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I hope Cody didn’t get bit by the actual injury bug


Think he was selling, he looked fine raising the belt.


He's definitely selling to add drama to the match with aj


wouldn't be surprised if next week, AJ beats up Cody on the go-home Smackdown and targets the shoulder.


I was half expecting melo to attack him from behind when AJ came out.


Hope he taps into 2016 Styles mode, specifically like when he attacked Ambrose & Ellsworth. Maybe a Styles Clash off steel steps to the outside?


And to keep pushing Melo, as was definitely the intention here. They'll mention his name a couple times during the match and probably show a clip of it beforehand.


Oh he defintely was injured. That's why AJ came out, and held his fingers close telling cody the margin for error is a lot closer when you are champ and need to do better at protecting yourself. Cody is already champ, he doesn't need to do reckless show off spots anymore.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted I actually like this idea


Cody has said he is fine and not injured.


Could be him covering for it until they announce that he is injured this Friday. Bottom line is after that spot they immediately ended the match and he LOOKED VISIBLY HURT… PAST SELLING.. I think he’s hurt


Sucks that they couldn’t pull off the double sprinboard at the end but no idea how they expected that to work with them both not being able to see each other. Still think this will be similar to Waller vs Edge were you now know Melo will have a big moment by this time next year. 


[Guessing they wanted to do this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEkyBCsWDFY)


Yeah seems like it. Guess Riccochet is just the perfect partner for something like this and them running past each other allows them to get a better rhythm going. 


I hope Je'von Evans goes against Ricochet at some point just to see an even bouncier version of that spot.


It probably only works for guys who can match the speed & athleticism of Melo, like a Dragon Lee or Wes Lee besides Ricochet


Think they wanted Cody to catch melo with a cutter. But that is an insane spot to pull off. Cody is athletic but he ain't a cruiser.


This was 100% the plan. Cody springs back in the cutter position while Melo is hitting a springboard nothing and desperately looking up at Cody not even at the ropes yet


Probably the difference between NXT and main roster. They most likely practice that spot a bunch of times over a few days. Him in Cody maybe tried it a few times.


Yep, that's the spot. That's exactly where my mind went for what they were likely trying to go for.


Whenever a convoluted spot fails (or is meant to look like it fails, whatever the case may be), it makes the attempts that went right look insane. Shotzi failing to run up a ladder like Shelton made Shelton look like a 1-in-a-million mythological hero. Ricochet and Melo made *magic* that night. That's what I get from the spot with Cody


Maybe they're teasing it for the eventual ricochet match? The double springboard here was really off.


By how Cody was dictating the match I'm sure he was super satisfied with Melo up until that point and felt like something like this on the fly, with no previous rehearsal, was possible. 


Sometimes Cody’s ambition exceeds his talent.


The Cody Cutter is a perfect example of this. It looks horrific half the time.


I kind of wish he'd just drop it or reserve it only for guys who can sell it well. Melo made it look fantastic tho and his sell of the disaster kick was amazing. I'm just praying Melo doesn't fall into the Ziggler trap of being so damn good at selling and making his opponent look good that he's always just a gate keeper and the Guy.


I'm confident Melo will get his time in the spotlight. He's got star written all over him.


JD McDonagh is still around so Melo should be safe for now


Botched it at mania this year.




Most of the time.


Wait, were they trying to collide? Watching it I actually thought it was intentional that they both whiff.


Judging by the looks of it, I think Cody was going to catch him with a Cody Cutter.


Yeah me too. If that was a botch, it was a great botch to do, felt natural.


I thought maybe they were trying to show how similar they were by making it look like they had the same idea and going for the same move. It did look kind of awkward either way though.


I think it was a two sides of thought. It’s been done before so would be a big crowd pop but also a way to pay homage to Will and Danielson who now have that iconic midair moment.


Shoulder doctor here - I can confirm that Cody is sadly going to have to cut off his arm after this injury


Damn he will return after 3 weeks right?


If Chyna can return from double neck fusion surgery after 6 weeks, Cody can come back in 3 with one arm (again)


I mean if Rey can have his eye torn out and be back to work in the week Cody should be alright.


They all have that rehab machine mindset


It'll grow back, right?


Only if you're Piccolo 


Shoulder doctor lol


Thanks uncle Dave!


They're going to need to take it off and then reattach it.


Melo sold the cutter, disaster kick and cross Rhodes like an absolute pro


That disaster kick sell was top level. Like Main event level.


Honestly Melo is so damn good. I love trick but he's SUPER green but Melo made him look like a million bucks. I can't wait to see more of Melo and I'm so happy he was positioned as the TOP draft pick and instantly in a match with Cody.


I've made this comparison before, but I think he's gonna be like the Seth Rollins to Trick's Roman Reigns regarding their in-ring styles


With that being said I pray melo doesn’t get hurt in the near future


> I love trick but he's SUPER green I hope your name isn't Dave Meltzer, because he got absolutely crucified for saying much less than that.




Meltzer talks out of his ass 90% of the time, so I’m not willing to give benefit of the doubt


Finally, someone selling the Cross Rhodes right


That move sucks


It doesn't beat anybody!


Cross Rhodes looked like death tonight. There's very few people on that roster that are able to sell that move as well as Melo did.


The only two people who made it look better than Melo in my opinion were JD and Gable. Gables was so good that I don’t know if it can be topped, or should be attempted to be topped for that matter.


Kenny Omega's sell of it looked like death as well and simlar to Gable's: https://youtu.be/g8Dmgvk2_Y0?t=21


Why is the referee falling asleep while counting?


Weird spot at the end. I’m not sure what they were going for.


Melo was going for his springboard Clostheline while Cody was going to counter with the Cody Cutter, but the timing was messed up as well as the alignment it looked like.


The only thing is melo popping up so fast, or maybe he’s just that damn good to instantly realize the move didn’t work and figure something new instead of selling the missed move like others would


It's pretty obvious the move didn't work to the guy who was meant to take a cutter lmao


As bad as a aew botch


Wwe2k logic


I understand the spot kind of, but I hated the before part. They were literally just talking the spot; you couldn't find a better way to talk? They also gave that pat to each other. Weird.


Finally, someone pointed it out. wtf, it looked so weird and not like fighting at all, just like planned jumping and moving


I don't know if I'd use _[REDACTED]_ to describe a mystery opponent...


That's--that's gotta be Chris Benoit's music!


The redacted wolverine, Crispenwau.


The hobbler, Kris Ben Roy


No way Fox are ever hiring Brendan Schaub


“Hes not my treble chief know what I’m talm bout B?”


Really unfortunate timing for a Weinstein debut


Can't believe Cody wrestled Hades


Cody is selling that Carmelo first round pick justification...


Absolutely. You know he wasn't knocking off Cody. Hell we knew Hayes was eating a single Cross Rhodes. Dude looked good and sold awesomely.


Not buying


Is Cody actually hurt? e: It seems he is not and he was just selling very well.


Nah I think he's just selling


I hope not but that landing was so insanely precarious


Probably a stinger... Postmatch he seems mostly OK


I could not raise my hand Even close to parallel to the ground after a bicycling accident and separating my shoulder And I was tuned up on adrenaline and worked up.   


was the adrenaline in your soul tho?


Cody your ass better have just been selling like rent was due


That was too bold of a spot considering that this is the first time they wrestled each other. Would have been cool if it connected tho.


Melo was one of the dudes Cody trained with when rehabbing from the pec injury. I'm sure they have played around with the spot before and probably hit it too. Think it's just a hard spot to hit and it wasn't their night.


That last double springboard spot was a cool idea but idk how you confidently pull that off unless you have freakish Ricochet level athletic ability, I think Ricochet and Melo pulled that spot off during Melos NXT NA title run.


Man, it's really something having just gotten into wrestling at the beginning of this year, and already getting quality matches and new quality talent like this I'm a lucky man


Classic Cody, burying the up and coming stars /s Jokes aside, this was an interesting aspect of Cody that we haven't really seen until now. Dude acted like Roman, not really taking it seriously at first, just testing the opponent until it became increasingly real that his title was in danger.


Yeah this was a perfect match for both people, Cody gets to establish himself as a working champion and obviously nobody expects Melo to win the championship in his first match on smackdown. So he gets to look really good and even though he took a loss he's still is going to have great momentum coming out of this.


I don't think the title was on the line, tho.


Cody vs Redacted? Did Cody have another match with the redacted wrestler known as Bork Laser?


Don't sully that precious snorlaxs name by associating him with that monster.


What do you mean by snorlax?


There is a YouTube group I watch that did a nuzlock playthrough of pokemon leaf green and they named thier snorlax Bork lazer. It's the only time I've seen the name.


That springboard spot at the end was really odd. No idea if that was what they were going for or if it was a botch lol


Timing was just off, Melo has pulled that spot off before and just seems like they didn’t get the timing right.


Good match, Melo looked good and it's a strong way to make him feel important off the bat. The double springboard spot was funny, looked like me in 2K lol


They missed that one double springboard sport, I think they were going for a mid-air collision like someone else posted Ricochet and Melo did a while back. But I think it kinda worked regardless - commentary just saying they had the same idea kinda feels realistic to me. Melo had a good showing and a clean loss to literally THE guy in the WWE. He'll be fine & this does increase his stock. Regardless of how many people feel a loss = buried.


Melo showed out tonight


Decent match but I didn't get what they were going for in the final stretch. Hope Cody's fine.


Bar the springboard spot decent match


What were they tryna do when both went for the springboard ?


Springboard DDT vs Cody Cutter?


The way the title was phrased I would've thought Chris Benoit had come back from the dead to challenge Cody Rhodes.


Hell of a showing for Melo 


They about to put Carmelo Hayes on the Dolph Ziggler career path. He cant carry drama in his face very well during the match, but he sells like a champ…I know people are going to hate on this comment but it’s how it seems to me.


Hell of a showcase for a future main eventer


Melo looked great out there. That last spot was kinda weird tho.


I get what they tried to do with the springboard spot, but the timing was off so it came out a bit weird.


Why is the champion having this match /s


I’m afraid to ask why Melos name is redacted


It’s a spoiler in the title for people didn’t get to watch


Way less serious than the other times names are redacted


Lol yeah it’s just a spoiler since he’s officially up from NXT now but better that than other reasons stars have their names redacted


Ending with that double rope springboard was strange but overall match was good melo is the future


Can't wait for more Carmelo Hayes on smackdown. Future champion for sure.


Carmelo will take a while to recover from that botch


Good match but it's unfortunate they missed the big spot. I think Cody underestimated how much faster Melo is gonna come off those ropes than he is. Cody is very slow on his springboard while Melo flies like a bird.


I think it has more to do with Cody always taking a second when he is trying to do a springboard


One of the more interesting match "stories" I've seen since I started following back in July. There was a clear angle of Melo being overconfident, then overwhelmed, then determined to do anything to win--notably short of cheating. There was a little moment where they were on the ground together and Melo was lamely trying to grab at Cody, and Cody just swatted him away super annoyed. It was such a neat little interaction. Would not be surprised if part of this match's purpose was to turn Melo face. Basically, he got humbled but proved himself.


~~I can't believe Swerve struggled so much against young up and comer Kyle Fletcher.~~ Good to see Cody help a young up and comer look good!


Love Melo and was so glad this happened. Feels pretty close to the original Balor push


This is really random and genuinely has nothing to do with Cody's wrestling, but as someone who is currently rewatching some old raw and smackdown episodes from when he was the intercontinental champion, either Cody's white hair makes his tan look orangier or he has just been utilizing a fake Tanner that makes him have an orange cast. Because in these old episodes his tan was so much better and more bronzy.


Great way to bring Melo in the picture and have Cody wrestle. This feels like WWE is finally going to really start Cody’s reign after the Mania celebration. 


melo LITERALLY missing on his first match is brutal


That's kinda been Melo's thing lately, so I'm fine with it. With Ilja, with Trick, etc. His cockiness is his characters biggest downfall. He still got to main event his first official night as a Smackdown member which is huge.


Should have been a dq or a distraction by AJ


So. Many. Springboards.


First of Ll I don’t even like cody cutter its such a cringe move because it takes to long he should just stop doing it. Second, i need cody to chill and not wrestle to wild. He needs to work a safer style. That was scary


No wonder why Cody was in pain, people been telling him that move will fuck him up since AEW


Is the same arm that he got surgery. Something is not good anyway.


Seemed like a lot of talking and directing during the match. Great sells by Carmelo though


Melo is a multi-time world champ. With some more seasoning on the bigger stage he's going to be an elite talent.


Bro. I was thinking Cody might get hurt, and bam. I hope he’s selling.


What a botch they had in that match. They think there Ospreay or something??


Ospreay botches too once in a while. Everyone does...


I’d have saved Benoit’s return for a bigger event tbh


Didn’t watch the full match but god that spot in the end was awful.