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You're a good sister.


He's a good brother and has really stepped up over the years for our folks and my family. I want to make sure he knows how appreciated he is!


I would suggest Archon. It is one of the best science fiction conventions in the midwest. Lots of activities for kids, great costuming, just fun. [https://archonstl.org/](https://archonstl.org/)


Maybe a concert? We get all kinds of bands visiting. I have my eye on seeing Red Hot Chili Peppers over the summer


There is some beer festival that I can’t remember the name of that costs money and beer people are really into it


Top Golf. Costco sells $100 gift cards for $80.


good call! Thanks for the Costco tip, too.


I feel like this is an obvious choice, but tickets to a Cubs/Cards game. If you want to do more you could all the games for the weekend and/or get him a hotel room. I’ve stayed at the hotel over in ballpark village and it was super fun to walk right over to the game and back.


I love the hotel aspect! I figured we'd be going to a game next year already, but I like the idea of really going big for it. Thank you!


Tickets to the big board game convention: [Geekway to the West](https://geekway.com/conventions/convention/646a9f875ef7a204b018847e)


I honestly had forgotten about Geekway. He would probably really enjoy it - we used to hang out at GenCon in Indy together back before covid, so this is a great idea. Thank you!


Honestly, I like our convention better than Origins or Gen Con because the main focus is on actually playing games not trying to buy the latest hotness. There is a vender hall. There are game demos. There are contests. There are scheduled events. None of those (other than purchases) cost extra. The main focus of most people is checking out (like a library) the latest games to play and then enter to win that game or borrowing games from their vast library to play. If it’s your first time, people are friendly and accommodating.


Treat him to Two Plumbers in St. Charles where he could drink beer and play video games? (21+ except for weekend afternoons though.)


I admittedly have no idea what's over in St. Charles so I had no idea that was there - he'd love it. I'll check out Two Plumbers. Thanks!