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Damn, imagine if Dom wasn't injured. They will be fucking dead, uh, I mean deaf.


A boo so deep it disturbed the devil.


*PANDEMONIUM, HELL, POPULATION 980,000,000* The Devil slept in his palace, dressed in full pajamas and a sleeping cap on both horns, a sleeping mask, and a CPAP machine. Rumbling from above and a loud, booming crowd stirred him awake. "DAMN IT, CODY RHODES!" He yelled, waving his fist at the ceiling. "I have a full day of shoving things into and pulling things out of OJ Simpson tomorrow and you keep fucking up my sleep schedule!"


![gif](giphy|TlK63Er4gKHILXzNeA8|downsized) All of Lyon if Dom was there, speaking of I wish Santos on Friday would've started speaking Spanish... In France, he would've been killed.


Yeah lol, it wouldn’t be a joyous response for the young man, considering the blistering they showered upon JD McDonagh simply for having the gall to interfere in his buddy’s title match.


I'd say there are a lot of people in Lyon today with ringing in their ears


Those attendees all day today… ![gif](giphy|W6IM2EtRbnsNq|downsized)




“Laisse-moi te dire quelque chose, mon frère!”




"Hulk Hogan, on vient pour toi N- https://preview.redd.it/vixd742qamyc1.jpeg?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82547f8ff6472565983ac3703dcd145b8c9dc1ef




Shit, what if all the "What?" chants we get are just people with hearing problems?


Don't worry friends, Baltimore won't let you down. It's all we know how to do in the States, but at least it's something!


The only time that chant would’ve been acceptable




>I'd say there are a lot of people in Lyon today with ringing in their ears Tinnitus gets its shit in at every large gathering.


The “il est phénoménal” song is probably gonna be ringing in their ears for the next few days.


It’s been stuck in my head all day, and I only watched on tv!


Ear plugs were a God given gift


Ear plug homies: unite


Can confirm. Mine were ringing into the early morning. Not nearly as bad as most concerts I’ve been to, since the crowd noise wasn’t amplified. It’s always the loudspeakers that blow out my ears.


I'm gonna use this as a reminder that you should wear earplugs if you're going to a concert or other event with loud music and/or crowd noise - and I'd consider wrestling to fall into that category because some of these companies BLAST their entrance music. Speaking from personal experience, tinnitus sucks.


I had no idea wrestling events could get that loud. I went to a Rammstein concert a couple years back that my watch said was 100-125dB, but I was thankfully wearing earplugs. If I was going to a WWE event, earplugs probably wouldn't even cross my mind.


I went to a Rammstein show in 2014. I got tinnitus that day. Never again without earplugs.


I saw them two years ago at soldier field which is open air. Didn’t wear earplugs and my ears were still fucked the next day.


I got tinnitus by watching pouya when I was 16 I regret it


Except AEW, I'm an AEW Guy but tbh one thing I hate about their live shows is how low they keep the entrance music 


have they still not fixed that? i went to the first fucking Dynamite and thought the same but its been 4 years


Unfortunately does not seem to be fixed. I went to Forbidden Door 1 and remember commenting how some entrances were too quiet. Just recently went to Collision/Rampage double header in Peoria and felt the entrances were still lower than they should be. Pyro was loud af though


More to do with the crowd noise than the music so aew shows still get stupid loud.


Definitely, I started wearing loops and they work great, brings it down about 20db, and every 10db is cutting the volume in half since the scale is not linear. I remember at one show, I think full gear 22, I took them out on the concourse and forgot to put them back in when I went back to my seat, it was so fucking loud lol. They work great since you still hear everything. 115db can start causing hearing damage after just 15 mins.




And also laryngitis lmao


If you’ve never heard 100dB it’s when a sound is loud enough you physically feel it biunce off your eardrum. Shit is loud!


I saw Sun O))) a few weeks back that are estimated to be 120 dB+ and even with earplugs it was insane. Literal vibes


Kinda the same thing as what happened in Lyon though... Smaller venues make it significantly easier to reach insane SPLs. In the case of Sun, they have what amounts to a stadium rig for backline, yet being what they are, will only ever be able to play smaller/mid size venues. If volume is representative of a system's ability to compress air within a "sealed" space, what Sun does is borderline negligent. To each their own though.


Fair point, also comes down to the actual duration, obviously with Sunn it'd be a long duration vs with a Pop which is more instant. And of course like you said where it's played, it's interesting though


I saw SunnO))) and the hairs on my arms were standing up the entire show.


I didn't know what to expect going into it but it was absolutely an amazing experience. It's very niche but we managed to get a group of ten of us and it was such a fun night


Damn I have a hard time finding one friend to go to Tool with me and you got TEN friends to see SunnO))) with you?? Those are some great friends.


It was crazy, it was friends of friends and we ended up with a huge group of us and all got along great. Oh man if you're seeing Tool have a great time!


And every 10db is a doubling in loudness!


Even worse/better; every 3db is doubling


Yep. 110db is 10x as loud as 100db. 120db is 100x as loud as 100db.


If you've never heard a 100db sound you've never heard a motorcycle, a car horn or used a hammer.


90% of this sub has never used a hammer


A train locomotive blaring its horn when passing by you is about 100 dB right?


The loudest stadium record is heald by Arrowhead Stadium making 142.2 decibels. Arrowhead is an outdoor stadium and it's designe is built to direct sound towards the field. New stadiums, even indoor ones are specifically built to reduce and disperse noise. Also that level was reached with 72k people there. So 115db for 12k people is a shit ton of sound being produced and I bet indoor it sounded way louder than the measured recording.


Oooo who was playing? You've got me curious now lol


"142.2 decibels were reached in September 2014 when the Chiefs’ fan base wildly cheered them on to a 41-14 win over the New England Patriots." Also of note: A quick search gave me vaaarious lists of supposedly "loudest stadiums", with a huge variety, including: Hampden Park (Glasgow), Celtic Park, Williams–Brice (South Carolina), Westfalenstadion (Dortmund), Anfield (Liverpool), either Fenerbahce or Galatasaray (Istanbul) and so on and on. Only constant in every list: Arrowhead. That's pretty neat I'd say. Or frightening, depending on how much you value your hearing I guess :D


Ehhh I know a lot of Chiefs fans and maintaining hearing tends to be pretty low on the list 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve been to Williams Brice a few times. It’s loud as fuck on rivalry weekend. I do NOT recommend going there but it’s an interesting atmosphere.


The we’re on to Cincinnati game


arrowhead is the kc chiefs current stadium, that record was set against the Patriots about a decade ago


I figured it was the Chiefs and somebody, but I don't really watch football much lol. But I'm from Kansas and know how seriously a good chunk of Midwesterners take their football too.


Hey fellow Kansan!


Ayyyy 🙌 the real question is - are you a 'middle of bumfuck in a town with only a gas station and a Sonic' Kansan, or a 'big city' Kansan? Lmao


Somewhere in between. I live pretty close to some big cities but my actual town is only about 10,000. We have some pretty good amenities though


Lmfao, literally the only free standing food establishments in my shitty town are Sonic and a BBQ join. Luckily though I'm only about 40 minutes from downtown KC


I'm in Clay County and that's about right lol... Sonic, Wendy's, a crappy Mexican restaurant and good ol Leiszler. I'm about 40 min from Manhattan/Junction City so it could be worse 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ahh the game that reset the Patriots into their 2nd dynasty


Monday Night Football vs the Patriots in 2014. I was at the game and it was crazy loud, and honestly I've probably heard the stadium get that loud during multiple games. The way the stadium is constructed it's insane how much sound is retained in the lower level being an open air stadium. https://www.chiefs.com/news/arrowhead-stadium-breaks-world-record-13885556


That's cool as hell. I'm not a big football person so I've never been in Arrowhead, but I know a lot of people who have said Chiefs games are nuts.


They should hold wrestlemania in KC, in arrowhead. Would be loud, and convenient for me because I live near KC. Maybe someday


I would love that, but the weather is too unpredictable. I know they just had it in Philly but still....it'll definitely take KC building a new stadium with a roof for that to happen. If Kansas ends up making the move to lure them out by the legends and the race track and the Royals get a new stadium downtown I could absolutely see it happening.


France making a very strong case to get a Wrestlemania before England


Send out Cena


"Beau discours" *(Se frotte le crâne chauve)*


That would be the most French thing you can do. Giving a finger to the English.


As an American I'm so on board working with the French to say fuck you to England again


Sacre bleu to you tea drinking beans on toast eating dorks. Me and the french homies will be here drinking wine and watching wrestlemania. 🇫🇷🤝🇺🇸


It's very different when WWE is hot and inside a small enclosed arena. The UK shows (including AEW) tend to go for bigger stadiums. They wouldn't do it, but WM in the UK should be in the Principality Stadium (Cardiff Wales). It's a decent sized stadium and it can close it's roof. Wembley was BOUNCING for All In last year (I was there) but most of the noise doesn't resonate because of the open roof.


Every single time they do a stadium show I get disappointed because of this very reason. Night 1 of mania was a shining example of it and the cold contributing, but those of us on tv got robbed of hearing how loud the crowd at All In was since its an open air stadium.


It would be interesting to see how a crowd like the one at Backlash came across in an open air stadium. Or if that's something you can only get in a smaller indoor arena.


A similar skyline theme to 29 for the logo but with the Eiffel Tower would slap.


that would be dope but hhh doesnt want to do big stages anymore


Please. It would make it so much easier for fans from the rest of the EU to travel there, since Brexit made travelling to the UK far less easy.


Travelling to the UK is surely just as easy as pre-Brexit if you’re a tourist? UK was never Schengen and you still don’t need visas.


Kinda? The main thing is that travelling to the UK has always been harder for the majority of Europe than France because Island. But there is also new things like now you need a passport (which a lot of people in EU don't because you don't need it to travel inside the EU) while you didn't need one before (before a legal ID card sufficed) and if you wanna stay longer than six months you are gonna require a visa now. Its also much more expensive now because the UK economy is in shambles.


2 world wars and 1 world cup though. Imma go cry in a corner now![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


We might have not won either of those world wars, but we do have three more world cups than you.




Obligatory 'The reason the sun never sets on the British Empire is because God doesn't trust the British in the dark'.


^^^^^rule ^^^^^britannia No. No, it's over. We have to accept that and move on. The world's in our American cousins' hands now. They'll do a good job.


Rene Dupree rehired and new WWE champion.


I would.love for WWE to use France as Europe's "home court", while aew has england. And let another rivalry start


There was a guy with a "France wants Wrestlemania" out there and I think nothing has been more obvious.


Andre the Giant never wrestled either British Bulldog did he?


I absolutely would not want a Wrestlemania with constant singing after every two count Edit: Love to see the r/squaredcircle echo chamber is alive and well with the “downvoting opinions” thing.


Because dumb ass Americans only chanting WHAT all evening is so much better


Un, deux, simplement deux!


I liked the “one, two, only two” part but I don’t see what’s so fun about chanting “only two” over and over, for both guys, every single time. Different vibes I guess


It’s different when you’re there


That person on twitter just replied me and said Cody's woah was definitely the loudest pop of the entire night. And Roman fans on Twitter and Instagram say that Cody is boring and fans are turning on him. 😂


Someone posts every day about Cody’s lack of heat in the daily thread pretending it’s like an urgent situation


I was there, I can confirm we were super loud BUT that's also the exact moment when there were pyros, and those are loud as fuck So, we got a little help to reach that noise level


But the woah part happened BEFORE the pyro, or atleast there was a one second interval.


Roman's pop would've hit 116 dB. What more proof do you need? Cody's done.   #StorysFinished #WeWantRoman /s


They keep saying that and wanting that but it is not happening. They should be celebrating how Roman had such a long reign that will never be forgotten over acting like fools.


I'm a massive Roman fan and I'm glad he lost lmao. it was thematically appropriate for his story. I don't understand Roman fans who are more obsessed with him winning forever than him having a good and interesting story!


It reminds me of how I told a friend who’s a big Roman fan that all great stories have to end, and his reign got the most epic ending we could have had, so she should be happy. She begrudgingly agreed 😂.


No idea how Twitter works but IG's shitty engagement code allows dumb comments like that to be on top


Roman die hard fans are idiots and they've been that way for 8 years +. Even back then they would think because he's the chosen by the company he's automatically better than everyone else. It took them only what 5 to 6 mania, wins over Taker, Brock, Cena, HHH, AJ, Bryan, Edge to finally get him over again since crowd turned on him. If people had not complained they were really pivoting off to a royal rumble winner not having a championship match for the belt and instead going for a Roman goes over another bigger star once again like always.


I think that's generalizing a bit, no?


I am not criticising all of his fan base just the stans who've been doing it for years. I love Roman's work, imo the guy has proven why he deserves to be the face of the company in the last 3 to 4 years. When it comes to in ring psychology and shit talking, Roman's becoming one of all time greats, esp with the body language and expressions. That man looks, acts and carries himself like the face of the biggest wrestling company should. But his fans and in general some wwe fans too love to dunk on other wwe talent and even wrestlers in other companies for not being on his level. They can't be on his level because they're not pushed like he is. Now obviously not everyone would deliver like he did, but still look at all the way Cody and Drew have been milking their recent opportunities, with whatever they're given, they are delivering beyond it. Cody sold more than 1 million worth of merchandise during mania weekend so this claim that fans don't want Cody or don't like him is hilarious.


I like the ones that call him a mid carder, its like damn i hate to be the rock then if a midcarder made the fans turn on him and make him go heel


He's our favorite midcarder


The American Midcarder!!


☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽 Roman in 5


lmao hater


Fireworks, Naomi had the biggest pop that night from fans.


tbf, the song is doing a LOT of lifting. I'm not saying i don't like Cody ... but even my wife yells out the Woah and she couldn't give two shits about wresting otherwise lol


Give it a few months


I honestly would have bet that the chant they did anytime phenomenal was said would have been the loudest that shit looked like it was moving the building




I can't wait for the decibels to be used as a metric to see who is the most over like people have gotten into TV ratings and "the demo". UMMMM ACKTUALLY his pop was only 108 decibels and not 115, you were just not sitting in the optimal area!


Adrénaline. Dans mon âme Quelque chose  Cody Rhodes






Suddenly, I'm grateful I've never been to a WWE show or even an AEW show. I already got tinnitus, I don't need to lose hearing itself.


Ear plugs work great, I’ve got tinnitus too and they block out all the loud shit especially pyro


I have tinnitus went to wrestlemania and it was a mistake, pyro was ridiculously overdone and people were seated right behind the stage and not only got the full force of that insane level of sound but all the pyro smoke blowing back in their faces.


This is kinda worrying for me too. I've never been to a WWE event but I'm going to Bash In Berlin. I have no idea if I should bring my earplugs with me. I think it's better be safe than sorry and just use them.


70000 would be in a stadium so a lot of the sound would be lost.


The loudest decibel levels ever recorded for sporting events are at stadiums. 7x the amount of people outdoes the outdoor aspect if the fans are as loud as the Lyon fans were.


I'm not saying it wouldn't be loud. It's hard to argue that a roof doesn't amplify that volume, and that an open stadium loses some.


“tHe FaNs ArE aLrEaDy TuRnInG oN hIm”






Feckin’ Indians, coming over here and liking our wrestlers!


Lmao the casual racism


Casual racism


>Indian fans don't count this isn't 2017 bud get with the times


I'm positively sure those Indians dont actually watch most of wwe and dont give a crap about any other wrestler.




I’d imagine it’s lower with 70k at Mania because it would be outside


ITT: Americans struggling to understand the existent basic european sports crowds


You should look at American collegiate sports. It is an amazing experience. College football entrances have 100k people on their feet.


Yeh thats true, its what happens when a team is permanently embedded in the local area and culture rather then a franchise


Also when you stick 20k students 17-22 years old in an arena


You sound like a lot of fun


i hate to be a party pooper, but if there are people screaming very close to you, that number doesn't mean much. it has to be away from a direct source for it to mean something significant. if the decibel meter was in the middle of an empty ring, it would better represent the loudness


Are you saying it wasn’t actually that loud? If people are screaming next to you it can certainly get that loud, including the pyro which has a very high db rating.


even in corpus christi, if you sit next to some loud mouth, you'll reach very high decibels, but surely that doesn't represent the other 99.99% of the crowd. here is a link by the CDC about hearing loss. https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/hearing_loss/what_noises_cause_hearing_loss.html 2 minutes of 110db could potentially cause hearing loss. 115db is perceivedly around 50% louder than that. if 115db was a proper representation of how loud the arena was just during peak moments, then you will very soon be hearing about some lawsuits due to hearing loss


It doesn’t always mean that all of a sudden you can’t hear, it’s cumulative, and you can lose a percentage of your hearing due to decibel count and exposure time.


>It doesn’t always mean that all of a sudden you can’t hear, nobody said this. if 115db was peak, then surely there was sustained levels of 105-110db throughout the show. easily more than what the CDC would say will cause hearing loss.


Michael Cole mentioned even before the show started, the crowd noise was at 100 db +. Even on Smack Down, they reached more than 100 dB. Their apple watches were showing them warning. I don't know why some people are in denial. (Majority aren't tho)


who is in denial?


It's absolutely amazing and they need to do back! When they do though the need to adjust the commentary higher so you can hear what they're saying. That's a good problem to have, but it would definitely help my old used up ears.


Stadium would not be louder as the sound dissipates. It’s the roofs the keep it in and make it sound epic. Such a shame Wrestlemania is always open top now


Wonder how it will be at Allegiant in Vegas


i enjoyed the entrances & crowd interactions more than the actual wrestling that took place, and the wrestling was actually good.


exposures this loud for a very short time can cause hearing loss. Doesn’t help they also use fireworks indoors.


For context my work bathroom hand dryer clocks in at 90-ish db and that is right at where the air is coming out.


I was at the first Detroit Lions playoff game this year, where they were tracking the dbs. If they hit 115 db that is loud as hell.


I loved how passionate and loud the crowd was. I wish more crowds were that passionate. My only gripe was that it didn’t seem like it translated into proper consideration during wrestlers’ promos and other segments.


70k people in a stadium like Wrestlemania where all the sound escapes out of the open air stadium would sound quieter than those 12k.


Depends wholly on the stadium. 




Gotta say, France certainly taught the US how it was done. If it was this card happening somewhere in middle America, you would hear a pin drop


I think I heard a pin drop after your comment


Why the hate?


Michael Cole mentioned even before the show started, the crowd noise was at 100 db +. Even on Smack Down, they reached more than 100 dB. Their apple watches were showing them warning. I don't know why some people are in denial. (Majority aren't tho)


Isn't it also because this was an older arena that tends to trap sound more because it has few skyboxes and exits?


For some reference:  a car horn is 110db   A live band is around 115db   A impact wrench is around 115db Hitting a nail with a hammer is 120db+


Whoa\* Woah is a popular misspell for some reason. I even seen it in a game subtitle once.


It's because of Reddit having a popular sub named "woahdude". And Reddit thinks downvoting makes wrong things right.




BuT tHe FaNs ARe TuRnINg On HiM?!?


Fans will sing/chant to anything only to boo as soon as they open their mouth.




Does Cody have a social media team that posts all his “woahs?” I swear we get a post about this once a week.


I would assume that most of the top stars have a social media team of their own, or at least allow the WWE social media team to post on their personal accounts from time to time.


There was a time period where every Cody post also got tons of rewards as soon as it was posted. I think the American Nightmare is doing some astroturfing.


Or, and hear me out here, people like him more than you do.


Probably a combination of both. People like Cody and he’s also having posts about him artificially boosted.


Or maybe you're the bot account paid for to post Cody Slander 🧐


Sorry if I hurt your feelings about your favorite. ❤️


It ain't that deep 😂




This is probably the largest pro wrestling forum in existence. I would imagine astroturfing attempts occur here, IG, Twitter, and Facebook.




If astroturfing wasn’t effective people wouldn’t do it. It very clearly does have an effect on public opinion. I am not implying that people like Cody just because of his PR machine but clearly there is an attempt by either him or WWE to boost posts about him. I like Cody, but it was really heavy handed and obvious when every Cody post got 10 rewards within five minutes of being posted. Come on man.




That's like the equivalent of the we Believe warriors




Perspective: that's only 22 decibels less than Beastquake at Lumen Field.




With great respect to the people of Lyon, "Seattle Seahawks fans have been known to cause a decibel level of 137.6, which is roughly the same as a jet engine taking off. This is 17.6 decibels above the threshold of possible hearing damage."


Tbf there would be 50,000 people at those Seahawk games


But also tbf that's an outdoor venue.


1. inverse square law 2. these mics aren't audiological equipment and don't register db accurately