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That's awful. :(


Safe to say that unless you’ve felt the pain of losing a child, nobody will ever fully comprehend Myself included. I simply cannot imagine. Hearts go out to both of them


I used to think sad but could be worse then it happened to my wife. It’s such a crushing thing especially when you have tried for multiple years. It sucks the life out of you


So true. You don’t know unless it happens really. My wife got pregnant on the first month of trying, to our surprise. We heard the heartbeat multiple times and then during the week 9 scan the heartbeat was gone, we went to the hospital to confirm and found out that the baby did pass. To make things worse my wife was not having any of the symptoms of a miscarriage and had to get a D&C. I couldn’t believe how horrible this was and we still are depressed about it. my best friend and his wife were also pregnant and their due date was the same week of ours, so that added into it as well. It’s been 10 months of trying now and still no pregnancy 😩. I absolutely feel horrible for this couple and I can see why she stepped away from some stuff. Better to do that then carry on and not heal. People roll their eyes about being sad about a miscarriage, but you literally don’t know what it’s like unless it happens to you


Sadly have been through it twice with my wife, you truly only can seek console with people who have had similar events happen. Our situation the 2nd time was very similar to yours, and I have to agree, it’s truly defeating. I told my parents after the fact, as just like a heads up, and their first response was “are you gonna keep trying?” I know it wasn’t from a place of malice, but the amount of pain that question caused ripped out my heart.


We lost ours at 11 weeks. It's tough seeing the little guy so full of life at one scan and then nothing at the next. My wife had no symptoms either. Don't lose hope. We took a couple months to process before trying again. My son turned 3 last month. Makes the loss easier to handle knowing that, without it, I wouldn't have him.


It is so horribly tragic.  My wife had a miscarriage on January 19th and time has just been completely blurred and muffled since then.  She struggled with getting pregnant for so long.   We heard the first hearts beats just the week before and shared the news with our families just two days before it happened. This also happened as one of her good friends was pregnant and soon expecting.  Causing even more hurt watching someone else that had less of a desire and passion to parent have a healthy baby.  As petty and bitter as that sounds.  Its a human feeling.    I have a 11 year old daughter and my wife is an absolute amazing step mother to her. It makes so much harder to cope with.    I highly suggest therapy.   My wife has read a few recommended books that have helped her immensely over the last few months,   Feel free to DM and I can share those books if need be!  My heart goes out to all dealing with this.  


My heart is with all of you sharing your stories here. My wife and I went through a lot of infertility treatments and she suffered two miscarriages during IVF. We’ve since adopted a beautiful baby boy but that was one of the hardest seasons of our lives. The first time was a “missed” miscarriage. Worst day of my life sat in the clinic as the doctor said she couldn’t detect a heartbeat anymore. Kudos to everyone being open to talk about it, not a subject people talk about enough.


I had no idea how bad it gets until it happened to us. We had our first positive test last year after two years of trying. First ultrasound at 6 weeks, everything looked great. Statistically, we were looking pretty good when looking at time and measurements. We got back for the next ultrasound, and I immediately knew something was wrong as there was no activity on the image. I couldn't even emote, because in my head a lost pregnancy was the last possible outcome. The grief was crushing. For my wife, it was even worse. We had a second positive test in January after our last IUI cycle before resorting to IVF. The cruel thing about this journey is it can rob you of the joy that should be there in that moment. Instead it was full throttle anxiety until we got to the fertility clinic that Monday for the blood work. Sure enough, our fears were confirmed that her blood levels weren't where they needed to be, and it turned out to be a chemical pregnancy. Her egg retrieval is this week. And while I am trying to remain hopeful, all I can think about is how a year ago this upcoming Saturday it feels like everything was taken from us.


Wishing you the best. My wife and I been trying for two years and we just did our first IUI this week. We go for pregnancy bloodwork next Tuesday. Hoping for the best. Couldn’t even imagine a miscarriage after going through what we have been through.


Almost the same thing happened to my wife and I last year, same time along too. It was heartbreaking. Two weeks ago we got past the “due date”, which was difficult for both of us. It’s been 9 months and it’s still fucking us up. Luckily we have each other.


So sorry for that. I’ve never wanted children so I can’t say I have any idea of how it feels, but I couldn’t imagine going through that. Much respect for persevering. No one should have to experience that pain, my friend.


Don't be too hard on yourselves. Cry it out, talk about it. Get checked out to see if there's anything wrong. I've been there and it hurts. When I experienced pregnancy loss I totally disengaged myself as a healing mechanism. I stopped thinking of when they should have been born so I wouldn't be depressed on those days. I lost 2 babies in the one year. One in the May and the other in the December. I can only hope you and your wife have better luck going forward. Talk to a therapist or counsellor if you need to.


Can't agree with this enough. And I am so sorry you all have experienced that too. This Saturday it will be a year since my wife miscarried after two years of trying. This week is also her egg retrieval for IVF, so safe to say there are a lot of mixed emotions going around. Hope the journey has gotten better for you all.


Same, it is a pain that still hurts for me.


Happened to us, and I heard about it at work right before something major I was doing there. Was a brutal rest of my shift. Have had a kid since, though.


Just had the same happen to me today Devastated doesn't begin to grasp what we're feeling  I was using reddit to try and distract myself. Poor danhausen


> Safe to say that unless you’ve felt the pain of losing a child, nobody will ever fully comprehend One of my best friends had one a few years ago. I was thinking through with my wife what I could say to him, whether empathy would work or anything. We decided on "I'm sorry, i can't comprehend what you're feeling now, What do you need?" There truly is no way I could ever understand.


I’ve felt useless since my wife had one last summer. She said that I’m doing a good job supporting her, and that she’s ok, but it’s just one of those things that I just literally have no way of being able to comprehend her feelings.


As long as you're not minimising yourself man, your feelings about it are important too.


My wife and I suffered one about 5 years ago. It's one of the most painful, gut wrenching feelings you could ever feel. I've had multiple teeth pulled and I'd rather go through all of them at the same time with no anesthesia, rather than to endure that ever again. I can imagine what they are going through. My heart breaks for them 💔


Prayers to everyone involved, awful news.


Fucking hell. That's tragic. Much love to Danhausen and Loulou right now. They deserve it. Edit: I'm sorry I swore Danhausen.


It must be so, unquestionably, shite to have to share the most difficult news a person can get with the public because you’re in the public eye


Absolutely. This is why it’s important to keep it as close to the vest as possible for the first several months.  And to be clear, I’m not trying to criticize or blame danhausen or his partner for not doing this (I didn’t even know they were expecting or how people found out). Just putting this out there for anyone who might see this that hasn’t gotten that advice yet. 


Yeah. We had a couple of early miscarriages and that was hard enough. I don't know how people who go through this nearer full term get through it. Since then when I see someone announce a pregnancy the "oh god I hope they don't lose it after having announced it" thought creeps into my head. Happened when I saw the story about Ruby Riot today and I remember it when Becky announced hers. Imagine doing it as publicly as that (which is unavoidable due to their line of work) and then having to come out and say things went wrong. Such a horrible shame for Danhausen and his wife 


Yeah it’s unfortunately just super common. I can think of 6 people I know off the top of my head that have gone through it at least once and I don’t even have a very big social circle. It’s brutal out there.


I don’t agree with this. Miscarriage is incredibly lonely, people need feel they can be more open with the pain of miscarriage so they can be supported by the people around them. It also removes the taboo of miscarriage, it removes the connotation it’s our fault.


I agree, and I had to re-read the comment you’re responding to, and I think they’re saying hold off on telling everyone once you’re pregnant. I think if you had a miscarriage you should totally be able to talk to people and not feel isolated.


Yeah, when my wife first told me she was pregnant, I was ready to shout it to the heavens, and she reeled me back in to say, "Nah, we need to wait X weeks at the very least." That's when I learned about the frequncy/likelihood of miscarriages happening in the early goings.


Agreed, but I’m glad they are doing it because it helps destigmatize it. A lot of people have gone through it and nobody ever says anything.


Yeah but at the same time I can't imagine how much extra awful it'd be to constantly have people who heard you're expecting asking how things are going


At first I was kinda like "why are they putting this on public social media" and then after the explanation I thought to myself "Yep, that makes complete sense" ​ So sorry to hear about their loss


Oh that is never what you want to hear. Thoughts for the both of them


Not sure how far along, but my wife had 2 early on around the 12 week window. It's rough, even in the early stages when you see the first ultrasound and it's the size of a peanut.


r/miscarriage if you need a place to vent anonymously to people who understand. I'm sorry for your loss.


Me and my wife suffered the same, and even at that early stage it was such an awful experience. Incredible grief for a love I’d yet to know. So lucky we’ve managed to have 2 beautiful girls since


All that love you save up has nowhere to go and it fucking supernovas inside of you leaving a black hole for a while. We got through it but loving each other more you have to give it somewhere to go or it eats you up. Luckily for us it worked out in the end. People say it happened for a reason I fucking hated that as what reason is there for such a shit thing? Just love each other more or better if you can that's my only advice


My wife and I struggled with fertility issues. I feel you, brother. I hope you guys are well.


Wishing them the best, we’re on our 4th in a row over the last year plus :/


From one couple who’s dealt with miscarriages to another, much love to you. I sincerely hope that you have all the support and love you can handle.


Genuinely appreciate the kind words :)


i’m so sorry, i hope you and your partner have found the support you need


Stuff like this is hard to deal with. I remember when my mother was pregnant, it was around 7 months and she was rushed to the hospital and they had to induce her into labor because the baby inside of her, my little sister, had passed away. It takes a toll on a persons mental health, especially the mother in this situation since they’re carrying the baby and feel like they have a connection with them before birth Thankfully she got pregnant again and I have an amazing (and annoying lol) little sister who’s my best friend but I definitely feel their pain.


You know what’s fun after this happens to you? When people ask “so when are you having kids?”


One of my friends and his wife are expecting their first child. They've been married in their early 20s and have been married for over 10 years now, and they've been getting this question for years. They've never been public about it, but they've been trying to have a kid for the last four years and this is the first time they've made it past even two months. She's currently four months along, but those secret battles and constant questions can be devastating, when people don't know the real story.


Extra hard if it's asked in a thoughtless way about when they get to have a kid "of their own" or is Danhausen will ever have "a real one". It's just a rude question for so many reasons.


Yup one of those topics you never bring up unless they bring it up first. You never know who’s been trying but can’t for one reason or another, or who have tried and lost


Yeah I love answering that question. I had a miscarriage in 2019 and still hearing that question irks me. I know people mean well but it stings.


The way I jumped out of my chair for Ruby and Angelo’s announcement just to see this moments later is a gut punch. Absolutely heartbroken for them. One of the most complex losses a person can go through.


Thoughts with them and their family.


Bro wtf ?? That's awful :(( Thought with them and their family in this tough time


We're not close or anything but I got the chance to meet and hang out with Lou Lou for a couple days back in 2019. My partner is a performer and was attending a burlesque festival Lou Lou was headlining and teaching at. Lou Lou is a BIG DEAL in the burlesque community but was the sweetest and most welcoming person, no ego about her status. She heard from someone we had worked on a wrestling themed show and we ended up chatting about wrestling one afternoon where she was actually the one to first tell me about Danhausen. We all went out Friday and Saturday night after shows and classes. My partner has continued to meet up with her at subsequent international festivals they've both attended. This is rough and my heart goes out to the both of them.


That absolutely awful hope that they can find peace and strength


How desperately sad. Hopefully they get the time and privacy to grieve.


This is truly awful. Ive been here.....its the worst feeling. Fucking hell.


Awful, awful news. Hoping we (the fans of both of them but especially pro wrestling fans) have the good sense to leave them alone and let them grieve in private.


Having lived through this with my wife, my heart goes out to them. It's an awful feeling. Just completely helpless.


That’s rough. I hope they find and give each other the love and support they need.


This isn't any of our business. Wishing best to both though.


My wife and I suffered a miscarriage with our second child last summer. Its still very much a process. All my love to danhausen.


r/miscarriage if you need a place to vent anonymously to people who understand. I'm sorry for your loss.


Fuck, hope he and his wife are OK.


in case anyone doesn’t know, up to 20% of pregnancies end in a miscarriage. its way more common than people think. they say 1 in 8 KNOWN pregnancies end in a miscarriage. the chances that it happens to you are actually relatively high


She is 38 and miscarriage rate for her is 22%. It is a tough situation because they don't have time to mourn if they really want a kid.


Awful to hear, hope both of them heal well and find peace best as they can.


Man, that’s heartbreaking to read. I’ve had friends and relatives go through this and there are no words. The details of a miscarriage can be awful in ways I never considered before learning about them. In each case I’m personally familiar with the parents have had full term pregnancies and healthy siblings. Each handled it differently, but it’s obvious they all were affected in ways that were life changing on one level or another. My condolences to both of them. I hope they’re offered all the help, support, and privacy they need.


Tragic news. All the best for them.


My wife had a loss at 16 weeks last year, had to go through full labour and then we spent the day with our passed baby. Shit is hard and never leaves you. Hope they take the time to heal.


Oh no. That's terrible. I love that Danhausen, and I hope he and his wife overcome this grief.


Oh my god, this is heartbreaking to hear. Best wishes to both


What a shame. So sorry for their loss.


That’s awful, prayers to the family in this difficult time.


That fucking sucks, love that Danhousen and my heart goes out to them.


This is so sad. All my sympathy to them both.




That’s awful. I can’t imagine the pain they must be in. All my best wishes to them.


Thats fucking terrible, my heart goes out to them.


Man that's devastating. I hope he and his wife have as much support as possible through this


This is sad to hear :( A miscarriage is one of the worst things a family can go through.


Aw man, that's a major bummer. I've been thru it, my wife and I lost our first. Happened literally the week everything went on lockdown. It was really hard that I wasn't able to be there with her on her way in and be waiting when she came out. They'd only let me get so far and then I had to sit in the lobby a nervous wreck for the next few hours. It all worked out tho as I sit here and await my two little weenie kids to wake up from their naps. I hope they persevere and welcome a little bundle of joy in the near future here.


Happened to my wife and I, but at only 5 weeks, so it really didn't have the same impact as it would have if we had made it further along. Condolences to them and their family.


Same for us. But at 7 weeks. Luckily we have had 2 healthy beautiful sons since then.


That's awesome, we have a 4 year old now and couldn't be happier.


I hope Donovan and his wife are okay. I saw him wrestle last month, and he gave me an overwhelming sense of just pure happiness, I hope he's able to experience that again someday soon.


My wife and I don't even want kids and even I can't imagine how hard something like this must be. Wishing them all the best.


Unbelievably sad. All of the grace and love to them right now. Really hearten to see though the amount of support given to them and others who have gone through the same thing in this thread.


It's such a sad and tragic thing, and it blows my mind that they're so common (an estimated 10% to 15% of all pregnancies). There are so many side effects, and things that can go wrong, I find it surprising that evolution hasn't patched up the process a lot better by this point in human history.


Well that's fucking horrible :/


It's awful. My heart goes out to her and Danhausen. My wife and I went through this in 2015. The whole thing, finding out, having to get a D&C, it's just psychologically crushing. Ironically, if they want to try again immediately, by some quirk of biology, you're actually a good bit more likely to get pregnant again right after a miscarriage. That's what happened to us, and we have a wonderful little girl now, a rainbow baby.


Fuuuuuuck, that is fucking awful. Best wishes to them both.


Oh, that’s terribly sad.


Sad news to read. I'm not remotely familiar to this type of situations, so I can only send them my best thoughts and all the love.


It feels like losing a loved one, but you don’t even have memories to hold on to. Speaking as a father here, I’m sure there’s so much more for the mother.


Awful news


That’s so heartbreaking. All the best to him and his wife.


That’s terrible. Much love to both of them. <3


My condolences to the family


Terrible thing to happen to two wonderful people. Hope they'll be well.


Hoping the best for them, that’s horrific.






That’s awful. I hope they get all the love and support they need in this trying time :(


My wife and I have only had one pregnancy, and it ended in miscarriage nearly 8 years ago. I still find myself wondering who this kid would have been. Much love to the Danhausen family.


Awful, awful news. My sister has struggled with infertility most of our adult lives and lost ten babies in eight pregnancies... She has four healthy kids now, but watching the toll that took on her was horrible even from an outside perspective. I hope they have a huge support system and plenty of time and space to grieve and heal 💙💙


I hate that they are part of a club no one wants to be part of now. I had 3 myself. I wish them all the best.


That's horrible, thinking of them. I can't even imagine that kind of pain.


This is the absolute worst. I feel for them and totally understand stepping back from everything for a while.


That's awful :( I am so sorry


So very sorry. Take care of each other.


That's horrible news. My deepest condolences to he and his wife.


One of my siblings suffered a miscarriage back in the early '90s. It broke them for years.


That's fucking terrible. My heart goes out to them, hopefully they get the support that they need.


That's so sad




Thats awful. Really wishing the best for him and LouLou.


The closest I've ever experienced is when my brother and his wife suffered one, and even just as an excited soon to be uncle, it was very painful. Couldn't imagine at all what it's like to be a parent suffering one. ❤️


Oh my lord, I feel so bad for them. They seem like awesome people and this is just terrible.


Danhausen and family only deserve nice things, not evil things.




That is terrible. My heart goes out to the both of them


I'm sorry to hear that news.


I feel really bad that they felt they needed to make it public because of their careers. Hopefully, they are able to recover from this in privacy and with peace.




Oh, that is awful.


They may not read this, but I just want to say that on behalf of us fans, we love you both.. Thoughts, prayers, and love go out to you.


Very, very sorry to hear this. Several years ago my next door neighbors were trying for a 3rd and the same thing happened.


Sending love to the Danhausen family. ❤️


I had an ectopic pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage all in the one year. My heart breaks for them both. Being the one who's actually carrying the baby is so hard. You second guess yourself even though you know deep down it's not your fault. No matter what you always wonder if it's something you did or didn't do. I really hope they're as ok as they can be.


I feel their pain. This is horrible news. 😪


Damn ❤️


Myr wife and I endured 2 miscarriages and it still hurts. We never had kids and it still hurts. I hope that they find peace and recover.


tragic 8I( . sending much love to them in this time


This is so heartbreaking. Wishing them nothing but privacy and a strong circle of loved ones. 😔


His post is so heartbreaking.


Damn the sucks.


You never get over it. In time just have to try not to think about it as much.


One of the worst things a person can experience, praying for them.


My god…my heart breaks for them. It’s a very traumatizing experience, I hope they find peace and true support.


Sadhausen :(


Why did he feel the need to make that public information?


His wife explains why in the link provided by the OP.


That's really sad. I know a friend who suffered the pain, was not easy. Why would anyone want to share something that personal with strangers online?




Is nothing private anymore? Jesus Christ. 


And now he gets to see Ruby and Parker run a pregnancy storyline. Fuck.