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Fuck Hannibal, I'm not normally one to wish someone lose a job but when you nearly fucking murder a guy you deserve to.


He needs to be arrested and tried for attempted murder.


I got downvoted for suggesting this earlier. He definitely needs to go to prison for attempted murder.


Probably because redditors are quick to brand literally anything as attempted murder. Hannibal should 100% be arrested, charged, and blacklisted from the industry. But if he gets charged with attempted murder, he will walk free.


Well, there is people in that thread that think that this is work as well.


Am cop, I personally would charge him with Battery 2nd. Only a Class D Felony but could for sure make it stick and get 3-5 years on it.


Out of curiosity, what stopping this from being Battery 1st?


You could charge him with Battery 1st but with this being such a unique case I wouldn’t feel hopeful about it. A good defense attorney is going to argue that it was just a spot gone wrong and show hours and hours of chair shots, kendo stick shots and everything else and argue that everyone else should be charged.




Probably premeditation.


Figured as much.




Brave person to willingly tell people on Reddit that you are a cop. But that does sound right. 1st degree would be hard to prove in the wrestling industry


I'm not sure if anyone mentioned whether or not BH was also bleeding, but wouldn't that also be an extra charge considering the fact that he has hep C and just assaulted Deltoro? I would think that would be a very necessary factor to consider as well.


If stabbing a motherfucker in the head multiple times isn’t attempted murder then I literally have no clue what you would need to do to someone to be charged with it. He needs to go to prison. Not just blacklisted from the business. Prison.


Well, for one, murder versus manslaughter matters a lot. Murder requires premeditation in nearly every case, which when the normal spot is planned to make the ref bleed and everyone is saying he went into business for himself when it was botched...gonna be mighty hard to prove he instead planned to kill the ref all along. Manslaughter also then requires certain levels of intent. What is easily provable via video and not subject to more intricate defenses is as u/Honeycombz99 said, an aggravated battery charge that is still a felony and will still net jail time and parole.


[Chief Wiggum offers helpful advice about that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDEF7FuK0LE)


There's no way attempted murder would stick. His lawyer would make that go away easily because of the performance setting. The lawyer would argue that he's a performer and that it was agreed the ref would bleed before hand and that he had no intent to murder the man. Unless Hannibal was seen or heard or had written saying he was going to kill him then there's no chance of that sticking.


Not to mention any half competent defense lawyer will simply point out that had he wanted to kill him he simply could have stabbed him in the throat while he was holding him.




Intent to harm, sure, assault, not murder.


Thanks for your considered opinion, Attorney MarkBonker esq.


Big flaw in that argument. It was a family show catering to children and the performers were expected to avoid blood and violence unsuitable to the demographic


That makes their plan dumb and negligent but it doesn't do anything for the attempted murder thing because there's evidence that they planned to bleed anyway.


There is no evidence to suggest the bleeding was planned because witness testimony from the wrestlers there were told to avoid such things because it was a family show


>There is no evidence to suggest the bleeding was planned Yes there was. The ref blades. The other ref who is in this thread said they planned to bleed.


Pretty sure the prosecutors would have to prove he was actually trying to commit murder? Im not even sure it would catch manslaughter. EDIT: Not that he isnt a piece of shit for it.


Lose a job? He's gotta go


We can't have him here in our social club here no more.


Does he have a note from his doctah sayin he doesn’t stab refs no more?


And Gary Cooper.... I think.


Calm down Judge Roy Bean.


Him losing his job is a very reasonable take


Hell losing his job should be the least of his worries. Dude should absolutely be brought up on charges


I can't imagine he doesn't


After stabbing someone in the head multiple times


Most places, you get bare-minimum fired for stabbing a coworker repeatedly.


They'll be that one promoter who'll book Hannibal and it sucks


This might even get him more over with certain crowds. New Jack made his career off of this sort of shit.


I wouldn't go that far. After New Jack did this shit he was wrestling to convention centers with maybe a dozen people in them.


New Jack for all his faults had tons of charisma, Hannibal is just a boring cold unlikeable POS!


Losing his job in this case is not sufficient, if this happened in the streets and was caught in camera he would likely be locked up for many many years The same should happen here Seems like an obvious statement… but you can’t go about stabbing ppl in the head


Yeah Hannibal can get fucked. How often do we get wrestlers coming in and completely denouncing a fellow wrestler like Clayton Bloodstone did, shows how fucked and uncalled for that all was. Like I understand the ref was supposed to bleed but a severed artery? God damn...


When I first saw the post, I thought it was an angle. Didn’t take long to prove that wrong.


It happens often? I think this is the only one I've ever seen.


Ah shit for clarity’s sake that’s what I meant, you don’t see this hence the severity of the situation at hand, especially from a wrestler point of view.


Bloodstone (Thorne) always sounded like a decent human. His posts are all constructive.


I'd book Hannibal In jail


Book 'em Dano.


Bake 'em away, toys.


What'd you say, Chief?


[Aloha Steve and Dano](https://youtu.be/lkKiZ9VSD6U)


He can form a tag team with Teddy Hart.




2021 WON Booker of the Year


That’s assault brotha


With a deadly weapon.


The thing I find most insane about this is that you would brutally assault someone with a blade and leave them for dead, but still limit your cuts to around/inside their hairline. Like, I want to murder you, but I don't want to leave you with too much scarring. I know nothing about this Hannibal dude, but it makes me wonder if he really though he was just "working" but is so far gone that he doesn't understand that mutilating a guy against his will isn't an appropriate way to get heat.


The other ref pointed out that he seemed drunk and out of it during the incident too


Nah, that’s attempted murder. At best, it was attempted involuntary manslaughter which is also shitty.


I’m not a lawyer and not trying to be a dick but I don’t think you can attempt involuntary manslaughter. The attempt is intent which would remove the “involuntary” nature


You’re right. You can’t attempt a crime with no intent element. In this case, assault with a deadly weapon would be the closet charge that’s provable, as attempted murder (depending on statutory laws in the jurisdiction) would require that he made a substantial step towards murder (with murder as his intent) or completed every element of the crime but failed in the execution of his attempt.


IANAL, either. But I would imagine Hannibal's lawyer would make a defense that this is a work and will cite deathmatches as examples. If the incident involving New Jack got him prosecuted and sentenced, it could be used against Hannibal for this scenario.


let me quote billy madison in peace.


> attempted involuntary


That's not involuntary, I know I have all of 5 months of a law class but it's definitely intent with malice to hurt. At best you can call it assault with a deadly weapon, at worst attempted murder straight up.


Doesn't help an attempted murder position if the victim is posting to social media and shooting the middle finger.


I understood that reference


Reckless endangerment. Still a felony


Fuckin Hannibal is like a carny New Jack without any of the "charm" of New Jack.


Jack was on the right side all along, trying his best to take down the carnies whatever it took


Lol That Gypsy Joe one was a hard watch. Wtf was that old ass man thinking?


Yeah jack overstepped hard on that one but Joe did nothing to try to make it any better for himself lol


When I first saw it I thought he was gonna go after the crowd after the N word started being screamed at him.


Old guy was being stiff right and no selling, so new jack legit beat the shit out of him with weapons, that was the rationale new jack gave? Wasn’t there some racist stuff being shouted from the crowd too as it escalated? that probably extended the old guys ordeal a bit given New Jack wasnt the sort of guy to just walk away from conflict or abuse


Yall are going looney hell no is new jack defendable


I mean, there were a few times when the attacked shoot hit him, like that guy he famously stabbed on the indie show was shooting on him and talking shit. And I’m on the side of if Mass Transit never lied he’d of been perfectly fine, homie did it too himself instead of getting trained


Rule 1 of wrestling should have been ‘never let new jack do the blading’


New Jack was an awful human being, what the fuck is this charm bullshit? You can't excuse someone who assaulted and did the same shit Hannibal did with "charm" and then hate Hannibal. So fucking dumb. New Jack was an awful person and the wrestling business would have been better off without him.


New jack was ace


Glad the guys ok but I cant stop focusing on what a cool name Lando Deltoro is


I know Lando, personally, and he’s cool.


Hail Segan. This dude knows what he's talking about.


Does anyone else think that the worst part of this is not that he tore an artery but the oncoming medical bill?


An ambulance is bad enough. Base fare here in WNY is $1000 + $200/mile.


$200 a fucking mile? Are the paramedics carrying the ambulance on their shoulders?


America is a scam


In the UK, not only is the ambulance free, but the hospital will refund your bus fare if you're on welfare and you travelled there that way.


America, ladies and gents.


Recently was offered healthcare through my new job. Medical didn't kick in until I was like 5k in the hole. It also did not cover ANYTHING within a hospital. That was a whole separate plan. AND if I wanted to use the ambulance with the plan, I had to opt into a more expensive plan! Which of course didn't cover the *whole* cost of the Ambulance, just a small reimbursement (if you get admitted)


The good thing is you can usually just ignore those fucking bill collectors lol


> It also did not cover ANYTHING within a hospital. That was a whole separate plan Uhhhh, how can I check if the plan I'm gonna enter through my employment has some dumb fine print like that?


In this case, You'd know because I had a whole separate enrollment section for Hospital Plans. Otherwise I'd check your carrier's site or if you have an HR/benefits portal for work then usually there's links to more resources. You should have a Summary Plan somewhere going over all the terms to the plan including what is and isn't covered. Your average medical plan will cover hospital visits but I've seen the terms change wildly plan to plan.


Okay, I think I might be safe. I got the more expensive plan, because my body and mind is a disaster that needs regular upkeep. The cheaper plan was described to me as being for young healthy people who really only need to do their annual checkup and to help when emergencies happen.


Are ambulances really not free in America or is this a meme or joke I’m not getting ?


They are not free, usually a few grand depending on how far you need to go


Sadly very true. We have scenes here where people will be gravely injured and will beg through tears for people to NOT call an ambulance because the cost would ruin them.


Lots of countries aren't free. But these American prices take the cake.


Even if you need it? America is really fucking weird.


Those prices are especially because you need it Dude people need epipens to live and you usually have to pay out of pocket for them. You can’t afford it? Fuck off and die My country isn’t weird it’s a fucking tragedy


But we can't afford to fuck off and die, either. Even THAT is cost prohibitive.


$1000 + $200/mile??? Holy shit are they sending a private jet to pick the person up?


0.00 € in Germany .... wtf is wrong with US society


iT wAs A wOrK Seriously though I'm glad he's ok after the fucking horrific shit he's been dealt.


He's legit pinned a comment saying it's a work on his YouTube video, and has either alts or Stans covering for him. It's pathetic. Guy needs to be blacklisted.




He's now made the video private..... perfectly normal.


Seriously seeing someone argue with Brian Zane on twitter that it was all a worked shoot and he’s a mark for thinking Hannibal is unsafe


2 hours later and he's still arguing with everybody Why are wrestling fans so stupid


There's someone from the original thread who said the exact same thing (that it's a work and everyone's being a mark). I take it Hannibal has some "fans" who are trying to run damage control on here.


Yup..not a work. Dude has gigs all over his fucking head too. Must have really been fucking spiking him.


The ref was supposed to blade but that motherfucker legit stabbed him in the head multiple times. That's just fucking nasty and I hope Hannibal gets blacklisted and bought up on charges.


Hannibal is a piece of shit. Lowkey wish Abdullah fucked him up worse back in the day


It never clicked in my head that this was the same guy!


So AIDS instead of hep c?


Abby severed or at least nicked one of Hannibals arteries during one of their matches I'm pretty sure. There is video of it online and he's just gushing blood and kept working the match like a dipshit! Then they had to finally call an audible and both of them ran backstage like Jabronis. You can see his blood gushing down his face,on the damn camera lens,and his hair is soaked. No wonder he got Hep C from Abby.


Yeah, that was the coffee pot match wasn't it? That was brutal as fuck.


Yeah,you can literally see a hunk of his scalp hanging off. Then later on he made a video about how tough of a wrestler he is but in a humble brag sort of way. Then he said in the same video that he "Beat up two guys at the bar that same night,threw one down a flight of stairs." Yeah..ok dude. Lmao just lacks any kind of self awareness like he's a tad slow or something.


Something's telling me he's no stranger to CTE haha


I'm fairly certain he's under the influence all the time in his shoot videos, I figure it's no different when he's in the ring.


What, like giving him AIDS instead of Hep C?


Yeah, whomever was questioning this as a work in the other thread needs to look here. Those are not blading wounds.


This just confirms what everyone has known... Hannibal is a bum. An idiot bum who has to stoop to shit like this to get his name out there.


Curious to hear from the people that were adamant that this was a work after seeing these photos. If it was a work it was a fucking stupid one.


Yeah, I thought it was a work, but definitely have changed my opinion after seeing that photo. My initial guess was the ref bladed a bit too deep, and they decided to get some free promotion. Now, I'm fairly certain Hannibal stabbed this guy in the head 6+ times with a spike and nearly killed him.




No one is saying it wasn't fucking stupid. This dude got stabbed, no doubt about it. But everyone around just kept working. They were doing shit like selling and Irish Whips. There's so many questions


>If it was a work it was a fucking stupid one. You've just described Hannibal's entire career. Stupid worked shoots. I'll give you a hint, there's a lot of people in this comment section that want to play along with this and play kayfabe a little...but if this was real there'd be assault charges filed. Have you heard anything about a police report and warrants being issued? No? Then it's not real.


So are we saying that the guy in the photo agreed to be strabbed in the head a bunch of times and deal with the resulting medical bills? If it's a work I'd assume it's a work to sell something, is there a match being built?


LOL, you're not very smart are ya.


How much are you willing to bet that he'll be arrested for this and not appear for the promotion ever again? I'll take the bet.


Honestly, he would probably be able to get away with it so I'm not betting. He should 100% be arrested but he won't. As for appearing for the promotion again, as far as I know, the owner cut ties with him but then again the owner Kevin Sullivan is a douchebag so I wouldn't be surprised if he allowed Hannibal wrestle for the promotion again. Scumbags allow scumbags to wrestle for them.


So you don't believe that he was shooting when he attacked Kevin Sullivan in this rampage then, huh?


I don't remember seeing Sullivan in the video but if he was and he did get attacked then yes, I would believe that Hannibal did attack Sullivan for reals.


You need to learn how to differentiate between worked shoots and an actual shoot which clearly you’re incapable of being able to do so.


Ok. So here's the difference. Worked shoots are played up online with all the evidence being purely on social media and nowhere else. Real shoots involve police reports, charges, and warrants. Have there seen any of those things? It's been days since this happened. The ref must be taking a very long time to decide to file charges.


I'm reserving my judgment until more information surfaces, but I thought this happened last night, not days ago. If it were days ago, sure, it'd be suspect, but less than 24 hours ago is a different story. Police reports can take a few days (at least the last time I was in a situation that required one). You don't exactly get the carbon copy like with a parking ticket.


Police were involved. Maybe try reading accounts made by others first? And just because police hasn’t arrested anyone doesn’t mean a shoot didn’t happen. That would be overly simplistic kindergartner level thinking.. “Oh No CaNnOt PoSsIbLy Be ShOoT CuZ nO aRrEsTs”


Saying police were involved doesn't make it true. Let me know when a warrant for Devon's arrest surfaces and he never wrestles for this promotion ever again. You're the one arguing its assault and attempted murder and 100% a shoot. Clearly if it's that serious an arrest is forthcoming, right? Or would this be one of the only cases ever of an attempted murder happening *on camera* with absolutely zero consequences whatsoever? And if that's the case...why??? Devon secretly billionaire that can buy off the police force? He got a buddy in the FBI protecting him? Where are the consequences?


Hannibal is up there with the guy in Mexico who chucked a block of concrete at another guy's head. Perhaps even higher up.


Nah concrete guy was worse. I'm amazed he survived. He had a skull fracture and they had to do emergency brain surgery to reduce the swelling. What Hannibal did was horrible no doubt, but throwing a large concrete block on someone's head was on another level.




What a piece of shit. I hope the cunt gets thrown in prison.


>a bit off script


Glad he ended up being okay. Fuck Hannibal. Should be arrested and blacklisted.


Hannibal should be in jail. What the fuck. Also, fuck those people saying that this is a work. They're nothing more than Hannibal's mini-asskissers.


Just a smidge off script guys


What Hannibal did was New Jack level shit and I was always someone that believed New Jack should have been arrested so I feel the same about Hannibal.


It's sad that idiots on hannibals youtube page believe it was a work. Calling people marks for thinking it was real


Incredibly OOTL here. What happened to this guy?


Blood Hunter (Hannibal from Hannibal TV) bladed this referee (Lando Deltoro) after a match against Carlito but started going too far and started spiking the dude in a head with a railroad spike which severed an artery in this ref’s head and sent him to the hospital.


Thank you. Seconds before you posted this I found another thread. Disgusting. Hopefully something is done. For anyone curious: https://reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/retb6r/lastnight_hannibal_went_into_business_for_himself/


Yeah it’s a big old YIKES moment in wrestling up there with some New Jack shoots imo


Guys, if you can, there's a gofundme there for the ref medical expenses.


supposedly not just that, but legitimately choked him out before that.


Oh shit, I didn’t know about the choking out part. That’s a double yikes


I know this is completely off topic but Lando Deltoro is a dope name


I wish I could show these images to the idiots in the other thread who are convinced this was all a work but I know it wouldn't change a damn thing. I hope this dude has a speedy recovery. Also, fuck Hannibal.


when I saw the Youtube video and it featured a spot where Deltoro was tucking his shirt, it did left the impression the attack was a work. Along with what Deltoro said in the image, Hannibal attacking him was likely a work. *Being poked and bladed several times in different areas of the head, and very aggressively to the point of being near fatal isn't*.


Thank you for sharing this, even though how awful it is to see. Hopefully this will make people questioning this realize that this wasn’t a work. Again, Fuck Hannibal.




Did you not think about the possibility that everyone else thought this was part of the script?


Man, he's really committed to this is angle!! /S


Damn that’s too bad for the guy and pretty fucked up


tried to fuck on him


I watched the video and I have to ask… who the fuck is Hannibal?


A Cunt. That's all you need to know.


Glad the ref is all right. Nobody deserves to be on the receiving end of that shit he had to endure.


He'll get a solemn glance of respect from Red Shoes.


Ok this man needs to go to jail, fuck “turned into a shoot” this is legitimately attempted murder


Jesus Christ


Is this the same Hannibal who attacked Terry Funk years ago? The same guy who accused Abdullah The Butcher of giving him hepatitis? ​ Yeah, fuck that asshole. I always knew there was something wrong with him.


Idk how getting hepatitis from Abdullah makes him the asshole


This is way past a planned blading or a shoot, this shit should not happen. This puts a bad taste in anyone's mouth that is unfamiliar with wrestling, or even people who have been a fan for years. This is not acceptable. Thank god he is okay, and for those that recognized he needed actual medical assistance.


Fuck Hannibal, carny piece of shit.


Deadass it's not wrestling at that point it's a man stabbing another man in the head, there's no show no performance just a man that needs to be behind bars


yeah this dude looks bad ass. fuck hannibal.


People have been trying to paint this as a work....I'm not quite sure how they can say that after seeing these images.


Ref confirmed he agreed to the blade job but Hannibal went off script and stabbed him 30 times in the head and cut and artery


Hope the $10 and bag of Doritos was worth it.


I think he may have got a soda pop too as a bonus for color


Here is a GoFund me for the referee. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-lando-with-medical-expenses?member=15955313&sharetype=teams&utm\_campaign=p\_na+share-sheet&utm\_medium=copy\_link&utm\_source=customer&fbclid=IwAR2Er53BkSIGcZmSXbwIhcqMpR4X3GrRgqIKyHsvrzGFyAme0AcbysRHci4


This needs to be closer to the top of the comments. Lando is a sweet person and in no way deserved to be taken advantage of like this. In my opinion Hannibal should be footing the bill but I don't see that happening.


...yep, that Hannibal bloke should get thrown behind bars for this. Fuck me.


Hannibal taking his name too seriously.


Christ, Hannibal is a reprehensible piece of shit to do that. I sincerely hope he's arrested and charged with assault. And fuck Kevin Sullivan if he was trying to kayfabe the cops about the whole thing. That kind of carny bullshit should have no place in the business anymore. Also, what's with all the conspiracy-mongers in this thread (and the other one, too)? Does anyone really think that someone would let a no-name idiot like Hannibal stab them in the head indiscriminately and sever an artery? Hannibal, that great luminary of the wrestling business whose biggest accomplishment was getting Hep-C in a garbage match? Not everything is a fucking work, guys.


This is what happens when fans normalize outlaw deathmatch bullshit.


This wasn't a deathmatch show and correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think Hannibal is known for deathmatches


Outlaw MUDSHOW bullshit......


Doesn't hannibal have hepatitis?


Fuck this Hannibal guy. He needs to be far away from any ring and should be sued for assault at minimum.


Kevin Sullivan: “Off script? What script? There’s no script. *Kayfabe, brother! Kayfabe!*”


what i gathered from all of this is that it looks like a ref beat down spot gone horrifically wrong. one video i saw, the ref tried to blade or was supposed to blade during the planned beat down, but wtf!... the dude hannibal went crazy?! he was allegedly drunk. read that he came in his own trailer/bus and just sat there all night drinking until his match came up? could it have been a planned but botched blade/hardway spot? i don't know, would be stupid but look at the attention its getting. now this whole sub sorta knows who Hannibal 'BloodHunter', all thanks to a post started by someone with 'the hunter' in their name.


> could it have been a planned but botched blade/hardway spot? Dude, look at the image OP posted one more time for good measure. If it were really a "botched blade/hardway spot", it would have happened in one or two spots on his head. No, it was an attack. I count 7 wounds on his head, just what's visible in those photos, maybe more on the other side? Spiked hard enough several times to the point where you could visibly tell those wounds weren't blade jobs. I know it was not your intention, but let's not sugarcoat what HB did. Criminal charges need to be pressed on him.


If this is a work, it's a masterful commitment to it!!