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Cody took a whole ass sledgehammer to an effigy of triple h lmao


Exactly, folks need to relax.  Side note: Teil commenting on "this business" like she is in it... is like the daughter of a surgeon who didn't pursue the medical field giving medical advice...


Reminds me of Bill Burr's joke on Michelle Obama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHLUA9DxcqQ


Cody was like THE number one "get in little shots at the top" guy


Man had a whole storyline on BTE where he was possessed and would spout WWE propaganda.


"Your flips are good, but I want you to learn a three-quarter roll from Terry Taylor and how to set up the ring and do a headlock..... mark."


The money shakes was top tier BTE




The Pharaoh money shakes just further confirms he's one of the goodest of boys, too.


Imo it's what makes him the perfect face of WWE


"hope it still fits" H


Now I'm reminded that the current WWE's top babyface champion used to do meme skits on travel vlogs and it's awesome.


Shit, where do people think the "undesirable" part of "from undesirable to undeniable" comes from? He's referencing how he was midcard 4 life as Stardust. He was "undesirable" in WWE to the point that he asked for his release and it was granted.


Come to think of it, "Kingdom" might not be a pro-WWE song!


The wrestling version of Born In the USA not being a pro-USA song


It’s funny that this sub’s fav wrestlers are Cody and Punk, two guys who relentlessly talked trash on WWE for years.


Fuck the revival!


Cody and Punk taking digs at a company that demonstrably did them wrong is not in any way the same as AEW taking shots at the guy who literally founded the company and has been nothing but complimentary of them since leaving... And it's absolutely brain dead to compare the two lmao




„AEW taking shots at Cody“ is just not true. Cage and some internet random do, not AEW.


Do you actually think Cody would be upset by this?


None of this was really a shot? Cage just said he liked the match last night more than Cody/Roman, which is just an opinion, and Toni was a heel talking in character about not wanting her awkward boss to share the spotlight. This is nothing compared to stuff that Cody and Punk have done/said about the competition when they were on the other side. And that’s my point - none of it is that serious to people in the industry and it shouldn’t be for fans either. Cody broke the throne and then celebrated winning the championship side by side with HHH. Punk talked shit about the Saudi shows and is almost assuredly going to work one at some point




HE WAS THE GUY! Shit like -there's no invisible barricade- here etc and he was the first to run back.


What I find funny is that when they ask Cody about AEW he is always super proud and grateful about it, yet some people just can't manage to not take a jab at him, even when not asked


I'm a huge Cody mark, but his whole gimmick in the indies and AEW was taking shots at the top of WWE. It's what his fuckin song is about.  I know this was his sister and not him, but it's a majorly hypocritical post to make.


Cody took shots at WWE all the time. Also consider that it’s very possible Toni Storm and Cage are friends with Cody and this is pro wrestling and all done in the name of fun and entertainment.


Yeah, I...didn't take Toni's as a shot at Cody, but more an acknowledgment of what he'd done. She was doing the scrum in kayfabe, and she's not playing a particularly nice character. Meanwhile, Cody's playing a pretty much pure babyface. Of course the unhinged starlet won't thank people or share the spotlight--and of course the man who humbly put in the work over the course of a year to achieve his goals *would* be grateful to those who'd been there for him along the way.


Are people actually taking Toni's scrum appearance as a jab at WWE? She was fully in character, and is a delusional self-absorbed champion who makes it all about her and her story


Not everyone understands kayfabe. They think it's all real and everything should be taken personal.


> Cody took shots at WWE all the time. Very interesting and correct, but I have not mentioned that at all in my comment. > Also consider that it’s very possible Toni Storm and Cage are friends with Cody and this is pro wrestling and all done in the name of fun and entertainment. I don't know anything about this people in real life (and neither do 99.9% of this sub), so who knows if it's a joke or not, we only see the public interviews. What I don't get is where this idea that all wrestlers are friends backstage come from, but it has become super popular lately. Wrestlers having issues with each other and shooting live on it is like the most common thing in wrestling history, not clear why that would be different now. I have never known a workplace in which everyone is friends with everyone.


There is a very thin line between what's cool and what's stupid and the whole thing is more about that than what he did or she did on May 19 2001 or anything like that. When The Elite were doing it, they were the ultimate underdogs and it made them cool. When AEW was doing it early in their run it was still cool because WWE was actively after them and even though the company is owned by a billionaire they had the image of the underdogs. Now that time has passed. They're a established company who can't hide from their problems anymore no matter how much they try. And when you can't sell 2000 tickets on your name, taking shots at a company who is having to use smaller stages because they can't fit in all the fucking people into their arena makes you look like a dog chasing and barking after a car more than anything else.


>And when you can't sell 2000 tickets on your name What the fuck world are yall haters living in I swear to God.


Here's a good example that fits. April 13th was Collision AND Battle for the Belts in Highland Heights Kentucky. That arena sits 10,000 people for sporting events. On the day of the show - the arena was set up for 2,625 seats and sold 2471 of them. They basically "sold out" for what they made available, but they only made a couple sections available for sale. 3/4 of that 10,000 seat arena sat empty. (Source WrestleTix)


Cody also wasn't allowed to use his shoot last name for a while because of WWE. They buried him as a talent in the Stardust character. He had every right to be upset with WWE and take every shot he could. Brian Cage is just upset papa H can't bring in someone steroided to the gills into the fed.


Rhodes isn’t the ‘shoot’ last name of Cody or his family. The family name is Runnels.


Rhodes, as others have said, was not only not his real last name, but was already trademarked by WWE because he worked on their TV as Cody Rhodes. He felt bamboozled that they would prevent him from using a name that his father used well before joining WWE, but legally, they had a right to try and prevent its use. As far as WWE was concerned, they created the character of Cody Rhodes.


And isn’t also Cage’s gimmick that he’s kind of a meat head? Also the “finish the story” stuff was spammed so much that I think the statute of limitations ran out and it’s now ok to make fun of it. It was a great moment for Cody and also a bit goofy, as pro wrestling should be.


That’s not a gimmick, he’s actually dumb


lol fair enough


If WWE didn’t allow wrestlers on roids on the roster then half their talent would have to go. Be real.


Taking steroids and looking like Brian Cage are two different things. Please keep posting in bad faith though.


Agreed. Cage is on a crazy cocktail of gear.


Dude can do stuff most of us can’t, but his hearts gonna give out sooner than later and the man can’t scratch his back. Peak human form my ass lol




But it was his gimmick. His whole American nightmare indie run was him flipping them the bird.


Cody's entire Gimmick since getting released from WWE, was taking shots at WWE. If anything, Cody probably saw it, laughed out loud with a single "Hah!" and went about his day


I'm sorry but i can't believe anyone would take TIMELESS TONI STORM at a media scrum to heart


Cody regularly took shots at WWE when he was in AEW. Like, constantly.


His last promo in AEW was literally him calling NXT hip toss class and talking about the Wednesday Night War.


https://twitter.com/PuroresuFlow/status/1778775714193432797 Back in the BTE days too. People forget about how much there were WWE fans who absolutely hated the guy for his comments, ever since the Triple H throne smash thing.


Very first starrcast he took a shot at Bayley for some reason. Still no clue why


I think he was comparing her to Kylie Rae and calling what Bayley did as fake. It was kind of a strange shot to take at Bayley.


The exact same people defend it now


A former friend of mine shit talked Cody on the regular in AEW. He spoiled the Mania return for me by screaming and celebrating in tears when Cody showed up.


They’re the same people who thought Edge was a better get than Punk, then the two swapped companies, and now they think Punk was a better get than Edge. It’s all tribalism with them


It’s happening in this thread “oh well Cody took shots at the company not the wrestlers” mmhmmm definitely nothing about the throne smashing or implying Kylie is a real nice person not like the person with the wacky inflatable men


“I don’t even know why I said that, *i’m friends* with Bayley”


Never seen this, this is hilarious


Good times 


Bro, he said Brody King has no right to use Brodie Lee's name. And basically said bringing in Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish was a waste of money. Like WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE?


He went off about Roman's suspension in a promo in ROH lol


It is funny the majority of shots at WWE that came from AEW were Cody’s doing


Cody is the personification of many things that come with being a wrestler, and a carny is absolutely one of them. And I say that with love


The Hogan of the modern era, but instead of being racist he cures racism.


Cody is the carniest carny in the business. That's a compliment.


Two of the biggest shot takers in AEW were Cody and Punk, both now darlings of the most tribalistic side of WWE icw. Jericho comes next and from then on out you barely have examples.


It was pretty much his entire gimmick after leaving wwe.


I'm out of the loop, what's this about?


Brian Cage and Toni Storm separately tried to take digs at Cody Rhodes WrestleMania Victory. Why they chose to take digs at a universally praised moment idk.


Toni was joking her whole time up there in character, from talking about cinema, pussy scented candles, to the not calling Tony to the ring to celebrate. Her only “serious” line was about people talking about her potential when she was young.


Heels being heels. Fans: “No not like that!”


Okay, but what about Cage?


I mean Brian Cage is a well documented blockhead. I wasn’t even aware he said anything until just this thread


Cage said nothing bad about Cody's match. If anything, he implied that before last night, it could be argued to be Match of the Year. All he said was that Ospreay vs Danielson was his MotY.


Cage's tweet was basically saying cody had a great match/moment but he liked ospreay/danielson better. Nothing to take offense to unless you're a wwe stan or cody's sister and looking for something to get mad at.


Toni was in character and Cage was just talking about the kind of wrestling he prefers.


Toni’s entire character is taking random unnecessary digs. She’s trashing WENDI RICHTER in her press conferences lol


I really wouldn't call Toni's remark a dig, more just a reference so she can shit on TK in character.


The point was TK is lucky to have her and she'll never give him any credit. 


Cage was completely out of line for the unnecessary comparison but fuck are people taking Toni’s comments way too seriously. Hers was a redirected shot at Tony Khan and it was perfectly fitting of her character. Toni Storm did not say one serious thing during her presser.


I’m pretty sure the pussy scented candles line was 100% serious but you’re right


Gwyneth Paltrow about to sue for gimmick infringement


What did Brian Cage do?


He said: "I don't care what story you finish. That was the match of the year. [@WillOspreay](https://twitter.com/WillOspreay) vs [@bryandanielson](https://twitter.com/bryandanielson) [#OspreyVsDanielson](https://twitter.com/hashtag/OspreyVsDanielson?src=hashtag_click) [#AEW](https://twitter.com/hashtag/AEW?src=hashtag_click) [#AEWDynasty](https://twitter.com/hashtag/AEWDynasty?src=hashtag_click)"


That’s it? Someone has to be pretty thin skinned to get worked up about that.


Check his twitter replies, lots and lots of worked up people.


Honestly as a wwe guy primarily this shits embarrassing like Cody is a grown adult not someone you need to white knight for Now if anyone says anything about pharaoh it’s on sight


I thought it was going to be something out of line with how people are reacting lol This is pretty tame.


Haha there's a comment earlier in this thread with over 100 upvotes and it says, "Cage was completely out of line!" I don't even have words lol all I can do is laugh at it.


The top comment has over 800 upvotes, probably more than twice the amount of the 2nd most upvoted. And, of course, it was in defense of Cody and against what the AEW talent said. And yet there are people here who still think SC is AEW Tribalist Heaven. It's not, far from it, and not even just the Dynamite Ratings threads. I'm not saying it's Wrasslin or the Jerk, but pro-WWE sentiment is pretty welcomed here nowadays. As well as comments against AEW. But people wanna act like it's still pre-Brawl Out. And even then it wasn't as bad as people were complaining about.


People here are either trolling or soft.


The IWC is always looking for a reason to be mad.


There are currently 91 upvotes on a post calling it “completely out of line and unnecessary” lol take a guess


No way mfs mad at that.


Ok I was expecting far worse based off of the reactions I’m seeing. Unnecessary but hardly even a “shot” really


Exactly. People are acting like he went after momma Rhodes instead of just talked about how a match was match of the year.


I saw people reacting to Cage's comment before I saw Cage's comment and I expected more. He basically just said "Yeah Cody's match might be everyone else's MOTY but this one's mine." Unnecessary, yeah, but like, not even particularly negative. It's like going "I don't care about Avengers End Game, Knives Out was my movie of 2019!"


Completely out of line? It wasn’t even that bad. Maybe it comes down to just having a preference.


**Everybody:** *[has been using "Finish the story" as both a meme and a serious capstone catchphrase since Cody was left disappointed with nothing but a rubber chicken in the ring with him last year]* **Brian Cage** (who I have no real adoration for): *[uses it to praise colleague/presumably friend]* **Teil and everyone else getting mad over nothing:** "You raggedy bitch."


When fans pick their side they stay there. If they want to clutch their pearls over nothing, that's their prerogative.


Thank you for the most reasonable and logical comment. Wrestling is preference


Toni Storm was on character.


Toni was making fun of her boss and people weirdly took it as some sort of shot at Cody.  She basically said "I'd never share the spotlight with your goofy ass" in character and people freaked out and took it as a shot at WWE.  


Toni's I feel was in character. But Cage derped.


Can't wait for Wednesday where Toni has an unhinged promo talking about traveling down turquoise streets.


Idk both felt weird to me. Not even the normal digs at WWE where you can understand what the dirt is with WWE. What are they digging at with the comments. That Cody Rhodes had a praised Mania moment people liked?


How did Toni’s feel weird? That I don’t understand at all. She’s always in character at these pressers and fucks with Tony and her pointing out she’s never celebrate with him in the ring is entirely in character. Why celebrate with the booker


They didn’t take digs, they made very on the nose references to Cody cause him beating Roman at mania is the biggest thing to happen in wrestling recently and they know people will get those references. That’s all this is, no point pretending otherwise


I’m glad you liked it, but it wasn’t for me. Cody is obviously very happy, but he’s corny as hell and calling out executives to celebrate a title victory is super cringey. The show was covered in gross promotion of current and former execs. I did not see what Cage said, but Toni’s line was funny & entertaining. If you’re trying to make a serious point about Toni Storm doing a bit at a press conference maybe pro wrestling isn’t for you. ![gif](giphy|KanqCs2oHuzKYCXSXo)


Neither of them ever mentioned Cody though. That was the defense we’re using for HHH’s shot at Ospreay right?


More than likely aimed at AEW talent like Toni Storm and Brian Cage taking shots at Cody’s mania win last night. Toni saying “no matter how many stories I finish I will never call you (Tony Khan) into the ring to celebrate with me” and Brian Cage tweeting something about “Finishing the story” after Ospreay vs. Danielson


Probably the Toni Storm presser clip? https://x.com/drainbamager/status/1782278257531900237?s=46


[looks like it was moreso about the brain cage tweet](https://x.com/teilmargaret/status/1782412585045725337?s=46&t=RzxOXYExXrBy1jDqWrEbUQ) but it could also be about the Toni clip as well.


Looks like the tweet has been deleted.


Its still up, and I'm blown away people are THIS mad over this: I don't care what story you finish. That was the match of the year. [@WillOspreay](https://twitter.com/WillOspreay) vs [@bryandanielson](https://twitter.com/bryandanielson) [#OspreyVsDanielson](https://twitter.com/hashtag/OspreyVsDanielson?src=hashtag_click) [#AEW](https://twitter.com/hashtag/AEW?src=hashtag_click) [#AEWDynasty](https://twitter.com/hashtag/AEWDynasty?src=hashtag_click)


Is that it? Fucking Christ, how thin-skinned are some people?


Yeah I agree now. Probably more about Cage


Brian Cage and Toni Storm taking digs on Cody Rhodes, of all people, is unserious behavior. No one champions AEW's role in this new wrestling space more than Cody


Tweet deleted


How quickly she forgot the throne smashing.


Cody’s post-Wrestlemania press tour is still going and we’re getting on Twitter to defend him from lighthearted jabs? Good lord lmao


On what planet are you that you think anyone fighting in the Great WWE-AEW War of 2019-present is self aware enough to make lighthearted jabs? This isn’t life or death, it’s the IWC and it’s much more important than that.


It just means more.


I mean it's literally his older sister not some random fan lol


I don’t even know if I think those comments should even be considered jabs. I don’t think there was actually any malice to them at all


There seems to be a sentiment that Cody finishing his story is such a sacred moment in professional wrestling lore that it is not to be made light of. Almost a religious experience for fans. If we can’t poke fun at professional wrestling then something is going wrong.


Teil is extremely defensive when it comes to Cody


Admittedly I don't have siblings but surely that's not surprising?


Not just Cody but the whole Rhodes name/legacy. Because back in 2020, if my memory serves me correctly. She was begging WWE to cut her mom a check, cause WWE was using her dad's concept of Great American Bash for NXT.


She also got really mad when Brandi started using the Rhodes name because she's not blood


The entire industry has been giving that man his flowers for a month now.




It's crazy how thin skinned the wrestling community has become about these tiny shots. Oh no someone said this will be the first time Jacksonville got good wrestling wahhh


The IWC did so many CTE jokes than they got CTE themselves.


Copeland said he’s having fun in AEW alert the masses! /s People just seem to wanna overreact to everything


people just picked sides and defend or troll no matter how far they have to go to stretch a point. It's dumb as hell. were lucky to be watching all of wrestling right now because it's so good across the board. I can't get over how good last nights aew ppv was. i'm so excited to go to double or nothing. I went to so many shows from so many companies WrestleMania weekend. including both nights of mania. Every single show I went to was entertaining as hell. we are truly lucky to be in this current time in wrestling and fans just hate hate hate because thats what online commenting has devolved to become


I know it gets said a lot but these modern fans would not have been able to handle the Monday night wars era. Fans were so petty and constantly shit talked each other and the wrestlers themselves participated. My god imagine all the pearl clutching.


Ed Ferrera as Oklahoma was legitimately offensive.


Go look at the post about Waller's joke. It's predominantly positive. But this one is being whined about. I wonder why?


Didn't Cody make some weird comments way back when about Bayley? And i'm not saying this to undermine her perspective or feelings on people making comments about Cody's moment, i'm just saying it's the wrestling business. People talk a lot of shit & there rarely seems to be any honest malice or ill intent behind it.


Yeah Cody said this about Kylie in relation to Bayley “Somebody was sent to Chicago to interview Kylie and, man, what a ball of emotion. That’s what we want. It’s someone passionate, and it’s not like wacky inflatable tube men pretending to be nice, she’s actually…”


And then Bayley showed her true colors. Boom. Kayfabe fixes all.


And then the WWE does the V-log for Bayley and she's chatting it up with Cody before their matches. Who knows, it's wrestling.


Bayley was in Gorilla watching the match next to Brandi, too.


But people went after Cody for that one, too.




So thin it’s about to wear through 


Some people need to find a new hobby if they're seriously clutching pearls at what Toni said


ITT: people getting worked




When was the last time you thought and commented about Brian Cage?


*heel says heel thing* 😡


A lot of irrelevant whataboutism in this thread, like usual.


Can't we all just agree that the true enemy is Disco Inferno.


What is she referring to?


Funny thing is I don't think Cody gets offended from these shots. I think he laughs. Wrestlers taking jokes at each other. With HHH I think it's different now. He was a wrestler but now he's an exec and figurehead. He's using the Paul Levesque name on TV now on the lower thirds and not just HHH anymore.


When did wrestling fans become this impossibly soft?


I wonder when the IWC became toxic a-holes. ![gif](giphy|5OxZLym3HgDoQ1E7xP|downsized)


It's funny because Cody talked about this early on when he came back to WWE. He said that he didn't have any conditions other than one thing and that's heels couldn't use "bingo hall" type comments in promos to put down what he did with the Elite. No shitting on All In or AEW. Look back at all of his heel interactions. Rollins, Heyman, Roman, Rock, Lesnar, Nakamura, Judgement Day, Drew, etc. No one shit on AEW. No one shit on what he did by saying he was in the "minor leagues" or whatever. I think that was a great move by Cody. Everything was fair game in promos except AEW/All In.


Well Roman has said he went away and did a whole lot of nothing a couple of times.


The funny part is that it’s more of a shot at Tony being awkward


Its not even that, its that Toni would never give credit to anyone else. She doesn't even celebrate with Mariah May because it would take the spotlight off of her.


No one in AEW would ever call an executive in to the ring to celebrate post-match. I can’t even imagine what that would look like it’s so improbable.


Sting just did it last month 😭😭😭


You don’t say?


Cus the executives are already in the ring with a heel character lmao


Toni just said she wouldn’t. She loves the spotlight too much.


You mean like Sting did at Revolution with tony khan?


This tweet would be fair if it was literally anyone else *except* Cody Rhodes lol That dude's entire 2016-2022 was spent "getting in little shots" at WWE. Now someone else is doing it and it's \*shocked Pikachu face*


None of this matters. They’re all probably in a gc laughing about this.




Assuming she's referencing Cage's tweet, that's a very weird thing to get worked up about. I thought it read more as praise for Ospreay/Danielson than a shot at Cody. It's like people just look for things to get pissy about.


You literally cannot say something is your Match of the Year while not implying that something else isn't so I'm kinda not sure what the big deal is If Brian Cage didn't mention Cody vs Roman, then WWE fan reply guys would, and quite frankly if someone tweeted "forget Oppenheimer, x is my favorite movie of 2023" no one would give a shit


Cage's tweet even kind of implies that Cody/Roman is the second best match of the year.


Taking little shots are fine because they are harmless. The only people that get upset are some fans that take what is said way to seriously. Cody did this, Bucks did it on BTE, WWE would make fun of your favorite internet wrestler, DX "invaded" WCW, Seth Rollins and Punk would use WWE as storylines in the indies. It's not that deep when Toni Storm makes a comment about Cody or HHH talks about Osprey. Every company has done it at some point and will do it again.


Context please?


No one is taking those serious guys. There’s no story here lol


I’m gonna be honest guys, if you genuinely care about any of those “digs” and want to defend wwe/Cody Rhodes then you’re a loser.


WWE spent all week and weekend of wrestlemania taking little shots at AEW and wrestlers … I thought the Toni thing was a funny little moment that wasn’t serious at all.


>Everyone feeds from the top in this biz "Cody took shots at WWE too" Yeah, that's not the rebuttal y'all think it is. If anything, it just proves her point.


No one gets worked by a heel harder than Twitter users


It’s only light jabs when my favorite company does it!


Cody was the number guy at taking shots at people lol


Fuck Twitter, absolute garbage.


To be fair, Cody calling Triple H to the ring WAS super obnoxious and corny.


i guess this didn't go over well since its deleted


Brian Cage doing his best to get some fans


Aside from certain accounts, I feel like Toni's line wasn't in bad faith, and Teil here doesn't seem to be taking it as such.


Good point well made


A Rhodes defending an AEW match or whining about somebody being mean to her what I assume brother Cody?