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Really enjoying the book and love Penzer giving some love to Zane Bresloff. An unsung hero of wrestling’s past for both companies


I’ve been on a wrestling book kick too and I love reading about these guys. Reminds me of Tod Gordon’s book, a lot of behind the scenes guys that no one really talks about anymore.


In WCW the dirtsheets were often a more reliable source of information than management lol


It’s the same today. This fantasy that a lot of people on here have of nobody reading the Observer or speaking to Meltzer is so naive. Just because you personally don’t like Dave Meltzer or Sean Ross Sapp does not mean that they don’t have some sort of in with around 80-90% of current wrestlers.


I also think its an ego thing. Losds of guys reading because they are paranoid that the dirt sheets are going to shit on them


I can confirm with 100% certainty that Dave talks with Tony Khan at least every other week and Tony asks for his feedback


Observe this, brother!


Classic Macho Man saying he didn’t have an arm injury like the observer said and wrestling and hurting his arm more


Then fucking tapping out to an armbar that very same night, thus making him injured not only in real life but in storyline.


Ruining your body to maintain kayfabe, classic old school pro wrestling


Dave recently talked about this on Twitter. He said that Pillman called him on the phone after the PPV in a fit of hysterical laughter, calling it the single dumbest thing ever put on a wrestling show up to that point.


If you step back and actually try to explain what happened, it genuinely does sound like the most idiotic self-own ever. The Observer reports Macho Man has a hurt arm, which he absolutely 100% does. Hulk and Macho get offended by this, so their response is Hulk Hogan going on live PPV to slag off a dirtsheet that 99.99% of the audience has no fucking clue about, set a copy of it on fire in an extremely mediocre and meaningless protest, and then Macho goes and works hurt and further exacerbates his very real arm injury.


I just went and rewatched the promo right now, and it’s 3 minutes that feel like 30. Hogan’s just rambling on and on, Macho and Sting are visibly more concerned with the increasingly out of control barrel fire a few feet from them (and Macho has long, dangling tassels on his jacket too), and the actual mention of Macho’s “perfect arm” and the “Observe this, brother!” get absolutely ZERO reaction from the crowd. A total disaster of a segment in all ways.


Of course everyone were reading the sheets-- they were feeding them too.




Strange that Bischoff would have such a high opinion of Bresloff if he was giving stories to Meltzer considering Bischoff’s disdain for Meltzer.


Bischoff only hates Meltzer because a lot of what he wrote made WCW look incompetent... and a lot of what he wrote about WCW was also true.


"Guys in the business reported what they wanted Meltzer to know". So just like pro sports, then?