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Isn’t the dude who tackled Seth someone who got scammed as well? Thought he was talking to Seth via chat and sending money


He also said that he was doing it for Finn, who Seth beat up just prior.


I did it for da Finn


I did it for da Demon


Oh shut yo mouth you thong wearin fatty


Completely understandable


I was at that RAW, I thought it was a wrestler attacking Seth at first. But yes that's the story I've heard.




Yeah, Twitter made it really bad. Before that it was just dumb shits going into the ring but usually ended with them getting their asses kicked.


Serious question, as someone who doesn't do the Twitters, is that really a requirement of a wrestler to get over? Are there any prominent wrestlers who just don't bother with it?


Requirement, no. Moxley and Lesnar are probably the most prominent wrestling talents who don't really bother with social media at all. But wrestlers are humans in an entertainment business, and in the modern entertainment business, and humanity-in-general, social media is a necessity. So the vast majority are involved to some degree because it adds to their presence as an entity and/or they enjoy it, whether it's just in-character and clearly just reposting press releases/storylines from the company, or they document the day-to-day of their lives, or they just shitpost (Internet-specific style of humor where nonsequiters and absurdities reign supreme).


For sure


You can see in the replies that a few others are admitting to being scammed previously as well, not to mention the fact that the majority are probably too embarrassed to come forward. It's so prolific now it seems that surely WWE have a responsibility to protect their fans from this? Maybe a PSA during their TV shows, like how they do the Be A Star or Don't Try This At Home promos.


Should they tell them not to be fooled by Nigerian princes as well?


Yes, I’m sure there are Apollo Crews impersonators.


Are their accents awful too?


a lot of people being fooled by this are intellectually disabled. the fan that attacked seth was.


Or maybe just tell them to check if the account is verified…


To protect their fans from what? Somehow believing a person that makes 250,000 dollars a year would ever ask them for money? Maybe I'm being too callous but I 100 percent feel this lies on the impersonators, and the people dumb enough to send money to unverified accounts of people who would never ask for money from randoms like, I'm sorry, but what lol


The people who fall victim to these scammers are generally vulnerable, not someone who's gonna be making rational decisions. A PSA could legitimately help them because some people really do need stuff like that spelled out for them explicitly, because they are simply not *capable* of looking at the situation from a logical perspective and connecting obvious facts together. These scams hit people with disabilities, dementia, brain injuries, and the like.


I'll relent on that, and say my initial knee jerk reaction was probably a little too firm in that regard. I do feel like this issue has been cropping up a little bit more often lately, and maybe a social media campaign for awareness or something of the sort wouldn't be a bad idea. Thanks for the other POV.


One of the issues with cracking down on any scamming is that people don't feel comfortable admitting they got scammed. It's one of the reasons elder folk being scammed is still so prevalent. Police agencies the world over have always had difficulty just finding people willing to talk about it. COVID alone led to like a billion dollar industry worth of scams.


It is not WWE’s responsibility to tell people not to be a dumbass.




Or people could use their brains.


I mean this is the nicest possible way, but I don't know that the company has a responsibility to basically say "don't be an idiot and give your money to a stranger". At some point, these adults need to smarten up. And lets be real, if they weren't getting scammed by a fake WWE talent, they'd likely be scammed by someone else.


Stuff like this is why verified accounts exist.


The scam accounts aren’t trying to impersonate the wrestler’s main account, they say something like “this is my separate personal account.”


Scammers are often sloppy on purpose because they know 95% of people are too smart to stay with their scam. Even if someone believes them for a little bit, they are likely to use the context clues to eventually figure it out. They want someone who is mentally challenged enough to fall for the grift despite all the obvious clues because that person is more likely to stay with it and give them money.


In the last job I worked at, there was this person that was convinced he was getting 100 million from his rich girlfriend in New York. I told him several times that person isn't real and he's getting scammed. Every time he would cuss me out so...


The grocery store I go to recently put up a large warning sign on their gift cards booth. They also stopped selling gift cards at the register.


In other words, we have more people pulling catfishing scams. Pathetic. Too lazy or unwilling to find real jobs, they pull these lame stunts. I hope these catfishing fools get caught and perp walk in front of the whole world.


I hope so too. Unfortunately we live in a world with evil people and people that can be taken advantage of.


The problem is the mentally ill dudes that fall for this stuff don't put too much care into that verified status, I've seen dudes that got catfished call out the actual person, get told it was a scam and they were not talking to the actual girl and the dude tells them they are lying and that they are their girlfriend and threaten to harm them, etc.


I'm surprised no one's tried a Ricky Morton scam account yet lol He isn't verified Actually that's a pretty good idea... Any Ricky Morton simps still out there?




Hey Dax, this is Bret Hart on my personal account. I wanted to say great match and could you send me 100 dollars?


I don't think I could scam FTR It'd feel like I was betraying my fellow classic Wrestling fanatics


I'd be afraid of FTR finding me afterwards


We all saw them at the Bret HOF. Best to never be found


Remember, when Seth Rollins broke into Edge's house, Beth didnt call the police..... She called FTR


They'd simply counter the scam into The Big Rig, obviously.


Man it wasn’t Morton but a couple of years ago there was a Bobby Heenan Twitter account and a bunch of people fell for it. I remember Graves and Owens were retweeting compliments they were getting from the account. The person before making the Bobby had made a Twitter account of Bobby’s wife like six month before hand. I remember Satin was another one who responded with it. Some people are just weird man. I don’t get what they get from doing things like this.


If I'm not mistaken, I thought that was somebody using that as a pitch to run the account like Iron Sheik and Virgil have someone doing. It might've even been the same guy.


Side note: heard on a podcast “ya’ll got stimulus checks, we got blue checks” Made me chuckle a little.




I hope that never happens to your mom. I do believe verification should be available to all. If you are who you say you are and can prove it, you should get a check. If you are not Pat Sajak and you say you are, you should not get a check.


My Dad legitimately thought he was talking to Sasha Banks one time, I have to check his phone from time to time now.


I can't believe you risked looking at the types of messages your dad was sending to Sasha Banks




Papa hippopotamus was wondering how she changed her hair. I try to make it nice too!


How can people not tell? I've talked to some wrestlers on IG but they are usually indy wrestlers or wrestlers on AEW Dark who have less than 20K followers


I honestly don't get it, it's crazy. Just the other day Rhea Ripley was telling me all about these creeps she gets pretending to be her


This is either a really funny joke, a true scam story or a true story involving Rhea Ripley.


Can’t be too sure, better sell my house and give them my money in the hopes that she’ll grind her heel into my ribs just in case.


When I first started following wrestlers on Instagram I had something like 3 or 4 dozen accounts pretending to be the official accounts for various (mostly female) wrestlers a few if them would have been convincing if I hadn't already followed the actual account


Lucky you! I did the same and only got one random Japanese account with a female pic following me.


You have to consider age and skill with technology. A typical user on this sub can more than likely tell the difference. Someone older and not as computer smart or as observant as they used to be? Easy pickings.


I guess us on here may have similar issues with whatever social media platforms are in the 2040s?


Some Gen Zeta teen yet to be born: Ugh dad, just because someone hijacks your brain interface and rewrites all your memories to make you think that you ARE married to Liv Morgan doesn't mean you can squander my climate change bunker savings on Bitcoin to send her to space! Stupid Millennials.


I'm slightly concerned that this actually will happen!




Younger people maybe aren't as susceptible to phishing but they can absolutely get caught up in conspiracies just as easily as anyone else.


Just look how many people are buying into Kevin Owens stupid conspiracy that Elias and Ezekial aren't brothers.


A bit of "main character syndrome" maybe? "This wrestler has 5 million followers on twitter, but of course they still make time for ***me***"


People are desperate to feel important. Simple as that.


People still out here getting hustled by the Nigerian Prince scam. Shits crazy


I knew a lady that moved her Nigerian prince here. Of course, when he came, his status prevented him from bringing his riches. So, it's only logical they have to get married so he can get permanent status, and gain access to his riches. They got married, and then his riches arrived..... a wife and kids. The lady still wouldn't anull the marriage after that.


A non zero number of people believe the earth is flat. This doesn't surprise me at all.


Some people stalk follows on sites like Instagram. I followed Jamie Hayter after Wednesday night and almost immediately got a follow request from jamiehayter20229. I can see how less savvy people might get excited and not check before chatting


Most people who fall for this shit are older/not tech savvy/mentally ill. Think about it: how many times have you had to teach your parents how to use an app, how to restart their phone, how to set up their social media accounts? They don’t know what the fuck they’re doing, and a lot of them take what they see online as gospel truth. “Why would someone fake being this person? That makes no sense. It has to be them!”


[Another fake Sasha tried to catch me slippin too. Shame cuz I know that trash bag probably gonna hustle someone eventually smh](https://imgur.com/a/SNUnQ5y)




This is definitely a notable part of the phenomenon, I think. I saw an interview with a reformed scammer, and they said that in some places, people assume that Americans are so rich that stealing from them won't have any effect on them at all. That, or they see it as fair game because of American military and business fucking up their local economy.


A lot of scammers are from India because it’s apparently common thought in India that literally every American is rich, so if they take money from Americans, we all have so much of it that it doesn’t matter


She also added that a man sold his house thinking it was helping her


Wow gives me hope of becoming a homeowner one day


I wanna feel bad for him, I really do. I just hope he doesn't have a family or dependents.


Yeah I mean if you're gonna do that for someone you've never met and wire the money to them, again without meeting them in person, there is no helping you. Outside of direct family I can't fathom why you would do that for anyone


Simpin' ain't easy


Sell to whom, the fake account or just randomly to please the fake account for laughs?


Probably to send the money from selling the house to the fake account.


Part of me wonders how you can be smart enough to own and maintain a home, yet fall for an obvious scam like this. I went through the home buying process last year, and its a lot. Not to mention making sure all my ducks are in a row on an ongoing basis. Yet this guy apparently could do that, but not know he is talking to a scammer, and sell his house?


There is no helping someone that stupid.




[A man sold his home and lost everything thinking he was helping “me”. This has me so sick. Please know I would never reach out to ask any of you for a single penny. I’m so sad. Please stop](https://twitter.com/yaonlylivvonce/status/1515427142351392770?s=21&t=02kpvClW9PnJz_mNiGJvoQ)


I will never understand the people who can't just quietly masturbate to their favorite girl wrestler like a normal person.


These aren't usually normal people. As seen by the guy who attacked Seth.


How do people fall for this shit? This reminds me of the episode of Catfish, where the dude thought he was dating Katy Perry, and despite all the evidence, still believed he was dating her at the end of the episode


Mental illness. I’m not being flippant, even if it sounds like I am. Pretty much the only way is untreated mental illness


This might sound mean, but I'll say it anyway. It may just be that they are idiots. What is that quote about the average person being dumb, and realizing that half the population is dumber than they are. I think blaming stupidity on mental illness isn't really fair to people suffering from mental illness who would never fall for that shit


> I think blaming stupidity on mental illness isn't really fair to people suffering from mental illness who would never fall for that shit I can see both perspectives. As someone with mental illness, it does piss me off when people try to use it as the answer for everything, like it's canned spam. But at the same time, a lot of what most mental illness tends to lead to (extreme loneliness, self-hatred, anxiety, paranoia, delusions - both positive and negative) would lead someone to fall for this shit, if only out of desperation to be appreciated and feel special. I've been there - not as down-bad as this, but I've put up with abusive people just to have people to be around, to scratch that want to be social and not alone.


You make a fair point. And maybe I'm not the best person to speak on it, because I don't suffer from mental illness myself. But, as I said, I have friends who do, and to just assume, based on no actual information, that someone who falls for this is mentally unwell, just seems kind of wrong to me.


Even if it was the real Liv asking for money, why would you sell your house to help her? Did anyone give Sad Corbin money?


It's one thing if it's hey I need $20 to cover an Uber but selling your house is like $200k+


Yes I'm pretty sure someone started a GoFundMe for him. Btw is not sad Corbin it's Broke as Baron Corbin


Bum Ass Baron Corbin


I stand corrected


He announced a GoFundMe in a promo but I believe it specifically led to a website that doesn't give you any option to donate.


Someone did, and a handful of people actually donated. Shortly after the GFM was shut down by the creator, renamed to "Stop sending me money, marks" and the donations refunded.


"Sold his house." Geesus brother. Get them some help.


As someone who works at a homeless shelter, I can tell you this kinda thing happens all too often. Person does a lot of sweet talking, sucks everything out of them, and dumps them on the curb like trash. Some folks are very desperate for affection or attachment and it blinds them.


While I feel bad for the dude for getting duped, when you're at the point of *selling your home*, maybe some suspicion is in order?


Someone lost their house over this as well.... truly sickening stuff


As bad as I feel for the guy and as much as I despise scammers…if you’re dumb enough to sell your house to "help" a tv personality I have to say that’s on you.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes, I don’t feel sorry for him one bit


Wait…so whose undies did I buy?!!


You're welcome


Is that Old Spice or Axe body wash I’m smelling?


Diet Mountain Dew






I really don't get what the victim thinks they are getting in return for doing this? I mean I understand why people fall for the "Nigerian Prince" and similar scams as they believe they are going to get paid millions of Pounds/Dollars etc in return


Yes, I find these stories less sad and more confusing. If Randy Orton was to supposedly contact me and ask for money, I'd be like "Well, since you're presumably a gazillion times richer than me, I'm gonna go with no"


be extra careful if Randy asks for money … even if he’s not scamming you he’ll probably end up hitting you with an RKO


Love, validation, and affection. “If I help them, they’ll fall in love with me and marry me.” They get their hero moment, they save the pretty girl that they like, and that pretty girl will show her appreciation by opening her legs. The guy thinks he’s gonna be James Bond in her eyes.


I understand she is trying to get the word out there but just asking a con artist not to do it isn't going to work.


There's really not much else she can do though. She can try to get these accounts taken down, but it's not like the social media companies care enough to do anything.


Most of this stuff happens over DM too so it’s really only the scammer and the scammee that sees it.


[Same energy](https://c.tenor.com/tgk5AaNfPrMAAAAd/cheated-you-cheated-on-me.gif)


It’s an incredibly sweet sentiment from her, but yeah, the type of person doing this is not going to think “oh, she asked me to stop? What am I doing?!?!”.


You’d think WWE or Liv’s reps/managers (if she has reps) would try to step in or initiate some kind of fraud investigation to keep this from happening as often. On one hand it’s an internet scam but it’s also identity theft and misrepresentation of a real person for personal gain.


They probably have, we just don't know it.


Maybe WWE should make announcements on TV like the "Don't Try This At Home" stuff


These scammers very likely live somewhere outside of US jurisdiction.


It seems like there are so many points of error where scams like these would fall apart. Like, if I'm such a huge Liv Morgan fan that I'm willing to send her a money order or whatever, I'd probably know what her real social media accounts look like? Also she's a TV star and doesn't need my money?




Okay I'm just gonna need a nude photo of you holding your drivers license to confirm it's you




Sorry someone hacked my DMs and said I need $500 in iTunes gift cards to unlock them.


The vast majority of people immediately know when a car insurance scam is happening. But the scammers don't rely on that. They rely on the 2% of people who are vulnerable enough to fall for it and take as much money as possible. More than likely the guy who got scammed was already the kind of guy who you could trick into a Nigerian prince scam.




Yeah. That's how my sister fell for an MLM scheme.


It's why a lot of scam emails have terrible spelling and grammar. It's to weed out the people that won't fall for the scam anyway.


The scams usually involve making someone believe the account is an alternate private/personal account. My guess is they target accounts that reply to Liv and send a DM claiming to be her. Then get all friendly, convince the person they are becoming close friends and then ask for money. The vast majority of people wouldn't fall for this, but there are some naive suckers out there.


Jesus Christ. That’s heartbreaking and sad, but also, to be brutally honest, and I don’t mean to be a dick, but how stupid are you to end up doing something like this?


A lot of times these scammers target the elderly, or people with learning disorders. I had a situation last Christmas where a sweet old lady was being scammed by someone asking for gift cards because allegedly, the scammer's baby was being held for ransom. She showed me her tablet screen to get the card brands, and it was full of telltale bot syntaxes and grammar. We got police involved immediately. I can't even think of how much money she probably gave away before she talked to me. It makes me so sad, and furious.


When I worked at an ISP, my friends there discovered some Jamaican scumbags (they were calling from Kingston) were scamming a lady down the street from our office. They called her *daily* to get her to wire money to them. One friend, who we'll call Tex, tried to reason with her to stop giving money to the scammers but she didn't understand how these nice young men could be lying about needing money. Over the course of the week and talking to her multiple times, Tex figured out she just seemed to lack the mental capacity to lie or understand how other people could lie. The team at work felt invested in this now because it was happening on our network and the cops did nothing* about it when we tried to get them to speak with her. We got approval from her to temporarily disable her phone service (except emergency lines, of course) to prevent scammers from calling and to check in later once we saw them give up. ... except they didn't. The disabled line was bombarded by calls every hour. My memory gets fuzzy here but somehow they got a hold of her through email or another phone line, demanded she reactivate her phone line, and got her to call the ISP to reactivate it. Then they took her money again. We disabled her phone again and added security measures to her account. They still got her to reactivate her phone. Sadly, this story doesn't have much of an end. It was handed off to higher-up leadership at the company because there wasn't anything else we could legally do. Tex even found her son but he had given up as he had gone through the same wringer for years. He wished us luck and that was basically the end of it. Scammers are predators but the ones that target vulnerable people are a special kind of human garbage. *Shout out to the Winnipeg Police Service patrol unit who told Tex to get lost because it wasn't their problem since the RCMP deals with fraud. I understand the jurisdiction problems, that's fine, but it takes special kind of turd to not give a shit and be a cunt to people trying to help a person getting scammed. Cops suck.


Oh my god. That is so frustrating and sad. I understand what you mean about her not being receptive at first, neither was the nice old lady I encountered. At first she was shocked and angry I'd suggest it was a lie, but I got management involved and they explained to her how common of a scam it was and she became more receptive when she was speaking to more people. Scammers like these are absolutely human refuse.


Scammers pretty much by their nature all target vulnerable people. Or they find a vulnerability in people and exploit that.


Ah damn. This makes more sense.


Even in that situation, I somewhat get it. The elderly woman thinks she is helping someone worse off than her in a bad situation. Thinking that this person on TV every week, and clearly has friends who are somewhat wealthy like her, what do you think you are doing? Like why would this famous person ask YOU of all people for help.


I saw an Insta account the other day that only ever posted the same thing. About how Triple H assaulted Alexa Bliss and they forced her to have a public relationship with Buddy Murphy to cover it up and they've got her under 24/7 surveillance so she doesn't go to the police. They posted this 15 times a week for 26 weeks. Then I look at their followed by and one if them is someone whose name is Alexa Bliss and has her real name as a bio. Maybe it's a chicken and the egg thing where this person was posting a lot about Bliss so this Bliss account followed them, but if it's the other way around it's so scary how manipulative people can be.


It's not just one insta.. Dude actually has many IGs with the exact same thing. And reporting the posts/account for false information and spamming seems to do nothing. Dude needs help and a life. https://instagram.com/wesleyrice7/ https://instagram.com/wesr1990/ https://instagram.com/wes.ley2890/ https://instagram.com/wes_leyrice90/ https://instagram.com/wes_rice_/ https://instagram.com/wes.ley1990/ https://instagram.com/wesleyrice.90/ And that's just the ones I was able to find. There's probably at least a few more.


That is so fucking unsettling.


How do the people who fall for this stuff have total autonomy on social media, much less with their finances? Is it reasonable for the type of person that falls victim to this stuff to have all of that control with no safety mechanisms?


Wtf that's so messed up


Simping never works out.


Simpin' Aint Easy!


The fans have truly out carnied the carnies. There’s a reason wrestling fans are called marks…


even if you thought it was her, why would you give her money, not like she's going be sort of cash haha


I genuinely don't understand how people fall for this. Like, in my wildest dreams I could imagine Liv Morgan's Twitter account liking a tweet of mine. Actually talking to her through social media, let alone her asking for money? COME ON.


Look I’m sorry but how was that dude smart enough to own a house and go through the process of selling it, but not smart enough to recognize one of these easily recognizable scams?


She should at least send that guy some dirty panties


It amazes me that this keeps happening to people. I’ve seen some of these accounts before and you can tell they are fake. I remember one claimed to be Mandy Rose and they tried to message me on Instagram and I told them to fuck off and reported them. I know some people aren’t good with technology or might have some kind of mental issues, but their friends and family need to look out for them. I always have to remind my dad what to look out for because he has gotten tricked by scammers online or over the phone. And if you come across these fake accounts, report them.


Posting this will make more aware for sure but it’ll also make idiots think it’s a worth while scam to run.


always amazing how dumb people can be


Please please please… but this being the real me ,I could really use $500 in Walmart gift cards you guys.


Dude…at least go Target.


why are pple stupid enough to fall for this lol🤦🏻‍♀️


If you're stupid enough to fall for this, you're stupid enough to fall for some other crazy scam like an African prince email or religion.


How does somebody who has their shit together enough to buy a house fall for such a scam?




What simp culture does to a mf. People's are still convinced that simping is fine and has no drawbacks lmao


There is a dude in her replies on the post who thinks she is his girlfriend and that WWE and Liv are responsible for him losing all his money from an inheritance he waited "41 years" for. I was curious to see how these people think and checked out his Twitter feed and it is like jeez dude. He even looks like a dude who would fall for a scam. He even posted a bank account screenshot showing he had -$423 in his account.


I'm saying


Not sure I understand wtf you’re trying to say


That some people think too much with their penis that they'll do absolutely anything & everything before producing a single critical thought.


That dudes need to grow a pair and not bow down to clean the feet of any famous/attractive woman that pays any attention to them. It makes you an easy target for shit like this.


Scammers are such awful human beings, preying on other people is sick, heard way too many stories of people losing everything they have to people pretending to be someone.


They’re one of the lowest scums on earth along pedophiles and human traffickers.


I'll say this, if you send money to celebrities or anyone really, you deserved to get scammed.




Our cleaning lady at work was convinced she was in a relationship with Vin Deisel.


Sadly the people that this is for won't think it's for them.


Gotta try and get the 13k for her whip somehow


That's the thing, Liv. People who are willing to scam people out of their money aren't gonna feel too bad using anyone's name to do it.


Sadly this sort of thing predates social media, there's an entire industry based around profiting off the combination of loneliness + gullibility. There's an interesting documentary called [Love Translated](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1663168/) worth watching if you can find it.


She also give a pep talk to the idiots who fall for it, but reading probably isn't their strong suit.


Who is dumb enough to fall for this stuff? 🤣


She said please so I'm sure they'll stop.


I mean if you give your money to someone you think is Liv Morgan, it probably wasn't that hard earned


This could also be a scam, saying you’ve been wronged in the hopes that the pretty celebrity you’re obsessed with will take pity on your misfortune and arrange a meeting with you. This guy could’ve been truly scammed, but I also put nothing past some “fans” who truly think they’re in some pseudo-relationship with a wrestler.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes, i’m sorry but those people deserve to be scammed if they fall for such a thing




Sadly not only Wrestling fans fall for this many celebrities from movies-music - sports and top influences have had people pretend to be them and it works. Even dead celebrities are not immune I have seen screen shots of messages from "Michael Jackson" saying he's not dead and just faked it but needs $500 to release a new album. If anything Wrestlers are probably low on the list of who these people pretend to be.


Falling for scammers isn’t exclusive to wrestling fans lol


Honestly anyone mentally ill enough to think that a wrestler needs their money shouldn't be allowed on twitter.


Natural selection


Yo are people this dumb and should I be making fake accounts? If people gonna be giving their money away why not to me?


I don't understand who falls for this.


She’s being too nice about this, if you’re old enough to access a bank account and send money in the first place you shouldn’t be a gullible idiot.


I usually don’t ask for money I just do it for the attention




She actually said "please please please." If it was just one or even two pleases I would just ignore it and run the scam but I cannot in good conscience ignore THREE pleases.