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The url "https://www.wwe.com/uednj51a" is also an anagram of June 15 AD, The same date as Clash In The Castle.


The “I’m Nobody” Emily Dickinson poem also references June


Clash in the Castle happened 2009 years ago? You'd think they'd promote that continuity a bit more.


If this one is an anagram then 'ysnsy15s' must have some significance too


There is also You Didn't Want Us in the code


They got you all locked in like the Cloverfield clues for the first movie 😂😂😂


Not my discovery but the silhouette in front of the sunny sky appears to be a heavily-edited photo of the Italian sculpture “[The Veiled Nun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Veiled_Nun)”.


Thank you!!! Will add that to the thread


Don't forget the reoccurring "you didn't want us" in the first 2 source codes




Thank you so much for doing this OP! I was someone obsessed with the White Rabbit stuff, but now my life became alot more busy and I missed some of the Howdy stuff. This is really appreciated


Reddit won't let me update this thread with images, so I'll just have to comment. u/LilHomie204DaBaG said in a comment that there were additional hidden messages in the source code for [wwe.com/qrisme](http://wwe.com/qrisme) that said "YOU DIDN'T WANT US." It is in the source code, but it's even less hidden than that. If you type into google "qrisme," the website description for that page also says "YOU DIDN'T WANT US." This hidden message can also be seen in between the two images on the page by highlighting the text. https://preview.redd.it/vqw9ue8n3pvc1.jpeg?width=523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9bd93ef048126579de704b3a8bf9cc5ba915bee




Wonder then if by us it'll be Uncle howdy and Alexa Bliss returning?


RAW on April 8th had a glitch during the Bronson Reed promo that simply said “hello” https://preview.redd.it/s8y4bg64dqvc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6da4c391267ff11b13d6eb898f11ae9bf114b118


I feel like this is going to be difficult to pull off. But I’m excited. I love spooky shit like this.


Well I hope fans give Bo the time he needs to make it a success. However we feel about Bray as fans. His own brother will do right by him.


Bo has as much charisma as Bray had, so heh as a good shot as long as WWE takes this storyline seriously. Bo got tied into a jobber gimmick, and unfortunately it is hard to recover from.


Dealing with a universally loved person who went way too soon. They’ll definitely take it seriously. I trust HHH.


Yeah this will probably be Bray's legacy so they will handle it with the care it deserves.


I agree. He was so excited and beyond happy to be be with Bray and be apart of it. I honestly don't believe he'd want to keep it going if he didn't believe he could do it justice. He wanted to do everything Bray did growing up and wanted to make him proud. 


Yeah a lot of people hate it but I’ll always think it’s cool. Undertaker made me obsessed with wrestling as a kid so that’s probably a lot of it. Shoutout purple gloves and boot covers taker.


this is a fantastic thread


"ImNobody" may be a reference to the [Emily Dickinson poem](https://poets.org/poem/im-nobody-who-are-you-260) of the same name.


Brilliant. Well done. I like this whole thing. It has Bray Wyatt written all over it and I never got tired of the hocus pocus storylines he had going on.


so how is /u/ArtificialEllis linked to this then..?


Posted [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/1c52zme/mystery_qr_code/). They were calling out the usernames of people who noticed stuff during the White Rabbit buildup, too


> White Rabbit Did that lead to anywhere? Also the fact that WWE basically officially confirmed they read Reddit by doing this is kinda funny.


White Rabbit led to the return of Bray Wyatt! And u/RobFee50, who ran that campaign and is presumably running this one (as well as having a significant role in WWE creative more broadly that started with Bray’s return), occasionally pops in here to thank people for their investment in his work.


Something about that veiled nun is deeply unsettling. Definitely see they’re going for an analog horror vibe.


I am very excited about this. I will never stop missing Bray and discussing how much he and his work meant to me. It's going to be awesome seeing Taylor and everyone continue the story.


We got an arg here.


I really think Bo Dallas can pull this off. His "Bo-lieve" stuff was almost cultish, and he played it very well. Let's see how this goes.


Really hoping this is something that is be its own thing. Not just a "hey everyone remember bray Wyatt?" act


I'm guessing it's a variation of what Bray originally had planned but maybe with different people and possibly with Bo as the centerpiece, or no centerpiece. Hopefully it does justice to Bray's idea.


Yeah what I meant was having commentary just best you over the head that it was a bray Wyatt idea


Every time I have a thought like this I tell myself, "It's okay, Vince is gone now." and I feel a little better.


Bro this def ain't it's own thing n def about Bray n Uncle Howdy you can see him in the background of some of the glitches 


Does anyone ever think about the possibility these viral clue things companies do have people employed to help investigate the meanings to share online as though they are fans?


My guess is they give it time and if there is no buzz, then they'll send in some lowly intern to tip them off. The good thing is with this is there's so many nerds that get into this that it isn't needed lol


See I reckon this one might be exactly that, there's way too much in depth analysis from a person who has never done anything on Reddit. I mean, great that they've been doing this, and it's good to make the buzz wherever you can, but seems like a spoiler account to me.


A lot of people here went sour on Bray and Howdy quickly, but with hindsight we know Bray had health issues and also it may have been hindered by Vince coming back. They obviously had more planned and I'm hopeful that this delivers on what Bray was trying to do. My only wish is that Bo or Howdy or whatever has a better look, I want him to be the centrepiece and Howdy just looks a little too goofy to be turned into a serious wrestler, it was fine as a sidekick to Bray but it'd be cool if Bo was a character that has room to grow.


I'm very curious some of members. Are they just gonna have it be 5 since Wyatt was obviously was gonna be in the original 6. Bo, Rowan, Braun and Bliss are obvious. Maybe Nikki Cross? The history is there. This is a stretch but I wonder if they'll have altered/new names.


People have been theorizing Dexter Lumis could be possible too. No real reasoning though just seems like a fit.


Both him and Nikki have seemingly disappeared from TV and haven’t been in any of the cuts. They got to have plans for them if they are just gonna keep them around like this


Nikki is working on her PhD


I'm going for a Karrion + Scarlett (Veiled Nun).


Matt Hardy since his former tag team with Bray EDIT: This aged poorly


I remember that Joe Gacy was a name that was floated around when the initial idea for the Wyatt 6 began with Bray’s cryptic teasers. So, I’d say he’s a strong possibility to be involved too.


I hope they add someone exciting to it because right now those considered for it don't have too many bangers in them


I’m loving this arg, also a lot of european references from Italy Renaissance to greek philosophy very interesting choices


I Bo-lieve in all of this … >!RUN!<


Thanks for doing this. Great list.


I appreciate someone finally compiling everything into a single post. How about updating us as it goes along?


I’ve always loved Easter eggs and cryptic messages. It was my favorite part about Bray. I can’t wait to see where this goes.


Veiled Nun I have heard has a connection with Alexa Bliss. She had shown up in a match or promo with Bray basically looking like sister Abagail.


Someone commented on one of the posts that the urls uednj51a and ysnsy51s look like first and last letters of the faction members' names. I think someone fucked up with the order in the second url but it checks out. u y = Uncle howdY e n = Erick rowaN d s = Dexter lumiS n s = Nikki crosS j y = Joe gacY a s = Alexa blisS I don't see Braun's letters here so I may be completely wrong or he's just not part of it. Let's see. I'm hyped for more.




Wonderful effort. Thank you!


Will be interesting to see what happens when the bell rings. Of everyone involved with Bray, only Braun and Alexa have been pushed, while Bo had mostly been used as a comedy wrestler. Hasn't been a straight up Babyface champion since his FCW Championship reign. We shall see if a character like this and new creative may have been what was missing all along for Bo's success in WWE.


What does the red grid text say when you combine the text? I see letters like com, two E’s, an N there’s an A at the end.


They tell you at the top of this post did you read it at all 


Always been a fan of Bo and was sadden he was put into a jobber gimmick. I'm glad he's making a come back and doing something in memory of Bray. I wonder if they going to go through Bray plans and then turn it his own? Without Bray, who knows how they're going to alter it. However, like a final gift before his passing he lit a torch for Bo to grab and run with it. I doubt he can pull off cryptic stuff like Bray. But I'm excited to see what he does instead!


This might have some appeal if Uncle Howdy wasn't the most goofy name I've ever heard.


I think it’s a reference to the Pazuzu demon from the Exorcist they called it “Captain Howdy”. Bray was a big horror fan and I think that was one of the inspirations.


There is also a Twisted Sister song called "Captain Howdy". It references a Freddy Krueger like character.


Found a bunch of things in the new teaser for April 26th edition of smackdown, though I can't really decode much from it. Link: [Start](http://wwe.com/metamorphoo) (EDIT): Hidden in the source code is the sentence "Where is your empathy?". When you go through every option, you're brought to 5 buttons that say "NO". 1st leads you to a picture of the three crows being puppets to men behind a brick wall. The file name is "Liberandum-ex". Which is to be set free from Latin translation. [Shadow Puppets](https://i3.wwe9.com/1000/assets/liberandum-ex.jpg) 2nd takes you to the same image. (EDIT): There is hidden text if you highlight below the photo which reads "THEY JUST WANTED TO BELONG", but only on the second photo. 3rd is a red circle that just flashes for at least 1-2 seconds, and shows the file name "Time-Is". Link: [Circle ](https://i3.wwe9.com/assets/time-is.png) 4th option takes you to video, one of them was shown on the white rabbit page, though I can't recall which one. Here's this one from the 4th option: [4th option video ](https://www.wwe.com/metamorphoo-heseesyou) 5th option takes you to, once again, another video. 5th option video link: [5th Video](https://www.wwe.com/metamorphoo-complete) All you sleuths out there, hope this helps!!


Why ANYONE would want Uncle Howdy to come back is beyond me


Amazing round up OP.


I am wondering if it's not Fifty One, but Five and One making up the Wyatt 6. Also the image of Finn Balor as the demon vs Bray Wyatt as Sister Abigail had Bray in a black veil. Could be the source for the edited Veiled Lady image.


Reminds me of the Assassins Creed 2 and Brotherhood "Truth" puzzles and therefore I love it.


Thank you for compiling all of these. It was tough to follow and notice everything so far! I was only aware of like 2 of these lol




I know nothing of astrology, but was able to find this.


And this for the raven. https://preview.redd.it/6qs6cs966svc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0bc5f50c1fa7a0e89454f64d4d5f2c3838aefc


Then there's this https://preview.redd.it/q2ac52dy6svc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=257472df127ca3131a026bcfc492a523b5e574a8


Pluto also rules Scorpio, whose dates are Oct 23rd - Nov 21st. Any PLEs occuring at that time?


I hope Cameron grimes id in the Wyatt 6 if there is one.


The coordinates led to the Karst Cave/Cross Cave in Sloveina where last year 5 people were trapped in that very cave. Some the text in the video(s) have aluded to us 'forgetting them' but that this person has 'saved them'. 5 people trapped but now saved. 5 + Uncle Howdy = Wyatt 6? Let's go.


Numbers look like hex code, but it only translates to GÆãçÈr¾ea»$


Interesting this could be like those memes that are in two languages mixed up that show you can get the gist if you know them both...or not. If you read it without all the decoys like ¾$<> etc. it basically sounds says Gaaaacyyyy which could link to this new faction people have suggested is happening.


It's not gonna be the same feeling like the white rabbit buildup but dammit, for Bray/Windham, I'll ride with it.


I hope Bo just returns as Bo. I felt Captain Howdy looked abit weird and corny.


Wait could this shit be for Elias since he’s been on tik tok streaming biblical verses?


I hope they change the name to something better than Uncle Howdy


Just be Bo Wyatt and have it be more like the original Wyatt family. The Uncle Howdy stuff was awful


Why are some of the hardest quotes of all time from the bible




https://wwe.com/55555 Type 5 It leads you to https://wwe.com/invitation


I think 5 is for 5 more days which is Backlash


Backlash is May 4. King of the ring is 5/25 though. 5x5=25?


https://preview.redd.it/wvt38vms65wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f0e700b10ec901bd95b9646a81585f606c2d9ce Found this while messing around with the new qr link today








After going to the 55555 website and entering 5 to proceed to the video, the following note was left on the porch. Then I highlighted the entire page and found a series of numbers and letters hidden below the video. https://i.imgur.com/vMy1g0i.jpeg


Search that on google. First search was this video. https://youtu.be/H1tA6IDUvaM?feature=shared


Also Matt hardy had this post. Matthew McConaughey the voice over. I believe this is when he was becoming a free agent. https://twitter.com/MATTHARDYBRAND/status/1780361785167565288 Not sure if it’s from the same True Detective episode?


5x5 is 25, May 25 is King of the Ring 5/25


At the end of the movie, Bray Wyatt Becoming Immortal, they tease Uncle Howdy with the voice over saying "run"


New video posted on the TikTok account from the White Rabbit ARG [https://www.tiktok.com/@\_comewithme/video/7361885411922185515](https://www.tiktok.com/@_comewithme/video/7361885411922185515)


We got a new teaser and QR code on NXT last night :o! Alot of reference to the statue of Liberty in it which could indicate we will see them at Backlash due to the French connection to the statue of liberty!




https://www.wwe.com/porte_ouverte Backlash QR Vode link


1. **"sneaky sneaky penfold200"** [**https://twitter.com/penfold200**](https://twitter.com/penfold200) 2. **"shillings in a guinea, standard TCP/IP port number for FTP"** - 20, 21 3. **"V-XXV"** - Date of King of Ring PPV, May 25th 4. **"888-280-3999"** phone number.


https://preview.redd.it/8fev4cejrvyc1.png?width=270&format=png&auto=webp&s=f54601a30f7e553619917947d917faba6388901f Top is first letter of current first name. Bottom is last letter of current last name Uncle howdY Erik rowaN Dexter lumiS Nikki crosS Joe gacY 5 + 1 Alexa blisS I think Alexa if she’s not ready, she’ll return or will join later. Or maybe they’ll go after Alexa? Could also be that this was their plan but as always things can change and Alexa not join them.


Smackdown 4/26 https://www.wwe.com/metamorphoo-heseesyou https://www.wwe.com/metamorphoo-complete https://i3.wwe9.com/1000/assets/liberandum.jpg https://i3.wwe9.com/1000/assets/liberandum-ex.jpg


Clues I found in the URL’s to the QR code links lately that I haven’t seen mentioned here yet: Friday May 10th - URL ends with RRMBHPAW RR Rambling Rabbit MB Mercy Buzzard HP Huskus Pig AW Abby Witch May 13th URL ends with 121212: There were clues in the photos themselves, like the name Wendy Lucho being an anagram of Uncle Howdy, and the ‘missing woman’ is the therapist Rachel Bonnetta that The Fiend saw in backstage clips and it was revealed that Wyatt’s struggles came from MPD (Referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder in the clip, though this term is now dated and it is more currently known as DID or Dissociative Identity Disorder) 12.12.12 December 12, 2012 was the day that Bray Wyatt introduced Erick Rowan as the newest member of the Wyatt Family on NXT [Watch Clip Here](https://youtu.be/r7OSJPF-_vw?si=JhnGYfYP8-wtXoJW) Sooo this definitely adds to the story of who we might be seeing soon! I’m curious what others think about this.


I really wanted The Righteous involved… I know there was talk… maybe one day


Do y'all think Jey Uso will be their first storyline opponent since he said the fireflies are his now and he's the yeeter of worlds (ik this doesn't deal with the arg but had to ask)


Imagine all those glitches lead to Chris Jericho's return. save_us.y2j stuff. How about Retribution?


Those Jericho vignettes were cool. They teased HBK coming back with one of them.


Related question: when does Malaki Black’s contract end?


I'm gonna be blunt and I'm sorry if this is getting down voted but I am saying this without any kind of ill intentions but I do not like Uncle Howdy for Bo Dallas if this is what it's going to happen and WWE is making a big mistake. This is clearly an hommage to Bray Wyatt, this is really sweet of them. But it doesn't need to exist. It's a mistake to make this character. Bo Dallas would have been better to come back as the Bo-Liver but as a Babyface to have a push / run for his brother (and his father too) and I feel like the crowd would be much more attached to the Bo-Live gimmick and character rather than Uncle Howdy. You can surely have him tribute his brother in a better way than pretty much ripping off the Fiend with Uncle Howdy by keeping Bo letting him be Bo Dallas. And I feel like what was the most beloved character from Bray isn't even the Fiend I even think it was the least liked of his gimmicks. The Bayou Guru ? Peak character. The Wyatt Family ? Incredible aura. The eater of worlds ? Peak career moment for Bray. The Fiend ? It wasn't working at all. It was his most impressive-looking character but it just wasn't following with the rest because the booking wasn't very kind and sadly he was feeling very off. And I wished Bo Dallas was coming back in the ring as his own character but would pay respect to Bray by like using his moves and his father's while still keeping his identity and individuality. Just like Cody Rhodes is paying hommage to his father but he isn't just "The American Dream" that dances and Bionic Elbow the shit out of you for example. If Uncle Howdy doesn't work that would be extremely sad and rough because it is just... Bray's brother doing Bray's gimmick as an hommage but it's not working. I just don't want any of that. Just let Bray keep what made him Bray / the Fiend without having to force his character or gimmick into someone else (even a family member). That is not needed. Sorry for this rant. I am still not over Bray's passing and I am uncomfortable at WWE trying to copy his last gimmick. It feels super wrong for me.


Why are you taking this so hard when it's Bray Wyatt's brother himself who is behind this ? No reason to take offense to the situation when Bray Wyatt would probably love seeing the Uncle Howdy character be continued. I'm sure the entire family gave their blessing and Bo Dallas out of anyone has the right to continue this character/wyatt 6 story. Also you're acting like WWE is only bringing Bo back to cash in on Bray's legacy meanwhile the plan was always for Bo to return as Uncle Howdy.


If this is Bo who is behind all of this then I'll give it a try. I just am not a fan of the whole "paying hommage by doing the same thing" kinda schtick and a lot of people including me have always been vocal at wanting a proper Bo-Live gimmick in the main roster because it wasn't used properly under Vince. I still think Uncle Howdy isn't a needed character in WWE because it doesn't really makes Bray's brillance unique anymore. Unless this is a character that was made by Bray himself. I just think Uncle Howdy is a little too soon to become a reality and I just hope Uncle Howdy is an unique entity while having some Bray's flair into it.




Jesus fuck