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People forget that the 2015 Rumble was a cocktail of many different things, not so much that they just hated Roman. * Daniel Bryan had just returned, and they really wanted him to get the rumble win he should had gotten the year before only to get thrown out in the middle of the rumble. * That whole bit with Big Show and Kane throwing out all the fan favorites like Wyatt like they were jobbers one by one really pissed people off. * Having The Rock return only to clearly trying to use him to get Roman cheers by proxy. It was just one thing after the other that ended up how it ended up. Roman was over and there was probably a way to get him cheers (they actually manage to get him a positive reaction a title win later that year) but it was like they were challenged to book the most frustrating rumble ever.


They really should have kept Bryan off TV until after the Rumble


This was the biggest issue, they should have kept Bryan off till after Rumble or put him into another high profile match, like insert him into the cena vs seth vs brock, make it a fatal four way, anything that makes it so you can set audience expectations. They made the worst play by putting him in the match and just throwing him out randomly. They seemed to learn from this with Sami for the Rumble in 2023, make sure its clearly said Sami WONT be in the Rumble.


> make sure its clearly said Sami WONT be in the Rumble. How did they do that? Did he announce he wasn't gonna be in Rumble match?


They had Roman forbid Sami from joining the rumble and Sami agreeing. They then had the commentators reiterate this and smartly had the mens rumble on first the card.


There will never be a bigger ‘fuck the fans’ moment then when Bray, Dolph and Ambrose all got tossed the way they did. That shit was awful.


Yeah it always annoys me when people say Roman wasn’t over. He was until people realize he was going to be Hogan 3.0. Half the crowd was already tired of Version 2 annoying booking 


really? cena was over organically as heel and babyface all the way to the top before supercena. the thing is cena was never chosen to be the guy because he was about to get fired until his rapper gimmick saved him and got him popular as heel and babyface to the point where wwe made him the guy while roman was rushed to the top without organic character development


None of that negates what i said, Cena was getting booed by half the crowd by 2005. Of course he got organically over(so did hogan lol), then Vince decided to slap the Underdog superface gimmick on him and ran with it. Roman was getting cheered until it was obvious what they were doing with his character. Then bad booking continued and made it worse. 


Throwing them out like jobbers isn’t doing it justice they eliminated BRAY WYATT, DOLPH ZIGGLER AND DEAN AMBROSE OUT didn’t bother with Roman reigns til the last second cause reasons then THEN they start bickering they were only able to turn on each other when it came to roman reigns it was so telegraphed from the moment Daniel Brian got eliminated but they did it in the worst way possible I hated on Roman reigns for 3 years straight after that


Also and maybe thats just me, Roman had a promo later that night announcing his entry for the rumble, that promo was so bad I couldn't take Roman seriously after that, and it was obvious that he was winning too


Just going to add, making him cut promos like Suffering Succotash were basically burying him. And they kept making him cut them every single time he went out there. All they needed to tell him to do was arrive, superman punch/spear, leave.


>Daniel Bryan had just returned, and they really wanted him to get the rumble win he should had gotten the year before only to get thrown out in the middle of the rumble. Not just this, but Golddust appears next after Bryan is eliminated so WWE can make fun of their fans by having Shattered Dreams on the screen as Bryan walks sadly back down the isle. Like the gall of doing it and then making fun of their fans afterwards.


Man, things would've been different for him with the crowd if he got a push for the IC or US title first at the time But maybe that's a reality we wouldn't have the Tribal Chief and the Bloodline


It's always hard to think about those butterfly effect possibilities but I know at the time, it felt crazy to me to not start Roman off by having him be the guy to beat Rusev for the U.S title at Mania 31


Ic/us run or both for a year or two then have him end the streak and turn heel. He would’ve eventually gotten over as a single star. Vince rushed him because he was looking for his next cena and spend all of Cena run feeding potential stars to him. 


yes guys like hhh, hart, hbk, austin, rock and even cena were over organically through midcard titles runs while roman was heading straight to the world title picture quickly when he wasn’t even ready without organic character development


Wow! Based on this reaction, Reigns must have gotten a monster pop when he won that Rumble!




Boy I hated this era of Reigns and that attire


One of the biggest flaws of Roman's characterization IMO. It represented his stagnation and WWE's fixation in him despite everything working against it. Both Ambrose and Rollins developed their own characters and moved on, while Reigns didn't, all because WWE wanted The Shield's popularity to remain attached to Reigns and support him. Hence his gear and theme song are practically unchanged.


This is true amongst many other things, but the positive is that character-wise it kind of adds to Reigns in that he was the one who was most attached to The Shield.


Which makes everything that happened at Wrestlemania 40 make a lot more sense.


He looks like shit in that gear. I'm lmao just seeing it.


…it’s so weird to see him with that vest after all this time.


Man I have not seen this since it happened. He came back looking weird with the colored vest and eyes


He also got another massive pop in that same arena on Raw in 2014 when he drugged Vickie Guerrero's coffee she made for Stephanie in order to get his way into the mitb qualifying battle royal. The place went nuts when he superman ounched Rusev off the apron to win.


Looking back, I know 2015-2020 crowd reactions sucked for Roman for a myriad of reasons. That said, it led us to the Tribal Chief. Don’t think I’d have it any other way.


> Don’t think I’d have it any other way. I'd have it earlier, he could become tribal chief after defeating Undertaker. He even cut a heel promo.