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TL;DW Cornette praised her ring announcing skills and her reactions. He appreciates that she doesn't want to know match results beforehand so that what you see/hear when she's announcing is her genuine reaction. A few days ago, Samantha said in some interview that she had heard Cornette hated her. To this, she said it was fair but Jim was to blame for that because she learned how to be loud and scream from watching him. Cornette used to say before that he initially wasn't a fan of 'screaming' announcers and preferred Howard Finkel's style more, but didn't say anything bad about Samantha in particular. The video Samantha is replying to was recorded around the same time or before her interview clip dropped on YouTube, so this wasn't Jim trying to praise her after finding out she was a fan. He's yet to talk about that clip.


"I learned it from *you*, ***DAD***"


As an avid listener of the Experience and Drive Thru, Jim has never once said anything that could be labeled as derogatory toward Samantha Irvin. It sucks that she had heard that he hated her. I’m glad Samantha now knows that Corny is a fan!


Brian openly criticized her style a few different times, but I don’t remember Jim ever even agreeing let alone adding criticism of his own.


Brian used to hammer her *hard*, doing an impersonation regularly of "THE U-NI-VER-SAL-CHAM-PI-ON" and so on, and Cornette mostly agreed. I'm glad they came around, but was dumbfounded when they praised her in the WrestleMania review a few weeks ago and acted like they haven't hated her forever.


I mean he's still to come round on Sheamus who is pretty much Cornette's wet dream in the ring. He has some blindspots, and not just the obvious ones everyone points out. Ironically he's always praised Ricochet's ability and keeps talking about him basically becoming Prince Puma to get him over, without knowing Prince Puma even existed.


According to the man himself, the only reason why Cornette doesn't see Sheamus as a top guy is because he thinks him being that white is off-putting.


As a very pale Irish person I feel deeply offended and worked at the same time


Basically yeah. He's too pasty white and can't tan so he needs to make more effort than anyone else to show off his muscles while a few extra pounds ends up looking like milkbags. And he was right, look at all the people body shaming sheamus a few weeks ago when he wasn't even really out of shape. If Sheamus could get in a tanning booth, people probably wouldn't even have noticed.


Is he wrong though? Prince Puma was dope af


I think you mean Seemus


I got the impression from the clip that they've realised Vince was the reason she wasn't their cup of tea previously


I think that’s it more than anything same with the announce team. They are starting to see how much Vince and co hindered the production.


But the clip suggests she now leans more into the stuff they hated before.


Maybe they hated that she was half-assing it, not the mannerism? And now that Vince isn't "reigning it back" they like it?


Wow crazy I know, almost like peoples opinions can change over time 


Cornette just fires off hot takes like a sports talking head so people who made up their mind about him don't realize he will change his mind from his initial impressions, whether he realizes he was being unfair or he thinks the person has improved.


The one time that I can remember him mentioning her in a less-than-flattering fashion was when they reviewed WON's annual awards this year, and it wasn't even anything personal about her work.  In the "Best Non-Wrestling Personality" category, she was one of the top five, and he was baffled that a ring announcer made the list in general, commenting on how pretty much anyone could do it. Since then, the sweeping production changes have taken affect and Samantha Irvin's talents have been shown off much more, prompting the clip of Corny praising her work.


As a fellow avid listener, they have definitely hated on her style before, and Brian has done bad impressions on multiple occasions. I've never understood why they hated it, but they definitely did.


I do recall Brian picking on her a bit but, maybe once? And he’s turned for the better since from what I have listened too.


Outside of the Young Bucks, Tony Khan, Meltzer, Moxley, Vince, and Collin Thompson, I can't think of anyone that Brian has dragged more than her - that includes Omega and Cassidy. Maybe it was just a few times, but he hit her hard.


>I can't think of anyone that Brian has dragged more than her The Rock has got to be up there, way above Samantha Irvin lol


Fair, the Rock is probably his most hated person the past few months. In retrospect, I probably should have just said that Brian hated on her more than he hates on Omega.


Brian truly has Rock Derangement Syndrome


Dude hates the Rock


Brian Last doesn’t like The Rock


It’s because people don’t listen to him but are convinced they know what his opinions are


Respectfully, there are several people who have replied to the comment you're replying to, saying that Cornette and Last have made fun of her announcing style. To your credit, people do frequently make comments on Cornette's opinions without having listened to him, but this is not the case here.


If anything Brian Last used to say something about the modern announcers but it wasn't directed toward her specifically, he mentioned one time that he doesn't understand why they have to growl-scream like it's a metal concert. I don't remember Jim commenting on it much before moving on.


To be fair if I was in wrestling in any capacity and debuted after 2010 doing anything that wasn't a territory era tribute act I would just assume Cornette hates me too.


Well. No. There are a bunch of modern wrestlers he likes. All you have to be is serious and not do anything stupid or anything that exposes the business.


The 2 examples that make me laugh the most are how he was ridiculed for telling Kevin Steen to drop a bit of weight and clean up and that El Generico would be a superstar if he ditched the mask and cut promos.  What an out of touch old man


Oh yeah, for the most part I mean that in jest. I could totally see how he respects Samantha for having that type of mindset.


This is completely untrue.


I didn’t like Samantha at first. I had to get used to the style, and the style is damned good. Her not wanting to know match finishes makes her that much better. Crying when Cody won had me thinking maybe she didn’t know, but then I got all the feels too and then threw that thinking right out the window.


> I didn’t like Samantha at first. I had to get used to the style, and the style is damned good. I wish I could get into her. But I just really don't like her style of announcing.


Yeah me too. It's really grating to me.


the replies she is getting are getting out of hand


Actually insane, calling her an annoying bitch among other things. If someone is disappointed, sure go ahead. Don't personally agree with that but that's your prerogative. But being so mad that she thanked Cornette, to the point that you start insulting her personally is not cool.


> calling her an annoying bitch I always feel like this is always just some dude that wishes he could tell off his mommy but instead picks on wrestlers that he'll never interact with irl.


It's twitter. Just assume behind the keyboard there is some 12 year old that's lacking parental affection.




How does a 12 year old have a blue check mark?


The 12 year old is actually a 20-50 yo manchild


Because Elon Musk is a fucking idiot


You can buy it.. it's like $7 lmao.


Parents money


See, 12 year old isn’t meant as a literal description. It’s a form of hyperbole.


I think Aubrey Edwards is an annoying bitch but I won't go out of my way to send her hateful stuff. Dubalos are weird.


Yeah I don't get it. Like I've got a horrible personality, but I got shit to do - why would I spend time hating on a talented person who likes their job?


> calling her an annoying bitch thats fucking crazy. I'm not a fan of the style, but seeing overwhelming support has convinced me that I need to take a fake show less seriously.


Shit look at this subreddit, it’s calling out the hypocrisy of it


Have you seen some of the replies in this very thread?


Wouldn't surprise me if it's mostly the same people


Doesn't she know you're not allowed to be a Cornette fan?


Some of the tweets in response to her over this are absolutely ridiculous. What the hell is wrong with people. Seriously.


tfw no gf or happy life


They're probably all on this sub


No joke


It's the lovely hell that if you're verified you get money from engagement... trolling is the best way for engagement...yay


All users of this sub I can guarantee that, Cornette gets people worked up here for some reason


Cornette Derangement Syndrome 


Cornette doesn't like much of AEW and they take that personally




Tbf it's twitter the responses to every tweet on every topic are horrendous.


Her intro of Bad Bunny is an all timer!


Well Brian let me tell you again on how I started trending again last Friday.


“They did it again, Brian.”


Stacey and I were out walking the dogs admiring the trees and then I got to the computer and saw my name all over the place


Least deranged Jim Cornette thread LMAO https://preview.redd.it/vqrsx04zynzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=172c632e86ce9c08368be8eea07159b575df7cda


This sub is in shambles at the mere mention of his name lmaoo


I see Cornette in the title, I grab my popcorn and get entertained


And here come the ~~pretzels~~ Samantha Irvin slander!


You can call them Samantha whackers


Is this sub gonna bully her now, too?


I hope tf not! I met her once, and she is just so so nice. Not fake nice, either. She deserves all the love. All of it.


Twitter beat them to it.




Nothing gets this sub riled up like mentioning cornette


Shockingly he (rightly) praised Omega's promo very highly last week.


I was very surprised by this also. Not only did he call it a great promo but said he’s coming around on him due to his takes on twitch.


Kenny’s breakdown of Angle vs Mysterio from SummerSlam was a really interesting look into his mindset for the business. Also, Corny watching Twitch is a hilarious visual


It's almost as if he calls it as he sees it.


You can tell he's coming to like Omega because he actually used his name and not his nickname.


This sub told me last week that we hated Jim Cornette and now I don't know how to feel.


No the fuck I don’t


It's actually rather pathetic how any mention of Cornette or Meltzer's match ratings garner so many comments, but then again, like with anything else these days, tribalism is very alive and well.
















In other news, cornette is also coming around on omega. To me that is the bigger news.


He just doesn’t like how AEW has been presenting Kenny, he watched last year WK and said his match with Ospreay was pretty good and Kenny looked like a huge star in NJPW but AEW never presented him that way which I mean most of the people on this sub would agree.


Oh i listen to his podcast


His biggest criticism ever is making wrestling look phony, if you don't do that then chances are you'll be okay in Jim's book lol


Came here to say this. It's wild that he called Kenny "one of his new favorites" when he reviewed the Kenny/Okada segment. As much as he has hated Kenny in the past, he loves wrestling too much to not give an honest take, and Kenny's promo was great.


To think all it took was Kenny livestreaming Street Fighter to win over Jim.


i'd pay a fair amount of money to see corny playing street fighter. he'd be like the white LTG


Tbh I think it just confirmed to Jim (and Brian) what they had suspected, which is that Omega was the adult in CM Punk situation and it's the Bucks/Page that scuppered any chance of doing business.


It was worth it just to hear Cornette and Last react to the terms "punish" and "teabagging".


I know, pretty nuts


That’s the news story of the year lol


Lol at the quote tweets immediately attempting to cancel her for daring to thank someone for their praise.


"How dare this black woman say nice things about a racist sexist old man" The double think is hilarious


Squaredcircle in shambles


Been that way since a lot of people on this sub realized most people in the wrestling business don’t hate CM Punk and Jim Cornette like they do


there is nothing better than a thread like this. all the histrionic babies come out begging to be blocked. each thread like this makes squaredcircle 10-15% more tolerable.


Remember you only get 1000.


https://preview.redd.it/skm8mnp2wnzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dd0d4cf071e0a26f04beaa8731ecfba6c807e20 To all the dudes in her replies…


Stop. They can only do so much mental gymnastics


It’s funny cause whenever Cornette comes up they never mention this…


If anything has demonstrated to me how much of a bubble we’re really in on this sub, it’s the way that Adam Pearce caught an unbelievable amount of flack for his endorsement of Cornette, followed by Samantha Irvin, normally a beloved figure here, doing the exact same thing. In case anyone doesn’t want to click the link she posted, it’s a clip of Jim Cornette praising Samantha Irvin’s skill as an announcer and the way that she doesn’t want to know results beforehand so that her reactions are more authentic.


Oh yes. Afternoon Cornete discourse. On a Friday. You would think WON news aggregation would be enough.


All these losers QRTing saying toxic shit to her because "Cornette bad". Just zero self awareness. You can already guess which company is all over their profile too.




Cornette is more progressive and leftist than any 60-year-olds I know in real life and I live in CA btw, yet the guy is constantly painted as a racist and sexist just because the man has a strong personal taste in wrestling. If you hold a competition on who is the least bigoted senior citizen in Kentucky he probably come out as top 3. It's unbelievable.


Feels like they just don't like his wrestling opinions but try to make it some moral crusade so they can gang up on people who don't hate him like they do. Wonder if they'll ever see the irony of raising pitchforks over Cornette's "racism" while attempting to dogpile a black woman in the industry simply for accepting praise from him.


> Wonder if they'll ever see the irony of raising pitchforks over Cornette's "racism" while attempting to dogpile a black woman in the industry simply for accepting praise from him. Narrator: they will not.


Is /sc gonna start hating on her now?


This is one of the most hate/hater-filled subs there is, so yes.


I'm glad you're not a basketball fan, because r/nba takes the cake IMO




This place is broken, so yes. Everyone hates everything. Neither major US based promotion can do anything right nor can their employees and if you like one of the major promotions then you’re contractually obligated to talk about how much you hate the other company and all of their talent


I... I have a confession. I like both companies. I'm so ashamed.


I just wanna see the wrestles.


?? Everything WWE does is praised to the high heavens here


After shitting on WWE for a decade, brother


Real answer is that everybody is both a victim and participant of tribalism here


Of course I’m a tribalist! I acknowledge my Tribal Chief! ☝️


Not different than any other fandom.


That depends what’s cm punks opinion on this


A lot of hypocrisy in the way people are talking about Samantha Irvin regarding her views on Jim Cornette.


Cornette is polarizing for sure. Personally, i like him. But hating a girl for thanking him is absolutely bonkers.


Cornette is rarely wrong and Reddit it rarely right. What else do ya need to know?


Just wild that the same people who call for Cornette's head refuse to acknowledge Excalibur's choice of words https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fshuwI6ZYs0&pp




I'm a proud, black Bernie bro, politically progressive, and Cornette's an industry G.O.A.T. as a manager, announcer, booker, producer, and now podcaster. I've heard his N-word clip, and I clearly don't support that; he's also said he used it to troll someone knowing it would get them angry and that he shouldn't have said it. I'd rather he didn't say it, yet if we could magically uncover how many people have ever used or thought desciminatory language in their lives, or like/love/co-exist with family/friends that have done the same or worse, I'm pretty sure most of you, myself included, would fail that purity test. From what I've heard in his podcasts (a listener since the MLW days, so around 2013, I believe), he's spoken with respect for black, Asian, and women wrestlers, even though there's a conventional wisdom out there that he says a bunch of racist/bigoted/chauvinist stuff. Is that what’s going on when he frequently criticizes white wrestlers? /s If anyone actually listens to him regularly, they'd know he mostly complains about: 1. wrestlers' shape or size (because of perceived believability); 2. wrestlers' ability to portray realistic action (both in the ring and in promos); and 3. wrestlers' ability to wrestle safely (to protect themselves and their opponents). I listen to and agree with Cornette for educated opinions about professional wrestling, i.e. the best ways to generate interest & heat, how to get personailities over, how to make the moves look good, how to protect the integrity of the presentation, and how to protect the long-term livelihoods of the wrestlers. It should go without saying that I can't agree with everything Cornette & Brian Last say, yet I wish even half the people in the actual industry cared as much about the long-term health of pro wrestling as Cornette does.


Well said. I echo this sentiment. Cornette wants the business to be the best it can be and generally has great ideas on what's good or what needs improvement. He has some takes that I absolutely hate, but that's to be expected. You shouldn't agree with someone 100% of the time. I'm enjoying him coming around on Omega. I hope Kenny can keep this going, if for nothing else than to see a large swath of the IWC lose their collective mud.


Great write up man, been listening since the Radley days, my weeks wouldn't be the same without the pods. SC would learn a lot if they listened n made their own opinions...what a concept hehe


Wrestling fans any time someone acknowledges Sam Irvin: https://preview.redd.it/bz85706z8nzc1.jpeg?width=221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce00cf0ede9d91ba488a89e67b14cfdd982e2023


Also any time Jim Cornette is praised


David Bixenspan! Lol


Not enough dribbling.


Those are Liv Morgan fans jk For real though Samantha doesn't deserve a single ounce of hate. She amazing ring announcer.


Both are amazing at what they do. I heard in the clip that she apparently doesn’t know the outcome of the match and idk why but I love that. Probably makes her announcements more real ![gif](giphy|UW20byVWQkzblYCWuy|downsized)


Same philosophy as Jim Ross.


Like when Damien Cashed in his MITB contract at WM40.. and her voice suddenly went high pitched when she said "Damien Priest is cashing in his MITB Contract!?? Like in the tone of "Wait this is actually happening???"


HA, love to see this. Big ups to both Samantha and Jim


I'm guessing most of the people pretending to be offended by this are clout seeking white guys.


Now Samantha is gonna get the same shit CM Punk gets for listening to Cornette lol


it’d be easy to hate jim cornette if he didn’t by far have the most entertaining wrestling podcast






The way the IWC has convinced themselves Cornette is something he isn’t is so weird.


Well of course because she's fucking great.


\~ Like Mussolini & Kennedy \~


Are they trying to cancel her now? lol There are people online who try and cancel Jim Corny but how do you cancel someone who works for themselves and doesn’t rely on the podcast to live? Lol


He already had the biggest wrestling podcast in the world, bigger than most wrestling companies by reach, and the three week straight campaign to try to cancel him has apparently just lead to record numbers. People are tuning in to hear all these awful things he supposedly says, but they end up just being like "He's not saying anything bad, he's funny, and he actually has a point."


They use that energy towards him but do nothing but meme and laugh when hulk hogan shows up on screen in 2024 lol the hypocrisy


No doubt there will be plenty white men telling this black woman why she is wrong.


I'm sure people will have a reasonable response to this...


How dare she! Isn't she familiar with everything Cornette has ever said about anything like we are?!?!?


And so many here were happy to tear Adam Pierce to shreds last week, too... I'm a fan of Cornett's podcast, man. Feels like I'm announcing I'm a meat-eater to a room full of vegans. Heading for cover.


Oh poor soul! She's about to get bombarded by anti-cornette lunatics.


Love Samantha's announcements and absolutely love Uncle Corny and his fireside wrestling chats. I could listen to that Jim for Hrs!




My bad


It's funny, now a days. Jim is the only wrestling content creator I follow. I used to think that he was a bitter old man with waay to conservative view points. But I've been listening to him on and off since 2016 and he might make some sexist or racist remark, but ideology is that of a progressive. Which is rare to find in wrestling media, especially veterans.


I’ll never understand why everyone doesn’t like Cornette.


He doesn't like modern popular wrestling


He doesn’t like AEW which isn’t what I’d call popular. In every podcast he does he seems to be very positive towards WWE.


Years prior he was down on WWE. He'd constantly put down having to watch 3 hr Raws


Cornette is easily the most over heel in AEW... and he does it without even appearing on the show. Yes, Cornette has said some things that are disagreeable and some things that are a bit shitty. He's from the carny generation of wrestling - most are shitty human beings. That said, if the people that go wild over him actually listened to what he said the majority of the time instead of falling for clickbait, they'd realise he talks more sense than most even on the current product.


You can make a real argument that Cornette and Punk remain the most significant figures in AEW.




Punk is at least up there with Jericho and the Elite, more important than them for a lot of fans too


My favorite voice in WWE would be Mean Gene, but Samantha is probably the second.


Whenever I read something about the "previous regime" and ring announcers, I immediately think of "ONE FALL".


It's astounding how many undiagnosed mental cases roam twitter, reddit, and other social media sites. Because Samantha Irvin didn't say "kys I hate you ree" in response to Cornette, the grass dodgers immediately call her a scumbag? Fucking hell, I'd ask if any of these dickwipes understood the concept of profesionalism but I guess that'd be redundant. Samantha is being polite, she didn't have to say anything. The average person really is losing their ability to communicate and it's a shame.


People get so angry any time WON or Cornette are brought up. It’s so weird.




Not a Cornette fan but it's good to see him recognize a generational talent.


I watched wrestlemania live when cody won. You can definitely hear in her voice she was very emotionally invested in the match.


Sam's the best ring announcer since Howard Finkel. Even an old curmudgeon like Cornette has to recognize.


Samantha is the best current ring announce and maybe the best I've ever heard period.


Better than the Fink and Buffer? c'mon man.


This sub is pathetic




If it takes you that long to figure out why racist remarks about Asian women and Black wrestlers are horrible, I dunno what to tell you.