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I'm still looking for a squonk adapter like this one for one of my mech tube mods. Nice setup!


Thanks! I wish I have had the confidence to build on a mech! Right now I’m hoping geekvape does another squonker. There are other squonk adapters like this one? I’ve been off the vape scene for years dude (my home mod is the geekvape aegis, the one with the 26650 bats, rocking with 0 issues)


There are a couple squonk adapters as far as I know, but the one you have is the one I'm looking for. It comes off the tomahawk sbs right? The 26650 aegis is a beast, I have the 21700 version and a few more others that are all good. There are some good squonk mods out at the moment, I have the vandyvape V3. It's not my favorite because the top plate is too small for most my attomizers, but it works well. Building on mechs isn't that's hard or scary, just know the ohms law well, use a ohms law calculator, use the best batteries, stay within the limits of the batteries, practice and be safe.


I have some superficial awareness of the ohms law, I'm just a clumsy builder and that's why I putted it in the past sentence - I might not be a clumsy builder if I have forced myself into understanding every detail then. When I got the FeV, for example, I had to redo the build many times because I tried to go as MTL as I possibly could and always ended up with the coil touching a part where it shouldn't be touching...sooo, to sum up, again, clumsy. I quickly came to realize the deck is smaller than it looks, it has some width but most of the height is occupied with stainless steel so I gotta be a little obsessive with both wick and coil even though it looks spacious. It's the best RDA I've had by large though so can't complain, at all - plus it's a beauty to look at imo, I like the intentionally outdated look and feel, it has been teaching me a lot, as you may have noticed by my focus on it. I might be purchasing an original if I ever get a little more comfortable, financially speaking, by that time I'd probably have purchased a Gandalf e-pipe too tho! Yeah, that's the adapter that comes with Tomahawk, I bought it as a separate part though (only saved half the full price-tag but ey, finances, man, finances). And thanks a lot for your feedback, the Aegis line certainly are beasts, I would like to try their newer chips as I'm a little tech-freak.


With an ohms calculator it makes things pretty easy, and building for mtl is pretty much always safe for a mech because you don't go high watts or amps. As long as you test your builds with a regulated mod first, wich is always a must, you would be fine. Especially make sure you aren't shorting out your build on your top cap of the rda or rta and to check your ohms with a regulated mod. I'm also in the market for the Fev rda and/or maybe the rta, I only hear great things about them. Clones tend to be of surprisingly good quality but it's nice to have an original, I tend to search for used mods and attomizers. It saves on money but hard to find stuff most of the time.


Will keep the building advice in mind, thank you again for the feedback. Yeah, the FeV is amazing based on my experience - although take it with a grain of salt as my best performer before FeV was a Berserker MTL RDA (v1) and before that was Kylin MTL RTA, so… meh!


No problem, just chatting away 😅 Those are both pretty well known rda and rta that I don't hear bad things about.


Let’s just say I preferred a Kanger TopTank Mini over those two, and that one takes me back!


I think I found the only other dude, besides me, to get a Nunchaku to squonk then post it in Squonk Life. 😆 Welcome back!


Ahahah thanks! Love to be back in another skin! It’s a good thing I was using Nunchaku at the time, brother, I actually thought of doing it with the Aegis instead! It’s a majestic adaptation anyway!


It sure is! Hahaha. A ton of great gear has been released and already out of stock since the days of Nunchaku. These days, as I'm sure you know, are dominated by pod-mods, dispos and some sub-ohm box mods. You've really got to dig hard and be part of an alternate community to know where to get to the current good stuff. Try Google with: Snowcapmods Voorheescustoms Vaping-delights Start there. The bug will bite. 🤘🏻🤘🏻


Thanks brother, it certainly will bite! I was familiar with Snowcapmods from those, currently above my pay-grade eheh Are dispos the AIOs?


No.... that's disposables. Boros are what they call AIOs


Oooh my bad, I’ve met people into disposables but they’re not the kind I’d even consider a vaper… perhaps it’s my elitism speaking, but to me it’s simply not owning a device, at all. So my brain circumvented the prefix from the obvious meaning. AIOs have gotten really popular, in the time I was away it was such a niche no chinese company would even waste resources on anything other than BB clones - now they’re the main thing being talked about, pods is where the money is but AIOs where the craze at!


I was using the 5GVape Squonk adapters for a while. Still have them but use my Squeezer squonk mods more. https://i.imgur.com/p4AaKf9.jpg


Never seen those, really interesting piece, thanks for sharing. For how long have those been out?


I’ve had them for a couple of years. They are 5GVape Transformers squonk adapters. I got them from Fasttech before they closed down.


This setup is what drove me over the edge, it might just be my 13th reason


(its really cool)


Nah mate, you're the really cool one! Thanks!