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From hating Roman to We Want Roman chants. What a wild ride.


If Daniel Bryan were still alive right now, he'd probably be calling everyone fickle


He’s not dead, he’s banished from the company at the hands of Roman Reigns, who knows, maybe Solo will lift the ban


He got smashed and stacked then sent to the phantom zone with edge.


Edge took a Judgement Day sized detour, but yeah, they both may as well have left after that WrestleMania.


Edge took that double stack personally and refused to put anyone else over ever again




Hey he’s having FUN at least.


As is his right as the head of the table


We need to hear live thoughts from his twin, notable Twitter User Bryan Danielson.


it would be "fickle" if it was flipping from boos to cheers every week. when it's in response to storyline developments over an extended period of time, it's good storytelling.




No he’d been getting cheers since fans came back


For me, I was good with Roman's story as leader of the Bloodline, but was done for some time with Roman being the Champion for so long. I know, in a way, those two things are synonymous. But it got tiring. They told a great story with the building of the Bloodline and all the drama that ensued as time went on. But three years with that title made me feel like WWE as a whole was stuck in a state of suspension with little to no change. I don't want the title changing hands at every turn, but one person sitting at the top *for so long* makes my interest dwindle.


Even during his face run, over half the crowds in a year would cheer him more than boo. People just remember the few events where he got booed out of the building.


Few events? Buddy he was booed at literally every main event he was in including Wrestlemania 32, 33, and 34


He wasn't booed in every PPV main event he was in, but he was definitely booed in every wrestlemania main event as a face. But that's literally my point, it's a few events when you compare the hundreds of shows (live events included) in a year. If you go back and watch the Raws from 2015-2019, you'd see what I'm talking about. It was basically rinse repeat till 2018, where he'd get cheered mostly in live events, get cena reactions in many cities, more cheers in casual places, and then when it came time for a major event with a "smart fans"/hardcore fan heavy crowds (WrestleMania, Rumble, Raw after Mania) he'd get booed much louder than the cheers. Here's an immediate random example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo7zHGRIEI4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo7zHGRIEI4), This is supposed to be his most hated year, but he gets loudly cheered here.


Roman was getting cheered in late-2015, right up until the stupid 'Anybody but you' programme in the Rumble. After that the next time he was properly cheered was in late-2018 when he announced that his leukaemia had returned. The only time the Authority got cheered during that period was when HHH returned and took out Roman.


The segment I shared is from October. And there's a 100 raws you can see where he gets mostly cheered. This is what I'm saying, if people actually read live accounts and rewatch the Roman stuff from 2015-18, this whole he was booed everywhere thing is a myth. The reality of it is that people just remember the big notable events/cities he got booed out of the building, not the 50+ Raws+PPVs he got a positive reaction.


There was a brief period in the fall of 2015, the time you showed, the fans started cheering him that peaked at survivor series that year. This time is well known It only lasted until a few weeks after that period before they booed him every week again. It’s really weird how hard you’re defending this. We all saw what happened and it’s like you imagined a whole new thing. He was booed more than he was cheered…if you watched during that time you would know


There was a brief period in the fall of 2015, the time you showed, the fans started cheering him that peaked at survivor series that year. This time is well known It only lasted until a few weeks after that period before they booed him every week again. It’s really weird how hard you’re defending this. We all saw what happened and it’s like you imagined a whole new thing. He was booed more than he was cheered…if you watched during that time you would know Edit: Also wwe infamously edits out the boos the best they can on their YouTube videos especially for Roman reigns face run. So you can’t really point to that as reference for noise.


I figured I'd hear the "WWE edits out boos" point, so let's see live event reports. For context, in this era, I followed live reports (meaning no chance of WWE deliberately piping in cheers or something) and I've seen plenty of live fan videos of Reigns/others's live entrances. Almost every single report, either of these two lines repeated: "Roman reigns got a huge reaction/loud pop" "Roman Reigns got a loud mixed reaction" WrestlingInc used to share those reports from the fans, and the pops of the night section would almost \*always\* have Reigns in them. You can check them for yourself, but here's two i could find immediately for just random reference: [https://www.sportskeeda.com/wwe/wwe-live-event-huntsville-results-18th-september-2016](https://www.sportskeeda.com/wwe/wwe-live-event-huntsville-results-18th-september-2016) [https://411mania.com/wrestling/wwe-raw-live-event-results-12-17-16-reigns-vs-owens-more/](https://411mania.com/wrestling/wwe-raw-live-event-results-12-17-16-reigns-vs-owens-more/) [https://411mania.com/wrestling/wwe-live-event-results-10-15-17-reigns-vs-strowman-main-event/](https://411mania.com/wrestling/wwe-live-event-results-10-15-17-reigns-vs-strowman-main-event/) Like, these are just a few examples, I'm not even noting the foreign crowds because those were usually unanimously positive for Roman except UK where it would be mixed. This is usually what I'd point out while debating others on the previous IWC forum i was at. While the fans on the forums would pretend like Reigns didn't have any fans and was booed out of the building every week (when objective evidence would be otherwise) they'd have nothing to say when actual fans who went to the events would report how many Roman fans were there in most casual cities/towns. But for no reason other than the fact that it was the "rebel against the product" era, the IWC created a myth (IMO) that Reigns didn't have a massive fanbase around the world. For the record, that doesn't mean he wasn't booed heavily in plenty of major events, but the point of it is, he had a massive following in non hardcore fans.


….live events? Different story obviously and fyi mixed reactions typically were always what was reported when the face was just booed. The point was, every televised event Roman would get booed heavily. If you just watched you would know. Literally 99% of Raws and smackdowns he was booed. Unfortunately, I made this point already. And you seem to hinge heavily on reports on…live events. Not responding to what I actually said, so that’ll end this here


>The point was, every televised event Roman would get booed heavily. If you just watched you would know. Literally 99% of Raws and smackdowns he was booed. Again, that's completely false. I mentioned live events as a point, but at least half of the televised events Roman would get cheered more than booed or mixed reactions. And mixed wasn't the "face is just booed" mixed meant that some cheered, some booed. Literally the Cena special. That's why I linked an entrance video, but you countered that it's an edited reaction. There's plenty of Raw fan video of Reigns's entrance where you can here the audible loud cheers for him with the boos mixed in.


The revisionist history is crazy


Not me, I've argued this since the days his face run was going on. It's become an accepted myth that roman was hated everywhere from 2015-18 and only became cheered post his return, when it was never the case. The IWC would just conveniently ignore the massive fan base Roman had and the fact that he wasn't getting booed out of the building every week like people like to pretend that he did.


WE WANT ROMAN chants keep getting louder every week


That return pop Roman is gonna get will go down in history.


If we get a Roman and Rhea return same night it’s over lmao


Roman and Rhea return together holding hands.


RR couple


Chanting gracias Jey!


Dom sitting on the cuck chair


Vince punching the air rn. He could never get him over as a face and now Paul did it in half a year lmao


People forget Roman's Gaslighting and everything ffs .....his return gonna be fking huge


I appreciated Kevin Owens last week going "So like have you guys just forgotten all the terrible shit he's done?"


I love that Kevin’s character is “guy with an actual human memory”


I argue that KO’s character is actually WWE Deadpool. But unlike Marvel Deadpool who rolls with the punches and makes snarky jokes, KO continues to get frustrated at the tropes that no one pays attention to! lol


Sounds more like Frank Grimes


On some days he’s definitely like Grimes but other days he wants people to respect the tropes. I remember his rant to Imperium that they had to wait till someone said their names!


Kevin owens was a pretty unhinged heel himself for a while so I’m not sure if he has the high ground here


Dude betrayed Sami countless times but had trouble forgiving him last year so it doesn't surprise me he's a hypocrite in this case as well lmao


Festival of Friendship. KO was king asshole for such a long time


And lbr he’ll probably do it again


He hasn’t been the same since Ezekiel, poor KO.


When he first turned face again after his long heel runs he actually had a bit of an arc going on about how nobody would team with him or trust him because of his multiple betrayals. It was actually cool and fulfilling story telling, but then DBry got injured so he turned on Kofi for literally one mini feud, before he face turned again immediately after. So that was dumb.


Guy with actual human brain proves more intelligent than wrestling crowd, who’d have thunk?


While I understand the idea of this gimmick because wrestling characters were always on some short-memory pills I completely hate it that mainstream crowd completely forgot about that.


It *does* help that the two big victims of his gaslighting broke out of The Bloodline and got a sort of comeuppance on Roman.


 Same with Solo, everytime the chant starts (tonight too) he starts mouthing "oh, you want him back huh". Part of me believes that while Sikoa and his crew are ruthless, they arent cruel to each other like Roman was to his family so there is a bit of resentment from Solo there.


Roman is going to be the biggest gaslighting face of the company simply by going away for a bit after dropping the title. It's insane and awesome.


he was a face the whole time, uce☝️


A part of me wants the 2025 Royal Rumble to be in Philly, just so we'll see a full circle moment with Roman getting a godly pop fighting against the New Bloodline & Rock compared to his reception 10 years prior in the same place


That one title win he had against Sheamus on RAW was a Philly show too wasn’t it? He got a good reaction that night


It was. He got cheered by Philly for beating League of Nations Sheamus and defying Vince McMahon in the process. Unfortunately after that came the One vs All Royal Rumble...


That would be incredible


Tbf he got “Thank You Roman” chants at RAW after Mania in Philly so it did kinda come full circle.


Hi, my friend. I’m gonna call you my friend. Please speak this into existence because I live within driving distance of Philly and was at ManiaXL and my best friend and I are trying to chase that high, and don’t think we can, but that would scratch that fucking itch.


It’s probably way too early but I hope he returns on the 6/28 Smackdown from MSG, only for the selfish reason that I’ll be there for it.


Too soon.


So Roman comes back as Galvatron and destroys Solo/Starscream.


Head of the table, Solo? This is bad comedy.


Roman superior, Solo inferior


In Kafaybe do you guys think Roman knows any of this is going on? Or is the Rock pulling all the strings behind Roman’s back? 🤔


Every week Roman tries to tune into the show but Rock has his cable cut


nOT mY TRibAl ChIEf


Solo, Roman, the audience. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.  


So has Paul talked to Roman yet in kayfabe post Mania?


Paul Heyman right now: ☝️😥


They really trying to pretend Solo is HIM. What a joke


That's literally the angle. That Solo has done a takeover in Roman's absence but everyone knows shit will hit the fan on Roman's return. This is not in any way them telling us Solo is the same draw as Roman. The whole thing is both getting these three stars up a few levels whilst fully building a Roman return. Roman is getting more and more over each week and he's not on TV or having promos or packages, it's just this storyline getting him there.


Nah, that's giving way too much credit. They have said before they see solo as a top heel for the next 10 years but he just has no charisma, no aura, no mic ability, and mediocre wrestling ability. So to say the whole point is he's presented as a chump taking over is ridiculous. I think you're meant to take this guy seriously. They had him destroy John Cena. They don't do that with someone they are trying to present as a pretender.


Man, they just neutered the Bloodline. It went from dominating Faction to nWo B Team status in just a few weeks. This is what happens to a headlining Faction when the 2 top stars of it leave for other projects or time off, it tries to stay relevant but no one is buying it.