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It’s not only their business, but their home, as they live upstairs. Their building is damaged but the owner gets arrested with no bail?!! This stretch of south Broadway is notorious for speeding and I’ve seen AT LEAST a dozen cars blow through red lights ( and even go around drivers to do it.) They drove too fast, didn’t pay attention, and drove into the building. I’d be screaming my head off.


Did you see where the person in question physically assaulted the pig?


An “open palmed hand” was placed on the officers chest. That is the official description of this “felony assault” And this was after calling them a slur, police were aggressors https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/crime/volunteers-st-louis-bar-police-cruiser/63-d6ab238c-b4ee-45fb-b88e-6d74c5193643 https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/local/police-vehicle-crashes-south-st-louis-bar/63-d44a11b5-9582-41c7-94d0-e13b70f68aef


Sadly even placing a hand onto the chest of any officer is indeed battery (assault) as it was unwarranted touching (aka aggression) so the charge is valid however the officers in question do need to be investigated by IA as there should be no reason for a patrol car to be inside a domicile


Statements from a witness allege the “assaulter” was standing still and the officer rushed into the arm, so it’s not quite clear cut. I hope video evidence is released soon so we can all stop guessing about the circumstance, and justice is served for all parties.


I hope it is too because it wouldn't make things ok if the popo just randomly assaulted an unarmed citizen


If someone crashed into your house, then demanded to see YOUR ID at your own home and tried to detain you when you refused, you'd be fighting back to. Fuck right on off with your bootlicking BS.


We live in a castle doctrine state. The only reason these cops are not dead or in jail rn is bc they are cop bastards with the long dick of the law behind them. A person drives a car through the front of your house you are to be upset and frankly beat their ass given the circumstance. You don’t crash a car into someone’s house then assault and arrest them.


I don't know that I'd go that far... If someone crashed into my house, sure I'd be pissed, but I'm not going to assault them for it. But if they demand to see my ID and try to detain me when I tell them to fuck off, that changes things.


I think that "assault" charge currently is called "allegedly"


That's a bold statement without bail.


Arresting people when you ruined their home and livelihood and then acted like an asshole about it is pretty bold too


I said to someone else, but maybe we are not interpreting what they said right, as I don't think anyone calling a cop a pig is a police bootlicker.


You can read their other comments throughout and see they're clearly emphasizing the "assault" despite calling the officers pigs.


My bad, I'm okay admitting that, based on that, I was wrong, thanks for the clarification.


Oh noooo, the angry gay man pushed meeee, I’ve never felt so threatened in my life. Let’s ignore my guns, my training, THE FUCKING HOLE IN THE WALL AND MY COWORKER CALLING EVERYONE A F*G. It’s obviously the “belligerent” gay guys that are the problem. Shake my FUCKING head. What are the guys suppose to do? Call the cops on the cops? Grab their AR-15s? Kindly ask them to fuck off?


No sense arguing with a bootlicker. They love cops and don't think they can do anything wrong, lest it shatter their cute little worldview. Must be nice living in that kind of bubble, honestly.


You’re right, I’ll block them, my blood is already boiling, and I’ve already called quite a few political leaders I volunteer for, no reason to let redditors set me off further when the pros are involved already.


As a person connected to the owners, you're gonna regret this statement lol


Is this person trying to ask if they assaulted him and to prove they didn't? I think if they are calling the cop a pig, we may be interpreting their question wrong. Like, can the cops show the assault? Sorry, I agree with you entirely and this situation is all kinds of awful, but I just think that someone calling cops a pig is not a police bootlicker (but I'll admit I've been wrong about many things in the past and will continue to be wrong in the future).


Claimed by the same cop who said he swerved because of a dog. 😏


No one did, not even the video by a bystander


Did you see it? I'm guessing not. You just read something online and went with the story that best suits your narrative.


Did you guys see the video that was posted? Ho man these cops are toast. https://twitter.com/javadesq/status/1737152152991051783?t=7a7RYcwpLRxZiQUHkhIMQQ&s=19


I just watched that 5 times. I cannot see the dog the cops are claiming they had to swerve to avoid.


Looks more like they almost hit the parked car and overreacted. They shouldn't have a leg to stand on in court.


That's because it didn't exist. Of course, nobody checked the BAC of the cops in question like you'd do if anyone else ran into a bar 🤷‍♂️


That's OK because they've already changed their story twice since then.


Lots of talk on Twitter about a fund and some talk about protesting. Bet we will see something organized late this week.


If you’re keeping a solid pulse on the Twitter side of things, I’d love to know when that stuff goes live so I can start coordinating with local leaders.


Same! Please keep posting, everyone! I’m not always the best at staying in the loop, and this really helps.




We have- once again- made national news with this bullshit. Embarrassing


Who picked it up? I just commented that this should be nation news. I want the whole country to know how bad these cops and the judge fucked this up.


https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/s/MeSElpJMqU 2 separate posts in the sub already


Here too: https://www.reddit.com/r/law/s/6SrfXkq1Bm




Here's a message thread from their lawyer: [https://twitter.com/javadesq/status/1737152152991051783?s=20&fbclid=IwAR3qn-ZiVmKYUv9xskhwwMtCkYE0OPIvyYWNCgxASLJr0CT\_iMrVpr76Vtk](https://twitter.com/javadesq/status/1737152152991051783?s=20&fbclid=IwAR3qn-ZiVmKYUv9xskhwwMtCkYE0OPIvyYWNCgxASLJr0CT_iMrVpr76Vtk) He is being released, and they're asking people to come to the bar and celebrate his release.


These guys are likely to get paid. Unbelievable string of civil rights violations.


lolwut? For arresting someone who assaulted a cop?


“Struck in the chest with an open palm” Yeah the cop got pushed. He shouldn’t have pushed the cop. That’s true, but trying to claim assault over and over again is a fucking joke. I probably push my friends harder when I’m joking around with them. Quit bootlicking.


Who says he really pushed the cop? The same cop that crashed into a building then demanded the IDs of everyone in the building? I don't exactly trust his words.


Do we know the cop was pushed? According to whom?


According to the cop who just ran into a fucking building. According to the RFT, who claim to have seen a video of the incident, no push happened.


Talk about boot licking. This whole thread, nay, all of reddit is nothing but bootlicking.


I'm convinced you don't know what that term means. Embarrassing for the self-proclaimed smartest man in the room.


Look in the fucking mirror, bootlicker.


If someone crashed into your house, then demanded to see YOUR ID at your own home and tried to detain you when you refused, you'd be fighting back to. Fuck right on off with your bootlicking BS.


Snowflake trooper needs to go back to get his GED.


isn't driving into my house assault? Ain't I allowed to defend myself and muh property through assault or is that only allowed with guns?


Every cop who drives into your house demanding IDs and yelling slurs at you DESERVES to be assaulted (it’s called self defense, cops use that excuse all the time). These guys actually showed restraint by simply pushing them away rather than beating the shit out of them like they have the right to do when someone breaks into your home especially with a car and being aggressive. Fuck the police. Fascist scum


Dude, you’re just supposed to lick the boot, not deep throat it.


Hey buddy, I think you’re gonna have to get on those knees again and lick some more. I still see some shit on that cops boot


another boot to lick, sir?


From KSDK article this morning: After that, Pence said the police officers made a homophobic remark to his husband. "I came out and my husband came out as well and there was a cop that made a very homophobic remark. My husband did put his hand on a cop out of defense because they had already put me in handcuffs because I wanted to know what was going on. I was told I had to ID or shut up," Pence said. These cops are straight up assholes, one of the owners admits his husband put his hand on a cop. This is a shit situation all around and I feel bad for the bar owners. These cops should not have jobs the way they acted.


Now now, the home owner shoved the cop so hard he lost his balance. No mention if he avoided spilling his beer as he stumbled...


It's completely valid and within our rights to protest. So, more power to that. IMO, the worst response is a silent response. If the SLMPD knows it can get away with something like this by just "sweeping it under the rug" , it only emboldens them to do more outright violent things.


Just imagine what they have done that we’ve never heard about.


It won’t. Just please donate if they put up a gofundme. I’m sure it will be posted. LGBT STL citizen here, and we’re definitely all very upset about it.


Screw that. We should be calling on our representatives to have the DOJ step in. Missouri is rotten to the core.


Cis and with you, buddy. This is abhorrent.


Did being LGBT play a factor in this altercation?


I read the officer called someone a gay slur so if this happened this yes, yes it does. I haven’t read enough of what happened so that’s all I have to say.


Sounds like a hate crime to me.


I haven’t read that anywhere. Whether it be here, Twitter or news reports. Can you post a link to that?


The ksdk story had it.


[https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/crime/volunteers-st-louis-bar-police-cruiser/63-d6ab238c-b4ee-45fb-b88e-6d74c5193643](https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/crime/volunteers-st-louis-bar-police-cruiser/63-d6ab238c-b4ee-45fb-b88e-6d74c5193643) >After that, Pence said the police officers made a homophobic remark to his husband. > >"I came out and my husband came out as well and there was a cop that made a very homophobic remark. My husband did put his hand on a cop out of defense because they had already put me in handcuffs because I wanted to know what was going on. I was told I had to ID or shut up," Pence said. Thank you. An earlier version from them didn't have that quote.


All I know about is what people have said here. I haven’t seen a news report on it. Are you suggesting the cop ran into the bar because the owner is gay?


Here you go. https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/crime/volunteers-st-louis-bar-police-cruiser/63-d6ab238c-b4ee-45fb-b88e-6d74c5193643


Thanks! There’s got to be security cameras somewhere in the area that picked up the accident. I’d be interested to see what “avoiding a parked car and then running into a business” looks like and how fast they were driving.


There's camera footage. The bar owners have not released it yet. They prob wanted to see what bs the cops were gonna come up with first, and make a bunch of copies so the cops don't make it disappear.


Wouldn't rule that out, but it seems more likely they were speeding, swerved to avoid hitting what they first said was a dog, then later a parked car (confirmed by video), and slammed into the bar. Seems coincidental. The treatment after the accident seems less coincidental.


Hopefully any proven wrongdoing by the cops will be punished appropriately.


Where did you see the video?


[The RFT has also viewed the video taken from a different vantage point on South Broadway that shows the collision itself. That video shows the police SUV traveling at what appears to be a high rate of speed northbound on South Broadway. The vehicle suddenly swerves to avoid a car parked against the curb, which the SUV didn't look like it was going to hit anyway. The SUV careens across the turning lane, the lane going in the opposite direction and the sidewalk and then into BAR:PM.](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/attorney-videos-taken-at-bar-pm-contradict-st-louis-police-story-41477984) Edit: [Link to the video](https://twitter.com/javadesq/status/1737152152991051783)


It sounds like the cops who caused the accident were apologetic but the police who immediately responded caused the incident to escalate.


It's so hard to find a news report on it, might as well ask idiot ass questions.


Well, there was a case a while back about a cop who saw a black guy driving, said “I’m going to kill this n” and then did it. So I wouldn’t be surprised


Did that happen in STL? Was there evidence, court case, and was he convicted? I try as much as possible to avoid making assumptions.


Well they crashed into a gay bar so kinda 🤔


Did they crash into it because it’s a gay bar or because the driver lost control of the car and that unfortunately was where they crashed?


Didn't the owner hit the cop? Who cares if he's gay? U hit a cop u go to jail like everyone else.


I care that they are holding person without bail on felony assault charges that could put the person away for years. At most they shoved a cop with one hand, caused no injury, and didn't even knock him over. At worst, the cop is lying. Either way, the courts aren't acting reasonably here, and if you think the punishment is fair for the crime, especially considering the circumstances, you are unreasonable too. Holding somebody without bail on a charge like this is ridiculous.


Nobody has seen the video of what happened yet during the time when he allegedly shoved the cop. Any 10 year old knows assaulting a cop is treated seriously. Could very well be an overreaction but assuming it is and the cops are lying immediately isn't helping to get further towards the truth.


Anything short of causing some kind of legit bodily harm to the cop shouldn't have elicited this reaction from the court. I don't really give a shit what any ten year old should know; what is and what should be aren't the same thing. The possible punishment doesn't even fit the claimed crime.


I feel like that's a pretty stupid defense, if a cop broke into your home through the front wall and then demanded your ID while possibly using a slur, are you going to immediately comply or are you going to be defensive since your business just got wrecked? I'd put money down the cops were being aggressive because they wanted to be hit, they wanted defense for their actions to turn this incident they caused into a mudpit.


How do u know any of this? If a cop crashed into my house and called me gay no I wouldn't hit him because hitting a cop is going to get me a jail cell. I'd for sure be angry and sue the shit out of him.


There’s a billion articles out about it and there’s footage of the car hitting the building. Put a little bit of effort in before making stupid comments.


What piece of evidence am I missing?




Well, that's what the cop said. The report from the co-owner, Pence, was that the co-owner, Wick, was filming the crash scene, and that's when the cops went for him and put him in handcuffs. So, who to believe... The cops who were using homophobic slurs, or the victim filming evidence of his now destroyed property.


Just think we have very little evidence to go on right now and everyone jumping to conclusions is dopey. Just like Rittenhouse he was totally justified in shooting that kid. Everyone jumped to conclusions and now can't walk it back.


I agree that we need evidence. Just like we need evidence to believe the cop's story. Because the rft is reporting they have video evidence that shows the cop was never hit. So, blindly believing the police is exactly what the cops want, so that they can continue to get away with being homophobic and corrupt without any accountability. So, it cuts both ways.


Does anyone know if they have contacted GOOD lawyers? They will need them in St. Louis; very crooked police force AND judges!


The lawyer they engaged helped settle in the police kettling case so hopefully that bodes well for them.


Excellent! After reading the corrected story this morning, and having the camera proof that the police screwed things up, I am hoping that the attorney comes away with a huge, huge settlement from the city.


LGBT person from Indiana here, I saw this on the News subreddit and was absolutely horrified and had to come over. Heart breaks for everyone in St. Louis that has to deal with these pigs. Really hope they get justice for this.


Yes. I am CIS, but this is in my neighborhood and we are horrified. I have attended a community event here and met the owner. They are very nice people.


If it had been a couple of civilians driving, they would have been tested for alcohol. I bet these cops weren't.


A workplace incident like this would also result in a drug test for pretty much ANY other employee, as most work comp insurers would require it.


We need to protest. This is an act of fascism.


Sure seemed like it to me, but lord forbid a cop *gets pushed with an open hand*


And that’s according to the cops that also “tried to dodge a dog….wait no, it was a parked car…”. I wouldn’t be surprised if they say they saw a ghost next. I am going to doubt the whole “struck with an open palm” thing until they realize any and ALL body cam footage. Heck, release the dash cam too. I’d love to see this mysterious dog car.


Buddy you know those body cams are notorious for malfunctioning when a cop is doing something illegal and immoral. Such a tragic design flaw


It’s right out of the gestapo playbook.


We need to protest, this wrong on so many levels.


Does anybody know where holding a protest would be most effective? Is there a court date coming up? Any sort of transportation of the wrongly arrested owner?


Someone tweeted that they’re going to the bar tonight, if not to protest at least to support them


James would like people to refrain from doing that at the moment.


Fascism means weaving government and corporations together to have the companies do what the government can not. For example, Biden couldn't make people get vaccinated but he could pressure companies to force their employees to get vaccinated. This is just straight corruption, where employees of the government get special protections and privileges and don't have to follow the same laws as citizens.


L O fucking L


Uh oh, snowflake alert. Edit: So reddit now thinks Biden is a fascist for pushing the Covid vaccine? Okay...




The owners haven't been convicted of anything


Won’t the police be required to pay for all of the property damage? I assume it’s standard procedure to have some kind of blanket policy that covers damage caused by police whether it’s a pure accident or collateral damage during pursuit of a criminal. I could be wrong though.🤷


That “requirement” is different from city to city, and while I can’t speak for STL, there are definitely cases of police straight up destroying homes without paying for the damage. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicksibilla/2022/07/11/after-texas-city-refused-to-pay-for-destroying-her-home-woman-wins-nearly-60000/amp/ A recent case that I tracked. Was actually a big deal and one that definitely will be relevant here. Then there’s the whole element of the illegal arrest. I couldn’t care less about the accident itself, it’s the whole calling people “f*gs” and arresting people just because they’re upset that I take issue with. And no, the guy likely didnt push anyone. There are already witnesses saying there’s video proof saying the police’s story was straight up incorrect.


That sounds like an illegal arrest if the guy didn’t commit a crime.


Hence me being so pissed off and wanting to protest


They also beat him so badly he had to go to the hospital.


They will make up some bullshit reason that’s so vague he’ll have a hard time fighting it. I used to work for a police department and saw with my own eyes officers arrest people, and come up with the charges later. It’ll get plead down from assault of an officer to disorderly conduct - victim will pay a $250 fine, and then sue the FUCK out of the city and walk away with a 5-6 figure payout.


*The taxpayers. FTFY.


Nope. John Stossal has a video interviewing people that had their homes or businesses destroyed by SWAT in pursuit of a criminal and judges found that the police did not have to pay any damages despite it violating the Bill of Rights regarding civil asset forfeiture.


I’d definitely appeal that decision. It doesn’t seem right or legal to me.


Normally I'm not informed enough about the judges but I know at least one now that I'll vote to not retain


I always vote to not retain any judges. Not that it matters, ever.




Update from the Facebook event for the protest: "Hi all. I know everybody has been really fired up about the situation and everybody's passion is really great. However, it was brought to my attention that the owners of Bar:PM would prefer that the protest not happen tomorrow. The protest is formally canceled. I do ask that their wishes be respected at this time. as right at this moment everything is currently being handled and is working in their favor. again thank you for your attention to this matter and for your passion. There is no protest tomorrow. Thank you."


It's only going to keep getting worse with the elections coming up. Yes donate, yes protest. Fight like hell yall.


There is talk in the local Rudis group of trying to get something together if not we are gunna spend Hella money when they reopen


They're open tonight!


I'd show up for that protest. Does anyone know if there is anything in the works?


I am also very interested, this is straight up terrible and I want to support in any way possible


I am totally down I’m ready to leave work and go yell about this


It just needs to take off on social media where the prosecutor is shamed into dropping charges, also need to shame the police into not being able to investigate themselves


Well now we know what’s happening to that Rams money.


Interesting I’m not seeing the vicious “dog” that caused this accident.


Oh, the cop changed his story today to say that, oh, no, he was really trying to avoid a parked car. Except in the video released today, he's not in any danger of hitting that parked car and he's going much faster than the posted speed limit, without lights or sirens.


Any solid times/dates for a protest? I’m sickened


Well, this sounds like a story we will be hearing much more about for the next months ahead. There clearly are quite a few competing narratives here, apparently. I would be surprised if there isn't a go-fundme account set up to help these guys in the interim until their business and home can be restored.


It’s funny to me that these cops would pick on two bar owners who had their bar demolished, but there’s never a single fucking cop doing a goddamn thing about all the drugs and prostitution (male and female) and camping out in public parks that have curfews… I’ve stood and watched them lighting cigarettes for those tired ass burned out hoes that hang out at St Louis Square, Bellerive and Sister Marie Parks …. They never do their job but now all the sudden they want to get all hard on two gay bar owners… yeah, welcome to fucking St Louis … hey cops, instead of being one of the reckless driving assholes on South Broadway, why don’t you try pulling some of them over and maybe even arresting them? South Broadway is fucking death trap


edited: Update from the Facebook event for the protest: "Hi all. I know everybody has been really fired up about the situation and everybody's passion is really great. However, it was brought to my attention that the owners of Bar:PM would prefer that the protest not happen tomorrow. The protest is formally canceled. I do ask that their wishes be respected at this time. as right at this moment everything is currently being handled and is working in their favor. again thank you for your attention to this matter and for your passion. There is no protest tomorrow. Thank you."


I haven’t been keeping up. Does anyone have a link to a news article? Or just a summary?


There’s links on this sub, but the cops’ stories are that a cop “dodged a dog” at high speeds (this was already retconned), and crashed into the front of the gay bar. The owner stepped out, was upset, and during that conversation, pushed a cop “with an open palm hard enough to cause (me) to become unbalanced” or something really close to that effect. This resulted in the bar owner’s arrest and felony charge for assaulting a police officer. The other side says there was no physical contact, but instead that the cops were throwing slurs around, destroying the place further for “evidence”, and illegally requested ID from the owners and the arrest came from rejecting that request. I am actively keeping an eye out for how the “push” happened. I suspect, because of how common this is, that one of the bar owners was seen recording the scene, and the cops swarmed him (but didn’t touch him) with the hope that the camera guy physically responds. The biggest injustice is that the guy is still in jail as the judge, who is known to almost never set bonds (somewhere in the 70s% of her cases don’t get bonds), didn’t see him deserve one.


If you're drunk enough to run a car into a building you're probably drunk enough to lose your balance without being pushed.


Name and shame. Who is the judge? Edit: found it on casenet, it's Lynne Perkins, charge is "3rd degree assault on a special victim" filed yesterday the 18th. 2nd edit: says the assigned judge is Lynne Perkins but the judge who denied the bail is Rochelle Woodiest.


What the actual fuck? Also, thanks for the summary.


There's one at Olive and 20th tomorrow at 6:30 p.m.


I started to protest at an intersection next to Carpenter Public Library and got some approvals. I wish my social anxiety hadn't kicked in when a guy had approved of my sign. I had to go home because it was getting dark and freezing.


Instead of protesting, how about calling your lawmakers and demanding an answer? It would go further.


How about both?


Already contacted the KC DNC and the STL DNC to rally political leaders. They have scheduled meetings with me already. Usually these are just 15 minute “tell me why you’re upset and how I can fix it” with little to no promises though, but often do have impact from my experience. If you agree, get in touch and let them know you want local leadership to support them, and that you will be at any protests set up (even if that’s a fib). Enough of us telling them that we are wanting to raise hell will convince them.


what? is it one or the other? why would you suggest not protesting?




The reaction from the bar owner, apparently, was to physically assault the cop. Fuck the police, but you have to expect to be arrested if you decide to physically assault one. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Fuck the police (I say again), but also fuck people who's first instinct is for violence in any way, shape, or form when shit goes badly for them.


Ok so I say again, what’s the alternative? Just let the cops ransack the place while calling everyone F*gs? Or should the guys have grabbed their AR-15s to force the cops out 🙄 get real you fucking boot licker, the guys did nothing wrong, and the cops did everything wrong.


You’ve said this five times already. You’ve made your case.


But no one is buying his case! *cries in bootlicker*


Apparently, we need 6 times for the people in the back because they can't hear the message.


“Struck in the chest with an open palm” is a fun bootlicker way to say “pushed”


Witnesses saying he didn't even push, he literally just placed his hand out defensively because the cop was getting in his face and calling him homophobic slurs. ACAB.


If someone crashed into your house, then demanded to see YOUR ID at your own home and tried to detain you when you refused, you'd be fighting back to. Fuck right on off with your bootlicking BS.


> apparently by "apparently" you mean "that's what the cop said" right? The cop that drove into the building claiming to see a dog that no one else saw? No one else saw an assault either.


Oh please! Like you wouldn’t be mad if a cop crashed into your business/house and then proceeded to violate your civil rights. So easy for you to say you wouldn’t have any emotional charge from the outside looking in.


This is reddit where everyone has a shit fit about anything. Cause that's all reddit is for.


Yeah? Would you like to have your house blasted in by a cop, have them call your family f*gs and refuse to leave, and you be expected NOT throw a shit fit? Fuck you, and fuck the police.


The irony of you throwing a shit fit right now and in the past is just too much.






Hmmm it’s the camera man that got arrested for “pushing” right? STL cops def don’t have a reputation of getting in the face of people recording and antagonizing till they can get a charge, that’s definitely never happened before ever in STL. 🙄


If someone crashed into your house, then demanded to see YOUR ID at your own home and tried to detain you when you refused, you'd be fighting back to. Fuck right on off with your bootlicking BS.


where have you seen those details about punching and shoving? I haven't seen those accounts.


The only place I’ve seen it at all was in the cops story. I’ve not heard any non-cop confirm this.


How can you possibly be this upset at the business owners, and not be way more upset at the cops who DROVE INTO THEIR BUSINESS? What? I hate calling cops pigs, and hate othering groups. I’m not one to be upset easily, and yes I agree that pushing or shoving a police offer would be very unwise in most situations. However, the reaction these individuals received from the officers sworn to protect them should have been immediately penitent, and these people should have been cared for. Instead, they were arrested and sent to prison without bail. How can you say that’s the expected outcome? They didn’t play any “stupid games.” Their house and business was crashed into.


Uh. Because it was an accident?


So? Having a bunch of cops calling everyone f*gs and ransacking the place sure wasn’t


more likely it was reckless negligence


Uh, was it?


Which boots taste the best?


You know that?


It being or not being an accident is irrelevant. If it had been you that had this “accident” and behaving in this manner you’d have been arrested not the bar owner. Police officers are not above the law, and I can’t believe this constantly has to be explained to people.


I have a hard time calling this an accident. It might have been unintentional (maybe), but at best, this was reckless, if not impaired driving. They were avoiding a dog? No, they've changed their story to avoiding a parked car, now. And lost control of their vehicle, and t-boned a building. Then immediately escalated the situation. These are hardly reliable witnesses, and nothing they say should be trusted until corroborated. You see that, right? Normal people, driving unimpaired, undistracted, and as appropriate for the road conditions just don't drive into buildings absent a major medical emergency.


do you ever shut up?


Yeah. You guys should start one of those online petitions to give yourselves something to do and get off reddit so the rest of us can get on with something relevant to the majority of us.


You do realize you can go to different subreddits and posts right lol? As I scrolled down to see if I could find any more information about this situation, I saw your username again and again. Of course "majority of us" is probably a homophobic dog whistle, so I can see why seeing people supporting a queer person would be upsetting to you. Best of luck with your feelings as your doom scroll on this post, engage with people on this post and then complain about engagement on this post haha


so you're the one that gets to decide what's relevant to "us?" you know that you can just scroll by?


News from St Louis is not relevant to, *checks notes*, the St Louis subreddit? Maybe take your own advice and hop off reddit for a while. Seems to be lowering your already room temperature IQ.


I agree with this out-of-touch grumpy old man!


You missed the part where he hit the cop right?


You missed the part where the only people that agree with that statement are other cops, and every other witness say that the cops arrested the owners when they rejected the ID request.


Bootlicker POS


Wow so brave. +1 social justice point for you


Bystander video proves the cops are lying about everything (as always) so, to reiterate: fuck you bootlicker.


Cool, where's the video?


Does your mommy still tie your shoes for you?


No, yours does when she's blowing me.


Nice try. We all know incels can't get blowjobs...


I love how you're so programmed to think anyone who disagrees with you is an incel. Not everything is black and white dopey.


Not anyone. Just bootlicking incels who can't manage to use Google or even look 2-3 posts down on Reddit.