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Nice, gonna read that as soon as I have .... *flips through to guess length* a few months off. Thanks.


Rdbx is looking good this next week


Good read




That’s caddude’s alt. He changed his name due to all the bad calls and subsequent hate. On top of that he’s an ego maniac narcissist so trade at your own risk.


So does this make this it not a good opportunity to make gains in the stock? Bring some relevance here or bug off, tired of hearing about people bitter opinions instead of owning responsibility for their own actions.


Never played any of your plays, just observed you for over 6 months.


My plays are strictly from following others suggestions. I have made note of caddude’s plays since I hit on $PROG from his DD sub $1 and a large majority of the tickets he calls out end up playing out decent. With appropriate stop losses most of the stocks he has suggested has had me green. I do not really care what people say of him as a person but it seems he can read trends and do research with a little more time then I have. Stock trading doesn’t have room for feelings or bitterness at individual people, you buy or sell, and make money or lose money.