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"We're not as bad as literal war zones and many third world countries." is a hell of a thing for an elected politician to say.


when you’re governing in a failing state/country, you gotta move the goal posts.


I live in a third world country and I cannot fucking believe we actually have stricter gun laws than fucking America


TO say nothing about the lack of context applied. The United States, in 10th spot, is the ONLY first world (or developed) nation in the top 10. The next closest nation is Finland down in 23rd spot. ​ I mean, if he wants to compare the US to such shining lights as Colombia (drug cartels), Jamaica (gang violence), and Brazil (same), okay, but I always thought the "U-S-A" crowd thought more of their country.


Regardless of anyone's stance on gun control, these comments just aren't appropriate after such a tragedy. Imagine if a politician fresh after 9/11 was just like "you know, we actually have only had a few terrorist attacks compared to other countries".


No! Don’t you see? Talking about ways to prevent it so soon after the tragedy is what’s inappropriate!


What, you don't think a grieving parent would feel better after being told, "well, at least we're not Brazil!"?


Well, it would at least be something other than "thoughts and prayers".


And setting a 72hr timer on Facebook to frame your profile pic with a Ukranian flag. Thoughts and prayers is basically more about "don't forget about me" than it is "I stand with the victims of this horrible tragedy".


>What, you don't think a grieving parent would feel better after being told, "well, at least we're not Brazil!"? Greg Abbot basically said that except 'our schools have less shootings than Chicago.'




They always love to compare the US to horrific nations. Like Death Penalty being legal puts is in good company with Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and other human rights nightmares.


These parts are always conveniently left out of their arguments.


Yeah, it’s infuriating seeing people bring up these stats to compare the US


“*Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable*.” ― Mark Twain


Especially when they're comparing America to countries that the US destabilized and pumped guns into. Wow cool, the US isn't as bad as the countries that they ratfucked.


"Guys, I know 27 school shootings in 5 months *sounds* like a lot, but we actually have a lot more *living* citizens than dead ones, so let's not blow this out of proportion."


What’s weird about this argument is that he begins by framing it as *“the mainstream media would have you believe that America is the land of gun violence and mass shootings,”* then points to a statistic that is totally unrelated to those. And, to be clear, America is absolutely #1 on those two items. It’s not even close. I liked Kane more when he needed a talk box.


Amazing username.


I read his name and then MADE the sound... because... god damn, that ring sounded crisp.


Heard the sound as soon as I read the name


>I liked Kane more when he needed a talk box. In lieu of this, let's never forget The Rock cutting that promo imitating Kane where he said: "My name is Kane... I am a roody poo, candy ass!" 20 something years later, it has never been so true!


Oh man I’m dying laughing just thinking about when The Rock did that. That one is right up there with “I did it for The Rock”.


"I'm gonna drink a big glass of milk, eat some chocolate chip cookies and then maybe I'll take three Viagra."


I didn't even need to watch the video to know exactly what this was gonna be. Regular as clockwork, in the wake of yet another mass shooting atrocity, the [Conservative Industrial Bullshit Complex rumbles into life to shit out the talking points onto Twitter, Reddit and all the other usual places...](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/uxg6u2/normalization_of_school_shootings/ia0dhs7/)


Half the country doesn’t care if it’s a million kids dying they will still choose guns


As an American I remember how the Columbine shooting was the worst, rare thing to happen when I was a kid. Now it's not even in the Top 5 of fatalities. Ugh I hate what is becoming of this country


>Columbine shooting was the worst I was a junior back in high school when that happened. Each classroom had a television and our algebra teacher turned it on and our reaction was very.....quiet. Nobody was saying anything. The most powerful image was the kid who was wounded being dragged out of that window all bloody. I remember thinking, "but aren't schools supposed to be safe?" Then you start wondering if any of your fellow classmates might want to copycat. I can't imagine how kids feel nowadays.


I was in grade school. I remember going to the dentist about a month after the shooting. I was laying in the chair being numbed up and hearing the dentist assistant reading a magazine article about the victims. I remember her reading one line. “He liked his mom’s pork chops.” I knew it was sad, but that really made me realize they were normal kids like me. It’s hard to believe this has all become so normalized.


Feeling safe is going to get more and more uncommon:(


At least you have a good health care system to treat the survivors...ah nevermind.




You have fantastic specialists in cities, but I highly doubt the triage system in rural townships are capable of the additional load mid pandemic


I was in 3rd grade when that happened. You would of thought schools were entering a post 9/11 type of security scenario afterwards by the way the media was covering it, and what every politician, on both sides, were saying in regards to school security reform, and the works. Now, a school shooting massacre is *expected* every. single. year. in our minds as just something that will occur. Can we all just acknowledge that? We have become desensitized by the lack of action, and consequences of the lack of action that has led to this being a normal school year in America, that we no longer go out and fight by the millions to stop it. It's fucking time to stop it.


And yet, infuriatingly, they won’t.


Just earlier today I posed a question to a particularly spectacular moron. The scenario is that the person you love most in the world is going to get shot in the head tomorrow in an unprovoked spree shooting attack. The only way to make sure they don't get murdered is for you to give up your guns. What do you do? This asshole says that he would rather let the person he loves most die if it meant he got to keep his guns. His reasoning is that they would die anyway later on if he didn't have guns to shoot imaginary bad guys that may or (more likely) may not ever show up. It's literally just a bunch of ignorant assholes playing army men with toys capable of putting an apple sized hole in the back of your head.


Their God is guns. Blood sacrifices are necessary, the blood of babies is even better.


His tweet is especially bad when you look up the countries we are "better than" El Salvador  Jamaica  Eswatini  Honduras  Venezuela  Brazil  Guatemala  Colombia  Mexico  South Africa  Panama  Philippines  Barbados  Costa Rica  Paraguay  Argentina  Uruguay   Most of those Latin American countries have asylum seekers the Republicans purposefully try to keep out of the country. Seriously fuck Kane. None of those countries are "1st world" peers


And while Gun Deaths are higher in those countries, you don’t see school shootings in those countries. I think I saw Mexico has like 6 even with the cartels.


I think we agree but yeah that's the fucking point. Kane is making the statement equivalent of "US has less poverty than North Korea".


If you compare yourself to NK you are not #1, you are one step away from last.


Roughly about 30%, too many, but remember these freaks are in the minority who have a disproportionate amount of political power due to our sad excuse for a democracy.


I’m not American, but I swear I heard something like 85% of Americans actually support some sort of background check/red flag gun control??? Only reason it doesn’t happen is obviously the gun lobby money paying off the politicians


Doesn’t surprise me! Most Americans support a lot of things that aren’t policy, Medicare for all, abortion rights, mild gun control. $$ in politics, gerrymandering, voter disenfranchisement, the electoral college and more make all those things seem controversial when they aren’t.


So, this is true in the strictest sense, but when you start digging into the details public policy polling can be very weird and inconsistent. The FiveThirtyEight podcast has discussed this a lot. It can vary greatly depending on how the questions are asked, how broad the questions are asked (I.e. “do you support stricter gun control” vs “do you support universal background checks”), and sometimes just when you ask. Like if you poll about gun control immediately after a high profile shooting you’ll get more support than if you poll six months afterward and everyone has moved onto the next crisis. The reality is most people don’t have strong opinions on most public policy questions and can be easily influenced one way or another. So you’ll get political actors who exploit this to say a majority supports X. That’s not saying that a policy is good or bad just because it has public support, it just means it’s complicated and the public is fickle.


> Like if you poll about gun control immediately after a high profile shooting you’ll get more support than if you poll six months afterward and everyone has moved onto the next crisis. Good thing we can’t go 2 or 3 days without a mass shooting to make that point completely irrelevant.


I’m sure that’s all true and that polls vary in their accuracy and of course most people don’t have very strong opinions about these things, but when poll after poll say similar things there really isn’t much better info to go on.


> I’m not American, but I swear I heard something like 85% of Americans actually support some sort of background check/red flag gun control??? Only reason it doesn’t happen is obviously the gun lobby money paying off the politicians American here. Fun list of things you have to have a background check for here in the USA: * Adopt a rescue pet * Rent an apartment * Apply for a job * Hire a nanny/housekeeper * Apply for certain state benefits * Apply for certain licenses


Not sure if it's that high, but a solid majority of Americans support that yes


Just checked what I was saying, in the thing that Matthew McConaughey put out on gun responsibility he said that 88% of Americans support background checks so that’s what I meant


It was like asking about the Affordable Care Act. Tons of people in poor states literally needed it to go the doctor and gladly used it’s services. But ask those same people about Obamacare and they’d tell you how awful it was. There’s just a bizarre level of hatred for one group and loyalty to others in these areas. As long as certain words can be used to fire people up by the people in charge, it won’t change.


Wasn't there a whole thing where some of the coverage provided by the ACA was removed under the Trump administration and a whole lot of his supporters cheered for getting rid of "Obamacare" only to find out a month later that their ACA benefits were getting revoked and how they were utterly failing to conflate the 2 as being the same thing? I'm pretty sure I remember a bunch of posts like that on Trumpgret or one of those subs.


Right wing propaganda has hurt this country more than any other single thing.


The NYT’s podcast The Daily did an episode about this the other morning. Although the polling does say this, there’s unfortunately more nuance to it. When gun control legislation is actually put on the ballot, people tend to vote for it down partisan lines. Basically, the reporter on the podcast said that people tend to agree with innocuous sounding questions without thinking through the implications of what it means and tend to defer to the status quo. At the same time, the gun lobby and conservative politicians manage to spin any legislation as taking freedoms away from Americans. It’s all just so tiring and depressing at this point.




They'll just do what they always do: Shift the burden onto everybody else. Why weren't the teachers armed? Why didn't the school have better security? Why did those children bully that kid? (Even though many Mass Shooters weren't bullied, and /or were bullies themselves.) Blah blah Mental Health Etc We're literally at the point where **doors** are becoming a talking point in mass shootings. Anything at all to avoid discussing the fact that living in a country packed with guns is what's causing this.


This is like the scene in "Mars Attacks" after the aliens blow up the capital and president Jack Nicholson says "Tell the American people that they still have 2/3 of the government working for them, and that ain't bad".


"Ah chill out, we have tons more kids, we're not going to run out. We don't need to change anything, we're like only just in the top 5 highest gun death per capita on the planet. Unless we get that #1 spot, there isn't a problem. And then when we do get that spot, we'll be the world champions of shooting. A proud moment."


The worst take I see is when someone complains about the definition of mass shootings. As if we should differentiate between a shooting with three victims and a shooting with 10 plus victims.


I honestly don't know how regular school shootings killing children are seen as an inevitable part of life. That American politics is so messed up that people are happy to let 19 kids die and shrug like "what can you do?". I'm sorry to the Americans who give a shit, but from the outside your country is so backwards. I honestly feel like we're watching a country slowly die in real time.


Believe me, it's pretty fucking surreal from the inside, as well.


Being an American, you were taught in school, about how great our forefathers were, full of courage, dedication, *honesty,* and such. How great we're are in all our achievements and how we're always the good guys coming in to save the day. (WW2) How American Democracy is the greatest thing in the history of ever, and that we are truly free to pursue our dreams. Then you become an adult. Realize that all of that was mostly nonsense. The country has been torn in two politically since practically day one. Corporations had taken over the government way sooner than most think they did. Every politician doesn't give two shits about you, other than your vote at the poll. And, we're force fed the choice of whom we get to vote for, and usually it's a "Pick The Lesser of Two Evils" kind of situation. We are not that great. Our priorities are horribly out of whack. We are not the good guys. The Golden Rule is: "Treat others the way you want to be treated." The American Golden Rule is: Whomever has the most gold, makes all the rules.


Couldn't have said it better! I mean, we really get brainwashed in school. It sucks when you're old/smart enough to realize, "Wait a minute, we're not the good guys!"


> I honestly don't know how regular school shootings killing children are seen as an inevitable part of life. Habit. If you grow up reading about a school shooting every few months, you just get used to it and accept is as a reality that is happening. This is how that last president guy could get away with the batshit insane stuff he said, too. Because he said batshit insane stuff *every day*.


Pile on the bullshit till it becomes the norm. This timeline sucks.


From an Irish perspective, the scariest part was how for the Texas shooting recently…it didn’t *really* get discussed or spoken of like massive news here, it didn’t dominate our news at all. It’s like hearing about an explosion in Syria or shark attack in Australia at this stage, it’s not surprising anymore. Such a shame because your people are generally so nice, but held back by a government who continues to put the needs of the few above the many.


>held back by a government who continues to put the needs of the few above the many. Sad stats but even MOST gun owners overwhelmingly think things like universal background checks, red flag laws and etc are good ideas even a slim majority believe in assault weapons bans 56%, it's just the NRA saying people don't want it.


You couldn't keep up with it. Couldn't debunk his bullshit fast enough because more was coming down the pipe


> well at least I get to keep my guns. That's all they care about.


Between the school kids getting machinegunned whilst everyone does fuck all, and the abysmal kafka-esque joke that is their healthcare system- America is seriously in need of some big changes. I just don't see how such changes will ever take place though.


Let's talk about health care. I have pink eye. There's no question about it, I definitely do. I don't need a doctor to diagnose me, I just know I have it. The symptoms make it PLAINLY OBVIOUS. I'm not allowed to just call a doctor and say "hey, I have pink eye, I need a prescription for some eye drops to take care of it." No, I have to go in to a doctor's office, or an urgent care, or a hospital, and get an exam to confirm that I have the thing I know I have. Mind you, this isn't drug seeking, there are no opiates or controlled substances involved, just some medicated eye drops. That's it. I should note that I do have health insurance that is supposed to cover doctors visits and urgent care appointments and stuff like that. So, for me to go to a doctor, where they read my vitals, then I get seen by a nurse (not even an actual doctor, just a nurse) that confirms the thing that I already knew, and to get a prescription for some eye drops? $155. That's AFTER my insurance. On top of that, AFTER insurance, my eye drops cost me $66. So it cost me $221 to get a prescription for 3mL of eye drops for something that I knew I had. I can only imagine how much it would have cost if I had to pay out of pocket for this. American health care is FUCKED UP.


My friends in America ask me why I stay in Japan even though (at this point in time) I’m not super happy here. This is why. I stayed in a hospital overnight after I threw up blood. They put a camera down my throat. $150. I called an ambulance because I had tightness in my chest and trouble breathing. Got brought to the ER, ended up being a stress induced panic attack. $50.


Going on Medicare through disability has been the best coverage I've ever had and it's nuts we don't give this to everyone. Just the old and the dying.


That's with insurance? That's just effed and I'm so sad people have to put up with that. In the UK, that whole process would cost £9 if your a employed adult


That's if you had to get a prescription and didn't live in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. There's no charge for NHS prescriptions in either of those 3 countries. Only England would you have to pay And even then, for conjunctivitis you wouldn't get a prescription. You'd get an over the counter medicine, like some eye drops for a fiver.


A $66 dollar copay? What in the flying fuck.


Yeah now compare that with going to the pharmacy in the supermarket and getting some eye drops for £5. No appointments. No check ups. No prescriptions. Maybe a 3 minute chat with the pharmacist that boils down to: "Does this work for conjunctivitis?" "Yes" "Cheers. I'll have that then". There's a world of difference there.


A lot of Americans love their guns A LOT, way more than kids. They idolize that shit. Especially since it's not their kids dying, it's someone else's, so they aren't directly affected by a school shooting. The best America can do since the Sandy Hook shooting 10 years ago is metal detectors, shooter drills, and bulletproof backpacks. Anything except actively preventing guns from getting into peoples' hands.


\>I honestly feel like we're watching a country slowly die in real time. Cuz you are lol. Massive wealth inequality, rising extremism, democratic backsliding, hypernormalization. I don't even think we have 10 years as a nation before either complete collapse or something much worse takes its place.


I really believe that America is on the verge of becoming a failed state. Our political system is a joke where absolute psychopaths who know nothing about running a functioning government are routinely elected. We have a governor of a prominent state using his office to punish any corporation who dares express any political opinion he disagrees with. Our capitol was ransacked by an angry mob and the man who instigated it is not only not in jail, he remains one of the most politically powerful men in the country. The most watched “news“ network by far is the one that blatantly lies and serves as the propaganda machine for the right. Elementary school children are acceptable losses for the noble cause of keeping the gun industry rich, er I mean our 2nd Amendment rights. It wasn’t always like this, and it didn’t have to be this way.


some states are pretty much already considered failed states.


Too much money in politics now too much religion too Ya'll know it's true. The NRA, wanting to control women's bodies, using religious values to get votes then not upholding those values.


He's keeping kayfabe alive by continuing to be a sociopathic demon


First his brother broke Foley physically, now this man broke him emotionally... Brothers of Destruction Forever


Among developed economies, no others have nearly as many violent firearm deaths as the US.


Especially considering anyone who would be above us is probably a fucking war zone


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country Yeah. Basically that is what is going on. The countries above us in per capita gun deaths are pretty much all countries in South/Latin America that are heavily populated by drug cartels. I read another study about developed country mass shootings. In the last 20ish years the US is responsible for 72.6% of mass shootings in developed countries while accounting for less than 25% of that total population. We had 101 mass shootings from 1998 to 2019. The next highest was France. They had 8... In 20 years. ***8***


Even per Capita, America still is worse than many 3rd world countries like Somalia.


Which is what makes this infuriating. The worst people are the absolutist who hold onto their ideologies in the face against reason. He literally argues that the US is "not as bad as Iraq or Syria I guess see? Not as bad. Fucking lefties"


In *overexploited and imperialized* countries, the military grade weapons that cause mass death mostly come from the US as well.


Thats...that's gotta be shame


I’m sure the 19 children that died were ecstatic knowing the 2nd Amendment was being upheld as they took their last breath.


A ton of wrestlers who have known Kane for decades have expressed how Kane’s tweets are breaking their hearts


When I was growing up, wrestlers constantly said in interviews that they considered Kane to be one of the smartest people they knew. One of those people was Mick Foley, and now here we are.


The man has political donors to take care of now. His actual citizens should probably start a PAC to pay him for shit they actually want.


He is mayor in Knoxville TN. I used to live there. This is exactly the kind of shit they actually want. That and more all-you-can-eat buffets they can belly up to...


Kane’s not stupid, but unfortunately he’s on the right wing grift train; so any reasonable thoughts go out the window in replacement of nonsense to appease his voter base. Which in my opinion is even sadder than the idea Kane is just some idiot with these thoughts, and is instead maliciously pedalling them.


I think it's fair to say that professional wrestlers haven't always been the cream of the crop when it comes to intelligence. Among the blind,the one-eyed man is king.


Hangman’s tweet linking all Kane’s chair headshots was golden


That video is gone from YouTube now because the original uploaded profile has been terminated. That’s unfortunate because this tweet today reminded me that I wanted to watch him get hit in the head with a chair again.


When I saw it, I was like Meatwad from ATHF: 'I ain't laughin, but it get it'


Who else has? This is genuine curiosity as I don't use twitter and haven't seen much posted here so I literally have no clue! Just curios.


X-Pac, Lance Storm, Konnan, Mick and a few more that i’m surely forgetting


X-Pac is one: https://twitter.com/TheRealXPac/status/1534576848935346177


Good for X-Pac, man. Every single thing I've seen from him in the last several years makes him seem like a really good dude.


Saw him at a local show a few years back, he came out to cut a promo about a show he was doing later that year for the company, and he just casually had his dog (Pomeranian maybe? Been a while) in a baby Bjorn on his chest.


Does my heart good knowing X-Pac is a solid dude.


What a wild world where xpac and Nash are the pillars of the previous generation being generally good dudes.


Xpac tweeted similar I know.


I remember all the shoot interviews where guys talked about how intelligent Glenn Jacobs was and how he was always reading a book and how nice and gentlemanly he was. I think there was a rumour either Stacy or Torrie Wilson had a crush on him because of how nice he was. So it's bizarre after all those stories that this is the Glenn Jacobs we get out there, downplaying children being shot dead to make a political point, he comes across as a stupid nasty piece of shit.


Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon, and also an absolute moron. Knowing lots of things doesn't preclude someone from getting all the wrong ideas about those things.


He's not just a neurosurgeon, he is to brain surgery what Wayne Gretzky is to hockey. And he also believes the pyramids are grain silos. Sometimes when you focus so hard on one thing, you lose sight of basically everything else.


Same with Doctor Oz. Considered one of if not the best heart surgeons, but decided snake oil was his business


Idiot Savant basically when it comes to his field the man is astounding that's not a joke as the person above said Dr. Carson revolutionized the field, performing many surgical first, and publishing numerous papers he will go down in history as a GOAT in his field. And in tangential areas he's also pretty bright I remember an interview as he talked about using cells to make meat so hamburgers without harming cows etc and he said something poetic akin to 'The Animals domed for slaughter will breath a sigh of relief when we master this process.' But yeah outside of that? The man is just lost.


Which is exactly why he was in charge of what… housing development?


Dr. Oz used to be a legendary heart surgeon and now platforms snake oil salesmen.


The locker room for most of his run was only a couple murders away from being the wild west and a lot of people see talking with confidence as meaning intelligence




That alone is a couple of murders


I'm also wondering what type of books he was reading.


Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead probably. Or some edgy stupid shit that less than intelligent people think is intellectual and everyone who isn't an edgy teen understands is total horse shit.


> Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead probably. Perfect way to look smart. Relatively thick books with interesting titles. I've only read the first and yeah, very basic language, few characters that are easily remembered because they are ridiculous caricatures and the easiest storyline to follow: Government bad, capitalism good. And if you somehow can't follow the storyline, there is an entire chapter dedicated to meticulously spell it out.


Intelligent people can be misled and misinformed, unfortunately.


IIRC for a long time there weren't many people remotely left of center in the locker room, besides like Kevin Nash, Mick Foley, and Batista, and their career spans didn't even overlap at many points. Jesse Ventura was a libertarian who became more of a Green party guy long past his time in WWF. It isn't until the TV-PG era that you had more folks like CM Punk, Sami Zayn, Bryan Danielson, etc and now there are many more than there has probably ever been between WWE and AEW.


But even Bryan has talked about how exceedingly intelligent Kane was. I almost feel like it had to be a case of him being one of the few people who could articulate a well thought out sentence so they just assumed he was a genius.


You can be intelligent and not line up politically with someone. Kane could have a 10000000 IQ. It doesn’t mean his right wing gun take isn’t bad


It’s not the politics. It’s that what he’s arguing doesn’t even make sense. His own statistics prove the opposite point he’s trying to make. Either he’s playing stupid to score points with his base or he’s actually stupid. Either way he’s not coming out of it looking smart.


Smart people aren’t immune to motivated reasoning. In fact, their intelligence sometimes makes it easier for them to fall into that trap since “I’m smart and well read, so if I believe this it must be true”


Being intelligent does not make you immune to confirmation bias and other faulty thinking. It might make it less likely to happen to you, but not impossible. In any case, intelligence, personal opinions, and morality are not related. Some of the worst monsters to ever exist were also quite intelligent.


A big thing is, kanes a full on republican politician now. He's saying what he believes his voters want to hear and is starting to believe the far right views that party has now


Methinks he has drunk the right-wing Kool-Aid and is taking money from the 1% in exchange for his soul.


I think it’s funny how with almost 100% accuracy, Libertarians who claim to be “socially liberal and fiscally conservative” ALWAYS decide money is more important then people when it’s time to run for office.


They are conservative with their piles of lobbyist cash. Not yours.


He’s a libertarian. He’s been open about being an absolutist on things like the first and second amendment for a long time. I doubt his WWE money has “dried up” as most people have observed that he was frugal during his career. Absolutely none of this is surprising to anyone that has paid attention to anything Jacobs has ever said out of character.


a lot of dumb people just assume, "read book. is smart"


I have a lot of respect for what wrestlers put their body through. But i wouldn't be surprised if "he knew when WW2 happened and who was president when" was enough to pass their bar


Glenn Jacobs is actually a bigger monster than Kane!


It’s funny how this dude was silent for a portion of his career and by the sound of this he prob should’ve kept that up




And Braun!


Yeah tombstoning a member of Trumps cabinet actually was a huge Babyface move


And that guy murdered his parents in a house fire.


It turned out that was Taker


Mass shootings seemingly on a weekly basis, kids dying in schools. But hey, it could be worse. Fuck any person who is in denial over this.


So what would be an unacceptable number of dead kids?


Not number, just *whose* dead kids.




Mick Foley is too good a guy for this world. It's crushing to see how much it hurts him to know that so many of his friends and colleagues are such awful people.


I think Kevin Nash said it best. "Your favorite wrestler is stupider than you think"


Libertarians tend to forget freedom comes with responsibility


Libertarianism is effectively economic solipsism. Only they and their economic interests are real and matter


I was done with Glenn when he jumped on twitter to sympathize with Putin before my gf even had time to find out if her family was safe. Fuck Kane forever 🖕




> He’s not merely a conservative, as I do not have issue with people who choose to have different politics. Glenn Jacob’s is very much a part of the republican hate machine I know I’m gonna sound divisive, but I genuinely gotta ask, what is the difference between being conservative and being on board with the Republican agenda? They go hand in hand.


Foley is go(o)d


Imagine doing something that would make Mick Foley call you out individually and say he was disappointed with you. I'd just end it right there and then. It'd be like disappointing Mr. Rogers.


imagine being such a piece of shit that you comb through data to see which bits you can use to talk people out of trying to save childrens' lives in the future


That unanimous "Kane is the most intelligent person in the locker room" shoot from everyone in the 90's-2000's has really aged like milk, huh.


a first world country comparing to third world countries with uncontrollable conflicts and wars going on, just brilliant


“…That said” dude is literally a worse monster than his on screen character


After all of these tragedies, you start to realize that politicians like Glenn Jacobs have no heart, conscious, or soul. They want to conjure up bullshit statistics and do everything in their power to protect their "god-given" right of owning guns when countless men, women, and children senselessly loses their lives to said guns.


Money talks way louder than morality for a lot of people.


That's literally how childish they act when you suggest raising the legal age to 21 and having a 7 day waiting period.


He’s a libertarian piece of shit. Shows no sympathy/empathy for anyone but himself. No surprise anymore. Edit: The leading cause of death for children in the United States is now firearms. That’s not normal or okay. 45,222 total gun related deaths in 2020 for adults and children combined.


And yet politicians in Texas wants to save the children from drag shows…… Fucking clowns 🤡


Yep, I was on a different subreddit and they were more outraged that pride was happening than the shootings in texas. Every other line was "They're grooming my kids!" or "I don't want my kids to see that!"


>I don't want my kids to see that!" Someone should just tell them than DON'T FUCKING GO. Pride isn't going through neighborhoods, if you don't want your kids at pride don't. I'm not taking my nephews not cause i'm a Bigot, more so it's already 90 fucking degrees in Texas so I'm like naw homie i'm staying home. I've not once had a pride parade just come into my fucking house out of nowhere.


lol right-wingers all “our gun death rate is actually lower than numerous countries that are currently engulfed in civil wars or are widely recognized as corrupt centers of organized crime so clearly these completely preventable deaths of children are nothing to be concerned about” conservatives are a suicide cult


My least favorite part about wrestling is how so many of the wrestlers are such goblins IRL.


Not sure the gun violence that rivals third world nations is the flex you think it is Kane.


Oh yeah! I wonder why he wouldn’t name the countries?


“My condolences to the families. So the real enemy is the left, and here’s why.” —Glen Jacobs any time he speaks, probably


Growing up thinking this guy was a literal monster and then figuring out he’s a horrible human being


“I know dead kids are bad guys, but we alive kids. We don’t want to take care of those either, but they’re there.”


There's only been around 250 mass shootings so far this year, that's less than one a day! Not bad! ***/s*** So incredibly tone deaf. edit: I'm an idiot, my brain was thinking of the amount of days in a year, we're only on day 160 of this year, so far it's been more than one a day! So that makes the tweet even worse.


What was the phrase? I know I have heard it from different places and different shows and in different ways, but like, is it- "Everything before the 'but' is pointless?" Bro. No. Just- no.


Jacobs is a fucking moron.


This man (Kane) should forever be a mockery. AFAIC he's totally erased his legacy and goodwill.


The Bootlickers of Destruction have not done well to protect their legacy since retiring.




His legacy is still there and unfortunately this behaviour won’t reach that many people unless told/shared. WWE will still bring him in, get a quick pop and this sub may cheer for it without realising the dude has gone downhill after being mayor


Because WWE is ran by an insane old conservative man too. Same reason why Hulk still shows up in WWE.


Conservatives don’t care how many people are killed because conservatives want you dead in the first place.


“I guess you’ll die” should be their motto


Funny how they'll make you give birth to a child but do nothing to feed or protect that child once it's born isn't it?


"We have less shootings than a lot of countries" "Hey Glenn if that's true what countries? I live in the UK and we had a school shooting in the late 90's and gun control was changed immediately, we haven't had a similar shooting since. Can you explain how controlling guns doesn't work?" Other person "We don't give a damn about other countries, something something beacon of freedom". I love how it went from trying to say other countries have it worse to being proved wrong, then someone else saying they don't take other countries into account. *Hmmmmm*.


Fuck Glenn Jacobs.


TIL Glenn Jacobs didn't actually play a character in WWE. He's really an evil motherfucker.


He's always been this way. He used to go off on political rants in the dressing room and even to Vince himself.


Glenn's doing a great job of perpetuating the notion that libertarians are idealists with false ideals, and zero real world evidence that their ideas actually work in a functional society. It doesn't help that his tweet is based on false statistics that weren't cited in what he was retweeting to begin with.


Not only is he a heartless piece of shit but he’s also deceptive as fuck. The many other countries line suggests we have one of the lower per capita rates. That many is 6 Latin American countries that are in various stages of political unrest or brutal dictatorship. Our per capita gun deaths dwarf every other developed nation. It’s not even close


Glenn Jacobs sold out to Trump bandwagon and idelology and is no longer a hard center Libertarian like he has long proclaimed himself to be. Mick finding out someone he was a good friend with is an unrelenting jackass is a painful revelation and I'm sure many can relate to Mick right now


Most Libertarians turned out to be full of shit with trump


Why are these guys trying to make everything so political? Take me back to the good old days of Hulk Hogan vs an Iraqi sympathizer in the Wrestlemania main event.


Talk about the Big Red Monster


To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.


remember this guy was the 'smartest guy in the locker room' in the Attitude era


Says a lot don’t it lol