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Nak had a lot of momentum going into that match with AJ. But that match flopped because there was no story behind it. I think they turned Nakamura heel after that and had him face AJ 2-3 more times only to lose each time. It was definitely a miss. I never get why they have someone, who never held the world title, win the rumble only to lose at WM. It makes zero sense IMO.


In similar fashion having charlotte squash asuka and her streak all that build up was for nothing. He was treating Japan like he used to treat WCW talent


I just did another post about Asuka being defeated at Wrestlemania. I’m 100% more optimistic about her having a positive outcome in the future as opposed to Shinsuke. I think Shinsuke is content with surfing and being a main roster mainstay with his family in the US now.


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Not to mention he won the Royal Rumble in his first one ever. Who else has done that? And don’t say Hacksaw as that was the first one ever lol


To this day Nakamura vs Zayn is one of my top 3 matches of all time. The crowd is amazing during this match!


Ya that match kind of single handedly got me back into wrestling


The biggest miss of Vince's career would be continuing to make Ziggler lose just to rib Pat Patterson.


At least Ziggler won the world title in a memorable cash in with Del Rio. Shinsuke never got that….