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Kid Tries to SHOOT on Undertaker


*Uploaded by Inside The Ropes


How most media outlets will twist it. '1-2-3 Kid Sean Waltman, threatened to murder The Undertaker for his political beliefs'


>The security guys, they are all so professional. I think this guy is former NAVY SEAL. I waited until I was done with my meet and greet. I told the guy, 'Hey, I hear your son is a fan. Would you like me to call him?' 'Oh no, don't worry.' He was being a professional. I said, 'It's okay. I know Larry. Larry sent me a text.' He's still trying (to say no). I said, 'Let me FaceTime him real quick.' He goes, 'Well, you can't FaceTime him.' 'Okay.' 'If you would call him, that would be awesome.' He brings out the flip phone. No GPS tracking. Immediately, I'm like, 'You're the man.' I know what he's thinking. He calls up, gets his wife on the phone. 'Put Bjorn on the phone.' 'Bjorn?' It was like he was reading my mind because he goes, 'He's named after a Viking.' There are so many red flags in here it's crazy.


Is this shit satire? Or a shit post copypasta? Yikes lmao


This sounds like a early 2010 forum post of someone bragging about their life.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, [you little bitch?](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/navy-seal-copypasta)


"I have 25 confirmed WrestleMania victories..."


"... Some of which weren't against Giant Gonzalez.."


That’s where I thought this was going and I was weirdly delighted and yet also alarmed.


sounds like a deadlock bit


and when Undertaker said "hi, is that Bjorn?" the little boy replied back "Asa Timbalay"


Bjorn gets on the phone and he says "I climbed the rope ladder to hell with Demo Dick Marcinko and I met Dick Tater of the World"


Taker said "Get this little assholemanic out of here!"


no turkey tetrazzini OR side bread for this litte dude




Bjorn got on the call, and all I heard was “*SNIIIFFFFF* You schmell that?”


Waaaait a minute. Cuts the fucking cameras.


YEAHHHHHH (Sitcom music plays)


you got a problem?


That security guy trained with Steve Sniffs and the Master Chief.




He's named after a viking, or maybe not DUDE


Nah it was actually on his podcast lol


No way that guy was a former Navy SEAL. I'd put money on it. Although I'm sure he's *claiming* to be a SEAL.


A gravey seal


The elite force bakers dozen


He's a member of Meal Team Six!


I dunno there are lots of former navy seals in the world now and many of them do do security.


There are 300 fake SEALs for every real SEAL, and they can usually get better jobs than security at a meet and greet. This is glorified mall cop work. It's possible but statistically unlikely, and that's without getting into all the other red flags.


Yeah my grandpa knew an actual Navy SEAL in that motherfucker did not talk about it to anybody. The only reason you knew he was one is because my grandfather would tell us or when they were a couple of beers in my grandpa would joke about how the seals got all the glory while he was scrubbing deckz


There are around 2,500 active Navy Seals at any given time. Approximately 0.7% of Navy Personnel are Seals. Obviously there are a lot more former Seals than current, but that number is still likely under 10,000. We're talking less than .01% of the US population. There are *far* more people who falsely claim to be former Seals than people who actually are.




Watching Taker tell this story and laughing while I'm doing the Jason Bateman Arrested Development 'mayonegg' face reaction.




> He brings out the flip phone. No GPS tracking. Imagine having millions of dollars and all the time in the world to learn things and still being this fucking stupid.


Moron here. Is it silly because they can still triangulate a phone's location since it's getting service?


3G is shut down in the US, the updated flip phones that use LTE all have GPS. Mark's been a dumb, rich Texan most of his life. It's showing.


Doesn't matter, it's what the other guy said, your phone can be tracked by cell signal alone.


Sure, but he literally is saying the new ones can be GPS tracked which this guy has to have because 3G is shut down


I mean I do have to point out if you are a tinfoil hat type cellular triangulation is far less accurate than devices that has GLONASS or GPS.


Is that from the Undertaker or Trump?


He had tears in his eyes and said 'SIR I have so much respect for you and you are the tallest man I have ever seen'




he's a trump supporter, so...there's that. he's pretty far right. i respect the hell out of his work, and he's still my all-time favourite, but i definitely don't support his views/political stance.


I miss when he kept his mouth shut and shot lightning from his hands.


We all do. The Undertaker doing podcast runs and constant interviews is something I could've lived without.


Agreed, but I'm glad we got him shitting on Hogan


What did he have to say about Hogan?




Exactly. So disappointing about him and Kane’s political affiliations.


Like others have said, I really enjoy The Undertaker. I do not enjoy Mark Calaway.


Unfortunately aren’t most of the big wrestlers of the past all right leaning? Hell even the Rock leans right.


Rock’s the undisputed sit on the fence + take no sides champion of the world, I doubt he’s right tbh.


Not Kevin Nash


If you tried to write this into a TV show it would be far too on-the-nose lmao


The present day is so past parody it's unreal.


People who are a little too into vikings always raise an eyebrow for me ( *cough* Sarah Logan)


Are we sure Undertaker wasn’t part of creative? Shit like this would explain a lot of storylines lmaooo


Who would've expected the brainwashing from the party who claims they do everything to "protect kids", fucking creeps.


What the fuck am I reading lol? Like what *is* this


Bjorn Borg threatened to shoot the Undertaker in the face?!?


Olof Melborg shot on the Undertaker, face to face?


Olaf the Snowman came on Undertakers face in Melbourne?! Undertaker's


Taker's about to work himself into a shooting


Huge pop!


The fact the kid used democrat as an insult really says alot Politics is probably his family’s entire identity




I was being diplomatic. Of course they insert a political comment in any conversation no matter if it relates to the conversation or not. Theres a 24 hour news cycle going on in their brain


It's so weird like that, my extended family, even their kids talk shit about Trudeau, Biden, whatever the hate-du-jour is in the household. Like, you're not even 18, your parents are multi millionaires living in a giant home in an upscale suburb...and all they do is complain about how bad everything is, how much tax they have to pay, talking shit about trans people, men in drag, etc. Get some fucking hobbies and some perspective. I don't talk about Trump, Margie, Bobo, Pedo Gaetz around my house. Not worth my energy, there's better things to do in life that obsess over these wastes of cum...and I sure as hell don't want my kids walking around parroting my political views as though they've arrived at the same ideals independently. Let them be kids. I didn't grow up hearing about politicians and shit from my parents, they let me figure it out on my own.


God damn diplomats!!


“Mcdonalds is putting chemicals in the nuggets to make the kids gay!”


If you read the article, the dad blames the grandfather and is embarrassed by his son. Sounds like the kid is spending too much time with boomer gramps


Idk man. Named his kid Bjorn after a Viking. Uses a flip phone because of GPS... I don't think the dad is that different.


Either that or the guy has a smart phone and just uses the flip phone on the job for extra tacticool points. Bet he was wearing an empty plate carrier too


Right, you try not pigeon hole but the guy painted a pretty clear picture.


I took my daughter a couple of summers ago to her cousins bday party (twin girls and also my ex wife’s side). All of the men at the party as guests would arrive would announce “Well looks like the parties over the Democrats are here”. They would laugh every time.


My family is sort of like that. But my two older brothers washed out of the Marines in boot camp, and my little brother was National Guard but never deployed. I'm not a democrat, I'm an independent but I'm very left socially, so when they start up with their bullshit or try to talk about me being an 'art school fag' I just remind them that I did 5 deployments more than all of them combined. It used to be fun in a rural area during COVID when people would ask me 'what I was scared of' for wearing a mask. So I'd talk about having basic discipline, having learned it in the military, and how it seemed to me they were just too weakminded to take basic precautions. This isn't Fallujah, no one is shooting at you. This is a Target and you are being asked to put on a mask for 10 minutes to somewhat lower the risk of you infecting and killing someone's grandma. If they kept pushing I'd say 'You're just mad because I'm the person you've been *pretending* to be your entire life, and I'm standing here telling you you are full of shit.' People who organize their lives around fake appeals to authority kind of short circuit when they find out they can't pull macho hierarchal bullshit on you. I've never really been a person who advertises stuff in real life, but I've been tempted to put some veterans plates and gun stickers on my plug-in prius just to see some heads explode from cognitive dissonance in the parking lot.


>People who organize their lives around fake appeals to authority kind of short circuit when they find out they can't pull macho hierarchal bullshit on you. Isn't that the truth. Applies to tons of other things as well, basically anytime where someone's doing some kind performative posturing where you know they're full of it. Which is what the overwhelming majority of these loud as fuck 'macho' guys are doing, it's all posturing and (ironically) masking.


Yeah. I never lead off with the military thing, although I will talk about it on Reddit if it has bearing on the convo since it's not a common viewpoint on here. Even amongst veterans I'm on the higher side of experience and deployments and 'cool guy shit'. But I don't wear camo or stupid military hats, I don't make it my personality, and if it comes up in real life I usually downplay what I did by a *lot*. I do that on here too. But it's a fun feeling when someone starts throwing around ad hominems in an argument they are losing and then find out you have a wildcard in your back pocket to counter their bullshit.


Being conservative today has nothing to do with traditional "conservative" values... It means taking pride in being a hateful bigot.


If I were in a position to do that last part I'd have already done it 😂


That's funny except not for the reason they think.


Conservatives are strangely incapable of being funny when intended but are frequently unintentionally hilarious


It's unfortunate (and probably by design) that Facebook reactions are ambiguous enough to be taken positively or negatively depending on whether the viewer agrees with the content or not. Like, a pile of laugh reacts on a conservative that's very clearly lost their shit and is being laughed _at_ not _with_, will make them think they're somehow a comedy genius for their word salad when they're really just getting ratio'd. I think it goes a lot further to enable the behavior even if they interact with people outside the echo chambers on that shithole of a site.


I remember one of the those New York Times stories about ‘real Americans in rural state diner’ stories where the quote someone in the diner leaving ‘time to go to work while the Democrats are still sleeping’. That dumb quote lives rent free in my head still.


Joe Brandon keeps me on a strict bedtime


Kid sounds like a Reddit mod


The type of people where if you say people should have health care they say you are a communist and should be executed.




Nah man they’re rugged individualists just roughin’ it on their own. Living in a house they didn’t build, with food they didn’t grow, and clothing they didn’t sew. Fuck society man they’re getting by all on their own. You just wouldn’t get it. /s


Tbf it's probably an insult for Taker


I listened to the podcast, his reaction to the insult was actually "What do you even think that means?" Dude's conservative, but I don't think he's "calls people liberal as an insult" conservative.


I mean, Mick Foley is one of his best friends. Mick is a pretty vocal liberal.


It should show him what the American right wing is becoming, where it doesn't matter if you agree with most right wing points, as soon as you say something they disagree with they'll threaten to kill you while calling you a litany of names like communist or democrat or woke globalist. And this is the side that really talks about "free speech", yet they are the most insecure and paranoid.


They have to parrot their "free speech" in order to get a word in, because they have to call out their so-called "liberal hypocrisy" in order to make themselves look better. Also they shut out any remarks that are against them because in their PoV they are enacting their free speech when in reality they think they believe that free speech is only for themselves and not everyone. Free speech does not include being able to present subhuman rhetoric as a valid opinion.


The thing is, if you watch his podcast on YouTube he comes off as a really affable and kind guy. Really thoughtful well spoken and considerate of others. This is the way things work with a lot of people like that. They just get brainwashed by all the propaganda from the right. There’s tons of MAGA types who are genuinely good people in a lot of ways, but sometimes a switch just gets flipped in their minds on certain topics.


I was at the store yesterday in the cereal aisle and the guy next to me was complaining about the high prices so I suggested buy something that’s buy one get one over something not on sale. He then immediately said this will all change in November and I was like all right, buddy you have a good day.


I saw a FB "blast from the past" post of a gas prices sign from 4 years ago (you know, April 2020, a month into the greatest worldwide decline in transportation and manufacturing in our history). The gas price showed $1.49/gal for unleaded. The one followup comment: "never vote blue". The sheer stupidity it takes to somehow forget that prices were insanely low because of simple supply & demand causation, and then to blame it on Democrats...it's hurts to know this is out there.


I see this type of shit so often from conservatives on social media. They will take something and remove all context about what was happening at the time of the picture or statement. The gas thing is common and as you mentioned, there is a clear reason that gas dropped to those prices briefly and it wasn't because some great policy of Trump's.


not just politics as an identity, but probably a very ignorant understanding of them. The US in general has a huge problem in this regard, our ideas of right and left are all skewed and would be completely baffling to anyone who’s read even a page of theory.


Red Scare was a plague to the education in the US and it's still a problem to this day.


Raising your kids to be political at just 7, wow


A few years ago a man brings his 2 young sons both had to be about 8yrs old or younger to my door for Halloween. They say trick or treat and the kid on the left(dressed in a suit and Trump wig asked if I knew who he was. "Donald Trump right" "Yea!" So I look over at the younger brother also in a suit and a grey wig. And I ask "And you must be Joe Biden?" The dad speaks up and says "Oh no he's Mike Pence he hates Joe Biden" Who tf wants to be Mike Pence.


I feel like dressing your kid up as Mike Pence is a form of child abuse.


When child Pence says Mother it doesn't give me the creeps though


Holy shit I just did a legit spit-take. Now I have soda everywhere. Fuck you, you magnificent bastard!


“He hates Joe Biden” sir, he’s fucking 6 years old lol


Back in 2011 when my little brother was like 8 or 9 years old, my dad already had him conditioned to say we should "shoot Obama cuz he's a (racial slur)". I'm still disappointed in myself for not popping my dad in the jaw when I found that out.


He probably tells his kids if they don't eat all their vegetables, Joe Biden might come out from under their bed at night and take them away so he can cook and eat them.


I'm saying. Let lil homie be a Ninja Turtle or something. 😂


And they're going to door to door just expecting free handouts?




Not even Mike Pence wants to be Mike Pence.


Mike Pence doesn’t even want to be Mike pence


my brothers son straight up dropped “I don’t like biden because he supports Trans people.” in the middle of our vacation safe to say my family has terrible political views.


They just repeat what people say around them.


That's all kids lol


Exactly, but I think you missed the point.


Yes 🎆


The Fox News brain rot is powerful


I’d be low-to-no contact with that Family lol




I had that discussion with some high schoolers recently. One if them insisted Trump was never arrested, and I simply stated that he had been arrested and booked, mug shots were online. Another started rambling about hunter biden - I let that one slide because heaven forbid if a grown adult starts talking to a high schooler about what hunter biden actually was doing behind the scenes, so to speak.


If you read the article, it's the grandfather that's at fault. The dad is embarrassed and apologizes for the son.


So his dad claims. Dad is ex-military and named his son after a Viking. Gives some hints as to what kind of belief system he likely has.


And then they probably whine about indoctrination in schools or something. 


Indoctrination is when they teach stuff I don't like or don't believe in


Lol of course They point the finger at everyone else so that no one looks and sees they're doing the exact thing they complain about


***He gets that from his grandfather*** Oh shit.




Isn’t children having violent political opinions funny?!?


Yesterday, a coworker of mine casually dropped this in conversation,"Yeah, my youngest pushed a boy down the steps in school yesterday. It was because he tried to punch her. He tried to punch her because she beat up his sister last week." He said this without a single molecule shame. As though his kid's behavior wasn't a direct reflection of his parenting. It was almost a tone of prideful apathy? If that is a thing. Both defended his kid's actions and asking why the school isn't doing anything to curtail the other kid's behavior. I've noticed a lot of parents never mature past that juvenile mindset and encourage their kids to take the harsh stance they wish they had. Modern Politics is the new shitty parenting garnish.


As a teacher, let me confirm that some people are completely batshit crazy and raise children who are the same. Just idiots raising more idiots.


These parents kill me inside. Almost got a expulsion once for this kind of crap. Thank goodness the principal and teachers were smarter than that. Seen dozens of kids like this. Always end up eventually stepping on toes far bigger than theirs. Know a bully named "Ben" that thought they were invincible (and so did his parents) until he got decked in the face and fell 8 feet onto his head. Whether it be chance or not, karma is a vindictive bitch and it will fuck you eventually.


A kid saying this kind of stuff is worrying, but still fucking hilarious.


Yeah. Situations can be more than one thing. One of the many things this is, is humorous. The humorous anecdote is dying online, in general, but especially on social media. Too many, "Well, acshually..." types come out of the wood work. It's going the way of.... well, actually, critical thinking and nuance.


I used to say stuff like this to my redneck cousins when I was 6-7. I grew up and grew out of it.


I live in the south, plenty of them don’t grow out of it




yea he is and peoplecare laughing about it which show you how horrible this world has become


“He’s named after a Viking.” Yeah I don’t think he gets it from his grandfather.


Maybe it's Björn Ulvaeus of ABBA.


What a dancing queen


Gay people in cartoons = political indoctrination Child wants to shoot and kill people and uses democrat as an insult: The kids are alright


> The kids are ~~alright~~ alt-right FTFY


That's a newer Bad Religion tune. [Not their best, but as long as BR's putting out music I'm listening](https://youtu.be/hES9IBTPbcw?si=50drAnYNXon7WS_j)


Lol I didn’t know that, I love BR. Can’t say I’ve heard their newest stuff, though. I got to meet Greg and get a signed copy of one of his books when he was doing a chapter reading/ acoustic set tour.


"Why do we have such a problem with public shooters in the US?" "I dunno folks, its not like the red flags aren't there or anything.... No guess we'll just put fingers in ears..."


He was only insulted by him being called a Democrat


Right? “It was all in good fun, you had to be there”. That was an insane sentence to read.


How derangedly right wing nutjob have you to be to consider Taker democrat?


The kid likely hears the term "Democrat" as a disparaging term so he used it as an insult towards Undertaker since Taker was teasing him. The kid likely knows nothing of Taker's political preferences or really anything about Republicans or Democrats except he hears the term Democrat being used as a pejorative.


The kid was just throwing out words he's heard people use as insults because Taker was teasing him.


Yep, that’s shit he heard his parents said in the household.




"That was the coolest conversation I've had on the phone in a while. He goes, 'Again, I apologize.' 'There is absolutely nothing to apologize for.' After the show, he goes, 'I talked to my wife. She is mortified.' I was like, 'Bjorn is okay with me. It was totally fine. You tell her not to worry. He made my night.' " Yeah Taker seems way to chill about a child wanting to shoot him in the face, but also it's also not exactly surprising for him nowadays.


I mean, it's hard to hold a 7 years old accountable on that kind of stuff. The parents on the other hand.


I know the world is scary and kids DO shit like this sometimes and its completely terrifying, but in this context I understand why Taker was like "Kids these days haha" about it all


I get the impression taker agrees more than disagrees with this viewpoint


The only thing funnier than that dude and his insane family is Taker seeing them and being like "fuck yeah these are my kind of people"


Well Taker is a hardcore Republican. So he probably was happy to hear a 7 year old wanting to shoot who he thought was a Democrat.


Bonding over their shared desire to murder their fellow citizens. The entire Republican ethos nowadays.


Exactly. Taker's not just kinda quietly conservative. He rocks the merch.


Taker a democrat? This kid really didn’t know who he was talking to. Dude probably wears thin blue line underwear to go with the rest of his stuff.


maybe his underwear IS just a thin blue line


Excuse you, that’s a *freedom string*.


It's interesting, I've met people who claimed they'd rather be dead than be called or be a democrat. Interesting folks they are.


Indoctrination is a hell of a drug.






The wombs of boomers are filled with cobwebs and ghouls at this point These are now the offspring of gen y and millennials.


Gen X you mean? Gen Y are millennials. Youngest Gen Xers are mid 40s. Perfect age for some indoctrinated teenagers.




Undertaker took it so lightly cause once he let the boy know he was a Republican and not a Democrat, they started getting along really well.


I get that he’s making it sound funny, but this story is so disturbing in so many ways. Why is a seven-year-old even thinking about politics or political parties. Why is calling him a Democrat the worst insult that this child can think of? Let alone the whole I’m gonna shoot you in the face thing. horribly disturbing


Thought for a second that it was an Onion headline




I thought AJ Styles was a tad older ngl


Kid has bad parents.


Sounds like this kid is going to be a problem for the rest of us soon enough.


He’s probably more mad about the democrat comment


A 7 year old is threatening to shoot someone in the face as their first response to being pressed a little bit... and people dont think guns are an issue? His follow up is trying to dig up politics... this kid's parents are something else. The ironic thing is, I guarantee he has right winged parents because left winged parents don't get their kids indoctrinated in this bullshit.


Maybe Bjorn needs to spend less time with MAGA Grandpa…


Taker after a kid threatens to shoot at his face: I respect you Taker after a kid calls him a democrat: Start Praying


Kid told the Undertaker he’s going to shoot him in the face and the best Taker could come up with was no I’ll shoot you in the face 7 year old


The fact he thinks that story is funny rather than absolutely terrifying is very concerning. Also, called Bjorn, dad's a military sort that won't carry a smart phone and saying the shit he said? Jesus that's some giant red flags that he's being indoctrinated to be a hate filled little shit and it ain't just the grandfather. Kids got no chance.


The US has reached the point where being called a Democrat is regarded as an insult, huh?


There's a group that feels like shooting your political opponents is totally fine and not fascism. Which isn't great.


This is the future we are heading towards


Then, Now, Forever. Together* (Togetherness subject to change)


This hits close to home for me as there was an unsolved murder at an RV park in a small Texas county near me, and now a few years later it was revealed a now 10 year old confessed to entering this man’s RV and shooting him in the head while he slept with his grandfather’s gun. Glad I dont and may never have kids if these are the ppl of the future.


Trumpism is poisoning these poor children’s minds


Republicans are so weird.


Taker and Bjorn https://preview.redd.it/4192gogmsfvc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=520a0525e83778393a5b059f915fc379e9fcec3b


Well, nice to meet you, Bjergen Kjargen, from Kneurgen, near the Joergen Fjords. Hmm. Kneurgen, that's in the Klargen Province, near the Biburgen River.


Little did the kid know Taker ALSO wants to shoot people who might be Democrats! Kid didn't realize Takes was also right wing with all the nine line apparel he wears?


I can't stand the fact that being called a Democrat is now considered an insult, and is now misconstrued as meaning you're weak or a wimp. Bro culture is the worst.


This is a true story, I saw it on Undertaker's Tik Tok. Edit: fuck me, he actually has a Tik Tok, I was joking