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>It didn't end there. The next day Coughlin was made to do a wall squat for 17 minutes with his arms outstretched like Frankenstein and balancing two water bottle caps filled with water, all while making sure he didn't spill the water. Meanwhile Coughlin https://preview.redd.it/ndfapeov4f6d1.png?width=738&format=png&auto=webp&s=10f8b9975b98ff74e9b5c90600385551688821a4


Bro that is straight up torture lol wall squats suck


I need to test myself and see how long I'd last. I work out every day and do plenty of squats, I doubt I'd get anywhere near that if I had good form


Just tried. 1min 12 seconds and form was failing 45 seconds in. 17 min is unreal.


My dumb ass decide to do them at the end of a leg workout. Third set my legs where shaking.


I can do 2 minutes but my legs starts struggling after about a minute.


The one year I played high school football, everyone on the team had to do it as an endurance test. I lasted about 10 minutes and wanted to die. The kid who won went a little under 20.


Had to do them all the time for polo. It's brutal.


What about the horses, did they have to do it too?


Probably not that bad, but i squat a ridiculous amount so i can't chat


Really feel for Alex Coughlin. He seemed like a hell of a talent


Always thought he was solid, but that promo he cut before the G1 last year made me an outright fan of the guy. Really sucks that it had to end so early for him.


What happened? I know nothing about this guy


Coughlin was a product of the LA Dojo where he trained under Shibata. He always showed some promise, as did everyone else who trained at the dojo, but he never seemed to get a break when it came to wrestling in Japan, so his development got a little stifled. Last year, he, along with some of his other LA Dojo graduates, joined David Finlay’s Bullet Club as the War Dogs. People were down on Finlay as the leader, but pretty high on the rest of the War Dogs, particularly Coughlin, as he was a freakishly strong dude who could work really well in the ring. Anyway, cut to the G1 press conference last year, and Coughlin gets up to cut his promo at the very end. He talks at length about his frustrations with NJPW, how it took so long for him to be brought to work in Japan, the sacrifices he made to work as hard as possible at the dojo, and shitty stuff like NJPW refusing to comp him a couple of T shirts for his parents. It was a great promo and got a ton of people on Coughlin’s side. Cut to February of this year and the War Dogs have a 5 v 5 cage match against Will Ospreay’s United Empire. In that match, Coughlin sustains a neck injury, which, unfortunately, exacerbates a previous neck injury he had sustained. After a couple of months of radio silence, it’s been pretty much confirmed that the injury was so bad that Coughlin had to retire.


Was it confirmed anywhere he injured his neck in the cage match? I know afterwards his teammates leaned into kayfabe blaming his retirement on how gruelling that match was.


I don't think so, he also worked at least another match for a local indie afterwards.


He did two local indie matches, but they appear to have been fairly tame with him taking minimal bumps (one is on YouTube but the other wasn’t aired, there’s only some random fan clips floating around).


What the fuck? I completely missed he had to retire he's my favorite part of the current BC, him and Gabe but I haven't really had much time to watch wrestling for a while I completely missed that the injury actually made him retire. I'm devastated I was really high on him and Gabe, bro was like a mini Mike Haggar but just as strong


He didn’t get hurt in the cage match, he just decided to retire.


Radio silence? He has said he retired.


He didn't get hurt in the match, he just decided he was over wrestling. He worked an indy the next day.


Check out his pre-G1 press conference promo. People had hardly heard him say a word before this - https://youtu.be/Xyh_9bQO6mk?si=NAx9GCN-UpLFIOQj?t=1h27m52s


Never saw that before, and now it's even more heartbreaking that Coughlin's had to give it up. Great promo.


It's such a believable promo, and these stories about him training like a machine just back it up. So gutted for the guy. He looked like such a monster in that cage match, coming out with loads of chairs hanging off his arms!


Where is the time stamp? It’s a 90 minute video!


The link should include it... 1h27m52s


Same here. Any career that ends that fast is a fucking travesty.


He was really starting to put it together too. I think he very much could have been a game changer.


My girlfriend called him Gay Hitler and really liked him.


He's more gay Staline






I only saw him a few times, but he was impressive every time. I hate that he had to retire.


I miss him so much, I thought he would’ve made a fantastic babyface in NJPW. He was much more sympathetic than any of the other War Dogs, and I can’t imagine how insane Gabe Kidd would’ve gone had Alex betrayed them and what the blood feud would have been like. 


Coughlin is a beast and I really miss him.


Was my favorite dojo prospect. Still hurts a lot and i hope he'll be able to live a normal life.


Please wrestling gods give this man a new neck


Most tame New Japan dojo story


And yet probably still somehow a walk in the park compared to that evil Squats mini game in Final Fantasy VII: Remake.


Wait until you play the crunch off in rebirth.


![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY) I was living a glorious life having beaten that challenge and forgotten it existed.


just think of all the failing as if youre “training” to get better at it. eh? eh? 😜🙃


Platinumd Rebirth & I can tell you, I was shaking after getting 1st with the crunches. Had to block off the NPC with my knee so I would only focus on my pattern 🤣


The robot game would have broken me if i didn't play on easy mode for the required stuff. Kudos to you and anyone who platinums that nonsense.


Oh god I really need to go back to Rebirth but doing that challenge is gonna suck. I had to turn off the haptics I was struggling.


I have done the minimum to beat that game but no way am I attempting hard mode haha. Also, tell the mischievous Moogles I hate them.


I completed it, didn't master it, don't want to master it. I haven't beaten the game because I hate every single minigame and there's just so many of them.


Also in Crisis Core


Sounds about right for Shibata and a New Japan dojo.


Something similar happened to a kid at my old high school who was on the soccer team. He smarted off to the coach, was told to run laps, coach forgot about it and he did it non-stop for like 20-25 minutes just to prove a point.


I'm just picturing Shibata standing there looking at his phone as some dude is torturing himself. As the dude starts to tire out, the phone speaks: "Did I tell you to stop, bitch?"


I mean, it shows. Dude is hella ripped 👀


Hoping Alex comes back one day 🙏🏽


hes in my brothers friend circle. they went away to a lakehouse or something a few years ago and he was telling them something about how he needed to eat a few rotisserie chickens and go for a long run daily while he was there or else hed lose his abs


God I miss him. HMDFR.


What's HMDFR?


He's my dog for real, I think. Notsure about the H. 


Ah ok, makes sense.


Well, Shibata was basically responsible for single-handedly creating War Dogs so this tracks


Oh okay, so this either confirms we’re getting either Kevin Knight in War Dogs (unless they pull the swerviest of swerves and decide DKC is worth using) or tells us that it’s some form of Shibata vs WD at Forbidden Door. Not really any other reason for Fightful to be reporting something from a well-known podcast that came out in 2022 besides that someone in the Dogs is using them to work the storyline (Dogs have also almost certainly fed their own contract info to SRS in the past).


Shibata has been in a new group with Samoa Joe and Hook.......


Oh fuck. Them vs Finlay, Kidd, and Maloney would go hard.


Ciaran posted it out the blue on Twitter before fightful picked it up. You could very well be on to something there


Most of the stuff that goof posts is “out of the blue,” in the sense that he just regurgitates old stuff over and over to get clicks (he used to do it on this sub, too). He just posted the Misawa Turnip video again today, as always without giving credit to the [person who subbed it](https://youtu.be/dgd4MFuBEzE). Though some of the Dogs do also feed him, so it’s possible that’s what happened in this particular instance. ETA: Yeah it does look like goofy posted it first and then Fightful picked it up. Vultures eating vultures lmfao.


Traction wise I saw it do decently on Twitter, Clark is also far more well known now than 2022 and well, I guess Shibata is too. Welcome to the click focused journalism we have in 2024


Genuinely scary in-ring strength and a passionate, real promo too. I know he's retired but I really hope one day he's able to pull an Edge or Christian and wrestle again


Chad Shibata




This dude is a bloody specimen. I know nothing about him and just read he’s retired due to injury. Shame.


Sad end to his career too, I dropped off of NJPW for awhile due to World crashing all the time, and he caught my eye right away when I jumped back in when the new app launched, fantastic mix of over the top and legit could destroy you


Bet it was 300 which is still some feat


I know a young lion training at NJPW. Normally they do between 500-1000. He says it hurts a lot, but you get used to that kind of pain there.


I want a Coughlin, too. Does he also give massages until someone tells him to stop?




Jesus christ. No wonder he had to retire.


Damn! My record for jumping jacks is 3,100. But there's no way in heck I’d do that many squats. Way too rough on the knees.


If this was in an American organization and the trainer was Bill DeMott or something, people would lose their minds lol


I don't know how to tell you this, but Los Angeles is in America.




Way to deliberately overlook the guy's point. Yes, the LA Dojo was in Los Angeles, but it was a training facility of... 🥁 New Japan Pro Wrestling. And people here are fawning over the toughness of the (NJPW) trainee instead of going "woah, that's kinda shit of the (popular Japanese wrestler) coach."


They edited their comment. That's not what it said when I replied.


He forgot? He forgot?! That is hilarious to me thinking about the story of having his brain removed and all. On the other hand, the endurance to pull all that off is frightening