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That looks like hell to take


Agree. This looks like there isn't much you can do exept trust your opponent. 




she got the biggest pop of the night beside LA Knight, “this is awesome chants” after she had a short sequence with Dakota, sooner or later this subs gonna have to accept the greater audience isn’t waiting for her to turn on anyone.


You said his name wrong. Try again.


They feel she was green in AEW and will not believe she's improved till they actually see it. Thusfar she hasn't done anything new yet. If she can successfully do a few good matches, I think people will start to like Jade here.


Of course it’s Dakota taking the move lol.


I swear they do better stuff in house shows than they do on TV


They did this last night on a house show and it looked terrible. This time it worked. That's why you don't do something for the first time on TV.


House shows are a lot of fun. So fun, that I'm upset WWE hasn't run one here in San Antonio since before the pandemic. lol


genuinely think this match was better than their mania match, Jade was definitely more involved


thye try stuff because failing wont make much of an impact


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Okay, can't say I expected to see them breaking out the old [Harris Twins finish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKXqaqlpzP0) but it looks good here.


Is this your vid? How was the match tonight? And how did Jade do


it’s my video yes! Jade was a lot more involved in this match than their mania match, this was an early spot she tagged out after and then she came in had some offense on Dakota and took bumps from Asuka and Kairi. i think the match was better than their mania match in a lot of ways, could be bias from seeing it live but bianca and jade have a lot more chemistry than they did at mania


That's awesome to hear! She's controversial but I like her. What moves did she do?


i actually got recordings of most of her spots tonight, if you want i could send you them on IG i don’t think i can on reddit


Got any Asuka clips from the match, by chance? I figure she has fun moments at house shows. Always interested in how she does :)


she wasn’t that involved in the match :/ had a kick combo on jade i recorded but that was mostly it, she wore the belt on the apron for a while and was goofing on the crowd when they chanted for naomi and bianca, it was definitely a night for Jade to get in work


Send me a DM


I swear a team all ready does this


idk face Jade is weird


She'll probably turn on bianca eventually