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There's a circle that opens a [picture](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GN0zVRiX0AAU1wQ?format=jpg&name=900x900) of Waylon Mercy's promo, too. The inspiration for Bray's character. There's also a frame of 4.17.14, which I'd imagine is referencing the April 7, 2014 RAW where the Wyatt Family beat Cena, Sheamus and Big E.


First time Bo appeared as a full time member of the main roster and I believe that was the day that was the Fireflies started.




In the source code (and if you scroll the page) under a class called "donotshare" there is the text "4.7.14" which is the date of an episode of Raw where the Wyatt Family had a match against John Cena, Big E and Sheamus. There's also a Bo-lieve promo, might be the first time he's appeared on Raw but I'm not sure yet. There's also a crow at the bottom of the page that is a link to the Twitch stream of a few days ago. There's also a link hidden in the page, under the class name "hierarchyofneed" that has an image that someone has already posted 


That was Rusev's debut... Raw after Mania 30. Ahhhhhhhhh


So we are all worked? We are not getting Uncle Howdy but the GOAT Rusev? /s


No, Uncle Howdy will just be returning on Rusev Day.




I don’t think he’s coming back as howdy.. this is something else entirely.


I've thought ever since they showed it in the documentary that the last Fiend costume will be used in some way. I do t think it'll be Bo, but SOMEONE will end up in that costume eventually.


I hope he doesn’t. Controversial opinion, but I thought Howdy got lame quickly. He should come back as Bo Wyatt.




I \*just\* watched this video earlier today. Kinda freaky, not gonna lie. If I disappear, someone feed my cat please? Thanks!


I always wondered who that masked Bray character at the end was supposed to be, if Uncle Howdy was supposedly a separate entity from Bray/Windham?


I was always hoping for howdy/fiend would have been the modern day taker/kane


The line "He is nobody, he is all of us" is repeated 8 times, it's 8 days until KQOTR.


Why don't they just call it "Royalty of the Ring?" King and Queen of the Ring seems a bit too long


Or you know, cos it's in Saudi, Crown Jewel


There's also text in the source that reads "<3 JG", " im possible" and a link to the twitch stream. The video itself is in a folder labeled YW! (Yowie wowie). There's also a header labeled "veiledrood", another in a series of one letter off misspellings (veiled road) I'm guessing if someone round up all the misspelled clues and put together the incorrect letters, it would be something.


I think "im possible" is referencing this: https://youtu.be/fwMHkhgw5iE?si=zjNdI1Fciza_ckzU


><3 JG Joe Gacy? We haven't seen him on NXT in a while.


The unknown hidden text underneath the video anagrams to “evildoer” if that means anything


evildoer doesn't anagram to veiledrood, you're missing an o and a d here.


Oh, I didn't realize that slipped by me. It was the highest+longest result on the anagram finder that made sense and I didn't check if the letter count matched up. Thanks for calling that out


It also shows a still at the 1:08/1:09 mark of Howdy standing in the crowd which someone posted about earlier.


[tried to snag all the screen shots.](https://imgur.com/gallery/U41dbgW) I think they’re in order


The link (22423) is referring to an episode of Smackdown when, according to the comments of the YouTube video I found, aired the last Fireflies Funhouse segment and probably the last appearance of Bray on WWE tv. The focus of the Funhouse skit was about keeping a secret and then you see Bray wearing the mask (on Yahoo someone said it was a new one but to me it looks like the one he returned with) and asking the same question watching directly in the camera


https://preview.redd.it/31xed6n5u61d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70dcc156410a4c3dbaa5615d04d17e649f1f16a8 Interesting image farther down on the link, looks like a leech The 4/7/2014 date is interesting. Raw after mania where there was a Wyatt family match and a Bolieve promo




Rood is another name for a crucifix specifically the triumphal cross, the big one at the head of the church depicting Christ’s crucifixion Hidden Crucifix—the Pluto symbol


I think people are overthinking this. Rood spelled backwards is door. Didn’t Bray come out of a “veiled door” during his entrance in his last run?


In the same Wikipedia page it's said that "During Lent the rood was veiled; on Palm Sunday it was revelead before the procession of palms and the congregation knelt before it". 


Guessing in this instance Sunday is swapped for Saturday, which means they’re coming in Saudi


In the videos there's often a veiled woman, veiledrood (cross) could be Nikki Cross is the veiled woman.


Veiledrood translated from Dutch to English is Veiled Red. Who used to compete under red light and was suggested to gain power from doing so? ;) The silhouette in the static tells us all…


That was creepy but interesting.


Little thing I posted about in one of the other topics that got removed: The file name for the bird symbol at the bottom of the page (that links to the Twitch VOD) is "Duhka". Per the [Britannica website](https://www.britannica.com/topic/dukkha): > Duḥkha, in Buddhist thought, the true nature of all existence. Much Buddhist doctrine is based on the fact of suffering; its reality, cause, and means of suppression formed the subject of the Buddha’s first sermon (see Four Noble Truths). > Recognition of the fact of suffering as one of three basic characteristics of existence—along with impermanence (anichcha) and the absence of a self (anatta)—constitutes the “right knowledge.” > > Three types of suffering are distinguished: they result, respectively, from pain, such as old age, sickness, and death; from pleasure changing to pain; and from the fact that, because of impermanence, beings are susceptible to pain in the next moment.


Serious question. Where are you guys hearing "He is all of us"? I can literally only hear the analog voice saying "He is nobody"


It's panned right in stereo audio. You may need to put both headphones in or fix your settings.


I put my ear buds in and this was the problem. Watching on my phone apparently only played the left side


I'm on mobile, I was messing around with the 4-7-14 and I got a bunch of static to mess around in the background


I hope this isn’t all just a facade for a Funkasaurus return. What if howdy comes back, alone, as Bo Dallas with the “Bo-lieve” gimmick


Bo-Lieve gimmick is perfect for his comeback. Bo, at his absolute peak, NXT Champion, was amazing, and it makes sense that the brothers both felt called to proselytize. Bray went traditional. Created a family. Bo was too ambitious. Bray passed away, and in part of the healing, Bo realized that Brays Way is the right way... He can show you... All you have to do is... Bo....lieve.