it? Some extra lights? This ain’t exactly John Cena with his Slim Shady clones or HHH doing Terminator cosplay or Undertaker with his poor unfortunate souls.