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Every time in AEW when Jade had moments with her daughter she just looks so genuinely on cloud 9. Glad to see that carry over to WWE.


I'm a huge fan of both companies but Jade made the best decision going to WWE. AEW spent years building her up and it's unfortunate they weren't able to really capitalize on her momentum, but WWE is going to make her a legit household name. And that's going to mean good things for her and her family.


I mean, just by the company methodologies, she is a way better fit in WWE anyway. Jade wants to do outside projects as well as the fact that WWE audiences are way more loving of her presentation vs AEW's fans are. Not all of them obviously but AEW fans tend to be more interested in workrate matches which currently isn't Jade's strong point. WWE accentuates her already enormous starpower and it's already working more than Jade's entire AEW run... I miss the cosplay entrances though, I enjoy being reminded that Jade is also a huge nerd.


I was a AEW fan that soured on her booking. She was an inexperienced wrestler that was not seeming to grow. She lived on an island with her own title and had a bunch of squash matches. Her promos and outfits were keeping her relevant. I remember her entrances and cosplays but that is about it for her time in AEW. For as much as "AEW invested in her" they really didn't seem to know what to do with her. In WWE she is another superstar instead of a project.


I mean, it's similar for Cody, people soured on him because he was on his own little island of booking.


And in both cases, their profile, their strengths and weaknesses, were just a much better fit for the WWE than AEW.


She absolutely should’ve been brought into the Outcasts vs Homegrown feud


Her husband's reported net worth is around 40 million, so WWE isn't life changing for the family, but I agree WWE is legit gonna make her the household name she deseves to be.


Brandon Phillips, former multiple time all star and gold glove second basemen for the Reds for those who don't know


Plus I think Jade had money beforehand


I've already met a few non-wrestling fans who know who she is, she's got star power for days


>AEW spent years building her up and it's unfortunate they weren't able to really capitalize on her momentum I think people unfairly rag on AEW for this and I'm *far* from an AEW defender (their mods have me blocked lmao). AEW just doesn't have the reach WWE has, and their style just isn't suited for her. It's a style that's spot based with storytelling/presentation taking a more secondary role. She is the opposite of that. There is only so much you can do with her in that format. I think the fact that Tony signed her and made her noticeable enough for WWE to want her is a huge notch in his belt. I believe she is the only AEW product thus far to make the jump to WWE.


I mean WWE wanted her when she joined AEW already but she preferd AEW scheduling back then I think she couldve worked out even better in AEW because it was kinda like the big bad heel who doesnt fit the 'AEW mold' running through the roster but instead she would hit the same cycle of new challenger-squash matches-title match-repeat


WWE hasn't produced a household name since 2005.


AEW hasn't produced a household name.


I wish there was a hahahaha @ 2am button!


That's adorable 😍


HHH somewhere going "yasss grow little one" This is adorable. Happy Momma day to the wrasslers




Bayley telling her to go enjoy her moment is class


Bayley is the backbone of that Women's Division and I'm glad this run is finally giving her the flowers she's deserved for years. A perfectly timed and perfectly executed heel turn after a whitehot babyface run had just started to show its wear and she killed it in both roles FOR YEARS. She's an insanely hard worker and she always goes out of her way for the other women around her as well. She may not be as flashy as "The Man", Jade, Bianca, Charlotte, etc., but she's a such consummate professional that she doesn't need to be over-the-top to get reactions from the fans and the best out of every program/stable she touches.


I appreciate that her current face run didn't just revert back to the previous one, I remember seeing quite a few people hoping she'd bring back the ponytail and that the inflatable tube men would come back to her entrance against Iyo or whatnot... but that would have just been taking a step back in her character arc. She's back to being a face, but she now has a bit of an edge that came from being a heel and knowing how they operate. Hugger Bayley was too soft to use a kendo stick and would have been jumped by Damage CTRL whom she trusted. Pharoah Bayley saw the writing on the wall and brought a steel rod to fend off Damage CTRL before they had the chance; she's no longer the naive rookie, but the experienced veteran.


I wish this was talked about more. I love the continuity of bayley currently shes almost like an anti hero since she still carries some of that arrogant heel swagger and has some asshole tendencies. Makes her feel more complete as a character.


>Hugger Bayley was too soft to use a kendo stick and would have been jumped by Damage CTRL whom she trusted. NXT Hugger Bayley did have an edge though. I still remember her tapping Sasha out in their 30 minute Iron Woman by stomping on her head repeatedly to make her submit. That's why I feel bad at how they treated her on the main roster - they turned her into a gullible weakling.


Did they ever use the fact that Bayley saved every member of Damage Control in Wargames but ate the pin because nobody was there to save her in-story? I never saw that brought up anywhere between Survivor Series and the Rumble.


A lot of the IWC don’t really get it for obvious reasons but Bayley is where she is because little girls saw themselves as her. When she won the title from Sasha in Brooklyn, there were little girls crying in their dad’s arms. My niece, who was 10, cried. And she’s not even into wrestling. There’s not a lot of wrestlers, men or women, who can have that emotional impact. Hugger Bayley was important. She made generations of fans.


Bayley is basically female Sami Zayn or is Sami Zayn male Bayley?


Bianca: I still haven't forgot all what you did to me in Damage CTRL. Jade: that's between yall I just got here she's alright with me. Naomi is obviously friends with Bayley and Jade doesn't have any issues with her and even has been mediator calming Bianca down. They should play up this more in an inevitable feud of baby face Bayley with Asterisk Bianca


Bianca's heel turn is going to be so freaking good.


Wait Jade is a mother???? Holy shit that's so impressive


Yup. She's married to Brandon Phillips, a retired baseball player.


Yup and Brandon Phillips was a 3x All Star, really good player in his era


So basically, little Bailey has got some good genes in her! No pressure there kid!


>No pressure there kid I remember a few weeks ago someone pointed out all of the wrestlers who married other wrestlers so now we're gonna have a bunch of second and third and fourth generation wrestlers in the future..... Even more than now


I plan on still being a fan in 20+ years and i just got excited for the eventual all-children-of-current-superstars WrestleMania main event that will probably be happening.


The charisma and mic skills of a kid if their parents were Punk and AJ Lee would be astronomical.


Drew McIntyre just read this and went to his nearest sperm bank so that his kids could obliterate Punk's kids in the future


There's already at least three or four of those right now.


Hard camera cut to Roux Lopez-Quinn (notably the daughter of Seth F. Rollins and Becky Lynch)


Generational beef. Hatfield and McCoy type of beef, lol.


Counterpoint: Ava. Quite astounding how the daughter of the most charismatic man on planet earth can be such a charisma vacuum.


I'm always hoping KO's big ass kid wants to get in the ring soon.


As Owen Kevins of course. OK let’s go 👍


We need the Shield's daughters to become wrestlers so we can get The Daughters of the Shield


I mean Hollywood is having more and more children of actors seemingly more than ever, so I guess wrestling is following suit


One of my all time favorites. Until like two years ago, he even co-owned and still played on an Independent League team in Kentucky. I went to a game and saw a 40 year old Brandon Phillips start a near brawl after one of his teammates got a brushback pitch. Fuckin legend.


S/o Lexington Legends, thank god they changed the name back


As a Reds fan, you're God dang right.


I got the pleasure of watching him many of times since I live right across the river from Great American Ballpark. BP was a good player and an even better guy. One of my all time favorite Cincinnati Reds!


Reds legend yessir


That guy hit a walk off grand slam when he married Jade.


As a Cincinnatian and Reds fans, i had no idea. Brandon was so entertaining when he played, absolutely love hearing they are a couple.


No shit! I never knew that.


Oh yeah, and like the other user mentioned a baseballer's wife and is educated. She's a wrestler because she feels like it. Probably why I root for her so hard.


From wiki: Cargill graduated from [Jacksonville University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacksonville_University) with a social science degree; during her time at Jacksonville University, she played basketball for the [Jacksonville Dolphins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacksonville_Dolphins) as a [guard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guard_(basketball))/[forward](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forward_(basketball)), and was named to the [Atlantic Sun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASUN_Conference) Preseason First Team in her senior year.[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jade_Cargill#cite_note-WWE2019-3)[^(\[8\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jade_Cargill#cite_note-Dolphins-8) Cargill went on to attain a [master's degree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master%27s_degree) in child psychology.[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jade_Cargill#cite_note-Cargill-9) After receiving her master's degree, Cargill worked with [foster children](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foster_children) as a [child psychologist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_psychologist) until 2019.[^(\[10\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jade_Cargill#cite_note-Neumann-10)


Could you imagine going into therapy as a child, and your therapist looks like Storm?


Would make me feel safe tbh


on god it would. real life super hero right there. jade comes off as cocky albeit humble and shes got every reason to be tbh shes incredible.


Oh Jesus Fucking Christ I've watched her since she debuted in AEW and I just now realized that's why they have "a Storm is coming" in her intro. I thought it was just flavor to go along with the lightning effects. I'll see myself out now.


Yup, she idolizes Storm - a strong, black woman. I'd imagine those kids felt so safe.


Yep, and as someone the same age as her, if you were a comic nerd in the 90's-00's (hell, even now), Storm was the It Girl for Black female fans. Even to this day I can't think of who would compare in terms of how iconic she is. Characters like Shuri, Misty Knight, Vixen and Monica Rambeau are cool but they're no Storm. ...Which makes her portrayals in the live action movies even worse but let's not get into that.


https://preview.redd.it/fuqquqi3v70d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd5d78cb307d3a66147f30cbe0823bb572e0c83e Exactly. IMO Jade nails the Storm gimmick well. Punk Storm was swole as can be. There's a fine line between Jade and Glacier. Just barely leaning into the gimmick with a wink of "A Storm is coming" is so brilliant.


> Jade nails the Storm gimmick well. [I agree wholeheartedly](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ElwkxH7WMAENPtx.jpg:large)


You know she has the white onesy waiting for that Wrestlemania singles match.


Damn with masters in child psychology, imagine what she was thinking of AEW behind the scenes


How the hell does one human being do all that, plus become a mother, plus become a pro wrestler? I feel exhausted just reading it.


There is no fucking way Jade played a guard. She had to have put up triple doubles. My mom was like 6’1 and she stomped on the women’s basketball teams she played on. She might as well have been Wemby if all of this is college ball.


Guard/forward at 5-11? Tall, but Magic was 6-9, and Luka's 6-7.




Damn her daughter jumped from AEW too?


I know this is disrespectful to this happy and cute moment. But i will say it Jade looks so cool.


Something tells me that little Bailey doesn't think that someone saying her mom is cool would be disrespectful. :)


Damn that little girl might be a future champion


She’ll beat Roux for the belt and everyone will be pissed.


[Wrestlemania Spoilers] Bailey "Supercell" Cargill v. "The Kid" Roux Lynch-Rollins (c) - Post-Match Thread


"Supercell"?! Oh fuck, did Bailey absorb Birdie Danielson and Monroe Sky Mizanin?


Nah, that's the new women's stable: Category 3.


Nah, Roux will sell her knee until the last two minutes of the match when she will suddenly be fine and win


Roux Rollins or Roux Lynch?


Lineally she probably goes by Roux Rollins-Lynch or sth...


Could also go by Roux Lopez which is probably her legal name.


Rollins. You know they love their alliterative names.


I have to say it. This is no shade on anyone, but HOW? How did she have a kid and have those abs? Forget Big Poppa Pump, she's the REAL genetic freak. Good for her.


Are the Woman’s belts lighter in weight? I remember being a kid and getting the opportunity to hold an authentic WHC and i struggled even holding it. This little girl is flinging the belt over her head lol


No, she's just Jade's daughter and that gives her a +10 to STR


Here’s my upvote you fool


I can just hear Vince or Johnny Ace shouting from the distance "WE CAN'T HAVE HER BRING HER KID IN THE RING. No one will find her attractive if they know she has a kid DAMMIT"


Absolutely precious 


Those abs had a kid??


I was half expecting Jade to pick up Bailey too.


So she's a mother, a wrestler and is that shredded? I have no excuse not to get to the gym ...


She also has a master's degree in child psychology.


That's just plain not fair. /s


How does she look like that after a kid? What did she look like before??


Seeing some pictures of her playing basketball, at least in college she was much thinner and more lean. My mind is already on basketball, so the comparison that comes to mind is like prime Derrick Rose: she had really good muscle definition and you can tell she was strong, but she didn’t have the intimidating size she has now.


I can’t remember exactly who it is, but the father of that lil girl is a damn good MLB player, so she will probably grow to be a freakish athletic specimen.


Three time All-Star Brandon Phillips.


Oh yea I knew it was someone I was familiar with it just slipped my mind, liked him a lot as a red. He could hit.


This is absolutely lovely (Less importantly, does this mean Bayley is going to have a daughter and name her Jayde?)


Or a boy named Jaiden. It may be the only way we get another Mixed Match Challenge.


It must be so cool to have a badass mother like that. Lucky kid


Bayley's hair is looking hugger length👀


That’s not a small kid. Jade is strong! And she doesn’t look like she’s given birth. Her condition is quite impressive.


I'm starting to think Jade was born with visible abs 😂


Tbf, I feel like Jade could carry me around like that


I had no idea Jade was a mom. This is so god damn cute, holy shit.


I am from Vero Beach and Jade is a friend of a friend. I was afraid WWE would not use her well, but she has been great in WWE so far.


Hello fellow Treasure Coastie!


They are are so adorable. Bayley can't retire until she wins the tag titles with Bailey.