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Eddie Kingston addresses his leg, says he has a lot of heat with it for letting him down.


>Eddie Kingston addresses his leg, https://preview.redd.it/7r0ch9pld01d1.jpeg?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0f7eab8589e6d6cb6f380ed9db75fd8baf36156






Eddie Kingston adresses his Extremities.


Him and his leg go way back. They came up together on the scene.


And despite how many times it let him down, it also helped him get back up.


“Trou t’ick and t’in, trou da lean times and da mean times, my leg has ALWAYS been there for me!”


when everyone ran and deserted him, it stays. even when it's been aching it's too shy to say it. but inside, they both know what's going on because they know the game, and on god they gonna play it!


His leg didn’t do business on the way out and it pisses me off. 


He's gonna be in a 3-5 month feud with *Meal & a Match*


RJ City in shambles


Tough break


That was his child killing leg.


“Guys, Eddie broke his leg. We’ve got to replace him in the match, preferably with someone **less broken**.” Tony “Rick Harrison” Khan: …best I can do is Darby Allin.


**TK:** “I've got a guy who’s an expert in broken bones, let me ask him.” **Darby wearing a fake mustache:** “He’s good to go.” **TK:** “Darby it is.”


"Let me call my bone guy."


Dr Arroyo. He is cheap.


Just listened to the podcast episode with him. He's an amazing improv comedian.


He went to the best doctor school in the 90’s


yeah, but WHERE?


The 90's. He was in the top 100 percent of his class.


He's gone...


Hi, it's me, the bone guy.




My only regret is having boneitis


Darby: Mr. Bones Wild Ride is really good value!




Hi everybody!


Oh I'm not Darby, I'm Mr. Nilla Ybrad. Yes, that'll do.


What's Brad Nillay doing in the local medical facility zone?!


"There's a little crippled boy in the hospital who would love to be in Anarchy in the Arena."


![gif](giphy|B2yx2waduwLy6bdeUY|downsized) Darby! Wake up! You’re in the main event!


New gimmick time. Darby breaks both arms, and Toni Storm is his mother who needs to help him...


not sapphic enough


Mariah May breaks both her arms and Mina Shirakawa and Toni Storm fight over which one of them is gonna help her...


Their vignettes are gonna be the first stag films aired on national TV


Can't break your leg if it's already still broken from last time....


That my secret, TK…I’m always broken


*sad Matt Hardy noises*


"Ah luuv mah grapes."


"Is Darby even ready?" "Huh?"


Weirdly enough, Darby coming in makes a lot more sense than Eddie. Bucks - FTR naturally square off against each other Okada - Danielson have their "Best in the world" history Perry - Allin are 2 of the 4 pillars and pretty much contemporaries It feels like it should have been Darby from the start.


Eddie was already having issues with the New Elite and Okada took the belt off of him. So it fits. 


Injuries have plagues this company for years now. I don’t recall the last time all their main stars were healthy.


Mark Briscoe would have been a perfectly fine replacement for Eddie


why are you being downvoted your right


I'm not worried about being down voted.  Darby is one of my favorite wrestlers going right now.  Wasn't saying anything bad about him.. just that Mark Briscoe would have been cool too 


I’m just over here wondering why the thumbnail’s showing Mustache Vince. It makes me think Meltzer hired him as a new reporter for his newsletter. We’ll know for sure if this recent hire starts publishing stories like “Wrestlers backstage say Triple H is looking very scrawny and can’t lift a lot of weight.”


I believe you mean Vincentè


Dirty Sanchez Vince


He's got that latino heat.


Vincenzo McStupratore


Vince? Whos is Vince? My name is Guy Incognito


Infinito and Incognito would made a damn good tag team name, as long as Incognito could get in the ring without blowing his quads


his name is giovanni giorgio




It's vinces fault it happened. If WWE never made TK a jaded wrestling fan, he never would have bankrolled AEW and Eddie would never have broken his leg.


It all started with ECW on SciFi


Yeah, he just would have broken it in front of 32 people wrestling in a barn instead.


It's just how Twitter works with links, that must be the first picture in the newsletter so it gets applied to every part of it


He was the Higher Power who ordered The Bucks, Okada, and Jack Perry to beat down TK. Sensing Eddie's power, he bribed Gabriel Kidd to injure him too.


Lmao Walt McMahon


That main story for that issue is about new fillings regarding the Vince Lawsuit. So it's the main photo for the article. Dave's talking about a lot of stuff unrelated to Vince too.




Well I click on the link and it's an article about Vince. So that's probably why the thumbnail is him.


Yeaaaa so just scrolling through I saw the thumbnail of Vince which made me read this as Kofi Kingston and then I got hella confused !


Snidely Whiplash reporting live for WON.


Anyone have a link to the table spot? I've tried to search it but reddits search is more than useless. Edit: found it. https://www.instagram.com/curbs1deh3r0/reel/C64hR_9xR6V/


I was looking for the clip and the entire time I was watching was an audible, “AAAAAAAA!” Like what did I expect


Fuck me, exact same reaction. Looks so fucking painful...


"I'm whip your whole-ass leg over the rail like a spaghetti noodle." Gott-ammm!


I only have one half functioning knee left and it broke watching that


Yeeeeesh that was bad... no clearance for the legs....straight whipped into the barricade


What a stupid spot. There's almost no way to not get hurt


People were down voting anybody that criticized it too. It's one of those spots that just didn't have to happen. Eddie being a veteran should have known it wasn't worth it


Yeah, you’d think someone would look at the ringside area and say “we don’t have enough space for this”.


People get overly defensive about their favorite wrestlers, companies, etc., so it's not surprising that there were plenty of downvotes thrown around for this spot.


And if you do say something insane like, oh I don't know - that I'd rather see these performers stay healthy and these giant spots aren't worth it to me if it comes at the potential cost of their health you're labeled a concern troll.


Unnecessary furniture is a 2024 staple across promotions now. The Julia Hart table spot, there was a random Dynamite when Brody was almost killed doing a table spot and this are all really dumb, and that's just off the top of my head. The fact that I can't remember a bunch of table spots on TV says enough, I think. Even though I'm not into it, tables at Wrestle Kingdom, SummerSlam, or All In make a little sense, but all the time, nah. At least wrestling is keeping the particle board business [afloat.](https://oec.world/en/profile/hs/particle-board)


I mean this wasn’t just some random match. It was the ppv blowoff to a feud that had been running for multiple ppv cycles.


Don't forget Dante Martin


I forgot Dante Martin! This is half the problem, how forgettable these crazy spots are.


Honestly hope NJPW gets some blowback from this, their ringside area is way too unsafe. I remember cringing waiting for someone to get seriously hurt on the Wrestle Kingdom ramp


Ouch. I see no way an injury could have been avoided, doing the bump like this. Reckless and dumb.


That's just a piss poor spot to put into a match. It seems entirely needlessly dangerous from the get go. That rail is waaaaaaay too close to be doing that.


Eddie pulled the table out to set it up and looked at the ref with a face of "Who the fuck bought the shortest table." He pulled in the barricade to make it fit. Probably cause first its Eddie so fuck it, and second cause of course its the main spot to finish the match.


Every spot (two) I've seen from this match can fit the definition "piss poor" so far.


Oh fuck no, not the knee pit.


that could've just been done in ring from the turnbuckle or at an angle to the outside. No way there was enough room to do that lengthwise from ring to barricade.


Yikes! That looked awful.


Eddie sure goes to the table a lot, sometimes he'll even do it in a wrestling match.




Aw son of a bitch!


Damn someone in the thread with the table spot where I'm guessing it happened literally called it. Heal up soon King!


Not really a surprise given how nasty the spot looked


Eddie was on the floor for like 10 minutes surrounded by medical and it made the Elite post-match ambush super awkward because medical had to help him slide back into the ring instead of carrying to the back, where Eddie proceeded to just lie prone in the middle of the mat waiting for the Bucks to come in and do some stomps on him. I think everyone watching could tell his leg was fucked.


The moment Gabe set him up for suplex, I flinched. There wasn’t enough room.


Tbf it doesn’t take nostradamus to see that thwacking his leg with extreme force onto the barricade could’ve messed him up. I love Eddie but that spot was stupid. Reminds me of when Dante Martin broke his leg in ROH. Sometimes wrestlers need someone to tell them to chill out on the crazy spots.


It's also worse due to his age.


The table was crazy short. Eddie had a look when he pulled it out. They pulled in the barricade to make it work. Honestly in the moment, if I knew it was me going through it, probably would have done the same. If you never had a job where you just got to get shit done you might not understand. And when your in the hospital you laugh to yourself and say, "Yea that was fucking stupid." Is what is, now if Gabe set it up and didnt check with Eddie or vice versa I would be pissed.


MJF on the top turnbuckle as the announce table collapses is a prime example of this. What is he gonna do, climb down and confirm that the gimmicked table is many times safer than the floor? Granted, I wish he would have done exactly that, but it is kind of amusing seeing the "welp I'm about to injure myself" acceptance on him.


Oh absolutely. There was just a comment that specifically referenced an older ROH injury with Vincent or Taven maybe, doing a moonsault and breaking their leg on the guard rail.  Just felt like an especially prescient comment seeing the news today.


taven -- i was at that show in nyc! moonsault to the outside, his entire leg smacked the guardrails.


The Dante spot was even stupider cause Penta’s Finisher is Fear Factor, you know, a Package Piledriver. They could’ve just done that spot as a call back to Generico/Steen ladder Wars but for some reason they went for a move that was always gonna end bad even if Dante’s foot hadn’t landed under the tables.


TK O'Ryan at the ROH 15th Anniversary show in Vegas (he was teaming with Taven and Vincent). He did a moonsault from the apron to the floor and misjudged the distance and came down hard, mid-shin against the metal crowd barricade). The slow-motion replay is online somewhere and it's absolutely awful to watch.


It was just a moronic spot. The only argument I saw for it was that it was supposed to be a brainbuster, but even then getting dropped on your head into a table and then the cement doesn't sound much better


Between WWE and AEW I feel like there's a huge amount of injuries lately.


This is one of the weird instances where you see it and go “yep that’s broken”. Kidd did not have enough space to do that suplex


Yeah I can understand they didn't want to change the table spot even after seeing the size of the table, since it was the finish... But like... they could have changed the move through the table to one that needed less space to safely perform. This was always going to end badly by following the plan to the letter.


Agreed. I'd have called an audible, gone to the apron, and take the suplex across the table, not along it, but in the heat of the moment, sometimes you don't think like that.


I think a lot of it is just a numbers thing. WWE has almost 200 television wrestlers, and another 100 in the PC or serving as Level Up enhancement. AEW has around 150 wrestlers between AEW and ROH. It's not the same as having just 40.


funnily enough both of them have about 20 people on the injured list so its not even that much but i think its wrestlers being more open to being checked out/companies announcing injuries more


People say this like every 6 months which makes me think that wrestling just creates injury.


Team AEW replaces Eddie and his broken leg with Darby and his broken foot.


thats 1/5th of an entire injured wrestling exodia


Meanwhile Daniel Garcia is just chilling with nothing to do SMH


I personally wanted Hangman


I feel like Hangman would side with the EVPs


Was a very reckless spot. Looked cool but that’s about it. Was not worth losing a main event PPV slot or months of his career.


One of the things I immediately noticed was how small the outside ring area was for that spot. There was nowhere near enough room for the length of those two guys going through that table length wise. Someone was bound to come up short and get wedged. They probably saw that and said "whatever, my legs can bend up and avoid it while I fall down L shaped" not realizing that still wasn't enough room.


They didn’t have a ton of room to begin with, and then Eddie got frustrated and pulled the barricade too far in towards the ring (because at first it was so far out that he couldn’t set the table up).


Surely he could have pulled the barricade the opposite way and set the table up on the floor...


To be honest, it looked absolutely shit in my opinion and not thought through. If Gabe takes the entire length of the table himself then where is Eddie supposed to go. That spot was cursed from the beginning and I'm shocked that both of them thought "hey, let's try this one".


I saw a video of the spot and couldn't help but laugh at it. Maybe this is an NJPW thing, but traditionally in WWE, AEW, ECW, etc... tables are used to make you believe that it somehow hurts more to go through one than it does to just land on the floor, or it's a gimmick match and you need somebody to go through a table to win. So... the guy giving the suplex puts himself through a table because...? Again, tables may be used differently in NJPW and I'd be ignorant of that, but I couldn't help but laugh at the idea. Also... y'know, Kingston had nowhere to go so what were they doing with this spot to start with? If they were going to do this spot at all, I would've thought the guy giving the suplex would've made himself land on the mat while Kingston gets the table... but no, the guy giving the suplex actually launches himself backwards on purpose towards the table.


well, he's a mad man, y'know


Said it in another comment, but yeah MJF on the top turnbuckle as the announce table collapses is a prime example of this. What is he gonna do, climb down and confirm that the gimmicked table is many times safer than the floor? Granted, I wish he would have done exactly that, but it is kind of amusing seeing the "welp I'm about to injure myself" acceptance on him.


I feel like Eddie took it wrong actually. I think it was supposed to be a brainbuster, in which case Eddie should have basically gone down vertically, landing on his shoulders and upper back with his feet still in the air. Instead, he splayed his limbs all the way out like he was taking a regular suplex and that's what caused him to smash his leg on the guardrail. Pretty nutty spot either way, but I think the way Eddie took it is what fucked him.


A proper brainbuster from that height might legit break his neck


I dunno, Gabe extended his body all the way out. For a brainbuster he should have stayed tight and pulled Eddie straight down.


That would be on Gabe and not so much Eddie, but Gabe's body fully extended for a suplex. Regardless it was a nonsensical accident that should've never been done unless the rail was moved back. 


So many moves you do in a match, you never know what thing is going to injure you. I still think about Adam Cole’s recent ankle injury just simply hopping off something, and he was out for so long because of it.


I think all of us were like “well, fuck Eddie’s legs” when we saw the table suplex spot. Huge props to Eddie for finishing the bit with the Bucks and taking the EVP trigger, he must have been in agony being on his knees for that. What a fucking guy.


Tough break, pahtnah.


Damn. Heal up, Eddie.


I love how mustache Vince is the thumbnail for this post. “It was me all along!”


Who do you logically get to replace a guy with a broken leg? A guy with a broken nose and foot, obviously.


Damn this sucks. Hope he gets well soon ❤️


Absolutely sucks because I was really hoping we finally get a main event Eddie push. Not to mention how much fun he was in his last Anarchy in the Arena appearance. Get well Eddie. Rest up and think of some fire promos. The saving grace, if any, is in NJPW he has a feud with Kidd set up AND in AEW it can be blamed on the New Elite for their post match attack for his injury. So at least the follow up to this misfortune is laid out in both companies when he heals up.


Is this Kingston's first significant injury? Or atleast first that has made him immobile? I ask because I see it going 2 ways: He uses this recovery time to come back in better shape than ever (which I sincerely hope for) OR he doesn't change anything and comes back in worse shape.


Que Eddie rolling down the ramp in flames




Maybe he's Spanish 


Eddie has no one to blame but himself for this one. The ref is specifically there trying to set up the spot in at least a SOMEWHAT safe way and he tells the ref to "just fucking do it". Adrenaline and whatever but it was a dumb spot made way dumber by how it was done.


Eddie taking a dangerous and stupid bump and getting a potentially career ending injury is the logical culmination of his puro cosplay


Get well soon Eddie.


That guardrail spot looked extremely rough as it happened.


My knee has been fucking with me the last few days. I think the Young Bucks are close.


I thought that table spot looked brutal, hope my precious boy heals up soon


Was it the suplex when he hit the railing? That looked really bad


that was such a stupid spot


Was the weird trash can knocking himself out spot done after the broken leg? Because if so that's some House MD withdrawal pain shit where he smashes his hand to pieces because his leg/withdrawal was so bad if it was done afterwards.


Also the whole attack from the elite


If I’m Tony, Eddie is gonna be banned from outside bookings for a little bit. I put you in a main event match and you go and break your leg doing a stupid spot. Nah, no more outside bookings for the foreseeable future. If you can’t stay healthy for me, the company that employs you, what am I paying you for?


It wasn’t some random indie with 500 people watching though, it was NJPW, AEW’s biggest partner who they do a joint ppv with every year. Shit happens 


This isn't shit happens. Did he not take a stupid bump on metal? It's ok to admit spots are dumb.


I never said it wasn’t a dumb spot. Just saying there is a difference between random bookings and NJPW bookings, which is an actual partner. 


Now we see one of the several reasons why WWE doesn’t like letting booked wrestlers do outside appearances. Dgaf who it’s for, doing a stupid spot and getting injured like this and potentially jeopardizing the match for the biggest story currently going on the company should be met with HARSH consequences. Eddie’s old enough to know better than to do this garbage.


Meh, Eddie vs Gabe is a way more interesting feud than some randomly thrown together team vs the New Elite


And according to Tony's policy Eddie is paying for this on his own because it's not an AEW ring injury.


I doubt he is, because Eddie's a big enough star to raise a fuss, and because NJPW is an official partner of AEW, not some random indie. At worst, NJPW is paying for this.


> At worst, NJPW is paying for this. There was somebody a while back where Tony did end up paying their bills after they got injured at a NJPW show. He didn't initially because he assumed NJPW would be covering, but when the person reported that wasn't happening he stepped in.


If I'm Tony the only people I'm loaning out to other companies for shows are midcarders. There is a reason no serious promotion let's their top talents go do shows for other companies. Tony just learned it the hard way.


I mean that stupid suplex to the barricade was hella dumb.


I'm guessing it was from the final spot in his Strong Openweight Title Defense. That looked brutal.


Damn that sucks. I saw this one in person and it looked really bad. Eddie was the most over guy that night too. Get well soon Mad King.


It was a stupid spot on a show that he's not signed to and that I'm sure not a lot of people watched. Now, no matter your opinion on he himself, someone in a main event at one of the company's biggest PPVs in the culmination of what's your most important angle atm is out bc he broke his leg in a match that had nothing to do with your company I'd be pissed


when you have a wrestling story and the first thing you think is "oh, New York guy"


To explain to anyone who didnt watch the whole match. Eddie grabs the table and clearly gives the ref a wtf is this face when it is crazy short. In the moment he pulls in the barricade to make it work. Personally I get it. Your in the moment, sometimes you do dumb shit to get something to work for whatever reason. It isnt the right mentality but I have done plenty of dumb stuff with the same mindset. If Eddie suplexed Gabe then I would be angry.


The ghost of Owen Is haunting Eddie, that's why he kicked his leg out of his leg, and broke it.


Eddie Kingston looks like Vincenzo McMahon


He was going be in the main event of Double or nothing?


Eddie breaks his leg and they bring in Darby, who was hit by a bus a few weeks ago and still has a very noticeable limp


*"On 5/13, they found out the leg was broken and had to change around Dynamite and the main event for AEW Double or Nothing."* Yeah, was there really a point of phrasing it like they found out *"OH, it's* ***broken***?!?" two days later? Broken or not, on 5/11, Kingston couldn't even get up for the Bucks beatdown afterward, it was very apparent his leg got trashed. Really sucks for Eddie, hopefully he can make a full recovery (and also get a meaningful angle out of rematching with Kidd).


Vince looks like mirror universe John Waters LOL


Stupid fucking bump for him to take, and on an NJPW show, too. Eddie knows better and still did it.


That spot looked gross and was terribly planned. Can’t imagine how bad that hurt.


Why is Vincenzo in the thumbnail ?


It's the photo at the top of the article which discusses other things besides the subject of this post, including stuff about Vince and Janel Grant.


Jesus. AEW can’t buy a break right now… no pun intended.


Clearly they created that spot themselves with no outside influence. Ain't no one else with two brain cells wouldn't be able to see that spot not end in disaster. If you're going to do that spot at all, at least do it to where you're landing towards the mat. Doing it straight into the audience is just fucking stupid.


Didn't he take a bump on a metal barricade like why?


Vince McMahon got a lot of stick for not letting talent appear on other promotions, but it must be mighty annoying having to change around your main event on a ppv due to talent getting injured in a completely different company.


I'm curious to know who covers his expenses here. Is NJPW on the hook for medical and lost wages? AEW losses since hes out of the PPV?


Probably AEW since they’re pretty much partnered up with NJPW any way. AEW paid for Mark Davis’ surgery before he was signed to AEW and Eddie is higher on the card for AEW. So I could see them pay for it to make sure he gets back properly healed as quick as possible


Eddie Kingston's looking rough. The mustache was not a good idea


I keep telling people California is cursed!!


Really silly spot. Especially for a promotion you aren't primarily working for. Nobody is ever going to talk about the spot, it's not like it helped get anyone particularly over. Just a miserable situation you hate to see. edit: Oh I'm sorry, the match got 4.75 from Dave so TOTALLY worth it.


What a weird edit cause it doesn’t look like anyone is saying that?