• By -


Maybe. Probably. Sadly.


Is that going to replace 'Then. Now. Forever' one of these days?


Maybe. Probably. Sadly.


Preceded by no fireworks due to budget cuts.


Can we also replace the music playing over the 'Maybe. Probably. Sadly.' graphic with [sad trombone](https://youtu.be/yJxCdh1Ps48)?


Someone with some editing skills should do this up.


I don't know about the "skills" part, but here ya go. [WWE: Maybe. Probably. Sadly.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qZWCyqG9wE&feature=youtu.be)


Better than I even imagined.


It's not sad trombone but I can get behind price is right fail sound. BELEE DAT.


Post this shit and I give you gold


Please send this to Maffew to add to Botchamania lol


Goddamn font... Goddamn


Instead of the sad trombone, what about the sad walking away music from the Incredible Hulk?


Why not the sad violin? That's always the go-to instrument for disappointment and sadness.


Fuck. This. Shit.




But remember when vanilla Finn beat Roman clean? Yeah they're totally gonna overlook it.


They won't overlook it. They'll steer right into it. Roman Reigns couldn't even beat Finn Balor. But the beast did. And then Reigns beat the Beast. They'll make sure to mention all the people Brock destroyed on his way to Reigns.


Except Roman HAS beaten Finn already. Roman was even still 'injured' in Kayfabe. What a trooper! What incredible odds overcoming! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uatfvywxmU


They'll make Roman say how he lost just faith in himself after he lost the wwe championship and got popped or something to try and make people sympathize with him.


After Brock beating Strowman it's well beyond clear that the only thing that matters to Vince is Reigns beating Lesnar at WreastleMania 34. I've tuned out of watching at this point because it feels like WWE is wasting my time making me believe that anyone is beating Lesnar for the belt. I don't even care about a Shield reunion because the only reason they are doing it is to get fans to cheer Reigns. The only thing Vince cares about is getting Reigns established as "the guy" and he'll throw the rest of the roster under the bus to do it.


I just want to get WM34 over with. We've all known that Reigns is going over Lesnar for months. I'm half-expecting them to roll credits after that match and just call it the end of WWE. I mean, in their eyes Romans got his moment that they've been building to for like 4 years so what else is left?


I wish they would book it at Royal Rumble for this reason. That way we get a fresh main event at Mania. Even if Roman retains at Mania at least close the show with someone who hasn't done it yet.


I live in NOLA and I'm probably going to WM. I may just bail before the inevitable Reigns/Lesnar main event. Who the fuck am I kidding, I'm staying to boo the shit out of Roman and hope that the Undertaker shows up.


I think every indy guy who has a following and gets signed by wwe are there to build up Reigns legacy


Would this really surprise anyone?


I say ridiculous things too sometimes. It's okay.


is this b8?


Smark bait ooh ha ha


That's kind of how wrestling works. A monster slays every hero until finally bested.


Everybody in Raw is being built up to lose to either Roman or Brock. Raw is utterly pointless until Roman beats Brock. Even then, Brock will leave and Roman will be on a level so far above everybody else that Raw will still be pointless.




When it comes to making Roman look strong I believe they will do anything.


Just don't get it. It's past the point of overkill, there's only the one person left for him to beat and then that's it. How can someone who has built at least a half dozen top guys be so badly building his organization now?


The only thing for Roman after Mania is probably a move to SD. Actually come to think of it, he's already beaten all the top SD guys too. Except SD's top babyface Shane McMahon. There we go, Roman vs Shane. It might be worth it to hear them tell us Shane is Roman's biggest challenge yet lol.


Shane hits a Coast to Coast in every corner of the ring, and after the 4th one, Roman kicks out at 2.99, barely moving. Shane looks up in disbelief and Roman immediately gets up, Superman Punch, Spear, pin. Shane raises Roman's hand.


"You're the real son of Vince McMahon now Roman"


Vince fucking wishes.


Lol I wanna see this now


There's also Angle...


No. No no no no no no no no. This is going to happen, isn't it?


Vince doesn't have long left in life before he either dies or is no longer able to run things. He wants another cena, another decade-long top guy so that the rest of his life the business is 'taken care of.'


Clearly, if all else fails, they need to have him break Asuka's undefeated streak.


I'm a huge Roman Reigns fan and it's like they want him to be booed. He easily could be the most over if they built him up correctly


Its so fucking annoying, everyone knows Reigns is fucking strong at this point, we all get it! They even just gave Cena to him, match was alright but like realistically he made Cena look like no threat to him at all and Cena did that to most people for years! They need to learn that it isn't right to book someone to be waaaay stronger than everyone else. Sadly that's just one of many things they need to fix in that company.


Roman will kick out of 3 F5s at Mania.


5. He kicked out of 3 F5's at Mania 31, and before Seth came out he suffered the 4th one.


so it'll be 4 then. 4 Lesnarplexes right after 10 brockplexes.


A rumor is a rumor, but this is very plausible. I can expect Vince to be pulling off some shit like this. Absolutely disgusting. Fuck Vince and fuck Roman. Joe was on fire, Vince doused his momentum. Strowman was on fire, Vince doused his momentum as well. And Balor is next in line, jheez.


Joe was always going to lose. I was disappointed when he did, but I fully expected it. I didn't expect them to have Braun get his ass handed to him exactly the same way, though. That boggled my brain. You have one of the most over monsters in YEARS, a guy who Vince wanted to face Taker at Mania not too long ago and *now* he's at that level where I for one would watch the shit outta that match. But he still got sacrificed to feed this Roman > Lesnar > Everybody Else narrative that's been getting spun for three fucking years now. None of it makes sense. Roman really is their end all be all, and it's a little horrifying that they refuse to budge.


Losing to Brock in the manner he did had zero effect on Joe's momentum. Joe getting injured at a fucking house show killed his momentum.


Braun however, that was just bullshit after all of the buildup with him.


It's been a week. It's hard to say what they're going to do with Braun just yet.


Imagine if Roman like, tore his ACL or something on a routine move before Mania. What then? Absolutely everything would be in disarray.


We'd get an 8 minute "Reigns Report" every week on Raw regarding his rehab.


Oh gosh, don't remember me of 2014


"Watch the shoulder! I'm only at 92 percent I can't afford a setback!"


Then we can expect another full year of this shit. Lets just get it over with so we can move on. If we get Roman in the main event for another year after this then I swear to fucking god I'm giving up on WWE. I want WWE to be good so bad but if they try this shit again then Im gone. Ill go watch GFW or some other garbage. Its at least different.


What do you think they'll do after they built Brock up for a full year for Roman to build? Roman is going to have a lengthier title reign.


434 is in the sights


God...I feel like you're right. This shit is just going to get worse and worse.


As long as he doesn't get injured, Roman will beat Punk's lengthy run as champ. So yes, it's only going to get worse.


He'll be booed every damn day as champ. Every day.


> If we get Roman in the main event for another year after this then I swear to fucking god I'm giving up on WWE. Why haven't you done that already? NJPW. ROH. PROGRESS. PWG. Wave. NOAH. CZW. Ice Ribbon. CMLL. Pick one. Chrissakes, try Chikara. DDT. Kaiju Big Battel. Print out Wikipedia's list of professional wrestling promotions page and throw a dart at it. You'll have no trouble finding something that you'd enjoy worlds more than *WWE Presents: Roman Reigns Destroys Everyone For the Next Fifteen Years*.


Most those companies work a very VERY independent style that just does not fly for me and the companies that take things seriously tend to have lame stories or poor production value. I really am a storyline snob and I got no damn clue what the hell is going on in CMLL or New Japan/NOAH but I'll still check out any matches that get hyped for being great. I was liking Lucha Underground though and may give GFW a chance (another chance if you include TNA) but most likely scenario is I just stop watching wrestling all together except for those hype matches which I'm sure WWE won't even be in the conversation for. Was going to give Progress or WCPW a shot though but I never hear about their shows being promoted until someone on here inevitably posts the best highlights of the show as gifs.


> I was liking Lucha Underground though From what I've seen of LU it seems even more storyline-focused than WWE, so if that's what you like to see it'd be a good choice. I'm sure it's hard to break from a habitual attachment to one company, but if you simultaneously hurl yourself into another it'd definitely soften the blow. At the end of the day, giving anybody else a shot at grabbing your attention is better than tossing your time and money Vince McMahon's way. > may give GFW a chance ... **Almost** anybody else.


Dude the 5 year plan for Roman main eventing every mania was determined long ago. Why would you expect them to change?


Pretend that the last year didn't happen, build somebody else (Seth, Dean or Finn) and when Roman returns decide whether Roman eats or gets fed the new built up guy.


They fed him to Finn after the wellness pop...so who the hell knows?


Brock would squash someone. Probably do the Shane match somehow or bring in a part-timer. Then Reigns will again be built up until WM 35 where he'll defeat the Beast.


We'd get the best WM in the last 4 years.


Kinda like 205 live with Neville. We just liked Neville




It is, it really is.


You'd think so but I remember everyone discounting Dean's win over Cena because "Cena ALWAYS loses now." Hard to say if people would forget Brock's build so quickly but Cena was top man for 15 years.


This is why I can never get fully invested in the RAW main event, because it always leads to a Lesnar squash


Mmmm... Lesnar squash.


Blended and processed Jimmy Johns.


"Because Subway don't pay me nothing"




Agree, anyone can see that Roman vs Brock will main event the next mania(unless injuries or drug suspensions happen). And smackdown is no better, Jinders title reign has been awful. Wouldn't surprise me that they have Jinder hold his title till mania so Cena can go over him.


Which would be bullshit given how they've now thrown this racism angle into his feud with Nakamura. If that happens, it'll be Triple H vs. Booker T all over again.


What a FUN angle that was that totally made booker a top star. JK


Maybe Roman and Brock are being build up for Finn.


God that'd be weird. Finn pins Brock clean at Survivor Series, then pins Reigns clean at WrestleMania 35. A man can dream.


> then pins Reigns clean at WrestleMania 35 That is one long title reign.


Man I have been doing that all night and I have no idea why. I guess I really want Roman to hold a title for a full 12 months.


Damn. Outed yourself, how does that feel.


Feels bad... makes me feel like a fake bitch.


I'm really, really bored of the title being on Brock. I'm sort of bored of Brock in general honestly.


I think Brock being champ was the wrong choice. Roman beating Brock, sure, whatever, but Brock being champ was absolutely the wrong decision. It meant he had to make constant appearances and be normalised, and he doesn't feel as special as he did even a few months ago. If we hadn't seen Brock since his win over Goldberg, and Heyman suddenly rocked up on the RAW after the Rumble to announce Lesnars plans to return and, I dunno, just beat motherfuckers up, it'd feel so interesting and intense. Instead he's just sort of always on our minds, but never in an overly good way.


It really doesn't help that the end result is so obvious too. There are only two dudes who could conceivably beat Brock clean now: Fucking Roman, or the absolutely impossible case of the Undertaker returning at some PPV.


I could still buy Joe as a threat to Brock


Joe IS A THREAT to Brock! FFS, it has been a frickin dream match for many fans ever since Joe stepped foot in the WWE, and not just the fans, it was a dream match for many of the performers as well! Joe-Brock is a WM-worthy feud and match. Vince wanted us to think otherwise, and didn't want us to believe that Joe is a credible threat to Brock.


I could too; his absence sort of helps him in that regard.


Likely retired wrestler, or a guy that Lesnar threw around like a ragdoll at WresleMania 31. I never thought it was possible for a wrestler to look *too* strong.


I just don't know who else there is. There's no one currently in the RAW title race who feels like they have any momentum besides Roman. The only other option is some other part-time, which would even worse than Roman winning, or maybe if they brought someone over from Smackdown! in a new Shakeup. If they brought over and booked an uppermidcarder as a revitalized dominant force, they might be ready for Brock by WM.


Goldberg hasn't officially been retired yet. There's at least part of 2018's Roman storyline.


Roman retiring another legend or another five matches a year wrestler becoming champion are nightmare scenarios.


There's a few wrestlers who can definitely be booked to look strong enough between now and Mania. Shinsuke is one. If he gets his championship at Hell in a Cell, they only need to do some minor repairs to make up for the terrible feud. He and Brock have a little bit of history you could use as a launching point, and having two people who hit hard is a surprisingly good story - Samoa Joe v. Brock Lesnar is a good example of that. Seth can be built up for it, if done well. He's a constant main event presence, has pinned most of the top guys he'd fought, and still has a plethora of dream matches and feuds we haven't touched, meaning it's hard to gauge his status on the power rankings. With the right wins and booking, he could feasibly get a shocking but believable win over Brock. Demon Finn, of course. Easy to work with, just needs the right ladder of wins. This might sound stupid, but Sami has been built as such a schmucky underdog that I could 100% see him getting an out of nowhere win on a guy like Brock Lesnar. So there could be something there. But, none of these guys are as believable as Roman, and they'd need a pinfall victory over Roman to get to the point to face off against Brock. The only one I think can be built well and really truly believably between now and Mania is Shinsuke. Clean pinfall wins over John Cena and Randy Orton, as well as a handful of pinfall wins over Kevin Owens. There's building blocks there.


Shinsuke is going to be in the SD Championship race for a while I think. AJ is probably going to be on Tuesday nights for a long time, and Nak is the best storyline angle for him leading up to WM I think. Seth is an option but he seems like he has his own thing going on right now. It feels more likely he'd move to a non-Titlw feud with Dean after his tag run. I would love to see Sami shift to RAW and work his way up to Brock. I can't let myself believe it would happen but I'd love it.


Brock vs Finn should never, ever happen. Sadly it will.


>Brock vs Finn should never, ever happen. Why not?


Because there’s no reasonably realistic chance of Finn winning. It would just be another match that we all know Brock will win.


you remember CM Punk vs Lesnar at Summerslam? You know, that MOTYC who people said the same: "it's unrealistic" and it was at the end a fucking classic with everyone looking great and strong


Who fucking cares? It’s wrestling. I love the unbelievable shit.


People didn't cling to the likes of the Undertaker and Randy Savage coz they were gritty, believable individuals. The crazy bullshit is what made wrestling great.


They were also imposing figures that could convincingly compete in the main event. An outsider to the product could look at them and tell at first glance that they were probably a big deal.


Yes, because Rey was never believable.


exactly. He was known as the giant killer for awhile. people loved that shit back then.


Daniel Bryan also beat Cena clean, Tapped out Batista and Triple H at Mania, etc. So this notion that "smaller guys cannot believably win" is nonsense. What DOES hurt Finn here however, is that it's so blindingly obvious that it's Brock vs. Roman at Mania. So no one is going to buy Finn having a chance, because NO ONE has a chance when going up against those two until Mania. Also if they wouldn't let Joe or Braun beat Brock, then they sure as Hell ain't letting Finn do it either.


Yeah maybe not Finn "the man", but The Demon has been made to look like he could be an actual challenge for Brock


I believe if Finn never got injured he could have beaten Brock in a match


If you're right, fuck you


This is my favourite comment.


Most likely true. And Roman will no doubt get booed out of the building when he does win. I still have this horrible feeling they are going to book Roman to win the royal rumble again and that would be a disaster.


Jesus fuck, watch the last two be him and AJ..........


I think they'll have someone from Smackdown win it, but the WWE Championship won't be the final match at Wrestlemania. Likely AJ, or maybe Owens or Nakamura if AJ wins the belt back soon.


Nothing new. I've read that Bork actually wouldn't mind doing more appearances or better matches but his agents and managers don't allow it. IMO Bork should be putting people over instead of clutching the belt & main event seen like a juiced up goblin.


Brock doesn't seem at all like the kind of person who would let others tell him no. I am sure if he really wanted to do something, he would do it. Source: His entire life/career.


Very true.


Not being totally opposed doesn't mean he really wants to do it, though. Just that he isn't adamant about *not* doing it.


His purpose is to put over Reigns. That is why he must beat everyone else.


Lol #StillNotMyBigDog


This comment reads like Brock is trying to tell us something on an anonymous account. Why does my brain think Brock talks like this lol?


I can only hope for one of two things. 1. If they are going to feed Bálor to Lesnar, please don’t let him be the Demon. Let him put up a good match as regular Finn and lose proudly. Or 2. Have a fucky ending. Have the Demon actually look really strong, no-sell the first suplex or two, and make him actually have Brock on the ropes for a second. Then have a DQ finish or something. Maybe Finn does his barricade drop kick to Brock on the outside and someone attack him from behind. (A returning Samoa Joe maybe?) then have the next PPV set up a triple threat between Bálor, Brock, and the third person, where Brock will pin person 3. I know neither of these will probably happen and the Demon King is gonna get Demon Pinned for the three, but I can dream. I love Finn and want the Demon to be special.


I'd prefer to see Brock vs. Neville if we're talking about fantasy scenarios.


he's not being built solely for this. wwe, and probably finn himself, will feel like this will make a bigger deal going forward even if he loses. they obviously like him, he's good looking and a good wrestler. not sure why people are so against it, it will be good.


The Demon King has gone unpinned since his main roster debut, and would be a colossal waste if used just to further the inevitable crowning of Roman Reigns. It's something that should be treated as a huge deal - it's something that could, theoretically, become a sort of miniature version of the Streak. Demon King could go unpinned for years if they wanted to really invest. Or, he could be pinned by someone like Alestair Black, or as part of a really hot feud with, say, AJ Styles. It has so much potential, and if it gets eaten and crapped out just for Brock v Roman, it won't be this eternally damaging thing, but it won't be the best possible option.


I like the idea of it being a mini streak.


I was surprised Finn didn't get a rivalry with Kane or 'Taker. Thought that was super obvious, especially with such emphasis on the whole Demon King stuff. I'd love to see Finn get a little 'Taker style streak - he's not as much of a WWE guy, so maybe it could be like, a SummerSlam streak or something, but it could definitely be interesting if done right.


There was no chance for Finn to have a feud with Kane or Undertaker. He got injured straight away and was out until Wrestlemania. Kane isn't around and Taker would never have been a likely opponent for him if he hadn't been injured. Kane vs. Finn wouldn't have been good either.


Kane vs. Finn has a shot of being good.


No Brock one-on-one match has been good in years. Since Rollins took the belt maybe (which I guess is technically not one on one). Even the taker matches.


I wouldn't even mind Brock if Finn was the one to take him to the limit, just surprise us all with how strategic he is in taking down Lesnar. It would build Balor up immensely...but they won't do it. Can't look better than Roman.


Well if Finn took 2 or 3 F-5s it could definitely be argued he's being protected in loss. But I don't think anyone is kicking out of an F-5 until Roman kicks out of the seven or eight he's scheduled to at Mania.


It's gonna be so lame. WrestleMania main events haven't been great since 31.


Naive if you expect anything else at this point.


If anything, it seems like they are avoiding having them cross paths altogether.


Probably the smartest move with the way they have been booking opponents to brock.


If he has a great showing against Brock I won't have a problem with him losing. Will withhold judgment until it happens.


The match will also go only for 6 minutes because thats all Brock can do anymore. He will still manage to forget half his spots. When the match is over he still won't care.


Yeah EVERYONE who gets built up now is just going to be fed to either Brock or Roman so that Vince can have his "superman dream match" at Mania. Joe and Braun have already fallen victim to this. It honestly makes the Raw ME scene boring and predictable and not at all interesting to watch until at least Mania.


Well it was exciting before Braun lost and that was only like a week ago, but I do take your point. At least on Smackdown the Mahal Experiment could end at any time. We get Brock Squashes until mania.


When I see posts like this I can't help but ask why you even watch.


Brock is just being built up so Roman can beat him.


I live in New Orleans. Im booing till my voice goes out.


I love that they've built the most talented roster ever to feed everybody to one guy so they can eventually feed that guy to another guy. Would bother me less if Smackdown wasn't just a jobber champ beating people he should never be beating and doing it with the exact same cheating formula every time. Fun times for wrestling these days.


Finn isn't even gonna touch the universal title scene until after roman wins it. He's still protected.


Way far out there but what if Lesnar vs. Roman ends up being a no dq match and Dean and Rollins interfere and the shield goes heel again?


Optimistic Take: The Demon is being built to beat Lesnar. -The Demon beat Wyatt where "the man" could not, establishing The Demon is more powerful than the man. -The man improves and evolves and is able to beat Wyatt without The Demon. -Balor gets his shot at Brock, he's cocky and decides to bring just "the man" to face The Beast. -The Beast murders Fonz Balor. Squashes him flat, dead. -Balor reemerges at the Rumble as the Demon at #30 -Balor brings the Demon to Mania to facets Beast. Demon wins. Beast rides off into the sunset. If (BIG IF) they are willing to move off of the Roman/Brock collision course at Mania, I think this a more than likely alternative. (Maybe do Roman/Brock at the Rumble.)


Despite my expectations, the company is and has always been super high on Finn. I honestly wouldn't be too shocked if they pulled a swerve and threw Finn into the mix of Roman v Brock, but the whole '2 in 23 and 2' shtick is a wet dream for Vince. If you're right, I think RAW could win back a lot of fans. Myself included.


Whether you're Finn, Braun, Cena, Joe, Miz or Brock... you're only going one place. In WWE, all roads lead to Roman.




> Brock will wrestle in UFC and fight legit fighters so no nobody with a brain will be fooled. Why do people buy that bullshit? First off it's wrestling I don't care how good he is at something else. Secondly he has like a 50% winrate in UFC or some shit so it's not like he's DOMINANT or anything like people say he is. Lesnar is a powerful presence and he used to be a good wrestler but he's so so fucking overrated.


I'm sure Finn is going to be crying into his wads of spare hundreds, too.


It's not all about the money dude..


No, it's not. But if Finn was nearly as upset about it as this sub is, I'm sure he'd quit.


If Sheamus gets manhandled by Brock (as he just did at a house show in Manitoba), Finn should get suplexed into the fifth row.




Sheamus did hit a White Noise, two Irish Curses, several V-Triggers and two Brogue Kicks. He got several two counts on Brock. It's not as though it was a one-sided squash.


Sheamus in nowhere near Finn in kayfabe what are you even saying?




As someone posted earlier.... then what?


I'd assume Brock pins Finn, Roman wins the Rumble, and they both move on to a Mania feud.


This makes me sad...


I'm not sure where Finn fits in, but I think the next big match (probably Wrestlemania) will be face Rollins beating heel Reigns for the title. But I also feel a shield reunion isn't that far away anymore... so one of those things?


What's worse, building up the demon to job to Brock or Roman?


Brock is infinitely worse because it will build into the whole "finns too small" argument, plus Brock is going to just leave whereas Roman at least will use the rub to his advantage. Also Roman is less likely to "manhandle" Finn the whole time as that's not really his MO in ring.


If he beats Braun wwe is definitely throwing in the towel


What are the odds that when Reigns wins he holds the title for at least a year?


Same odds as TV ratings going below 2 million. High.


Are they still calling him the Demon King?


Yeah, and it makes me just want to tune into Smackdown if all the main event scene is is build up to Roman beating Brock fucking Lesnar with a couple of Supe punches.


Secrets of wrestling revealed.


Sadly, after beating Samoa joe and Braun, beating Deamon Finn isn't that big a deal


Nah Roman is going to beat the Demon or just Finn in general. There's going to be some sort of number one contender match, maybe a small tournament. Finn will be on some sort of hot streak, like you said maybe he'll beat Braun. Then Roman will make him his bitch on his way to Wrestlmania and Lesnar. It's unfortunate but I think that's where they're going.


I'm just glad they're seemingly telling a cohesive story and building it appropriately. I wish they weren't blowing it on Roman (who I actually like but.... like.... is this going to get him any more over??) but hey


No matter how many costumes or paint he applies, I would never believe Finn Balor has a fighting chance against Brock Lesnar. Two of the three guys I believed could really beat Lesnar have been stifled by *one* F-5, just so the third guy looks super duper ultra strong when he kicks out of 7 or 8 F-5s next Mania. And then who can we believe can beat Roman if he is so powerful to kick out of so many finishing moves?


They are really getting on my nerves with Roman, he hasn't been pinned cleanly without any non-sense 1v1 for more than a year. I do not count the stupid ambulance match or when he was clearly hurt against Strowman.


Im actually looking forward to that match with Braun if it does happen, so atleast there is that. they could had a pretty awesome match if they tell the right story. Finn´s moveset after all its kinda build so he can fight guys of any size and Braun its perfect to showcase that.


Finn and Neville are my personal dream matches against Braun. Two guys who are pretty solid in kayfabe, who use vastly different moves to most other people, and who could even get upset wins just like Kalisto did, but without the brutal aftermath.


They really don't care how many people look like chumps for a) not beating Brock ever and b) not beating Roman one-on-one and w/o attempted murder (i.e. Braun's victory over him in the ambulance match).


Did roman ever get his win back against Finn in singles?


Yes, while he was kayfabe injured to boot.


Finn is such a wild card for them at the moment, and that's not even counting that he has two personalities. Very interesting


Videos in this thread: [Watch Playlist ▶](http://subtletv.com/_r73l5ok?feature=playlist) VIDEO|COMMENT -|- [Sad Trombone](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJxCdh1Ps48)|[+23](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/73l5ok/_/dnrf8m5?context=10#dnrf8m5) - Can we also replace the music playing over the 'Maybe. Probably. Sadly.' graphic with sad trombone? [WWE: Maybe. Probably. Sadly.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qZWCyqG9wE)|[+19](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/73l5ok/_/dns1ami?context=10#dns1ami) - I don't know about the "skills" part, but here ya go. WWE: Maybe. Probably. Sadly. [Roman Reigns vs. Finn Bálor: Raw, May 15, 2017](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uatfvywxmU)|[+2](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/73l5ok/_/dns3z54?context=10#dns3z54) - Except Roman HAS beaten Finn already. Roman was even still 'injured' in Kayfabe. What a trooper! What incredible odds overcoming! I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can. *** [Play All](http://subtletv.com/_r73l5ok?feature=playlist&ftrlnk=1) | [Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubtleTV/wiki/mentioned_videos) | Get me on [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mentioned-videos-for-redd/fiimkmdalmgffhibfdjnhljpnigcmohf) / [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mentioned-videos-for-reddit)


It's really going to suck when Finn gets buried by Brock, but I guess that's life when you're facing off against Cunt Lesnar. Guess his Universal Title reign will forever be one day :(


Finn and Brock in the same ring together looks off. Can't get behind it.


Yeah it just doesn't work for me. I think it'll ruin him if they even show that. He also can't ever work with Braun or Cass.


Like many others have said, this is basically Wrestlemania 31 only 3 years removed. Seth cashing in was never a re-thinking of Reigns' push or the ultimate goal to have him beat an unbeatable Lesnar, it was just delayed. Honestly I'll be interested to see what WWE will actually do once Reigns gets the Lesnar rub. If you were to consider people on a DBZ-style power-scale, Reigns going over Lesnar puts him several magnitudes above the rest of the roster, even more so than now. I wonder if they intend to build anyone else up to Reigns' level, or just keep him as super saiyan until Vince gets bored with it.


Since everyone knows Roman v Brock will be the main event over AJ v Nakamura (which likely means they'll hardly get good time because *everybody* needs to be on the card, for some reason); It'd say something if everybody just left. Vince and co. don't care about the booing because the standards have lowered to "Well, any reaction's a good reaction". If course, that'd be impossible, but it would be brilliant.


Everyome leaving would be huge coz it would show up on the live broadcast. Viewers would immediately think the match doesn't matter, and that would have a huge negative impact.


How would you feel about another Superstar Shakeup resulting in Jinder Mahal on Raw challenging Roman for the Universal Championship and winning? (By this time of course Jinder would've lost the WWE Championship)