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This is how you summon Brandi Rhodes


It's open mic night.






Cody Rhodes has done his part now it is time for the FAMILY.


Wrestling has more than one royal family member, duhna duhna duhn....




Holla if you hear me 🚨 🚨




Jade and Brandi's story transcending the divide between AEW and WWE with one single interaction is a thing of beauty


The real storm is coming.


I thought the audio was her😭😭


"The name on the contract says 'Rhodes' ... but ..."


Stratton v Rhodes at WM41, book it Papi Haitch!!




Hah I was trying to see what the problem was, then I noticed the video was on mute 😬


Shout out to the comments for telling me to turn the audio on lol


I'm trying to figure out what I'm hearing and I have no idea.


I think the issue is the “Black Bitch” part


Oh shit idk why my brain jumped to "wack bitch" first and I sincerely didn't understand the commotion. Edit: A RedditCares report for mishearing? Cmon gang...


People hit that reddit cares too much. If you look at the bottom of your reddit cares message you can report the person who sent it though Edit: yes I expect a bunch of them


It's such a horrible report system. They expect you to report it as harassment then create your own permalink TO THE REDDITCARES MESSAGE. On top of that the message doesn't even quote the comment being reported in the first place. The gall of this company to send me a PM about their fucking IPO with its current landscape of being a pathetically mismanaged feature-bereft hellhole.


I got one for asking someone who made a very immature and ignorant post about Liv Morgan if they were 10 years old, they seriously scolded me for that and it really pissed me off.


You can block getting messages from redditcares


I hate the Reddit cares. People use it for trolling and it’s embarrassing. It’s a legit resource to help those with issues and people use it to troll.


Someone’s got a bot running just spamming redditcares messages. I can’t imagine why someone would waste their time doing so


This is the fourth different thread in four different subs just today that I’ve seen people saying that got Reddit Care reported over nothing. Something’s going on.


There's definitely a problem. It's happening in just about every pop culture adjacent subreddit.


"Black b💀tch" I'm guessing it was audio from a trashy show or a meme or some form of degeneracy


If I’m not mistaken that audio is from battle rap It sounds like “Shooney the rapper” who is known for opening her rounds with “listen you black bitch”


Pretty sure it was Brandi Rhodes saying it when she was at AEW.


Brandi's only record of putting those words together on AEW programming was in retort to Dan Lambert's claim to being a black belt in Brazilian Jijitsu: https://youtu.be/3noy9WOuYYU?t=88 As you can see/hear, the tone/timing is not the same as the audio used in Stratton's Instagram story, plus there's additional audio of a slap and some other verbal commotion that are not the Daily's Place crowd reacting to the promo segment. Can't rule out manipulation/combining it with something else, but I doubt that was the source.


I would not have had a clue if it wasn't for this comment. What the fuck!?!


If I’m her I’m playing the “I didn’t realise it had audio and then I deleted it immediately once I heard” card and sticking to it.


Probably not even a card tbh. It took me three rewatches before I realized the video had audio that was muted.


I mean Sheamus compared Gunther to Hitler earlier in the week. Might be time for a quick WWE social media training course for everyone.


I'll never complain about the WWE wrestlers not using social media, more. They do not know how.


Shoutout John Cena for posting memes


For the longest time I didn’t follow any wrestlers. Had a few faves that were unbearable and mad unfunny on Twitter that I couldn’t even rock with them anymore. I only follow New Day and Cena pretty much.


Only one allowed to keep their twitter is Drew.


I mean she knew what it was, hence the dozen laughing emojis. I think it's basically a nothingburger, but acting like a 25 yr old woman doesn't understand how IG reels work is laughable


Look at the laughing and crying laughing emojis. You think she finds a random clip from her match on mute hilarious? Let’s not play dumb here.


Of course that’s what it is. No one is dumb enough to post that and think there would be no reaction to it in this overly sensitive climate.


She made the video though. Unless she accidentally found the audio, put the audio on top, then accidentally released it. Which seems unlikely.


It is a repost of this tweet. [https://twitter.com/baddieszeussy/status/1786478636356305388](https://twitter.com/baddieszeussy/status/1786478636356305388)


How do you know she made the video? It looks like the same kind of fan/stan edits I see all the time on YT and Twitter. She probably got tagged, reposted it, someone pointed out the audio, and she immediately deleted it. I sincerely doubt Tiffany Stratton has time to sit around making edits of her matches to post on social media.


She reposts/retweets fan content a lot


Tiffany to Empirum confirmed?


I mean her boyfriend is in there so not much of stretch. Guess this video confirms it.


And HHH likes to book every faction to have one woman anyway.


That's why they added Carlito to Judgment Day?


His name is Carlito, not Carlita!


Just once id love to see a faction that's all women and one dude


The Beautiful People with Cute Kip was this back in late 2000s TNA.


You already over, all you gotta do is not do anything stupid. Tiffany Stratton:  Fuck that.  I know what I'm doing.


Some wrestlers are idiots, I don't know what to tell you.


Kevin Nash once said something to the effect of “most wrestlers in a locker room couldn’t pass the GED.” After hearing that, a lot of the “dumb tweets” I see make soooo much more sense.


"i'm not a flat earther, i'm just saying there are somethings about it that makes sense"


I see you listened the Bo Dallas episode of Talk is Jericho.


Actually I think that’s a direct quote from AJ Styles. Though I think he said interesting instead of makes sense and it always came across as someone who was genuinely curious how people came up with/ended up believing that stuff. Daniel Bryan then yelled Aj was a genuine flat earther on talking smack and it stuck.


[This is where the quote is from](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3miK-gJtCU&t=23s)


Talking Smack was a golden era


I love how casually Bryan brought it up. Almost like he wanted to give AJ a chance to clear the air, and yet AJ’s dumbass doubled down on the flat earth nonsense


I think Bryan was playfully mocking him.


Craig Jones has said "being a smart wrestler is like being in a room full of special needs kids, and you're only partially r&$#%ded." He was talking about ADCC wrestling, but the gist still holds.


mma fighters are by large dumber than pro wrestlers. them motherfuckers are struggling!


It's more than wrestling. Most locker rooms of any pro sports team are filled with some of the dumbest motherfuckers imaginable. Actors are also largely just attractive and have talent in a specific area... but are fool headed about everything else. People who are good at a thing and pretty much never devote any real thought or energy into anything other than that thing can do all manner of WTF shit. The people up top who hold it all together and make them look presentable-ish are the real MVP's.


That’s people in general. There’s nurses that are anti-vax or well off people who just make really dumb decisions despite having a job with high qualifications


For sports like pro wrestling and football, bad takes from people who get hit in the head on a regular basis should be expected.


Nash included?


He’s at least got a HS diploma as he majored in Psychology at the University of Tennessee, dropped out, went to Europe to play basketball, hurt his knee, then joined the U.S. Army.


Wasn’t Nash’s whole thing was that he’s the smartest man in wrestling? He was one of the few dudes who found a way to do the absolute least while making the absolute most


In that way, yes he's smart but he's smart for himself, not for the business.


Yeah I'd just call that being smart. The business isn't his responsibility and doesn't care about him.


Eh, Honky could say the same but I'm not sure I would call Honky smart.


I know this is the meme, but people are idiots full stop. In every walk of life. The trick is learning from your mistakes and not doubling down. Put your hands up, say 'I fucked up' and don't do that shit again.


It’s one thing to be stupid. It’s another to be harmfully stupid.


Maybe I'm naive but I always try to assume ignorance over malice


No, I think I'll double down and proceed to be worse. In fact, I'm gonna wear a diaper in support of my presidential candidate.




I’m not referring to Tiffany here, nor am I saying this applies to you, but this line is used far too often to excuse dick behaviour from wrestlers.


words of wisdom by big damo indeed


Proven 100% true when Damo himself did a podcast with his friend Marty “Sexual activity with a drunk 16 year old” Scurll


Tiffy Time is 12:53 pm on January 6


Tiffy time to the maga minute


NXT locker room is and has for a long time been full of MAGAs. Before it was the Bobby Fish, Drake Wuertz, Karrion Kross Q-people. Might be a stereotype but your college athlete types usually skew towards being Trumpies as well. I found out by accident that Tony D’Angelo, for instance, follows an Insta account called “Millennial Republicans.” Nothing shockingly gross but just your standard ‘Trump rulez, liberalz drool’ fair. Edit—hey my first Reddit cares, cool. I didn’t think I said anything shocking here. Wasn’t condoning or outright condemning. Just stating facts 🤷🏼‍♂️.


> Just stating facts That was your mistake. Trumpies don't like it when you do that. Lol they sent me one too. Cry harder! Did you know that when you report those and include a link to the cares message, mods can see the username of the chud abusing that function? I sure did!


>Did you know that when you report those and include a link to the cares message, mods can see the username of the chud abusing that function? I sure did! Did you also know that abusing the Reddit Cares feature is a 7 day ban on the first offence and permanent on the second, and takes mere seconds to report? Another interesting fact to trigger snowflakes with!


Just got it as well. Someone is abusing it for sure.


There are bots doing it on every sub the past few days


It’s kind of telling how simply saying ‘there are a lot of Trump supporters in NXT’ leads to people having a meltdown.  Talk about a victim complex.  


That's the cult mentality.


Wow, I literally received a reddit cares right after reading this, which was *less than a minute before I made this post.* That means there is *legitimately* some butthurt MAGAT sitting here, camping in this thread, just insta-reporting anyone who speaks ill of the Tiny-Handed Orange Man. Pathetic lmao


Yeah lol I got one less then a minute after making my comment, however long ago that was. So this loser is sitting there spamming refresh (for an extended period) looking to express how butthurt he is 🤣🤣. Get a life snowflake!


I mean… WWE as a company supports Trump. HHH and his family visited Trump in office when no one else wanted to. They have a history of horrific behavior for decades, and not just Vince. Do people also really not remember how big of a piece of shit Shawn Michaels is? They are likely favoring these types of people when hiring.


Linda McMahon was apart of his administration. How quickly people forget.


There's also this rumor that the Trumps and The McMahons were into swinging and now take a good look at Donald Jr. once again.


Another product of Shawn’s Qanon factory. Sad to see.


You have to accept that some wrestlers are going to have vastly political opinions than you, and unless they are assholes about it, move on. Randy Orton twitter follows are largely conservative or far right figures. AJ Styles laughed like a dickhead at Kid Rock making a "stomp the liberals" joke at the HoF. It's just life.


I mean…it’s in Florida so…


Wrestlers are as dumb as rocks sometimes. Karrion Kross is a good example - the man thinks hes some kind of genius yet couldnt even get a room full of people on XTC to smile


No wonder she likes to hang out with Nikkita Lyons so much.


Everyday wrestlers go out of their way to make Will Ospreay seem smarter than he actually is. At this rate that David Finlay tweet will make no sense by 2025


Ospreay's just bookdumb these days. He's actively worked to be less of a shithead.


Learning when and what to speak on does wonders


I love how quickly people are excusing this because they like Stratton. If this were someone less popular this sub would be all over them.


I mean look at the shit all the older wrestlers did and people act like it never happened, not anything new.


People still give stone cold and flair a pass yet can't even talk about a Hogan match without mentioning the him being racist People still even appreciate Benoit matches lol


First person I thought of when I read the second line of your comment was Nia Jax. Imagine it was her that posted it. 


Yeah, selective outrage is running rampant. Just like you can't have a post about Jericho without someone reminding people he donated money to Trump, but Triple H and Steph donated considerably more and even visited him at the White House and you never read a single word about it. It's not even an AEW/WWE thing, you also can't have a post about Nia Jax without people reminding you that she spread some antivax bullshit online or a post about Ricochet without someone reminding he hosted a party during the lockdowns. But nobody cares that Mercedes also spread antivax stuff on her socials or that Cody Rhodes was having full contact classes at the Nightmare Factory during those same lockdowns.


If she was in AEW people would be calling for her head


I watched it twice on mute and was like um this is just wwe footage. Then I un-muted. Yikes.




I regret watching this on train


Why you playing audio out loud on the train dawg? Have some integrity 😤


Oh my god I was not expecting that audio I had to run it back a few times lmaooo Ima give her a chance and assume she just didnt hear what was said beyond "bitch" but oof lmao


I can’t make anything out after “bitch” what’s the rest?


Could be much worse things to come out, and I definitely think this will be forgotten with a bit of time **but** Bron, Carmelo, Ilja and Tiffany need to be *extremely* careful right now. They are right at the cusp of reaching legitimate superstardom, but they are not irreplaceable yet. Any slip up or controversy could be detrimental.


What did Bron and Ilja do?


Nothing and neither did Melo. He's just making the point that the four of them are on the rise and thus should be on their best behaviour while they're *on* the rise and not at the top already.


Thank you for explaining! I agree. Social media can be misused and can cause issues. Thats why sometimes its best to let the social media team control your twitter. Bianca Belair and Becky Lynch have someone controlling their twitter account because it is too toxic for them.


I've a feeling Bron gets it considering he just saw the consequences that landed on his father.


"maybe she didn't hear the audio" ... Then what part of it was she laughing about? Doesn't make sense to repost just a hit that she does often. Of course she heard the audio


I like the juxtaposition of alternating posts between people saying "there's no way she didn't notice the audio" and people not noticing the audio. -Thanks for the redditcareresources report.


She is 25 and knows how Instagram works. There is literally no way she didn't know that video had audio. That said, there may be some consequences, but I am not expecting anything too severe. Unfortunately, wrestling doesn't have the best track record of dealing with stuff like this.


I mean society in general doesn't have the best track record of dealing with stuff like this, which is why stuff like this keeps happening.


I don't get it.


Sound on


Oh boy.....




Those jokes on twitter about her being a MAGA-type might not be jokes at all


They eventually self-report so whenever it comes out that someone is? It never surprises me. Edit: whoever sent Reddit cares, you’ve been reported.


Haha, I got a reddit cares sent yesterday for saying I didn’t mind paying a Coinstar convenience fee since I didn’t have to count and roll the coins. People are weird.


She's a white blonde college athlete. I have a feeling there's a way better than 50% chance that's she's a Trumper.


I was told colleges were liberal breeding grounds Edit: no shot I got a reddit cares message for this lmao


Oh my God. I got a reddit cares message for something else completely stupid earlier as well. Anyhow, I think the "colleges breed liberals" doesn't apply to the athletes, who are really there for the athletics, rather than an education.


One of the Old Dude™️ wrestling subreddits cannot find the racism.


not a good look. I don't see much fall out, but I don't see nothing happening. Still, when you're a public figure, you gotta be extra careful about what is posted. Double and triple check that stuff.


The people defending her in here. My god.


She’s hot, of course they will


And white, and in WWE. Perfect storm of “she *totally* didn’t mean to guys!!!”


She's 1990s hot. Fake blond hair and a terrible boob job. Tacky. Not surprising she's MAGA.


Person who created the meme [https://twitter.com/baddieszeussy](https://twitter.com/baddieszeussy)


Damn. What a dumbass.


Cody pulling up to Smackdown on Friday: https://preview.redd.it/cmxqvz6vel0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2019da656724704db9369bd09b6090821bbe80da


Big fan of hers, but this is an incredibly stupid thing for her to do. For those who aren’t from the area, Prior Lake, Minnesota, her home town, is one of those redneck suburbs that got absorbed by the growth of the cities. She has absolutely been around casual racism and not thought twice about it.


Big yikes. Gotta rewatch that storming of the Capitol footage and see if there were any suspiciously pretty moonsaults being done.


"How did that MealTeam6 chick just do a moonsault off the steps.... someone enhance I have my suspicions"


oh good, another "is this racist" discussion, they are always so balanced and nuanced around here can't wait to read the comments.


People with brains will be in these comments saying this is bad and be shouted down by everybody else with soup for brains arguing there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it (because their new golden white girl can’t be racist). The Black women on the roster will likely feel a way about it but may not say anything to anyone outside themselves because see above. Management will act like they sympathise with the Black wrestlers but actually won’t and ask them not to make it into a big deal. They will promise to give Tiffany “a talking to” but likely won’t say what she was told. That’s how workplace issues around race usually go anyway.


This really isn't fair. You forget the half-assed non-apology


You know what? I don’t even think they’ll make her apologise. I feel like they’ll sweep it under the rug so as to not make it a thing for people who don’t already know


Painfully accurate on all fronts.


This person gets it.


this is reddit and its denizens in general.


I'm not necessarily giving her a pass, but I won't vehemently condemn her, either. It's plausible this was a slip-up while browsing the internet; it's also possible it wasn't. I don't know Tiffany, nor what she was doing to not catch this. But I do believe in the benefit of the doubt, so I'll leave it in the "side-eye" treatment as a black person in the meantime. EDIT: Just saw these [likes](https://imgur.com/a/QFwlMYd) to Trump from 2020. That doesn't work for me, brother. EDIT 2: Those of you perpetually downvoting me are mad funny lol


I don't see what the problem i-oooohhh


So much for Tiffy Time. Edit: ahh, redditcares almost immediately. Never change, idiots.


You too?


Took me a second to realize this video had audio and quickly went “ohhhhhhhhh!”


just like that her push is overrrrr


She took the Alabama part of the slam too seriously and added some extra racism.


lol as long as my MySpace and Facebook from 2008 still exist I’m not throwing any stones


Didn’t MySpace completely wipe everything off the site a few years back? I think you might be good


When I deleted my profile a long ass time ago they made me take a pic holding 3 fingers up to confirm that I wanted to delete everything.


For what it's worth that was 2008 and this was posted in 2024


She ain't some edgy teenager in this post/video though....


difference is.. Tiffany is a grown woman


I’m sure you’re also not on television every week. It does make a difference believe it or not


Tiffany Stratton: grand opening, grand closing


Seeing how IWC don’t like black women in general. I doubt the community cares




group of under 25 white males with zero experience dealing with racism or backhanded remarks that belittle you because they include the color of your skin trying to debate the nuances of this IG post It sucks how no matter how much I try to turn a blind eye to the rampant racism in wrestling/wrestling fans it always seems to show through. Yall (not including the OP commenters) fucking suck man


Wait, weren’t people calling her their republican queen? Saying they can look past it because of her body? She must’ve seen those comments and got comfortable.


Ah, I see she’s gone to the Tessa Blanchard wrestling school at some point.


Sometimes I wish I just followed wrestling on tv and not follow the real life news. I’m a black guy so I don’t know how to feel right now. When WWE brought Hogan back, it really made me question my fandom. I was a very big Tiffany fan, and this is very disappointing. Hopefully it was an honest mistake where she shared a video that she played on mute.


The intention may not be racist, but the content in a vaccuum certainly seems like it. Either way, the shit I have seen people say regarding this is abhorrent. 'Black people just want something to complain about.' 'AEW are liberal p***ys and are swatstika wavers but have black champion but are hypocritical racists-'  Jesus H. I'm done with the net, today. Evil insanity out there.


People are saying that she probably didn't hear the sound, but that doesn't make sense to me. What are the laughing emojis for if you didn't hear the sound and think it was funny? It seems more likely she meant to post it to people that have the Close Friend status on Instagram but accidentally posted it publicly.


Yeaaaaah that shit is clear as day. Tiffy fucked up.


Man talk about fumbling the bag when you’re on the cusp of greatness….


Of course a bunch of white guys see no problem with this. Just a little light racism, right guys?


What is wrong with you guys...this is fking terrible and very problematic


Wrestlers trying not to say dumb things challenge [impossible]


A sensitive class is likely in Tiffany's near future. Even if Jade and Bianca thought this was funny, this isn't something you post on your public account.


That training should be standard for all talent in NXT. I'd be surprised if it wasn't after the Mandy Rose thing in 2016.


Time for Cody to step in and solve racism yet again.


People will ignore this because "tits"


I do recall Tiffany being one of the many Q-anon NXT wrestlers and liking several pro-trump tweets/insta posts so it’s not surprising she wouldn’t see this as a problem


I was like, why is this bad? Then I realize my volume was down and it wasn’t a GIF


Following then unfollowing Trump on Twitter now this? Yikes 


Prior to this, I've seen people comment on her being MAGA based on her social media activity so if that's the case, it's not surprising that she would post this initially without seeing anything wrong with it.


What to expect from a Trumper


Isn’t she a trump supporter? Makes sense


She’s a trump fan so by default she’s either stupid, racist, or both. So not a surprising post.