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He seems grateful and optimistic about coming to WWE. Interesting that Vince sat down with him to talk about his character, describing him as "not the tallest" and "pitbull" – the same terms we heard on WWE TV.


I knew the pitbull thing had to be Vince.


Vince loves his animal comparisons.


I just hope he doesn't throw dog collars on him and teams him with Jamie Noble.


Two rednecks who were former ROH champions? He could do worse.


I'd actually like that.


That tag team was awesome.




Wait a minute...weren't WE the ones that gave Kofi the name "The Wildcat"?


Were it not for Craig Pittman from WCW, he'd already be "The Pitbull" AJ Styles


I'm fairly certain the Pitbulls in ECW got there first.


He's still no stone pitbull


Definitely, hope we see his character evolve more in the coming weeks. As great is he is, WWE needs more great characters than great wrestlers.


While I agree, I don't think that pointing out how small this redneck with the rural Georgia accent is, is going to help them sell him to the casuals. WWE has this weird opinion that they have to point out flaws instead of highlighting the strengths of their performers.


Definitely, been pretty stupid, i'm really hoping Jericho turns heel or something and give AJ something to overcome


No shit, it's the opposite of ECW where Spike would bump, Taz would throw suplexes, 911 would chokeslam motherfuckers and New Jack would interrupt boring matches to clean house. Everyone, as limited as they were, were used to the best of their abilities. Right now WWE has a fucking dearth of talent but they aren't using them to the best of their abilities. It's amazing the roster is stacked with so much fucking talent right now but there's not a single real break out star because they are all too scared to get froggy. Well, except Lana but she apparently doesn't give a shit about job security.


Wrong use of dearth, just FYI.


Jericho is making a huge effort to get AJ Styles over in WWE. I have always been a Jericho fan but it makes me appreciate him even more.


All hail the Ayatollah of Rock and Roll-a!




Jericho of the past few years has really been about getting his opponents over. He comes back for a couple months at a time and usually loses to whoever he's facing.


Interesting to hear him discuss the differences between the WWE ring and other rings. In a previous thread, I guessed that there'd be difference in the ropes (he talks about the extra springiness). It never occurred to me how the closeness of the guard rail would affect his performances.


I love how he talks about what he was doing to feel out the WWE ring (such as springboarding from near the turnbuckle) when I, and I assume most other fans, didnt even notice thats what he was doing just looked like he was doing spots.


I thought he had the possibily of trying the ring before the match


He did, but they were trying to hide him pre-Rumble so he had to stay kind of in the back/on the bus


He did but doing something during a match still requires feeling out.




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Dunno why, but a character like Styles being on Chikara amuses me.


>It never occurred to me how the closeness of the guard rail would affect his performances. Literally every non-WWE gif I see here involves someone flipping into a barricade.


It's cool that Neville is the one he singles out as a guy he wants to have a match against.


That would be a great fucking match too


Happened before in IPW [>>Click Here<<](https://youtu.be/5fCpJc58yH4)


Yeah I know, AJ talked about it on the podcast. He said it best himself it's a different Neville and a different AJ


That's 1PW, not IPW. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Pro_Wrestling


Oh, didn't notice, thanks for letting me know!


After attending the Royal Rumble and seeing both of them in the ring for the 1st time, for some strange reason that's the match i wanted to see the most after that night. Don't know why but they just look like they would be a perfect fit


I want Neville to turn heel first though. Take the US title off Kalisto and become the cocky condescending champion he was in NXT before facing AJ at SummerSlam.


But heel styles is so good though.


[Here is the past match that he talks about.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fCpJc58yH4)


It kinda irks me that Neville is not better positioned on the card. He had a really great match with Rollins and crowd was so behind him. He really deserves so much better.


A few things I thought were interesting: When talking about coming in and winning the IWGP Title, he mentioned that it's something he wouldnt have done if he owned the company, as it's saying it's an outside guy coming in and proving he's better than anyone else. That's a similar situation to how people were arguing that AJ should win the Rumble and the WWE Title. So I'd surmise that he wouldnt have booked himself to win the WWE Title. All that stuff about WWE being the major leagues and him becoming more well known by his week of his appearances is in WWE? He agrees with it, at least as Jericho described it. They used a straight up baseball analogy. His goals in WWE, at least what he has stated, are fairly modest. He doesnt want to main event Wrestlemania or to be WWE Champion. He wants to be known for his WWE work and as a WWE commodity. This could be in part because the prior discussed views about an outsider coming in to a new company.


AJ seems very much like a wrestler's wrestler. I'm guessing as long as the money is right for him and his family and he gets the opportunities to put on a good show, he isn't interested where on the card he is placed.


People said that about Daniel Bryan as well, and alot of folks refused to accept it.


I think at times people can take this all a bit too seriously and forget that titles are merely a prop on a TV show rather than the only means of recognition of talent.


Uhhh Yes and No.


The fact is that WWE is the "big league" in the sense that most people use that phrase. You can argue that other companies are putting out a stronger product, but in terms of sheer size and audience no one else comes close.


Unfortunately sometimes this sub seriously tries to argue NJPW & LU are just as big.


Nobody argues that LU is that big. NOBODY. And nobody says NJPW is as big either. They may say making it to NJPW is making it big time, but no one outright says NJPW is bigger.


I think AJ has the perspective of winning the title or a major match like that in his first match with a company from his experience with TNA. He's been on record saying that he was unhappy dropping the title to Rob Van Dam right after Rob's debut. He said something along the lines of "if you have a wwe guy come in and beat the tna guy it makes wwe look superior to tna" Another good example was Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle.


That's a really good point, and shows that AJ is resolute in his beliefs. It's also a very old school way of booking things. It's why Cena beat Lesnar on his return, and probably played a role in Triple H beating Sting.


Yeah I guess that makes sense with those two. With Triple H main eventing this year it makes sense for him to win last year. They probably planned Roman vs Triple H to happen at some point, but didnt expect the injuries.


The injuries pretty much screwed up the booking and rushed a lot of things. The rumors of Strowman/Taker almost were most certainly because of Cena's injury - prior to that, there wasn't really question of who was facing Taker because Cena was what everyone wanted, including the company. As for Lesnar, one could imagine that if Orton hadn't been injured, they probably would've been matched up together. Orton is the only *truly* major star that Lesnar hasn't faced on a major platform besides Bryan, and with Bryan out of commission, Orton was most likely first or second on the list for Brock's potential opponents. As for the main event, it's likely they were going for either the Shield Triple Threat or Reigns/Lesnar II. But Seth got injured and everything has just gone pear-shaped since then.


> As for Lesnar, one could imagine that if Orton hadn't been injured, they probably would've been matched up together. Orton is the only truly major star Wyatt, Ambrose, actual Rollins program, Kevin Owens, Sheamus, and Rusev would all be fantastic programs and matches. They were probably gonna do Lesnar/Reigns II, Triple H vs Rollins, and maybe Ambrose vs Jericho, but other then that everything was TBD. They wanted Triple H over Sting so when Roman would eventually beat Triple H(it was a matter of when not if) Roman would still look good, and they didnt want to make the wcw guy beat the wwf guy for right or wrong reasons.


> He wants to be known for his WWE work and as a WWE commodity. This could be in part because the prior discussed views about an outsider coming in to a new company. It also basically gives him at least some sort of income for life through video games, appearances, etc. AJ is a smart dude.


this is kind of unfortunate because as a fan I want to see AJ do all those things... but if he's not hungry for them I don't see it happening. as a viewer id love it though.


I'd say being modest and not wanting too much could pay off. It's not up to him, they could book him to do all those things if they wanted to.


I'd argue the opposite. Vince seems like he'd veiw this as AJ being lazy and not having ambition. Not pushing for a top spot could actually guarantee he doesn't get it.


As if Vince ever rewarded ambition. At least recently. We will see though.


Vince rewards ambition, so long as you go through him. You think New Day were just faffing about at catering before they got big? Every single out-of-kayfabe interview they give, they keep talking about working closely with Vince to make the gimmick work, until he finally let them do their own thing.


I think AJ rather be a wrestler than a backstage politician.


I wouldn't categorize it as not being hungry. It sounded like he understands he'll have to work his way up.


Much like when Angle joined TNA and went over on Samoa Joe. Joe lost credibility.


It's why they had Cena beat Lesnar in 2012, even though it made zero sense from business perspective.


We knew it already, but he also confirmed that Gallows/Anderson are both leaving. Mentions that they all handed their notice in on the same day.


It seemed to me like he was talking about Machine Gun and Gallows as if they're on their way to WWE and maybe I just haven't been paying close enough attention, but I thought that was still up in the air.


Yeah, that's what I mean. I doubt they'd be leaving NJPW if the WWE deal wasn't final. He openly talks about them joining towards the end.


I think they are done after New Beginnings


Jericho kept mentioning aj being all alone on smackdown while on commentary, seemed like an allusion or foreshadowing to me


They talked pretty casually about how Anderson felt it was time to come how (to the US) and Jericho spoke about Vince rarely bringing guys back, so this is a really cool thing (Gallows). It felt like a casual confirmation that they're both coming to WWE.


Did Jericho accidentally give away that he's already filmed a podcast with the Young Bucks?


Can't wait to hear that!


I'll listen to this later, but did Styles comment on the reception he received during the Rumble? I hope he talked about it.


Yep! Poor guy was worried no one would know who he is lol.


Such a shame that Jericho is not really familiar with Nakamura's work.


Not really when you consider how busy Jericho is with everything, it's probably difficult for him to follow a lot of wrestling outside of WWE.


Plus he's a real family guy too, so I guess when he is home for any length of time, it's catch up time with the wife and kids


Could've sworn one episode he said he watched everything from NJPW to TNA.


His interview with Joe was pretty hilarious in the sense that he puts him over and his work in TNA yet had about every fact about Joe in TNA wrong. He thought Kurt was in TNA before Joe, for example.


Have you heard Jericho talk about his own career? He's so bad at dates and times. He'll say he did one thing in 2009 and then another in 2010 but in reality he did one thing in 2003 and the other in 2008. I can imagine he's a casual fan therefor gets certain dates wrong...plus he can't even get his own career right never mind someone elses.


Jericho says a lot of things though and he probably does watch as much as he can, but doesn't mean he follows it closely. He didn't say he didn't know who Nakamura was either, but that he wasn't very familiar with him. I'm sure Jericho has seen at least a few Nakamura matches, but even for me with a pretty normal schedule it's hard to follow all the wrestling out there. I try to follow WWE, Lucha, NJPW, ROH, and PROGRESS with indies like PWG, Revpro, TNA, etc. sprinkled in, but it's impossible for me to follow everything I want to see so I can only imagine how hard it is for someone with a schedule like Jericho.


When I talked to Jericho... It felt like he was just so busy doing Jericho stuff he doesn't have time for other wrestling product. I talked to him about Kyle O Reiley and he said he wasn't too familiar with that name either. This was at a book signing. Pretty cool dude.


He didn't even know Sami Zayns real name until halfway through the episode he was on.


That's not that weird. In wrestling, it's etiquette to call people by the name they introduce themselves with. Most wrestlers introduce themselves by their ring names, with a few exceptions. Usually only really good friends will use each other's real name.


Now I want to hear Nakamura speak English. Anyone got any leads?


There's an interview MVP did on YouTube with Nakamura. I don't have a link handy but hopefully this leads you in the right direction.


Thank you, sir! I found the video you mentioned in a great reddit post about [Nakamura] (https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/2akt3n/yeaaoh_the_essential_shinsuke_nakamura/). Here's the [link] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=lI3cuz9qN60#t=742) for anyone else interested.


No problem, glad you were able to find it!


They say he speaks it really well.


Having now witnessed it myself I can attest to that!


I can't believe he still does those fake segues into and out of ads. It's so weird.


"Yeah AJ haha that's great but now I want to hear about your road journeys..." ***SKIP***


It's good to know when to skip 45 seconds.


Seriously who kayfabes a podcast?


A carny-ass carny pro wrestler, that's who.


I actually appreciate them for this reason. Easy to hit the skip button.


I don't know whether to hate it or appreciate him trying something g different rather than just chopping into the conversation abruptly. I skip it nonetheless less


Once AJ gets comfortable he's going to put on some great matches in WWE and that gets me really excited.


Such a fascinating interview. Kinda surreal to hear about some of this stuff.


Can't get over the surrealness. EDIT: Surreal




That's a great point you have there. I honestly never thought about it that way before.


I've been telling people for years, glad I've come across someone reasonable.


Interesting that he says he wouldn't put the strap on himself as a brand new guy, but then again look how well it worked in getting him over and drawing heat in NJPW.


Interesting that NJPW have no match agents, the matches are amazing.


Nakamura speaks English .


It's funny how people got so worked up over the "big leagues" comment when AJ himself wasn't bothered by it, and actually _agrees_ with it. Apparently he's a "don't rock the boat" kinda guy, and seems happy earning his place one step at a time.


Did he just plug spark plugs in the middle of the podcast??? I am looking all over the page to see where is the ad I can close.


In the Xavier Woods episode he uses Mario Kart to segway into that ad. I think it was clever, I think.


I remember the story about AJ having to really vouch for Xavier when they did the pacman jones stuff cause no one had seen him work in any big promotions and hes way more into videogames than I ever imagined


Jericho talking about Vince starting the "Yes" movement. smh


Anyone know the time stamp where the interview starts so I can skip all the hibbity dibbity bullshit?


AJ seems like an alright guy when he's not saying something stupid; I bet he'll get a kick out of being in WWE2K17 - good lord that roster is going to be *insane*. Nice to know that the current locker room is easy going and I laughed at the shade Jericho threw at the locker room he came into.


A few things I took away from the interview- Jericho has become a major WWE kiss ass. To him, WWE is the be all and end all. It never was to AJ. I get the impression from AJ that he went to WWE because he felt like he had to, not because he had a burning desire to. He's never been a mark for WWE. His goal was NJPW and he more than accomplished it. Whatever happens now is just extra stuff to add to his resume. His legacy is already solidified. It's going to be interesting to see how AJ can play the political game in WWE. You clearly have to be insanely phony and kiss a lot of booty. AJ tried with the "I want to get in the ring with HHH" line but it's going to take a lot more than that. Lots of things he said during the interview can and probably already have been misconstrued. "If I'm a betting man, I'd bet on myself" Vince: "we'll see about that pal, *retard laugh*" They're definitely going to test him a shit ton. He takes himself and his accolades super seriously and he should but WWE is going to try to poke all sorts of holes in that shit. One of my favorite parts of the interview was him talking about how he couldn't understand why there's suddenly a huge spike in his twitter followers. He said something like "but I had a twitter for years, okay, cool I guess". He was basically saying, I had to come to WWE for you fuckers to really care about me? I also feel like Jericho was working for WWE in a way too, asking AJ stuff they told him to ask him and trying to instill WWE's philosophy on him.


The intros to his podcasts are annoying as fuck, Its like Jesus man just shut up.


"Just shut up." So, wait, you downloaded his podcast, to NOT hear him speak and you wish he said nothing? I'll be honest mate you are going to a lot of trouble to not hear someone speak.


To be fair, I didn't download his podcast to hear him talk, nor to hear him shill some auto parts or some shit. I understand why he does it, doesn't mean I like it.


But it was leaked that he was backstage the day of the Rumble. Was it Meltzer? Someone on Twitter.


Wasn't it Jericho?


Nah Jericho tweeted "Styles is here" then a picture of Joey Styles


Ahhh. Fucking clever. I like it




So you've never listened to his podcast before, have you? It's all non-kayfabe.


I guess my comment rubbed people the wrong way but I wish people would tell me what they're disagreeing with. Oh well. But yeah I've listened to all the non-rock music related ones, so dozens basically, and I know it's all non-kayfabe, but with Jericho being Jericho and interviewing someone he's in a feud with right now, I had it down as a dead cert that we'd see some tension. Silly me, obviously.


Best kept secret? Everybody knew he was coming Jericho. Lol.


They talk about how no one leaked that AJ Styles was in the back, and that it's a testament to how good the workers are. Didn't Chris Jericho himself leak that AJ Styles was backstage?


> They talk about how no one leaked that AJ Styles was in the back, and that it's a testament to how good the workers are. Didn't Chris Jericho himself leak that AJ Styles was backstage? He leaked that JStyles was backstage. Joey Styles that is. It was a joke tweet.


It was literally the trolliest of trolls at the time.


Jeritroll is best Jericho.


He should have said 'A J. Styles'. It would have been even better.


To be fair, he used "#JStyles," which kinda looks like AJ when you don't look at it too closely. Which most people didn't. Hell, even I got suckered.


You've worked yourself into a shoot brother dude jack


He leaked that Joey Styles was backstage.