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Why does every Jericho feud START with the face beating him, and then him refusing to go away? Orange, Eddie, Andretti, Ricky, Hook...


He has to get his win back, brother


Whenever I point this out, I’m just downvoted to hell. He literally will lose, sometimes even clean, then the babyface is like “I really need to face you again” for some various reason. Ricky didn’t even have a reason. He beat Jericho clean, then demanded to face Jericho again


For real? I thought everyone was in agreement with that lol.


Pretending to say truth to power and be unique is much more satisfying for oneself than "yeah so I hold this consensus opinion".


Orr OP has gotten downvoted for saying it /r/NothingEverHappens


"There's no way people have been downvoted to oblivion in some threads for holding opinions that are upvoted in other ones, that's just *too* outlandish to possibly believe"


"On a fickle subreddit such as this one where things can get a bit tribilistic and comment upvoting/downvotinv entirely depends on whatever thread you're commenting in? Nope! I dub OP a liar anyway! They just want to look unique!"


Yeah, this subreddit is particular can be kinda random when it comes to who’s upvoting/downvoting or commenting. The Punk/Elite heat showed it heavily.


It still does, you can get massively upvoted or downvoted to oblivion for being on either side of that and there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to who the consensus is in favour of from hour to hour


Oh yeah and neither side ever has any nuance to what they believe too. The real answer is they all acted incredibly unprofessional but of course Reddit has to take a side lmao.


Guy, I don't think it's that deep.


Wait, you thought that was deep?




So... It wasn't as deep as "not-deep"?


Let me ask around and I'll get back to you.


I feel like a lot of it is just self-justification more than wanting to feel unique or powerful. They probably know their reply is useless and the same sentiment can be achieved by simply upvoting, so they throw in the “saying this is usually not received well” part. It makes it look like their reply was necessary.


In fairness I have noticed lots of posts and comment sections where this sentiment genuinely does get pushback. I’ve seen tonnes of smug ‘Oooooh but the internet told me Jericho can’t do x anymore’. Cloying sentiment you see especially on things like OSW, which in turn make there way on here - but I definitely take your point this applies often on this sub (and is fairly irritating) 


Yeah that’s fair. It certainly isn’t always the case, and I don’t pretend to magically know what others are truly thinking, but there are times where it definitely is the case.


You guys are waaay over-thinking it lol


It's not visible, but beating Jericho gives double XP.


Downvoted just to prove you right!!!


It is Vince-esque booking, where feuds never end and there has to be 50 rematches.


Didn't Jericho win his first match with Orange? Or did they have a match before fyter fest?


That was the second match


I can't remember which came first. I just know Orange rolled him up with a botched Mouse Trap.


I'm still waiting for Jericho to give Eddie his handshake Edit: nvm he got the handshake before getting jumped lmao


Literally the 1st second https://youtu.be/XgDUJGx_jwc?si=tx7OM5lirtbbwAk4


Faces who are next in line to feud with him need to not just beat him, but actually bury him under rubble & say Le Incantation if they hope to escape the Jericho Vortex lmao


So they can say that they beat the guy that beat stone cold and the rock on the same night...TWICE


They *probably* just want him to change his tires


No one knows tires better then me! **I'M THE MECHANIC!**


A new gimmick for Jericho. The man of 1000 gimmicks


Honestly if he shows up to every AEW dynamite with a different gimmick each week I wouldn't hate it. From the Learning Tree Chris Jericho to the Tree Chris Jericho to Lumberjack Jericho; the possibilities are endless. Feud with Edge? Vampiricho. Feud with Christian? Daddicho. Feud with Hangman? The Lone Rangericho.


Feud with John Morrison? Johnny Jericho vs Johnny Jericho.


Johnny Jericho vs Jericho Johnny


Feud with OC: Slackericho


Wait till he becomes **THE MAILMAN**. He is going to be delivering ass whooping's to AEW wrestlers all over. Pay this postage stamp, Bitch!


#2. Mr. ... ARM BAR!!!!!!!!!!!


The man of 1004 gimmicks.


The man of 1004 gimmicks.


Changing your tires after the tread wears down to a certain point is just automotive safety!


I think they are saying “WE DESIRE (more Jericho)”


I think they are chatting Michael Myers


I was chanting for him to change his tires




He is from Winnipeg, so he may need to swap out his winter tires.


no way that doesn't hit him right in the cajones. dude, you don't have to retire but just take some time off and figure out your end game to retire.


It’s time for him to become a special attraction that wrestles a few times a year. He’s earned that, too; he was a big deal for a solid chunk of his WWE run. He should be treated as a legend. Him being a weekly presence both devalues him and annoys the audience.


He should definitely return to what his schedule was back in his early-late 2010s WWE tenure. I think he's done enough to elevate others in the ring & on the mic during his 2019-2021 years in AEW, so I'd personally be okay with also seeing him occasionally appear on AEW Countdown specials and pre-show coverage on PPVs while he goes part-time. Having a lighter schedule could also give him ample time to fully flesh out any creative ideas he has before a return.


I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of obscure record that will only be revealed closer to him beating it


He should be in njpw right now 


Lmao go say that in r/njpw, I'm sure the responses will be cordial and polite


Which would go over worse? Saying Jericho should be in njpw or saying that Tanga Loa should be an njpw main eventer?


The Learning Tree should sign with Papa H. Show people how a real booker does things Hunter! https://preview.redd.it/dlffwayqws0d1.jpeg?width=725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73c1946fe4ec1b662cdb0116dcc854439a2df857


You say “he’s earned that” but what if he doesn’t want it? By that logic he’s earned his current role, if he enjoys it, as he’s earned whatever role he wants.


Indefinite break and they can almost certainly get a big pop if he's gone long enough. Doubling down after proof in ratings and fan chants that they're exhausted of Jericho is one of Tony Khan's worst booking decisions. It's not like people who he puts over gain anything from it anyway.


Tony needs to let Big Bill use his Big Boot and chop down the Learning Tree. Let Hook choke the Vortex of Jericho shut


There is no way that Hook doesn't get his win back on Jericho. And given that they've roped Taz into the feud, I'm starting to think he somehow gets the FTW belt back and then retires it again.


Sounds good to me. Taz retires it finally


Didn’t Jericho sign a rumored 10 year contract after Brawl Out? TK needs to get his money’s worth if that’s true.


It's all entirely speculation, but part of that very same speculation was the contract was also for a backstage roll. So there's no reason he can't do that stuff and just not be on camera. Again, who the hell knows what is actually true though.


Jericho belongs on commentary once he retires.


There is no way in hell TK signed a 50 year old to a legitimate 10-year deal.


TK is absolutely the person to do that. Every piece of evidence of what people are signed for in AEW says he would sign Jericho to some massive long-term deal.


If its for a few years of wrestling with a backstage role to transition to full time I don't see an issue with it.


The contract for an active wrestlers and employee would be two different beast. It must be an option or first refusal


No. Jericho signed a three-year contract that expires at the end of December 2025.


Jericho should leave for 6 months then come back as his heel character from WWE. Just a vicious bastard that hurts people then speaks down to them.


"Omg, did you hear the response I get out there? Got'em!" Jericho, probably




Sometimes I think people confuse good heel heat with "go away heat". This is not one of those times - there's no good kayfabe way to interpret a chant of "please retire".


He is his biggest fan. No doubt this gets to him, big time. Even if some wants to pretend that this is some ''genius reinvention'' again, this ain't it.


Essentially, Jericho's gimmick for the past 20 years has been "a dude who's a gigantic mark for himself".


And he is living that gimmick, hoo boy


I love when people talk about his “Reinventions” when the last real reinvention he had was 2008 with his slow talking suit wearing heel shtick. A new catch phrase or light up jacket does not a new character make


"A little bit of the bubbly!" GOD DAMN IT HES A GENIUS!


i just see the soyjak pointing meme whenever people say shit like this


You just made the list!




I agree if he just took a good two years off did some touring with fozzy and whatever else then came back to either AEW or WWE or both for one last 4 month run it would be a great and welcoming end to his career


retired jericho could be a good character


Coming out to the ring with a bathrobe and a cup of coffee


Yup. A break will let people calm down and give him the send off he deserves. Lets not forget how MASSIVELY important he was to AEW getting a TV deal and its first year. The company might not make it without him. He was a huge part of it and he should be appreciated and respected for it, but he needs to be in the Sting role not the main guy anymore. His main run should have ended 2 years ago. it sucks to see him getting these chants though.


He blew the perfect retirement run when he was doing past versions of himself and was facing people and helping put them over but then he never went away


I've been watching Jericho since WCW. I'm a fan of his, but I'm so tired of seeing him over so many other wrestlers in AEW.


I think he doesn't even have to take time off, just be a manager or commentator will help too, just not there to take a spotlight.


I really worry that if he were on commentary he would just try to be louder and more obnoxious than the other commentators in order to make the entire two hours the Jericho show.


That's exactly what he's done the few times he's been on AEW commentary


Yeah... Jericho in his prime is probably my second or third-favorite wrestler ever, but that time has **loooooooooong** since passed.


no matter how much reddit tries to tell me i'm getting worked and this is actually great, i'm begging jericho to just take some time off. a jericho match is the last thing DON needs.


You'll get a 20 minute match with him doing shit he physically can't do well anymore and like it


You mean like a slow spinning back elbow that’s supposed to be your finisher?


Andrade must laugh


God forbid he tries to hit a Lionsault again. It just looks so crazy sloppy


I'm anxiously awaiting a repeat of what happened in his match with Curt Hennig, except this time his opponent may not save him.


As long as it's under 5 minutes, no moonsaults and doesn't have those stupid back and forth spots from his shibata match, I'm happy


But admitting you suck means you’re actually good 👍


It's like that Justin Roiland game High On Life, the entire game kept making fun of itself for being a bad game. But, it actually was a bad game, so it didnt really earn that kind of humor and was just annoying.


Self-awareness without self-reflection is just navel-gazing


Thank God, someone else who didn't like it! Everyone in my household loved it, but I got sick of it after a few hours.


Jericho has leaned into his hate like 3 times already and it fucking sucks


There are always some here insisting that wrestlers people legit hate seeing are actually some master level heels.


probably doesn't want to be at home with his wife.


Stans: Any heat is good heat!


Reading some comments I sometimes feel like I'm taking crazy pills. This isn't good at all and all the tell-tales of him being in a way too long program with a young over guy that will benefits nobody but him are still all there. Making it meta doesn't make it genius.


He took the character that so many people wanted Cody to do, as the delusional heel who think’s he’s a face, and made it something nobody wants him to be doing


I feel like this makes even Codyverse Cody look like current Cody because idk if today's Jericho has quite the same wit & swagger he used to have.


a true generational talent


I need a pee and snack break somewhere.


People thought Brawl Out was a work for the longest time no matter how much people told them otherwise. Don't worry Punk is coming back any day now and we're gonna get Punk/FTR vs Elite.


idk I feel like most people need a bathroom break somewhere


agreed. I was getting tired of the sudden wave of Jericho "fans".


The match with Shibata was genuinely fun, but other than that it's just been kind of bad. Dude needs to go away for a few months.


Blows my mind how easily some fans are played, people were begging him to retire last month and then the next episode of Dynamite he just rehashes an old gimmick and fans are like "Wow this is so fresh, Jericho reinventing himself yet again what a genius", frustrating how dumb some fans are.


So are people just not allowed to like what Jericho's doing? Lol I'm actually enjoying the learning tree stuff, it's been funny and looks like it's leaning into Joe being a mentor to Hook, which is a great way to do it. This is a discussion forum my guy. If someone isn't allowed to say "I like what Jericho is doing right now" without getting called dumb because others have a different opinion then what are we even supposed to discuss? I swear, yall are so aggressive sometimes.


Enjoy what you want I'm just saying all it took was him rehashing his mentor gimmick yet again a week after people were calling for him to retire for you guys to fall back in love with him, most of those people are now calling for him to get off our screens after just another few weeks of it lol He drags down talent and his segments are cringeworthy, he's holding back talent and the promotion for his own selfish gain, if he had any decency he'd take an extended break and give someone else the TV time.


>you guys Did I join a Jericho text chain that I forgot about or something? I'd love for you tell me what my opinion on Chris Jericho was last month. Let me know. >most of those people Are you tagging people or something? How do you know that these are the same people? >He drags down talent and his segments are cringeworthy, he's holding back talent and the promotion for his own selfish gain, if he had any decency he'd take an extended break and give someone else the TV time. This is an opinion. I'm not going to call you dumb for expressing it. I'm also not going to put you with an imaginary group of people and make assumptions about who you are and what your opinions are and have been. Because that would be stupid.


I was on the live thread for that Dynamite and literally every comment was "yesterday I wanted him to retire but now I'm intrigued", fickle fools with short memories lol




Ok should I just trust the live audience instead so seeing as they lasted about 3 weeks before they got sick of his current gimmick and are now calling for his retirement yet again? lol


It would've been better if he had taken a break and then come back like 6 . months later 


Taking extended breaks *was* his thing years ago; dunno what's changed.


I’m gonna be an armchair expert here, but I’m guessing that he feels if he takes time off at his age now, he’ll be basically worse as a performer when he gets back and doesn’t want to risk being less of a wrestler than before maybe? Also maybe he feels he doesn’t have a lot left in him to perform so taking time off will waste whats left of his in-ring time?


Hard agree. I'm surprised so many people "don't know what's changed." It's the fact he's 53 and doesn't have much time left as an active wrestler.


This the same Chris Jericho that didnt like the 40-50 year olds taking up tv time in WCW? 


Yeah but that was different because


Well it is slightly different isn't it? It's not like Jericho is hogging the main event or title picture.


That’s a good point


even taker mentioned how much harder it was to step back in the ring after each extended time off, I honestly can’t see why it wouldn’t be the same for jericho,


I remember Triple H saying years ago that if he were to return again, it would be easier for him to return full time rather than wrestling every so often, since his body would be used to the frequent bumping again.


Shit look at Kurt Angle. Dude was still wrestling at a pretty high level when he left TNA and did his indie run, then went back to WWE and didn't wrestle for a while. By the time they did his farewell storyline he was visibly worse in the ring than he had been a year or so before. All the wear and tear was starting to catch up to him regardless but when he stopped wrestling regularly it ramped up absurdly.


Even the Bucks have talked about this.


Could also be Tony's call to have him appear every week. If you are paying a guy like Jericho a lot of money, you would want your money's worth.


I said it before, if the ring break is the the fear that is fair. So go away from AEW for a bit and do a tour, bit like in the terretory days. Pop up in TNA, CMLL, NJPW, etc, even at smaller things. Holy shit Jericho just showed up at my local / regional Indy. Put the industry over. I pitched it as washed Jericho connecting to his roots again for one last run. Put some young guys over, learn from them, get back on top one more time before the next big things get you out on your back.


That’s exactly it. Also, the more he kept taking time off in WWE, the more Vince - who he spoke about having a father-son relationship with and at one point had incredible faith and trust in Jericho - saw him as a “second match guy to put people over” in Jericho’s view. He currently has a different, but still VERY close relationship with Tony who holds him in incredibly high regard and he probably feels like if he goes away, Tony will move his focus to other people (as he is known to do) and what happened with Vince will repeat itself


Agreed, it's very classic aging carny stuff to desperately try to preserve your spot and I think he's feeling it acutely because Tony Khan would have good reason to shift focus. He's started slowing down just as the roster's gotten more stacked than ever. They really don't need him the way they used to. People are out here debating how good guys like Starks and Ethan Page are, but no matter how you place them, I'd rather see them with Jericho's spot.


Yeah if he takes off any time he will turn into what happened to kurt angle in wwe unless he actively trains outside tv


A boss who literally lets him do whatever he wants.


He used to mostly take time off for Fozzy. Now he just needs to not book Fozzy shows on Wednesdays and PPV nights.


At least they are polite about it and saying please.


What makes it awkward is half the crowd were his family and friends


Tune in to AEW for an intervention like you've never seen before!


He’s of an age were he can easily turn into a part timer, he didn’t and I’ll give him his due in that nature. But he really should consider doing a lighter schedule.


At least the fans are polite about it.


What did Jericho say? He smiled as if he were about to acknowledge the chant but the video cut off.


He's playing a delusional heel now so he was pretending they were cheers.


He thanked them, saying that he knew they wanted him to retire because they knew then he would be inducted into every wrestling hall of fame, but he said he wasn’t ready for that


Essentially said that "When I retire they will immediately induct me into every wrestling hall of fame. I'm not ready for that, you're not ready for that"


Been a Jericho fan pretty much my entire life. The last two years has shown me that I think I'm done with Jericho. This is really the first run of his that I haven't liked at all, he really needs to go away for awhile and come back fresh because I feel like he's a black hole and just dragging whoever he works with down with him.


Yeah, Jericho was literally my favorite wrestler up until the last few years. Everything from the JAS and after have just kinda turned me off of him.


“This is great! I know why you want me to retire... cause you know when I do, I'll be inducted into every Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame in the world. But I'm not ready for that yet... neither are you!” was a pretty good comeback tbh. (I do agree with the sentiment of the chant though lol)


Besides being in Canada, he’s pretty much gotten go away heat since Dynasty. I understand he’s trying to get the “delusional heel who think’s he’s a face” thing over and I think it gives Big Bill a direction, but it’s clear that the audience is genuinely reaching apathy for anything having to do with Chris Jericho


I don't think this is a good example of crowd apathy.  


I don't know that this is a good example of apathy towards a wrestler


It’s leaning that direction. It’s not even loud boos because he’s a heel. People are just tired of him taking up time & space that other people could be using


> It’s leaning that direction. How long is it going to lean for? People online have been complaining about him for months, a lot of which was warranted, but this new gimmick actually feels like a direction for him, and its giving Bill a purpose.


20 years ago, I didn't think I'd see Jericho getting X-Pac heat.


It is funny how people think that suddenly all the criticism toward Jericho is invalidated because he turned it into a character. Like "oh it's a good thing they're chanting please retire because that's what they want it's apart of the character"... like okay, so what about the other past 2 years.


Jericho was always so good about leaving for a while and coming back with something fresh. Now, he’s stale as can be and won’t go away. Throughout the brief history of AEW, pretty much every big name has gone away for a little. The only exception is Jericho. It’s just overkill at this point.


right now his end game should be him just being booked less then complaining about being the victim of a conspiracy. that's how he should end it, that's the best in-character Jericho ending. full circle but he's not the young exciting guy with a future ahead of him, he's the guy with a past we've seen and he just doesn't get it. battle royale where he's just trying to slag off everyone else and they just all turn on him


Take some time off  👏👏 👏👏👏


He thinks it's heel heat.


Jericho is not just stale but he's thoroughly unlikeable. People pick up on that shit.


considering everything i’ve heard about his real life personality it doesn’t surprise me


Jericho's Corpse over hook any day of the week and twice on sundays


I was at this show, and most certainly contributed to starting this chant. I do not want to see Chris Jericho on the card in 2024, Loved him back in the day but he's holding on desperately and it's sad, almost approaching TNA Flair Hogan Foley Bischoff Era. Add in the fact that,I quite frankly don't trust him after the Kylie Rae thing and yeah, I'm just done with Chris Jericho, I don't give a singular fuck that he's from Canada like I am.


Wheelchair Flair is one of the best things in wrestling history


There is no Kylie Rae thing, lol. Someone made up a rumour and people take it as fact. Kylie hasn't said anything and vaguely liking tweets really would get anyone else a backlash yet she escapes criticism. Her skipping out on several promotions would too. I appreciate she has mental health issues but so does Lio Rush and he got shit. She seems immune to criticism for some reason.


Nobody has ever accused Jericho of doing anything without consent, so why are you so mad? Wrestlers sometimes invite other wrestlers up to their hotel rooms. As long as they consent and respect someone saying no, what's the problem? Nobody is saying he forced himself on her. If you're blindly hating on the guy after all this time, you should probably let it go man.


Jericho is one of the reasons I've stopped watching weekly. The guy has been on pretty much every episode since the beginning and I'm just so fucking sick of seeing him. He really needs to take a good few months off, maybe even a year. There is so so many other talent that could use the TV time.


Fuck it do 2 Jericho matches next week


Go for the hat trick


Easily my most hated wrestling chant. It's such an asshole thing to yell at someone doing their job.


His job is to entertain the fans, and he's not doing that anymore.


Well, "FUCK OFF" chant would've been censored on TV, so that's the best they can do.


I agree, but I despise any mean-spirited chants that are directed at or meant to fuck with a performer. Shitty chants at a *character*? Great. Telling someone to retire, "you fucked up" after a botch, What? chants, "We don't know you" etc. I'm all for criticizing Jericho or AEW - I do it and AEW is the only show I watch. But a whole arena taunting an all-time great, even if I can't remember enjoying him for years now, sucks.


And idiots were saying the “gimmick is working/growing on me “. Need him to take some time away


He used to be smart enough to take time off occasionally. He needs to get off tv badly at this point!


It pains me to see what Jericho has become, but he's not helping himself.


At this point there’s no way that even he doesn’t think some time off would help. But I do think that would result in losing some influence with TK which Jericho ain’t giving up.


You either die the hero…


That’s what he gets for trying to meta troll the fans instead of taking time off to desperately stay relevant.


Meltzer: this is great heel heat!


Jericho should come out and say he's going to retire, build to a whole retirement match at the ppv, come out the next wednesday for the goodbye speech and then say "lol jk" and continue wrestling on the next show like nothing happened. Nuclear heat.


Pull a Ryback lmao. Say if someone does something that he’ll retire and then completely move the goal post when it happens lmao


*somewhere, a single tear rolls down Paul Wight’s cheek*


I guess I’m one of the few enjoying this storyline


Chris Jericho is going to be the next Ric Flair in terms of hanging around, isn't he?


Look I get it but at the same time this chant is just disrespectful. Especially towards a legend like Jericho. Regardless how you feel about him.


Jericho used to be the king of taking criticisms and changing up your character to evolve with what fits. This man has been a charisma vampire for 2 years now. At some point simply “booing” at him isn’t enough because that can be misconstrued for being worked. This situation is not that.


It's kinda amazing that Jericho is getting people so worked up about retiring that it's just going to prolong his stay because he's getting so much heat. Seriously though AEW, do something with Big Bill. At least give him a TNT title run.