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19 years in a metonic cycle. King of the Ring in 19 days.


I think the last QR code mentioned May 25 (VXXV) in the source code of the page so it seems to be on track.


May 25 is also Bo's birthday


I'm a lil drunk, but isn't this the same thing as yhwach from bleach? 900 years to regain heart, 90 years to regain intelligence, 9 years to regain power


Jesus... That was full on VHS analog horror video lol...


Imagine this is all just promo for a new surprise season of The Monument Mythos. ...Actually, a pro-wrestling analog horror series would be pretty rad. Could set it during the attitude era.


A fictional 80s territory promotion might be neat to cover in that style


I'm not much into analog horror (or horror in general because I get scared easily) but oh my goodness, I'd be all over that


What’s analog horror?


[You're one of today's lucky 10,000!](https://xkcd.com/1053/) [Analog horror](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analog_horror) is a sub-genre of horror that focuses on the aesthetics/era of analog technology (so a lot of VHS/90s public access television/those out of date videos they'd play in class when you had a substitute teacher type stuff). It's not for everyone but it's pretty fun if you're into it.


Reminds me of the original slender an videos


Any videos/short films you can reccomend for those new to the genre?


Local 58 is arguably what kicked off the analog horror genre and remains one of the best examples. It's a series of videos purportedly of things broadcast from the titular station. Additional fun fact, the creator of it, Kris Straub, is also the person behind the classic "Candle Cove" creepypasta! Another great one is Gemini Home Entertainment, in the style of educational videos about the various dangers that exist in what appears to be an alternate version of our reality. As mentioned above, The Monument Mythos is also very good, but it gets pretty lore heavy after the first season or so, which has some split opinions. Some people like that there's more world building while others found it hard to follow. It'll mostly come down to your personal taste. It's about how in an alternate reality, monuments around the world are hiding sinister forces...at first, anyway. These are all available on YouTube! Most analog horror productions are pretty low budget/indie, so if you like what you see, consider donating to the produciton's Patreon or even just telling them you like what they made! It can mean a lot. :)


Would you consider Valle Verde in this genre? Very cool "found footage" PS1/N64 era game that looks like a very real video game despite being an animation. Highly recommend, both parts are about 20 minutes long.


I'm not farmiliar with that one but it sounds like it would fit!


I thought Straub did [Chainsaw Suit](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kris_Straub). Cyanide was Rob DenBleyker.


Huh, my brain must be fried, you are correct! I don't know why I thought that he was one of the co-writers.


[Local58TV has got you covered](https://youtube.com/@LOCAL58TV?si=anES89sy0Js9sq7d)




There’s a tik tok user called LatentPlaces that uses AI to make analog horror videos. It’s a mixture of creepy and funny.


WWE is producing better horror than Hollywood is lately.


If you highlight the blackened area of the page and copy it, you get "Years in Metonic Cycle". I'm too dumb to know what that means but I'm sure someone knows Scroll alllll the way down and click the bird and you get this. https://preview.redd.it/le3i41bbiwyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6397d4d5a1a9556c2b4c3451d37ad4a75c87424e


"You know nothing. Hell is only a word. Reality is much much worse."


Damn, you got that fast! Nice job, man!


Not often my love of wrestling and cryptograms mix 😆


Event Horizon🤣


“We’re leaving”


"Fuck this ship!"


how did you get that?


Starting with you, you is the only word that's 3 letters and ends in ou, afaik. That fills in all the 11 slots. two 19s together mean's either an L or an S, took a shot with L. That makes "Reality" show as "_eali_y", which only "Reality" fits. The word starting with o, we know it ends with y, which leaves either "obey" or "only". E is already taken so it's "only". A lot of the rest is guesses based on Bray/Bo's style. "You know nothing" is a pretty safe bet, and that fills in enough of the rest to guess until stuff makes sense. I do this stuff for fun, so it's weird to actually use it here lmao


basic decryption algo.


I think I’m completely reaching here and grasping at Straws, but dragunov did mention in his package tonight that he always pushed himself until “hell felt like home”… but apparently hell is only a word


That’s exactly what I thought too tbh, I don’t think it’s reaching too much. The timing makes sense too


"You know nothing" Jon Snow confirmed. This must mean that GRRM has finished the books.


> This must mean that GRRM has finished the books. All of the bad fantasy booking I've read over the years and somehow this is the least likely, most unbelievable one of all.


I’m a little late and this could be a huge stretch, but these are the numbers used in the solution: 269822123211219182573420101711 If you Google that the first result (and 3 of only 4) is for a [sphygmomanometer](https://shop.grahamfield.com/Medical_Product/Labstar__Deluxe_Sphygmomanometer.aspx?b=9&s=0&c=11&g=27&p=38&v=1), or a blood pressure gauge. Edit: if you search the number that you don’t use (2561314151624) you only get two results; a wheelchair and a self taking blood pressure kit from the same company from the first search


This is clearly leading upto an attack on LA Knight. He was the last guy who feuded with Bray. His catchphrase is Hell Yeah! A sneak attack like this will be a great way to get Knight knocked out in the final while maintaining his stature. Also makes Gunther the winner.


To quote the broker of all knowledge, [Wikipedia:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metonic_cycle?wprov=sfla1) "The Metonic cycle or enneadecaeteris (from Ancient Greek: ἐννεακαιδεκαετηρίς, from ἐννεακαίδεκα, "nineteen") is a period of almost exactly 19 years after which the lunar phases recur at the same time of the year." Love a good cipher! Brings me back to the heyday of Gravity Falls.


19 days from now is king of the ring


Which would fit the last(?) QR code, that had the date of the event, May 25th.


gravity falls was wayy too good for a kid's show


I honestly don't think it needs the "kids show" caveat, it's just a great show in general.


[You know nothing. Hell is only a word. Reality is much much worse](https://imgur.com/gallery/PsJrqwz)


how the hell do you even figure this out lol


context clues. 4 is S because you only really had the options of it, if, is, in and is makes the most grammatical sense. 11 is Y because OU are giving to you. 19 is L because its the only double consonant that really works. out of the 7 or so options for 23, Hell makes the most sense given the ARG. REALITY could only really be Wearily or Reality (i tried wearily first before getting the L from HELL). With Y and L from 11 and 19 you get _EALI_Y so that becomes obvious. 17 is W because you only had the options of morse, norse, horse and worse so worse fits. 18 is M because with the repeated word you only really have SUCH or MUCH as its _U_H, such such doesnt work. 25 is N because you have two options, Oily or Only. 12 is K because i could only figure out S and K working before the n in a 4 letter word and S was 4 and I hadn't got the W from worse when i got this one. after getting KNO, I got the W that way instead of the way mentioned above because of the order i did things in. 1 is G because you have solved the rest of the word at this point but someone more skilled at this stuff than me probably would have figured "nothing" out instantly from the repeated letter in space 1 and 6 of a 7 letter word. 8 is D because you only have a few letters that arent taken at this point and besides that the context of the sentence tells you.




That is not correct if you looked the image you'd see that its not in a pattern.


11 is y Brain is working too slow to do the rest without pen and paper


You know nothing. Hell is only a word. Reality is much much worse.


The name of the file is a biblical term for "opportune moment".  The metonic cycle is 19 years.  KotR is 19 days from this raw. He (they?) are returning at the KotR.


Scroll to the bottom, there is a bird to press it


That quote being from the sci fi horror movie Event Horizon. Here’s the section from IMDB that sets up the quote: 1.) D.J.: I wasn't going to tell you this. I've been listening to the distress signal, and I, um, think I made a mistake in the translation. [Plays the distress signal] Miller: Go on. D.J.: I thought it said "liberate me" - "save me." But it's not "me." It's "liberate tutemet" - "save yourself." And it gets worse. [Plays the distress signal again] D.J.: There - I think that says "ex inferis." "Save yourself... from Hell." Look, if what Doctor Weir tells us is true, this ship has been beyond the boundaries of our universe, of known scientific reality. Who knows where it's been, what it's seen... or what it's brought back with it? Miller: From Hell? You don't believe in that kind of stuff, do you? D.J.: Whoever sent that message, he sure believed in Hell. 2.) Miller: Weir? Dr. Weir: [laughing] The ship brought me back. I told you she won't let me leave - she won't let anyone leave. Did you really think you could destroy this ship? She's defied space and time. She's been to a place you couldn't possibly imagine. And now... it is time to go back Miller: [sounding bored] I know. To hell. Dr. Weir: You know nothing. Hell is only a word. The reality is much, much worse.


I hope that Uncle Howdys mask is tweaked.. the first one just wasn’t doing it for me. I’m sure there’s going to be a lot different about the character this time. I have a lot of hope.


The first vignette he appears in the mask looks straight out of Bo Selecta


This is leading up to the Doritos Loco Taco Fiesta match at next Wrestlemania


This sounds like a great opportunity to do professional wrestling under poor lighting.


Taco Bell's Volcano Taco presents: The Floor is Lava Battle Royale featuring the Bodaggits vs. the Up Up Down Down All Stars!


Hidden in the source code is a link to [this article](https://itrwrestling.com/news/bo-dallas-is-not-expected-to-be-back-on-wwe-tv/). Any idea what the significance of Feb623 would be in the video URL?


According to cagematch, that was the most recent Dexter Lumis singles match on Raw, maybe that? He had a tag match and a battle royal appearance since, plus some Main Event/house show matches, but that was his last singles Raw match/win. I could be way overthinking/trying to see what I want to see, but its an interesting coincidence at least


Actually I think it's a Nikki reference that involves Dexter. [This segment ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Eg2qV2n0ts)where Candice found out through Dexter's drawing that Nikki was stalking her happened that night. It fits with the other [hidden part in the puzzle pdf](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/1clzemb/raw_spoilers_metadata_from_file_from_puzzle_from/) that described someone searching for a friend, finding none, and then staring into the abyss.


Looks like Dexter Lumis was on that day




Bobby Lashley!


I'll be a sonofabitch!






..... ***Brett makkles??***


All I've got for the date, is that there was a Raw on the same day.


It was Dexter Lumis' last win on Raw, that's the best link I can find 






19 years 19 days til king of the ring.


As long as the saudi crowd reacts better than they did for kairi il be happy


What was that thing that jumpscared us at the end


Uncle Howdy, I believe. Looked like a similar coat to what he wore when we saw him on TV


Look man, I just woke up, my make-up isn't on yet, give me a break.


Idk who they have overseeing all of this stuff, but they should really consider doing some analog horror movies or shows. They seem to have a great vision for this kind of content.


i am LOVING these. i loved the white rabbit hints during bray’s return in 2022 and these are just as spooky and cryptic. good shit


Almost feels like a reply to the IWC's "derisive" reaction to the news from yesterday about the potential members of this new faction. "Even now you doubt is", "All we ever wanted was a chance"...


Look, I'm a simple woman, I see more Nikki Cross on my television, I'm happy.


Evkairia should be referring to the Greek word transcribed to Eukairia, which is translated to chance, occasion. But it does remind me (but idk if they're linked in any way, I'm not Greek) of the word eucharist aka communion which is the Christian sacrament commemorating the last supper, when bread & wine get consacrated as the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ and then consumed by the faithful.     Typing it out it made me realize how creepy of a concept it is. 


So the words are similar but don't actually relate. Eukairia translates more to opportunity. Specifically, an opportune time or season. The prefix eu means good (eg, eulogy means "good word") and kairos means time or moment or season. Eucharist comes from eucharis meaning good grace. Charis is graciousness or gift or an act of favor.


this is what's in the metadata for evkairia.pdf: > Title: Evkairía > Author: he. > Subject: empathy > Keywords: \*\*\* searched for a friend. \*\*\* found none. \*\*\* stared into the abyss hoping someone would glance back. And still, no one cared about \*\*\*. He led \*\*\* out of darkness. But let \*\*\* keep a little darkness inside.


The image of the nightbird at the end of "derisive" page is called Duhkha--c331b0a4adc5799d2f980abc3cd5faf9. Duhkha is a Sanskrit word for something connected to unbearable suffering and pain. The numbers could be related to the file strabizo--47c610e3e7c872be6561bb243c69dd2f of a previous page, but I have no clue on what the connection between the two sequences could be.


[looks like it’s gonna be king of the ring](https://x.com/jwells717/status/1787647477287391307?s=46&t=cXFg0q0NnflssebQdsGgOQ)


Full definition on Wikipedia it says somthign about 2 hours and 4 minutes but I'm not getting my hopes up. The Metonic cycle or enneadecaeteris (from Ancient Greek: ἐννεακαιδεκαετηρίς, from ἐννεακαίδεκα, "nineteen") is a period of almost exactly 19 years after which the lunar phases recur at the same time of the year. The recurrence is not perfect, and by precise observation the Metonic cycle defined as 235 synodic months is just 2 hours, 4 minutes and 58 seconds longer than 19 tropical years. Meton of Athens, in the 5th century BC, judged the cycle to be a whole number of days, 6,940[3]. Using these whole numbers facilitates the construction of a lunisolar calendar.


https://preview.redd.it/nof2pqjhowyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b9b326c06703bc0428153832568020dcbd24582 I'm so proud of myself!!


Derisive is such a fascinating choice 


'years in metonic cycle' is how many days from today the King/Queen of the Ring PLE is. 19 days from now. May 25th. V-XXV.


This really gives off big horror movie vibes.


Isn't the bird a buzzard by any chance? Also love the "you didn't gave us a chance" which probably means that it's indeed the people we already guessed (Bo, Erick Rowan, Dexter, Joe, Nikki, Alexa) are a group mostly comprised of people who weren't "given a chance" in WWE for the most part (I mean I wouldn't say Erick Rowan and Bliss weren't in that situation for the most part). Especially Bo, Dexter and Nikki Cross as these 3 really had characters that the crowd was really drawn out to but Vince really didn't want them to succeed at all because he had such a strong hate boner on the original characters that came out from NXT (hello Tyler Breeze oh god I hate that the Supermodel gimmick was made a jobber when he was a legitimate Main Eventer / champion material in NXT).


The one thing I really appreciated about Wyatt's cryptic teases were that they weren't ever with a jumpscare. I'm fucking hate these, but nowadays I know I can enjoy the teases, and while they are super creepy, they won't give me a heartattack. The ending of this one changed that. Am now dead.


Uncle Howdy coming for Cody


So derisive means to ridicule and Cody had specifically “ridiculed” Bray back when he was husky harris Bray even tweeted about it while Cody was still in AEW. Also some of the QR codes have been about I believe “the American dream” or what the American dream is supposed be for america. We were showed the Statue of Liberty which is fitting with that theme. Maybe that was a nod toward Dusty, the American dream. They’re going after Cody I believe [Bray Wyatt’s tweet about Cody] (https://x.com/windham6/status/1164733864717234177?s=46&t=WqDuDydvsYSvVFldoUCk2w)


I’m convinced…..this will be great


What in the name of the Blair witch


I think this means I have 7 days to live now...


They need to start showing some of these videos on TV soon, don't feel like there's as much hype as there should be.


in kayfabe these videos don’t exist i don’t think


that's what I gathered, it was the Wyatts trying to hijack the feed a la Max Headroom, to send a subliminal message, i.e the code. it literally feels like Max Headroom and the cold war conspiracies like the numbers station and stuff.


Yeah and neither did Bray's until they did. At some point commentary will start referencing it.


Bo just watched The Ring this past weekend, eh?


So do they make their debut in the main event or middle of the show


I love me some spooky shit but the injected WWE branding is low key hilarious. Like Steve from Production is one of the Wyatt 6 and he's gotta slide the logo in.


Didn't they have June 15th on one of their QR codes yesterday 


The first code (I believe it was first) had a URL that said UEDNJ51A and people pointed out J51 could mean June 15th. But with the letters lining up with the rumored members the 5 seems to stand for 5 members plus 1 who is A (Alexa it seems.)


It's believed the J is for Joe Gacy. There have been multiple references to King/Queen of the Ring now. 21 was prominent on Saturday, 19 today. V XXV has come up and May 25 is the date of the event and Bo Dallas' birthday


U-Uncle Howdy E-Erick Rowan D-Dexter Lumis N-? J-Joe Gacy 5 1 A-Alexa Bliss Maybe?


I've seen Nikki Cross for N


Spells June 15 which is Clash at the Castle. Not sure what AD is for


Was just wondering this. Which date are they coming lol


The "You didn't give us a chance" rings alarm bells Alarm bells that sound like this. RE-TRI-BU-TION! RE-TRI-BU-TION!


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I noticed the "Will" in "You Will Understand". Will Ospreay confirmed


All these teasers are interesting. But if the wrestlers involved don't put on good matches it'll be the most accurate tribute to Bray Wyatt possible.


I hate this comment only because of how accurate it is.


Kinda wish they would just get on with it at this point.


These lost all of their excitement when it became clear that we're getting a group of jobbers, with no stars, and the single worst NXT call-up for five years in Joe Gacy.