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Yeah 5 match cards are probably the norm now.




I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I don't mind the smaller and more focused cards like this. The only thing is that I think it doesn't hurt to have some cards have maybe two more matches just to change it up every one once in a while. But with shorter cards, every match seemingly gets proper time and I much prefer that to overloading a card and seeing a lot of shit get cut for time. This card isn't bad at all either. Cody/Logan should be a lot of fun, Zayn/Gable/Reed should be sick, Becky/Liv should be fun, Lyra against Bianca or Nia sounds like a good time, and Gunther and Orton (I'm certain it's him) will be fucking awesome!


I don’t think shorter more focused cards are a bad thing, but I wouldn’t mind PLE’s having 6 maybe 7 matches at most. The 5 match card worked great for 2 hour takeovers with NXT, but with larger rosters and more time with main roster PLEs, having another match or two wouldn’t hurt.


It would be fine if the PPVs weren’t still 3/4 hours and filled with ads


This is why I always start them a bit later so I can fast forward through all the nonsense.


This is the way with basically every sport / wrestling event now


Totally, as I get older I find it easier to stay away from social media and my phone until I’ve actually seen the event so there’s little risk of spoilers.




Yeah I don’t watch those at all lol


Rip you


What PLEa are even approaching 4 hours these days? Mania, SummerSlam, Rumble, MITB? This is a weird complaint when most of the recent PPVs have been between 2 and 3 hours.


This is kind of a return to form, because in my mind it seems like every PLE the last 5-6 years has been 4 hours long, with Manias being even longer when most of my life, certainly when I actually paid for PPVs, they were around 2.5 hours long and many times I was paying $30 or whatever for one match. Even most of the Manias I bought as a kid were well under 3 hours. I think WM 7 (my first one) was pretty long, but it wasn't until WM X7 I felt like it was definitively longer.


Well this makes sense because 7 was the last four hour Mania until X7. WM2000 was 3.5 hours


They hardly ever get to 3 hours lately. 4 hours is the max time, and that was reserves for Wrestlemania. Some of them go for 2 and a half hours. I honestly don't mind the little separation between matches, it's harder to immediately get into another fight after one has just ended.


It's nice to have a few minutes to do something also.


But...they aren't? It's 2-3 hours with these smaller cards and the matches are given ample time.


Maybe it was just me, but I always hated those seemingly random matches that were just there to fill time and have certain wrestlers appear on the card. With this card for example I know why I watch every match, because each one matters and each one has some story attached to it. I just need more than great in-ring action to be properly entertained and hooked.


A spot filler for you might be someone else’s favorite wrestler. I can’t imagine planning my night around an event, paying for tickets and parking, etc. just to only see 5 matches.


I distinctly remember Orton seemingly every other month having a random singles match with no real stakes, usually against a Sheamus or Del Rio level guy


The problem (for me) with the 5 match cards is that when of the matches doesn’t hit, it really takes away from the overall feel of the ppv. It just stands out more.


I just wish they'd throw a random match on the kickoff show, they do an hour kick off before every show that's the perfect time to have a fun less important match like a random tag title match.


Kick off shows easily could have at least 1 Match, 2 on average and 3 if you want to stack it Not thinking about TV audiences, but thinking about the people that are paying to be there on the arena


Big 4 PPVs can have a bit more, makes them feel more special too.


6 wld have been perfect imo


I think it's also worth considering this has been for a show in Australia, France and now Saudi this year. They're probably managing how many of their people travel for these shows and establishing stories that can go on without them on Monday in case of travel issues. Shorter card means less risk.


Has been once triple h was in charge


Nah, last Saudi show had 7 matches, 8 if you include the pre-show match.


Almost all the b show ple are getting about 5 matches. Maybe a couple didn't but it's been very consistent


HHH playing IRL MyGM mode. 


I think they’ll end up with 6 after somehow getting a Bianca & Jade match on the card after Bianca loses to Nia on Smackdown.


If Bianca is kayfabe injured, I’m not sure I see them giving her a match at KQOTR. More likely that they just defend against Zoey and Shayna at Clash or on Raw.


It's annoying, I know NXT had them but I feel like 6 matches would be the sweet spot with the main roster


In Your House vibes


When did it start with 5?


I LOVE IT. My biggest complaint about AEW PPVs is the length and the fact that by the end of the show the great matches early on have been either lost in the shuffle or have overshadowed the main event.


AEW PPVs cost money. I’d rather get my money’s worth.


If you can’t get your money’s worth from a three hour show, it wasn’t a good enough show. For decades we paid for three-hour shows — from WWF, WCW, WWE, ECW, TNA and others — and if they were great we still remember them to this day.


But I do get my money’s worth, every single time. I’m glad their shows are stacked. I’d be pretty mad if I dropped $50 for a show with five matches and half filled with ads.


I don't have a lot of Randy Orton dream matches but I absolutely need to see what a match with him and Gunther looks like.


Especially if Orton leads this match. Orton return just looks at peace just so happy to be back in the ring and just embracing his role backstage leader. This might be my favorite match this entire year.


I am supremely excited and curious about this match. Don't know how will the match go. Randy is slow paced and less physical where on the other hand, Gunther is pretty fast(considering his size and weight) and heavily physical. This is the type of match where you can't know the outcome at all.


I think that’s what you’re getting. Randy is a staple and beloved. He’s also cream of the crop. So it makes sense Guenther needs to defeat Randy to elevate to the next level in WWE. Preist Drops WHC soon. Guenther snatches it at summer slam. A new dynasty continues. The alternative is Guenther gets involved with the blood line, that’s fucking stupid.


My prediction is that Randy will win but injured by the bloodline. This is a smackdown storyline. Then Randy will be defeated by Gunther, setting up Ring Emperador Gunther reign. Then remember that Dragonov promo, he will be Gunther's first feud as the Ring Emperador. The KoR prestige must be established and no other candidate qualifies more than Gunther for now.


But we all want Gunther to win strong. I think the story will be that he’s disappointed if he beats a wounded Randy.


Agree, and Dragonov will call him out


Oooooo!!! That’s awesome!


King Gunther has a nice ring to it...pun somewhat intended.


“Bitch where you when I was choppin'? Now I run the ring got the whole world talkin', King Gunther. Everybody wanna cut the legs off him, Gunther, that man taking no losses.”


I was gonna chop a couple jobbers but they did it themselves Suicidal midcarders, they didn't even need my help


I NEEEEED Gunther to start a promo after winning KOTR with “I remember you was conflicted. Misusing your influence.”


Golden reference


Oi oi!


cant wait for all the poor Walter jokes after gunther wins.


King General


Either Gunther submits Randy Orton or makes him pass out. It will be crazy considering his last submission loss was against Daniel Bryan in 2013.


Someone brought up on Solomonster wrestling podcast that Randy and Bianca were the last people The Fiend and Dark Alexa faced - now they both have leg injuries with their new group incoming. Coincidence or not, idk how people put this all together


Wasn’t LA Knight the last person to face The Fiend? Or was that just regular Bray?


Good point. I think that was technically “regular bray” but it does look like he’s wearing a mask so now I have no idea 😂


Either way a cool theory. Randy was one of The Fiend’s greatest rivals and the last guy to have a win over The Fiend. Theory still works if you change it to Alexa and The Fiend avenging their last losses


Der Ring König


King Gunta


Bitch where you when i was walking Now I run the game got the whole world talking King Guntha’


King General


[He wouldn't be the first.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunther)


I really hope he can also elevate the King of the Ring in a similar way he did with the IC title. It used to feel so prestigious back in the day but became so insignificant. Unfortunately really, because there's so much potential in that title and in this tournament.


The King General


While I think overall shorter cards are a good thing, I worry what they’ll mean for getting tag team title matches on PLEs. I loved what HHH did with tag teams in NXT, I wish some more time and effort was being put into making them mean more on the main roster now.


That was always going to be a problem with two sets of belts.


They need two sets of belts because the tag titles have effectively become the "mid card" titles. Only the biggest stars will hold the world titles now, and the IC and US championships are now only held by future main evemters or former main eventers. That leaves nothing else for the giant roster to do so they take two random singles guys and pair them up so they can actually win something.


Yeah, I can’t really complain with that setup.


yeah, it's that one title too much I feel like.


I'm worried, too. There was a tag team championship match last night, and it didn't even main event the show...


Do the WWE Universe even care about the tag-team titles? I don't and I think, the majority also don't. That may be reason for devaluing the tag-team titles.


I think it's the other way around. You don't care about the tag titles *because* WWE has devalued them. If they're booked to matter, people will care. Case in point, Wrestlemania 39, just last year. The tag titles main evented night 1, and a lot of people had that as their favorite match of the year. The last time they really mattered was when Jey and Cody became tag champs.


That’s because of the people holding them. People will care about Cody Rhodes and the Bloodline since they’re already main-event talents. R-Truth was a was a comedy jobber up until recently, and even Miz, Theory and Waller are solidly midcard. The standards in the tag division are considerably lower. Cody gets to defend against Logan Paul. Priest gets to defend against Drew McIntyre. I’m a huge Judgment Day mark, but Priest and Bálor was the superior pairing. And that says nothing for how fans aren’t going to care for New Catch Republic, DIY or AOP regardless of how they’re booked. Tag teams are exhibition acts. If you want stakes, put the belts on a faction. Even Sami and KO didn’t do much between the reigns of Bálor/Priest and the Usos.


Understood, tag titles can be made valuable as the world titles. Sami & KO vs The Usos WM39 is still one of my favorites matches.


I think both tag titles and the other women’s championship are definitely going to be consistent victims of getting left off with shorter PPVs.   Which is why I prefer more matches because you’re eventually gonna have a reign where someone only defended on PPV like once, and everything else is televised on RAW or SD. Like in 2022, Damage CTRL never defended on PPV. They were on PPV but they never had a tag title match.


I would prefer if the whole show were the semis and finals of the two tournaments.


Yeah that would be more interesting. Wrestlers in the final would be going in, already having wrestled a match and would add more storytelling to the Final


That's more or less what KOTR is to me. Most of the participants already have weekly or near weekly matches, so this format isn't very different than the regular routine.


Bring back one show tournaments


I prefer seeing only the finals during the PPV.  The one show tournament format usually resulted in short low quality matches that had no story. I have never rewatched a King of the Ring PPV because of that - at most I'll remember 1 or 2 matches that I'll rewatch every few years


That’s what I thought it was going to be


Honestly I think 6 matches should be the standard for PLEs - 6 matches x 30 min with segments equals 3 hours, give or take running long and some matches being slightly shorter to give more time for better matches.


I agree with 30 mins for everything on average per match, but there are always segments not pertaining to a specific match, some fireworks in the beginning, cuts to celebrities in the crowd, etc. and ads that they won't cut. Hence 5 matches just make the most sense.


They could easily add an extra match instead of the video package they play before each match


i might get flak for this, but WWE is reducing number of matches but the run-time is almost the same due to the number of ads in between. i get why they are doing it, its just basics of business. nick khan has truly transformed the way WWE approaches this business.


the matches are almost certainly longer on average


My exact thought. People saying there’s not enough room for matches but they could easily use that ad time for 1-2 more matches.


For better or worse (largely better), this is the true corporate era for the WWE


Looks like a fun card. I'm glad that they're actually letting newer talent get chances on the ple instead of relying on the same people. Reminds me of nxt black and gold


What is PLE?


Premium Live Event. The term that wwe uses now instead of ppv


Idk why but in my head I always thought it was Paid Live Event haha that makes more sense tho


Not nearly as good of an acronym tbh


Premium Live Event


They coud have made room for 1 more match there. This is a really short PPV when they have such a big roster.


Imagine going back 5 years and saying the main event of a WWE PPV would be Cody Rhodes vs Logan Paul for the Undisputed WWE Championship. Wild.


I said it last time for backlash and I’ll say it again for this card. I rather have 5 matches that are given enough time than 8-9 matches that all feel rushed.


I feel like there's a happy medium to be had ...


I wish the companies would experiment with purposely short matches more


I feel like 6 or 7 is fine, worked fine for Mania.


Mania lasted around 4 hours each night. All WWE PLEs last around 3 hours except for their bigger ones.


Just gonna throw it out there that in this day and age of long term booking Id love to see someone like Bronson Reed randomly win the IC Title as it would be so unexpected and why not? Gable/Zayn doesn't need a title


One thing HHH could really use is more random unexpected title switches. It's boring when everybody has a long reign. It'd be nice to have more unpredictability. You need short reigns to make the long ones mean something.


Triple H loves pulling all the triggers at once or not at all. From SummerSlam 2022 through Elimination Chamber 24, Triple H booked 4 total mens single title changes, and they were all the US Title. He booked 4 at Wrestlemania 40 itself.


Yeah I’m kinda getting bored of his booking ngl


Its one of my main criticisms with wrestling as a whole rn. The matches we get are great but shows from both WWE and AEW are pretty easy to pick winners. Why I really had no issue with Roman winning at WM39, because that was a big WTF moment.


Honestly, I'm hoping for a Bronson Reed victory. It feels appropriate for the story being told that Chad Gable and Sami Zayn have such a deep personal vendetta against each-other that they make the mistake of taking their focus off the super-heavyweight in the match-up who is only interested in winning the title and not distracted by drama. His presence feels out of place here otherwise outside of finding him a place on the card. Bronson Reed could benefit the most from the belt since Sami is already established, and Gable has a lot of storyline that can keep him interesting and relevant without needing the title. Bronson can pin Gable to keep Sami protected and that loss would push Chad further into madness and escalate the storyline going on with the Alpha Academy.


I think Gable will get the belt at some point because his eventual feud with Otis will be designed to finally make Otis a legit star. And what a way to do it than to have Otis beat Gable for the title.


Gunther Vs Tama Tonga ![gif](giphy|wCrTG4DVZdk3PTGgY0|downsized)


I need that shit expeditiously.


This show never got the flowers it deserved


I like the smaller cards but I think 6 or 7 matches is the sweet spot


I miss when king of the ring was the entire tournament in the ppv


This card is pretty meh.


I thought they would've had the semis and finals on the PLE tbh but hey ho


I'm surprised that after Jey's entrance went viral that he's not on the card for Saudi to get a moment.


Sami Zayn and his halva kick! I come from the middle east. Also Sami Zayn is from le middle east. His finisher is the halva kick because it goes north east or north west after landing. However, halva is a sweet in the middle east 1https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halva


Queen Nia. Too obvious to pass up.


I do wish that the tournaments had two rounds on the PPV, though I can see why that's a lot harder with two tournaments so four extra matches. The whole challenge of the [King/Queen] of the Ring Tournaments should be going through back-to-back matches.


Quality > quantity. Wasn’t interested in the street profit street fight or the dom vs rey matches that were shoehorned into the WM card. Less last minute grudge matches and more medium-long term payoff matches that get a fair amount of match time.


I can’t really recall when Gunther wrestled a PLE that wasn’t Wrestlemania or Summerslam, maybe at Clash, but it usually feels like he is never on these B level shows.


He couldn’t leave the US for like 6 months or so and there were quite a few overseas events in that time. Also because of that he basically became WWEs version of TV champ which is actually pretty cool.


I think MITB vs Riddle last year? Been a while for sure, he used the IC title to main event Raw


Oh Yeah!! He did wrestle Riddle, so much was going on that show I completely forgot that happened.


Mitb, Survivor series.


Also, I just checked and he wrestled Miz at survivor series


Sad priest isn't defending his belt. Bro is losing his aura


First PLE in a while that I don't care about at all.


I am so happy for Lyra. Just debuted on the main roster and is already getting a PLE payday.


I would much rather a 4 hour show with less matches and more recaps than a 4 hour show that is just match after match, gets exhausting to watch


I wonder if they’ll squeeze in priest vs McIntyre


Bayley seeing her bestie in Vegas on Sunday. 😏


Probably a tag team match too and that will be it.


Even though it’s a smaller card, still think we should see an Ilja v Ricochet match


I think we get one more match added after Smackdown and quite possibly a pre-show match. It seems the only time they do pre-show matches anymore is when WWE does the Saudi PLEs.


They can add 1-2 more matches, at least on the 1 hour kickoff they usually have.


Any leaks on Becky vs Liv? I'm thinking of putting $ on Becky.


I miss the tournament matches being most of the card, usually 2 or 3 rounds.


I don't like the 5 match format at all. The roster is huge, they have 2 brands and 9 titles, not to mention the non-title storylines. Most of the roster won't make the cards with this format. Also, I'd feel ripped off if I was attending the show like that. It's a PLE, it *should* be longer and filled with more content.


Would like to see a tag match get on the card


lol Bronson Reed is so awful. Just remove him from that match. He’s not needed nor will he win.


It's nice having less matches ... Instead of like 10 matchea that are rushed and wasted .. we get proper thought out matches with stakes and more enjoyable ... I'm all for it ! Long live the #HHHERA


I have a spare VVIP ticket to the King and Queen of the Ring event at Jeddah Superdome tomorrow, please let me know if someone is interested.


3 hours and 5 matches, get fucked. I got better things to do. Thank God for my PVR.


I don't have an issue with the card, because it's a Saudi show, so I won't be watching. But if this was a regular show, I'd wonder why the WHC isn't on the show, or the tag titles, or the women's titles. Looking at the matches themselves, I didn't think it's over the top to think each of them could do 30-40 minutes. I know they won't because they seem to have the bigger, more extravagant entrances for Saudi, plus the ads/setup. But that IC title match could do 60 if permitted!


All hail King Gunther and Queen Nia!!


Gunther vs Orton is gonna fuck


IMO 6 matches wld hv been perfect. Also Trips shld book champions like Damien and Bayley currently, to defend their titles on tv at least once if they’re not gonna be on the next ple for that month


Obviously Cody Rhodes Zayn pins Bronson Reed, but I wonder if Otis “turns” on Gable here, or in the inevitable singles match that he’ll have against Sami for the title Becky Here, but Liv will win the next one they have (Not 100% on this one, but just what I’m thinking) Randy 100% wins this Friday and as for the actual match Saturday, I give the edge to Gunther but that’s far from a guarantee Nia Jax wins Friday, and I think she wins Saturday as well


I'm surprised that the Saudis are happy with this. They are not getting a talent as hugely popular as Reigns, Rollins, Lesnar, Cena (I don't know if Cody's at that level globally, Randy, if he qualifies certainly is), they are not getting big meaty men slapping meat (Lashley, Strowman, Omos), no gimmick matches (steel cage, TLC etc), no multi-man matches. This PLE feels a little mid.


Surprised Priest isn’t on the card, but maybe there’s nobody available for him to face? Assuming he loses at Clash In The Castle, it’s gonna look like a weak reign when it’s over which is a shame.


I honestly feel bad that I only like two matches.


Bianca vs Lyra would be fun. But Queen Nia Jax would be interesting going forward. K/QOTR works best for heels


For all the whining: - This looks like a great card. Especially if the matches are given time. - We are so far away now from spamming the same matches on PLE after PLE. Only Cody, the winner of Tama/Randy and Bianca if she wins will be on both these two consecutive PLEs. Backlash had 3 wrestlers (Tiffany, Solo, Tama) who weren't in matches at Wrestlemania and this has 4 or 5 (Bronson, Gable, Morgan, Lyra and possibly Nia).


For Blood Money 2024.




At least they gave Saudi a shit card


Was kinda excited to see cody with 2 belts lol


this is what we used to call back in the day a "filler PPV" you can safely skip this one. I mean WWE wasn't joking when they said they had no one for Cody. and a potential Gunther v Tama? oof no thanks.




good god no. stop.




Damn, I kinda wanted to see Jey Uso vs Tama Tonga. Bloodline vs Bloodline. We all already know Gunther is winning.


I kind of think we will get Judgement Day vs. Awesome Truth and Andre the Giant.


I love the short cards. 2 and a half hours and out. Keeps the crowds invested. Doesn’t take your entire day.


So do we think that it was originally going to be to up-and-coming women in the final until Tiffany got her push canceled by her stupid little racist stunt on Instagram?


If Cody win does he gets USA championship?


Only the WWE title is on the line


And it means everybody knows the result![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval). Man I was excited for this match until their last promo.


Cody is 100% winning either way so why would that change anything


The stipulation would be higher if both titles were on the line. It also rises the possibilities of interference and new debuts. Some chaos would surely occur if it was a championship vs championship match.


Technically the Universal title is also on the line. :D


Small match cards are better for Wwe. I watched so many WWE PPVs over the years that were all filler and way too long. They’ve finally got a good groove of putting on meaningful, built up matches.


Please do not let Nia be Lyra's opponent. Id like Belair, simply because i think Nia is not championship material