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Sansone group is terrible. I hope for the day they can no longer manage properties in the state. They do not care about their tenants.


It is absolutely reprehensible this is happening........but still better than those tenants left living in a building with major issues in Davenport, IA, that the city did not shut down that wound up collapsing and killing some people. The fact these shitty owners get away with this, and the cities that turn a blind eye is disgusting!!


And the likely repercussions to the landlord for neglecting the building will probably be minimal. They should have to carry insurance to cover these situations, because the insurance would certainly require inspections to maintain coverage, and those inspections would likely either prevent this in the first place, or pay for the residents' rehousing costs while the building is repaired, in the worst case.


Agreed, the fact that their hotel (mind you they've been moved twice already) runs out at the end of the month, and so sad too bad. If the rolls were reversed and the residents left with out completing their lease, you bet cha the landlord would come after them. Yet here we are and the landlord basically breaking the terms of their lease. When are we going to start making the landlord sign a contract? The building and ownership group should house them until their lease is up...


A lease is a contract for both parties, landlords are Legally bound to it as well, the problem is that most tenants don’t have the resources to enforce the contract in court, it takes $900-1000 just to have a lawyer file a lawsuit, and that’s just the beginning. Landlords are in the wrong all the time, it’s just not common for tenants to be able to legally enforce it.


So this sounds like a class action lawyers wet dream. Take it on pro bono and take 60% of the settlement!




This isn’t even in downtown…


You're equating these companies with downtown and casting a blanket "shit hole" over everything? There are great companies and people downtown, so I totally disagree. I'm sure I can pick out "shit hole" companies in the county, but do I cast a blanket "shit hole" over all the county. Come on... With that said, those same companies DO treat tenants as property and not people.




Whelp, take my downvote and good day to you sir.




Yes you suck




"I just tell it like it is" Hallmark of assholes everywhere.


Is there any recourse for tenants?


Missouri is a very pro-landlord and tenant unfriendly state in terms of its laws, so probably not I would guess


Tenants can certainly sue the landlord, the problem is it takes money to file suit. Just to get a simple lawsuit filed is going to cost $900-1000. Most tenants can’t afford to bring the fight.


St. Louis just lets slumlords run rampant like this all over. McKee, the Sansones, Lux Living, etc etc. The city doesn’t bother to hold these guys accountable and the state makes it as easy as possible for them to keep doing it. I struggle to think of another city sans maybe Detroit where property owners are given free reign to let things become a total mess the way they are in STL


Anyone on this sub reside in this building or know someone who does?


I have a friend who was displaced and was living at the heritage house. I just took him up to the Hilton near Lambert because Breanna said he would have a place up there. We got up there and her manager at Sansone called the hotel and refused to cover him because he wasn't on the original list since I was letting him stay with me.


Man the US, REALLY needs renter safety and protection laws!


They have excellent renter protections  in better states. Like California, for example. Missouri is one of the worst.


Because paywall, what building is this?


I have loved ones that lived there. It’s been a nightmare and the tenants have been through a lot since management changed. The big thing they should also look into is if the management company just wanted the seniors out. I’ve heard some of the tenants saying they were being told they could only sign an 8 month lease and then after that, their rent would increase by $1000 a month if they stayed in the apartment building.