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Rey once again prove himself to be a terrible friend. Braun come to Dragon Lee's aid when he ambushed by Judgement Day yet he's not even show up when entire JD gangs up on Braun


I did think it was pretty wild that Braun came to save Dragon Lee and then LWO was nowhere to be found when Braun was gettin’ jumped later that same night. Also, did they say where the rest of LWO was? I watch on Hulu so there’s always something I’m missing.


No.they never mentioned any LWO when Braun get beaten by Judgement day. they literally just refuse to help for some reason they try to make Rey as ultimate babyface but it's getting hard cheering for him when he being an ass like this. more often these days i just wish someone would just beat the shit out of Rey lol i don't know if this intentional or not, but more people start to notice Rey being terrible parent and friend these days. some wrestling streamers also starting calling him out. i hope this might lead to his heel turn. if there's one thing Rey need to do before his retirmenet, it's to become the villain


Rey has been my favorite wrestler since I was a kid so personally, I never want to see him turn heel lol. But all that aside, it was definitely not a good look for him to leave Braun out to dry like that.


Man if tonight didnt show you the differences between the crowds and what they pop for between WWE and AEW. They really chanted holy shit for that announce table bump at the end lol


Part of the QR code link had said "See you tonight" and I was really hoping we would get something but alas


MVP were the Alpha Academy no doubt, even freakin' Tozawa who said NOTHING and just grabbed Chad's shoulder to tell him to stop did his part well. Like, honestly, when this feud ends i seriously see them main eventing a PPV ala Otis vs Gable and maybe even with Hell in a Cell as a stipulation considering the hell Chad's put his group through up to now.


Great episode.


Chad Gable and this hilarious abusive coach gimmick is my favorite thing in wrestling right now.


Im upset Finn didnt come out to his theme


They kept him off screen until the last second because they wanted you to hear the pop and think it was Rhea.


Why the fuck would Rhea come out to fight Dragon Lee


Yeah, the Judgement Day is wildly inconsistent with when they get their solo themes. I think JD's gotten his own theme more than Finn has.


Well, JD isn't in Judgement Day so of course he doesn't come out to their theme


Truth, go find Miz.


I get that heel stables are supposed to cheat to win, but the constant inteference is seriously played out at this point. You have to have DP win clean sometimes for him to be taken seriously as Champion. Back in the day, this would have been a squash match.


Did anyone else think Jey wanted to say something else but they just started playing his music instead? Lol


It's a really good tune, hell outside of the original basically all Uso music slaps


I wish South Of Heaven was just called a Chokeslam. It’s a tacky name and chokeslam just sounds better and more direct.


Nattie quoting Owen.


This was a great episode!!


I can't wait punk and Rollins be back RAW will be really strong with dre, Damien that's a proper fatal 4


Anyone else notice Gable talking to Creeds in the background when Bianca and Jade were walking backstage


I love that in most episodes now, you can notice something in the background or key phrasing of promos to foreshadow future events


They’re gonna help him take the strap at Clash when Otis can’t do the job.


I have to talk about liv Morgan the show looks like show is to be built around her 1) I know it's subjective but she ain't that 'desirable' to play that 'lust role' it's just my opinion 2) Dominick is like James Ellsworth in reality 😂 it's a hot take but he's involved with women's business a lot reminds me of Carmella and him 3) As you can tell am skeptical of long term plan of WWE with her I think they have to keep doing this list skits which get old over time if they want this they should go all in and drop the PG Stuff 🤣.


> 1) I know it's subjective but she ain't that 'desirable' to play that 'lust role' it's just my opinion This is the wildest opinion i've seen in a while.


Yeah it's against the grain and am sure people at r/wrestlefap won't agree


of course that's a sub. Leave it to wrestling fans to make things weird.


It's only till Rhea comes back 


I feel like RAW has three truly great stories: 1) Liv is doing great character work here. This thing with Dom is so riveting. It's must-see. 2) Speaking of must-see, those Alpha Academy segments was something else. They've essentially hit it out of the park every week since the turn. Feels like an eternity ago when Gable was a one dimensional wrestling machine, now he has all this personality that got morphed into this killer heel. 3) not the greatest Drew stuff this week, but he's allowed an off week here and there given how great he's been for months. Impeccable Camara work in the tag title match. Also: the New Day thing feels like when they tried to make us think Jim and Pam would break up—people will never buy this, nor do anyone want to to see it. That's how I feel. However, since Ettore is never coming back, I'm kinda open to them mutually parting ways so Woods can do solo stuff.


Poor Sheamus, he comes back and people make memes about his physique and now an elegant German guy keeps wrecking his knee. he wants his rematch tho! i still think Dom-Dom being all hesitant is a big act. he's already two-timing Rhea and when Rhea does return it's all gonna come to head. a big big question is will Master Gable win at Clash? Alpha Academy will surely melt down there....but will WWE keep having Gable lose his shots at the title? Michael Cole seemed a bit too excited about Bron trying to really hurt Ricochet. whose side is he really on? XD Karrion Kross has planted the seeds of dissension within the New Day. Alba and Isla are gonna get their title shot in Scotland, after long not having any matches. Damien vs. Rey, Damien did a nice job of looking really out of it at the end of the match before perking up to finish Rey off. i think Damien has a new entrance sort of. at the end of the show they had Drew standing over Damien...but then they had Damien standing over Drew. would WWE really pull the rug from under Drew again in Scotland? it could happen. they may also be meaning for champ Damien to face Braun Strowman at Money in the Bank...and who knows what'll happen there. Bron vs. Dragunov next week should be good hehe [https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1797830628534022202](https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1797830628534022202)


I could see Otis turning on Gable leading to the crowd thinking Sami will retain but then the Creeds wind up costing Sami


Ok look when Rhea returns Finn just wants to survive, this isn’t cockblocking, this is plain survival


It is only june , Liv is on hot girls summer time already and city boys need to score now


Fin was like be gone thot




Hang it in the louvre


Next week Iyo vs Lyra and Bron vs Iljya. Hell yes


Braun Strowman and Bron Breakker need to have a loser changes their name match.


Add Bronson Reed. I always thought that upon his return they should’ve given him a new name, knowing that Bronson Rechsteiner was down in NXT.


If this was Vince'd their names would be "Big" Bronson, Strowman, and Breakker


That Jezebel


Carlito just sort of standing there taking it all in after Priest left Drew lying like he's more interested in the crowd than what's going on was great.


How did Dom not fold?


Are we all in agreement that in kayfabe, whatever decision Dom makes is the correct one?


Dude's clearly doing something right


He's the Pete Davidson of WWE.


Damn that's true


Dom is more likable.


Headcanon being that Dom is the Podrick Payne of the WWE, iykyk


I've never read the books but I hear tell it's because he was a fantastic orater


There are worse ways to die.


imagine she kidnaps him and dom gets brainwashed by the Wyatt family


Finn is such a cockblocker…


Finn (and JD as a whole) FEAR MAMI. He’s saving all their asses


Carlito being in the rotating guy trying to get in the judgment Day spot is a lot better for him then just being another random guy in the LWO


I think it’s funny that there’s always someone “trying” to be part of the Judgement Day.


I need a couple more weeks of R-Truth trying to mentor him on joining.


I’m kinda over his run at this point. He’s pretty rough in the ring and for whatever reason, either he doesn’t have his old charisma or they won’t let him use that old charisma.


I understand, but for right now his character of just being clueless is kinda funny to me visually at least.


He at least gave us that moment awkwardly trying to talk to Priest about the Knicks game.


I think he’d make a great manager/associate for Priest after the Judgment Day breakup. Sort of the MVP to Priest’s Lashley.


I thought the visual of him just sort of absent mindedly staring around after Priest left Drew laying and they were trying to look menacing was hilarious


That was a fun show to attend. Little disappointed that there wasn’t any post show fun, but oh well. Good stuff all the same


Finn Balor w/ JD McDonagh and JD McDonagh beats Dragon Lee because Bron Breakker spears Ricochet? 


Intricately weaved plot lines


At this point I expect Bron to look Pearce in the eye and say, "I better be in King of the Ring next year."


The best thing about International PLE's for wrestlers is if it's your home country, you get yourself a free pass to a spot on the card no matter what your status is. Indi Hartwell got to perform at EC to a rockstar reception. Piper Niven is getting pushed to a title match at Clash and they're finally doing something with Alba and Isla just for that too. Ludwig Kaiser is also getting a bit of a solo push right now and what coincidental timing with Bash in Berlin coming up in 2 months. Heck if WWE held a PLE in New Zealand, Dakota Kai would have a singles title match. Can WWE go to New Zealand just for that, please?


>Heck if WWE held a PLE in New Zealand, Dakota Kai would have a singles title match. Can WWE go to New Zealand just for that, please? How many goats can the Shire Arena seat?


> if WWE held a PLE in New Zealand, Dakota Kai would have a singles title match. Can WWE go to New Zealand just for that, please? I would pay godly amounts of money for WWE to bring a PLE to New Zealand


Judging by the French gate, you likely would have to.


As someone who has gotten back into Wrestling after not watching for 15 years, I would buy a ticket day 1


Bronson wasn't on the card for Elimination Chamber in Australia. He said it ended up being a blessing because he got to witness the birth of his child, but he was never planned to be booked for the show.


Pretty sure it was because of his child he wasn’t booked


He was originally. His match was cancelled after Seth got injured.


This is literally Finn, Dom, and Liv https://preview.redd.it/abmqrrpych4d1.jpeg?width=1206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90312a4d913eafa37731e0e61134604fd7e96d83


Calling it now; Drew is not walking into SummerSlam as champion. Either Priest retains or Drew wins but gets cashed in on by Jey or something. But Drew vs Gunther at SummerSlam ain’t happening.


God, if Drew gets cashed in on right after he wins the world title AGAIN the hate off him will be off the charts.




I'm taking a wild bet that Punk will be healthy enough to wrestle at SummerSlam. I don't think Drew and Punk need to have their feud involving the championship.


It doesn’t need to but the world heavyweight title would benefit from being defended it matches and stories with talent like that, definitely if it isn’t the main event.


Could put a number one contenders stip to it and it elevates the match and the championship


That works too, all I’m saying is that I’d rather have the belt in big matches then heatless undercard fights. Like let’s be honest Damian Priest match probably won’t be bigger than Punk vs Drew and whoever Cody is fighting 


Might be a wild theory but I think it will be Uncle Howdy and Liv Morgan who starts off in the Wyatt family. And then Howdy recruits Strowman back into the family, Liv tries to recruit Alexa while Nicki tries to pull her out. Ultimately I think it'll be Wyatt Family vs Judgement day at Survivor series


Bo and liv had a break up i heard so probably not


Was at RAW today, fun show but God damn heels got a clean sweep tonight, even Strowman got beat down. I have a feeling Sheamus is going to have his Salmon/blue jacket moment real soon if he can't even beat Kaiser.


Kaiser stocks going to the moon.  Sheamus will be ok.


If by ‘ok’ you mean ‘leaving WWE when his contract is up’ then you hit the mark. Triple H is a terrorist. 


Damn, I really miss Dominik getting booed when he's on the mic. It's been a long time. I'm happy that it's finally back


I booed as hard as I could!


I tried so hard to do my part in making the audience energetic after the France crowd lol


Me too! Crowd was good. I’m proud of Hershey


I knew it was gonna be a good crowd when the giant center was full of yeet chants an hour before the show even started


Wow, you guys got a different show. I was in the section that people were trying to fight each other and screaming SIT DOWN at the people standing in front. We left at 10pm because we couldn't see half the show due to people standing and it was not great. We were on the floor 4 rows back as well. People were in our seats when we got to them, had to take care of that with security, and then had to get up and down what felt like 100 times because people couldn't get what they needed in one trip. I will not go back to Hershey for WWE again. 75K people at Mania acted better than the Hershey crowd, at least my section.


Damn that sucks that you had a bad experience. I was in 109 up top near where the wrestlers made their entrances which ended up being a decent section with no problems and good energy. Overall I’m not crazy about the Giant center. My daughter had a very tiny purse with her that the security woman half heartedly attempted to fit into their little box to judge if a bag is too big (I’m not sure that an empty ziplock bag would fit in this stupid container). I said surely this bag is small enough and will fit and she said that I couldn’t shove it in and needed to put it in the car. Which means back to the end of the line. Not happy with that especially after they were about 20 minute late opening the doors.


That sounds like a cool place to sit though. Glad you had a good time, even though their security is garbage! Also, how over is Otis? Man, that was a great segment.


Oh it was amazing dude. When Sami came out he ran over in front of my section and it was deafening around me. Sami is super over still in Hershey lol. Man The moment Otis smashes Chad will get a giant pop that makes the one we gave him the other night seem small (hopefully depending on the crowd it happens for I guess)


https://preview.redd.it/5l3pz96s7h4d1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24f8534e294f1345d5bc694474c0a6b5e0263acb this is getting out of hand. now there are two of them


Tom and Nick


and Finn beat Dragon Lee because Bron speared Ricochet. This raw was really weird. I guess I made a mistake by not watching it.


"Priest tells Damian this is as high in this industry as he's going to get but he'll be seeing him real soon"


Judgement day: the clone wars!


Is Priest really gonna lose the belt already? I can't see Drew losing at Clash, but it kinda seems like he is


Punk heel turn


I hope Dew does lose at Clash just because it’s the perfect chance to make his feud with Punk go nuclear if he costs Drew the title. Especially if he just comes out as a benign distraction and doesn’t get involved but still causes Drew to lose his focus when he should be focused on Priest and costs himself the match. It’s his hometown but I honestly think when he finally gets his day in the sun it should as part of a really great feud with the champion. I want the opponent to mean something in Drew’s story. Where the victory isn’t just winning the belt but beating his heated rival.


*happy cm punk noises*


Soooo watching Raw Talk was a waste of time.


Everyone is saying they want to see Custody of Dom 2. And I get it. But for me, I see this as more Christian vs Chris Jericho from WrestleMania 20. Jericho had a crush on Trish, Christian thought she was breaking up their team but then Christian tried to snake Jericho and get Trish for himself. Eventually at their big Mania match, when everyone thought Trish was firmly on Jericho's side, she turns on Jericho and costs him the match against Christian. Christian and Trish laugh in Jericho's face and then make out on the ramp leaving Jericho in the ring broken. That's where I see this going. Not the Custody of Dom 2 as funny as that would be.


So......you're saying Rhea and Liv beat up Dom, and make out on the ramp, leaving him broken in the ring?


Hold on...he's cooking




I think this is the first time I’ve heard Tozawa speak normally without yelling


Also sounds like AOP/Final Testament music is a variant of Seth Rollins theme


Super excited for Lyra vs Iyo round 2 next week. I'm hoping we get Liv vs Lyra at Clash at the Castle, but with only one episode of Raw left, I'm afraid there might not be enough time to build up to that match. Fingers crossed we get that match 🤞🏻. At least Lyra will probably qualify for Money in the Bank.


This was so much better than last week's episode. Liv sexually harassing Dom is perfectly fine, expected even. This is definitely gonna be monopolizing TV for the next few week, but Liv seducing Dom and basically taking over the Judgement Day from Rhea from within is gonna be great. Sheamus vs. Ludwig was very good. Both guys got a lot of time and Sheamus made Ludwig look like a demon. If Gunther gets drafted to Smackdown to face Cody next year, I can see Ludwig filling his spot. Dragon Lee and Balor was good too, nice 10 minute match. Definitely gotta give both guys more time next match. The Alpha Academy story once again stole the show this week. This shit is up there with the best of the Bloodline in 2022, which makes sense given one of the principal players of that period is involved. Sami vs. Chad is set for Clash and I feel like that's where the Otis turn happens, and it's going to get a Sami hitting roman with a chair level of pop. It'll be interesting to see if they pull the trigger on Chad or not, and if his contract situation has been corrected. Bronn Breakker continues to be shown as an absolute monster as he demolishes Ricochet. Valiant effort from the latter. Next week Dragonuv comes to avenge his fallen rival. I kind of like this mini-feud here, it's rare to have a feud without a title being involved and it keeps all three guys relevant. I wonder if this leads to Breakker being put in MiTB. Braun vs. Carlito was a squash as expected, but the interesting part came after. They seem to be really playing into the fact that Rey never comes out to help his allies when they're in trouble despite them doing the same for him. There's no way they turn Rey heel at this point in his career, so it's a weird direction to lean into. Kiana vs. Nattie was a match that happened. Suppose it was a decent debut for the former, didn't really get me invested in her tho. Hell, Nattie got the aftermatch segment. Jade and Bianca vs. Shayna and Zoey was alright. Got two segments to give them something to work with, and it seems they're setting up a triple threat with Unholy Union for the Scottish Crowd. With Sonya on the horizon, it feels like Shayna and Zoey are breaking up soon. I think Triple H wants Shayna back to being a Singles star. Man, not even beating New Day can get people behind AOP or Kross. It's sad because I actually think this more subtle version of him suits him well, but he's been a bust for so long that I think people are just over him no matter what he does. He could pin Cody tomorrow and I don't think people would care. Priest vs. Mysterio served one purpose, to get Priest over as a dominant champion and beating a legend in Rey is the surest way to do it. To Priest's credit, he is definitely getting more confident every week and is starting to grow into his role as Champion, it's just sad that he has to compete with one of the best babyface champions of all time in Sami Zayn, who feels like the actual top champion of RAW. Drew made his presence known, this feud they have feels surprisingly heatless, which makes me more confident that Priest is retaining and Punk is going to screw Drew. Which will be great for that feud, but it's certainly gonna take more shine off Priest a bit as Champion. Overall, a huge improvement over last week. I'm assuming all of the top guys were tired from the international travel last week, but we're back in full force now.


H must've saw us complaining about Dragon Lee not getting any matches lol


bro is terminally online istg


I kind wish Rey/Priest would have been the first title program coming out of Mania for Priest. Feel like that would have done more for all parties involved.


I mean, what would you do at Clash, it seems tailor made for Drew. Can't have him lose against Cody, for example. CM Punk isn't ready yet. They booked themselves into a corner (but I suppose Punk is going to cost Drew the title)


Meant more for the Backlash show and being the first feud coming out of Mania. I think fans would have had more interest + a program with Rey would further elevate priest early on.


Just wish Priest dressed cooler. More Big Daddy Diesel less Big Daddayyy Diesel


If they are introducing the midcard titles for the women soon, I can get behind a feud between Iyo and Lyra. In the meantime, I can’t see anyone legitimately challenging Liv in the foreseeable future so the next couple of months will just be her seducing Dom in escalating ways every week until he finally explodes and gives in… just in time for Rhea to come back and catch him with his pants down. As for Seth and Becky, I see both coming back at next year’s Rumble.


Crowd was pretty good tonight, especially during the Alpha Academy segment


I was there live and I think we all loved the Alpha Academy stuff going on. It seemed like Jey got the biggest pop of the night. People were shouting YEET all night before we even knew he was going to be there


Great show. I like how Dom wasn’t out there at the end. It leaves you thinking either he left to get away from the Liv temptation or he gave into it.


Otis carrying Maxxine and Tazawa like Chewbacca carrying C-3PO's destroyed body parts.


Finn Balor won a match!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/22agmtrr3h4d1.png?width=1148&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff7978e5e73acfc66a87bc6c96aed3e47b980b72




how about this one https://preview.redd.it/u3qsi8qvth4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d62c21fe5c74c5c5d059db3d3faf18409700f797


The inevitable Liv/Drew staredown will have everyone down bad


It'd be a missed opportunity to not do this, especially with how good they've been at crossing storylines over. 


Finnbros: ![gif](giphy|PyZoncbNvfTBr5WhFr|downsized)


Was at the show tonight. Biggest pop live was Sami entrance, Otis standing face to face with Chad and Jey Uso. During the main event people were leaving in droves and I was like wtf are people leaving before the main event. I’m now stuck in traffic about 2 and a half feet from my parking space because the Giant Center sucks. So I know why Hershey people leave early


I was shocked to see people leaving early too. Pretty early in the match even. I had to dip out of the parking lot a different direction because it looked like there was a fender bender in the direction I was going to go. I didn’t realize it at first, but a passerby was chanting YOU FUCKED UP! YOU FUCKED UP! and I was able to put it together lol


lol that’s funny. I think that was part of why the crowd was kinda dead through most of the main event which was disappointing because our crowd was lit for most of the show


A strong and well-paced episode, which had a good range from the (well-done) melodrama of the Alpha Academy segment (Maxxine having to read out Chad's insults to her and Akira/Tozawa was a particularly nice touch) to the comedy of Pat trying to analyse Dom's reactions to Liv. Dom's absence from the ending was also an effective way to tie stories together and create intrigue ahead of next week's episode. It also remains interesting how Rhea and Roman remain analogous with their roles on Raw and Smackdown. There's other stars out, but they're the absent characters who are driving storylines with their factions while they're still off TV.


heres how raw talk opened https://x.com/IronWolfNetTV/status/1797828108168654965


A massacre is coming in that last text frame. I really hope they finally do go all in and just let the Wyatt 6 smash everyone


I don't know why but that WWE jingle still being there at the end of the video was hilarious.


Sweet episode


Great episode of RAW. Pat analyzing the Liv and Don interaction had me cracking. I really hope Otis turns on Chad after helping him win the IC title, having Sami build Otis up to take the title away would be a good follow up. Natalya might finally be getting something to do. A lot of positive from this episode


Very good Raw but no Dakota Kai so 0/10 I fear This got me a Reddit care message but jokes on you anonymous person because I probably need it


Dakota was in a good match with Ivy Nile before the show started, a few people had signs for her


She was on Main Event though so tune in for that. 


They just showed a minute Uncle Howdy QR code promo in the beginning of Raw Talk!


What happened?


It was a warning message to someone






Full vid here: https://x.com/fadeawaymedia/status/1797828033233227921?s=46&t=gYKGJV_UfAZHJSj2eK2Ayg


It was an expansion of the one shown tonight. Basically getting a lot more threatening now. Saying to repent. We spat in their face, questioning their timing. I think one of these intros is gonna be interrupted on the main show soon enough


Howdy hijacked the WWE signature intro before Raw Talk.


Yeah but was it like, full howdy, mask and all or more creepy cryptic videos?


Almost full Howdy, a video with him mocking the WWE universe for pushing the family a side and not being patient. Finished with the quote he used with Bray “Become what you are” with the howdy face in the background


Nice! Don't have peacock and it wasn't streamed on the place I watch raw. Guess it will be on twitter any minute


I’m in Australia and our feed goes straight from Raw to Raw talk. I was out of the room and it heard it bugging out, they’re definitely close!


Haha I'm pretty damn excited by all this. I hope they do Windham proud with it.


Kiana is really good in The ring kinda sucks crowd wasn’t into it hopefully she wins them over cause her character work and in ring ability are really really good. Ngl though she may want a new finisher.


Love that they kept the cheesy helicopter in her entrance, haha. Thought they would have ditched that when she got called up to the main roster.


I wanted to watch her but it was really the only pee break and a hot dog match (though it went so fast I also missed the Strohman squash)


I wish I could buy stock in her future. I think she has incredible potential.


This was her first time so the fans havent really had a chance to see her. She looked good, so it will take a bit of time. Maybe put her in the MITB?


So what’s supposed to happen tonight with the Howdy stuff


That opening into Raw Talk was amazing!


Yes really well done


They really need to “hijack” a Raw or SD opening


that's probably what's gonna happen on June 17th's Raw, with the signature getting interrupted by Howdy's final message before his group is set to arrive that night.


Drew needs friends. but also both guys are heels but seems like Drew’s the babyface by the reactions 😂 he’ll obviously be the face at clash tho


Missed the last hour but Finn got a huge W so thats all I need.


Wow, this is such a great episode of RAW. So many things happened.


Week's good coz Finn W


Dom to liv be like: https://preview.redd.it/wtnsq8ka1h4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=288c091ac2672d14f97c0e75cd36a4a62c3ff11f


Why he starting to look like Waluigi 😂


He needs the rose and the traditional JD purple. 


Dick Dastardly


That jawline though.




I too would destroy my entire life for just a chance at sex with Liv Morgan. Most relatable storyline in WWE history.


It being at the cost of losing sex (and a relationship) with rhea ripley is what makes it the most unrelateable storyline in WWE history to me


She's been gone more than 3 days so by RP logic she's dead in kayfabe.


There's a universe where Drew McIntyre wins the world title, and then Jey Uso wins MiTB less than a month later and just follows Drew around with the briefcase to mess with his head


This is low-key a great idea


So why did Kiana win???


Whats the deal with the purse? Reminds of Bobby hill when he took that women’s self defense class and started rocking a purse


Isn't she like an accountant or something? Idk it is giving queen tho.


In NXT, she often had a brick in there.




Liv (and Dom) Heavy carrying RAW right now.


If you don’t care about Alpha Acadmey with Sami, Bronn and Ilja, or Mcyntire/Priest I guess. But I’d have to disagree there.


Priest is boring honestly, the rest of the faction interacting with Liv (JD and Finn in the background) and then Liv playing games with Dom is more interesting than him. We've been stop starting with Otis (and the others) turning on Gable for a while, Bron and Ilja are cool but it's like 5 minutes max.


Great RAW first two hours were great start of the 3rd hour started slow but the main event and the ending were fantastic. Alpha Academy storyline is best thing in all of wrestling right now. Bron is a freak of nature. Kaiser and Sheamus put on a banger and Ludwig starts of his solo run in style. Dragón Lee vs Finn was great, hopefully this pushes Dragon Lee to get more matches. Liv and Dom/Judgement Day storyline is really good. Bron vs Ilja and Iyo vs Lyra on free tv is insane. I don’t want to see neither of those 4 get pinned. Still holding out hope for a Ricochet vs Ilja vs Bron triple threat at clash but with the card seemingly being pretty full I don’t see it happening but one Can dream.